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August 22, 2023
August 22, 2023
Another year without you carnal…Aqui andamos echandole ganas….you truly are missed especially when songs come up, playing loteria or just kicking it….
August 22, 2021
August 22, 2021
Hey Carnal, another year passed us by without you being around us physically but you’re here with us mentally & in our hearts….your friends & family miss you…see you later & watch over your family & friends
May 31, 2021
May 31, 2021
What’s up Fausto? Just here thinking of the good times we had. No matter where we were at either at the clubs, bars, your house or mine. Like always Happy Memorial Day & thank you for your service
April 5, 2021
April 5, 2021
Happy Birthday my brother. Just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday & to let you know that you are not forgotten. Your family, friends, my family and friends miss you. My kids miss you too. They say remember when Fausto used to do this or do that. Talk to you later
August 22, 2020
August 22, 2020
Hey Fausto, yeah it’s been 3 years already but it feels just like yesterday. Three years but not forgotten. We would have been sipping on some cold ones today & doing some carne asada but it’s ok... Talk to you later
August 15, 2020
August 15, 2020
What’s up? Just here kicking it remembering that we are coming up on the 3 yr anniversary since you left this world. Well just checking in.Anna & her family always remember you just as much as my kids & myself. See ya later
May 26, 2020
May 26, 2020
Hey Fausto so today was Memorial Day. We would have been cooking it up with some beers & I would be thanking you. So thank you & will save the carne asada for some other day ‍♂️....
April 5, 2020
April 5, 2020
Happy birthday brother from another mother. Hey carnal happy birthday! Who knows what we could have been doing today as everyone is on lockdown( quarantined now for about 2-3weeks) there’s a pandemic going on & it’s called Covid-19. The world is so messed up right now that shit I can’t even drink in peace.....j/k. We still miss you & wondering what we would be doing right now. Keep the peace up there and talk to you later....Happy Birthday !!!!!Salud!
August 22, 2019
August 22, 2019
Hey Carnal, today marks another day & year that you are missed by many people. Know that you are not forgotten because you left many good memories in many people. Still missing our hanging out together. Keep watching over your loved ones. I’m sure we will catch up one day.
August 3, 2019
August 3, 2019
Hey Carnal, you’re missed each & everyday. Always Remember you...just cause I don’t write doesn’t mean you’re forgotten...
April 6, 2019
April 6, 2019
Hey Carnal, Happy Birthday ....Hope all is good up there & you are watching over us as you celebrate your birthday up there as we always used to celebrate it down here. Miss those kick backs and loteria days....Salud it’s ironic pero Salud Carnal
August 22, 2018
August 22, 2018
Hey brother, still missing you every day especially on holidays, weekends and stressful days. You’re missed but not forgotten. It’s been a year but it feels like yesterday. I still can’t believe it & ask my why but I have no answer & I sometimes think that you are in a better place now without any pain or suffering but I don’t know. All I know is that you are truly missed. Today marks the 1st year that you were taken from us.
April 5, 2018
April 5, 2018
Hey Brother, Today was the big 52 & on a Thursday. I say Thursday because we would have been getting ready for the weekend. Missing you & remembering you on any given day not just your birthday.
January 13, 2018
January 13, 2018
Hey Carnal 1st Xmas & New Year your not here with us but you are not forgotten. Keep watching over all your friends & family.
August 31, 2017
August 31, 2017
I'm going to miss you brother from another mother. You are family. We had great times whether we were hanging out, playing loteria, drinking, playing cards or at a club. You are gone now but you will always be remembered. Only god can judge you. This feels like a bad dream but I'm trying to accept reality.

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