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Best week of my life

June 30, 2021
The vacation to Dollywood me her and Alexis took. That was one of the best weeks of my life. We went horseback riding and my horse but hers on the ass lmao. We flew for a tour in a helicopter and so much more. We were so happy

June 30....anniversary of your passing

May 21, 2020
My darling daughter!~!  I miss you more today than when you were taken from me in 2017!!  I wish I could turn back the hands of time but I can't so I am left in this world without you!!  I keep asking God why He could let something so tragic happen to such a kind soul!  It is not meant for me to question tho so I leave it in His this date of your death draws closer I get so lonely without you to talk to!  Just wanted you to know that I will never forget you and you will ALWAYS be on my heart and in my mind!!!  forever missed baby girl.......

love your mother
Carolyn Booker

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