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October 22, 2023
October 22, 2023
Hello, Mama!
I hope you are happy way up there.
I wonder if you could fly!
I really really miss you, although I nearly remember you, I hope no one I know see's this, or I'll get in trouble, mpmf!
I remember when I rode my first four-wheeler! I ran into The house! Can you believe that?  My forehead got a red mark on it! It hurt sooo much! Oh! And remember how we dressed up as Minnie Mouse before? I didn't remember that until Payton showed me a picture, I couldn't believe my eyes! Oh and, I am afraid of the dark, Like really! It's too scary for me, It's been 7 years! Remember how I used to call you on papaws phone? I am 13 now! I really miss you! 
I like reading and writing stories ^^
It's really fun.
Again, Hope your happy!
Miss you!
November 11, 2022
November 11, 2022
I haven't left any messages lately but you are on my mind always baby girl!! I am trying so hard not to cry when I listen to this song and look at your sweet face that I will never be able to touch again. It is getting close to the holidays and it is just not the same without you!! Well baby girl just wanted you to know I feel you in the rain and as the cool wind blows and I know you are always with me and looking out for me! I love you baby girl and I know you are happy and pain free and saving me a seat next to you! Until we meet in Heaven baby RIP
September 5, 2022
September 5, 2022
Hey sis just want to wish u happy birthday I can't believe I ain't had u here in five years but I know your always with me all the time because I'll be getting ready to do something stupid and I'll hear you say not a good idea bro Everytime I hear that little voice I listen to it because you usually steer me in the right direction but know I'm always thinking of u sis
Love always Your big brother
June 30, 2022
June 30, 2022
Hey sis it's been rough trying to get along without you these past five years but so you know I've never forgotten about you I sorry I let you down by not being there to help you and protect you like a big brother supposed to do and I'll catch ya when I get up there with you Love Always BRO
June 30, 2021
June 30, 2021
Brewskis and the time she done my Monroe piercing for me. We had so much fun together.❤ she was my favorite cousin. I miss her.Can't believe she's been gone for 4 years
June 30, 2021
June 30, 2021
This is the 4th year without you baby girl and everyone told me it would get easier but it hasn't. The pain is the same as it was the day you left! I wrote this poem for you and hope you like it as much as the storms you grew fond of. 

You’ve been gone four now and it is hard to explain,
How to deal with the heartache since you have been gone?
I am still filled with anger and not to mention the pain
Your life was taken but God needed you to come home!
I know you that you are watching over me from above,
People think it’s crazy but when it storms I always say
Don’t run or hide in this storm is so much love.
All the thunder is saying my daughter is on her way.
When I say she is on her way it is in the form of a storm
I know all this sounds crazy and some say insane,
She saved my tears so when it storms in any fashion or form,
My tears she kept and sends them back to me…..In the Rain

I love and miss you so much.....
Written by Carolyn Booker (MOM)
June 30, 2020
June 30, 2020
I have been dreading this day because it always brings me down to know that such a wonderful soul is not on this earth anymore. But on the other hand I know in my heart that you are happy and pain-free with maw and paw and all the otherkin that have passed b4 you. I say this with a heavy heart but baby I love and miss you so much. When you left you took a part of my heart but you also left your spirit and it lives strong witin me. It doesn't get any easier but I take comfort in knowing that you are safe in the arms of God and His Angels. i know you are one of His best Angels too. So until we meet again, rest and fly high baby girl mama will see you again soon.

Love always,
November 23, 2019
November 23, 2019
Missing you so much baby it has been a while since I have wrote you here but I feel your presence in everything I do! I love you and the holidays are coming up so be with me baby as I am with you in spirit!! Happy Thanksgiving sweetheart
August 9, 2019
August 9, 2019
Carolyn Booker, I am very thankful for you do this for you daughter..I watch it often.....I will be making a cake for her birthday, this year in her beautiful memory...
May 12, 2019
May 12, 2019
I love and miss you so much baby girl! It is my second Mothers day without you and it doesn't get any easier! I miss you just as much today as I did yesterday and the day before! Just want you to know that you are never forgotten and to tell you happy Mothers day in Heaven!!
February 27, 2019
February 27, 2019
My dear sweet Darling daughter! I miss you so much!! I know you're resting and flying high with the Angels! You are finally happy and at peace! Although the guilty verdict of the monster that killed you got life no parole, it brings SOME closure but it will never be enough because it didn't bring you back!! You have left me empty because since you went to a better place with no heartache and pain, I have a hole in my heart and part of me went with you that night!! I love you baby and I know you're still with me!! Fly high Mommy's angel!!
February 26, 2019
February 26, 2019
Love you cuz. Miss you dearly. Come see me if you are able. Shine bright. Love always,
Where your treasure lies there will your heart be also.
AD lies eternity
August 26, 2018
August 26, 2018
well baby sis its been awhile since the last time i talked to you but it seems like yesterday we were at that party together with big brother lookin out for ya right befor u took mommas pig lol you got me in trouble for that one just like old times but i promise you will have justice for what happened.Also love the visits from ya but we need to work on your timing you always visit me when im out and gotta walk home so i got to be soaked i sometimes think that you do it on purpose but hey i love youu sis talk to you later.
big bro
July 30, 2018
July 30, 2018
My darling daughter!!! It has not gotten any easier!! Mama loves and misses you daily!! You have left a big void in your daddy's heart too you were his whole world as well as mine!! You are so sadly missed by myself, your father Ricky, your brother Jonathan and ALL your friends and family!! FLY HIGH MY ANGEL
April 6, 2018
April 6, 2018
Hey lil sis I miss you so much I will never understand why you are gone already thought I would be the one to go first for the stupid stuff I done but no you were taken from me I feel so bad I wasn't able to protect you from this at first when I found out I felt like crap because I told you before you left that I would always be there for you and wouldn't let anything happen to you but whole you were taken from me I was sitting in prison and couldn't help but after a few weeks I got to thinking that if you were able to you would kick my butt for blaming me but always know that I will greatly miss you and will never forget and don't worry about Alexis she will be careful for see will never know true hatred but I LOVE YOU SIS
November 7, 2017
November 7, 2017
I am missing you so much!! I will never understand what happened but I have faith in the Lord and He had His reasons for taking you! I am trying so hard to get through these morning without hearing from my sweet angel every morning but I know that you are happy and pain free so I am letting this fact comfort me!! All you ever wanted from life was to be loved! Your dad and I truly miss you and you will ALWAYS remain in our hearts and in our souls!
October 10, 2017
October 10, 2017
I have never felt so alone! You were my rock and my voice of reason. You were my reason for everything and just to let you know your mama is now a college graduate! I know you told me that you wanted that more than anything and would be the greatest inspiration to your life....well baby mama did it all for you and wish you were here with me!! I love you so much
September 5, 2017
September 5, 2017
Happy Birthday Baby girl! Mama tried SO hard to find you a pig, you know like the one you took from my flower garden years ago lol!! I will never forget the memories that you have given me sweetheart and I KNOW in my heart you were with me today!! Dance with the Angels on your special day baby and remember Mama ALWAYS loves you!!
August 3, 2017
August 3, 2017
You will forever be in out hearts and I will always tell our memories to others because you were a great part of my life. I hope you are proud of who Alexis is becoming and watch over her and your family so they can be comforted when they long for your presence. I miss you so much. I hate we didn't stay in touch like I wanted. Last thing we talked about was me going down there so we could go to the twenty one pilots concert together so every time i hear a song from them I think of that. Its hard to swallow when I speak your name.
August 3, 2017
August 3, 2017
This candle will burn bright in my heart just like my love for you my sweet angel. I miss you so much and I thought you might like this song, but honestly with the pictures and the music playing my tears won't stop flowing! Just wanted to do something special for you baby girl!! Momma will always love you and hold you close to my heart!
August 3, 2017
August 3, 2017
The lovely lady that you are and will always be, this is hard, you called me mom and I loved that.. Never had a grew on me...really miss seeing you on the bench outside drinking your coffee before work and the coffee I made for you..Still look for you..Can't really believe your gone...Miss you so,so much...Love you Always and Forever....

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