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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Femi Soyinka, 85 years old, born on January 4, 1937, and passed away on June 14, 2022. We will remember him forever.
June 17
Yesterday was Father’s Day. I had only two fathers on my mind all day, (1) my biological father, Prince Adeleke Adejare Ladapo and (2) you, my other father, Prof ‘Femi Soyinka.

Apart from my biological father, you are (not were) undoubtedly the only person who has (not had) the greatest impact on this my very eventful life.

You picked me up like a child when I was well past youthful age and moulded me like such an adept potter. You honed my skills through NELA and laid the foundation for what I am today in the NGO world. You not only mentored and nurtured me but provided me with a vivid image after which I molded my relationship with young ones in our NGO milieu.

Now, just like I adopted you, several young ones have adopted me as their father, such that I am gradually but steadily transforming into a father of many nations.

Happy Father’s Day, my Love!
June 16
Thanks for the memories you left behind

I still remember the pencils among many other things. Your memories made me smile. For the first time in a long long while, I discussed you with my adopted daughter, Nonye. I shared the you I heard about before I met you and the contrast you I discovered. What a contrast.

I remembered you last week as I wrote about mentoring. The Award application required I write about how I learnt to mentor. I wrote about how I learnt mentorship from the way you mentored us at NNELA. I should write this up properly and share with others.

Thanks for leaving the gift of your family as friends for me also. Thanks for the beautiful memories. I leaves me with smiles always. I am every grateful
June 16
Wow...... Two years just like yesterday.

May your beautiful Soul continue to rest in peace and God keep all you left behind Sir.
June 15
June 15
It’s been two years, but it still hurts.
That aura you gave is gone.
The atmosphere feels colder and blander.
Miss you more and more each passing day

June 15
June 15
Gone but often remembered. My thoughts are with the family.
June 14
How time flies! It's two years already that my Prof left us to the other divide.
Your good works & the legacy you left still speak volumes which make the remembrance of today heart warming.
May the soul of my Prof continue to rest in peace.
January 9
January 9
Happy 87th birthday in the skies Prof. May your soul remain kept in the bosom of the Almighty Amen.
January 8
January 8
Last week we met in remembrance of you, it was just symbolic, because you are always remembered. Your words, your pranks, your love, your facial expressions remain evergreen in our minds. Little bits of everyday life bring up fond memories. Last week it was Ayodele"s facial expressions and mannerisms, Today it was a photo of you and the song Gloria. I don't know what memory tomorrow will bring, but I'm sure loving thoughts of you will cross my mind. I miss you still...
January 5
The children and I gathered at home last night to remember and celebrate your life and times. Yesterday was your 87th birthday. We are grateful to God for all He has done, all He is doing and all He will continue to do since you took the inevitable last flight from here. We cherish the memories of the good life we lived while you were here with us and pray that you continue to enjoy a well deserved rest in the bosom of our Creator.
January 4
January 4
Hmmmm, it's another day this new year 2024 to remember my Prof cos it's your birthday today!
Your memory remains beautiful & awesome everyday & I thank God for holding & sustaining the family you left behind!
May your lovely soul continue to rest in peace my Prof.
January 4
Unbelievable. 2 years gone. Unbelievable

Thanks for leaving great memories behind. Many people talk about you fondly. Still had a chat about you with Matt Greenhall and Luc Bodea.

Thanks for all you ever were. I look forward to seeing you in the life after. I believe you made it to the over side -:)))))

Fondly remembering you
June 19, 2023
June 19, 2023
May your beautiful soul continue to rest in peace and God keep all you left behind Sir.
June 15, 2023
June 15, 2023
Prof, I’m so surprised it’s a year already, your smile, kindheartedness and joviality will continue to be with me now and always. Your precious legacy will never be forgotten! Continue to sleep easy in the bosom of the Almighty.
June 14, 2023
June 14, 2023
365 days ….

It went so quickly.

The expressway between Ibadan and Lagos are at least better- 365 days after. The traffic however is still horrendous and you still would opt not to live in Lagos like I have done for whatever bizarre reason.

The pain of your passing is still there but it is not a hindrance. It is simply what you deserve as the best dad I could have.

June 14, 2023
June 14, 2023
It's one year today that the cold hands of death took you on last and final flight.
I thank God daily for the life we shared. Simple as it was, yet such a beautiful life it was. Forty six years of togetherness, friendship and love.
You cared for me and the children like mother hen, ensuring that all was well with us.
It's an understatement to say simply that I have missed you everyday of the 365 days gone, without you, but God has been there for me and the children. He has been our Father, Comforter, Protector and Provider.
May your kind, considerate, compassionate and witty soul continue to rest in perfect peace.
January 5, 2023
January 5, 2023
It's your birthday yesterday my Prof but post humours! How times change!
On behalf of my wife & family, we join the Soyinka family in remembering your day & pray that your soul continue to rest in peace.
Pray God to grant comfort to our hearts as we mourn the loss of a loving & very witty husband, father, grandfather, uncle, brother, professor of dermatology/ virology, wine connoisseur per excellence, etc now & always iJn amen.
RIP my Prof!
January 5, 2023
January 5, 2023
Prof you’re so missed, but I bless God that your wife (my elder sister) and your children are doing wonderfully great. As they carry on your legacy in every manner. Continue to sleep easily in the bosom of the Almighty. Amen
January 4, 2023
January 4, 2023
Rest on in perfect peace Prof. We remember you today on your post humous birthday and always.
January 4, 2023
January 4, 2023
Fondly remembered on your first posthumous Birthday . Rest on Prof
January 1, 2023
January 1, 2023
Professor Femi Soyinka was very kind and generous to me. He had no reason to be so nice to me. I knew him when I was a medical student at OAU. I didn’t have the privilege of being taught by him in the classroom. He had retired before I got to year 5 where he would have taught me Dermatology and Venerology.

I'm not sure I remember how I got to know him, but it likely started with me trying to write a biographical essay about him for IFEMED (the student-run medical journal at OAU), which was never published because I wasn't satisfied with it. He had given his Valedictory Lecture in 2002 soon after his retirement from OAU and I was assigned (because I was on the editorial board of IFEMED) to extract a short essay (to be published in IFEMED) from the lecture booklet. What I extracted was too long. A much shorter version did not and could not possibly do justice to his professional accomplishments and commitments. I wasn't happy with the much shorter version, so I let it go, regrettably!

But that encounter was the beginning of an ongoing relationship till I finished medical school. He told me many exciting stories of the early years of medical education in Nigeria and the early years of the HIV/AIDS response in Nigeria – he was actively involved in both as an academic, activist, and administrator. In retrospect, my friendship with Professor Femi Soyinka inspired how I approach a lot of the work that I do today as a public health academic. He taught me things I couldn't possibly have read elsewhere.

In early 2022, I wanted to write an essay for the Lancet that would involve some of the stories he had shared with me. I remembered that he had included some of the stories in his Valedictory Lecture. I don’t have my copy with me in Australia (where I now live and work) and I couldn't find a place to buy it online. But I found online that there was a hard copy of the Valedictory Lecture in the library of a University in the United States. I managed to get my University in Australia to get the University in the United States to send a hard copy of the lecture booklet to me, which then helped me complete the essay (for those who are interested, the essay is titled "How medical education holds back health equity” and here is a link to it:

Professor Femi Soyinka invited me several times to his office in Ibadan just to talk, and once to his house in Kukumada. On all occasions, he covered my transportation fare and gave me additional money for my ‘pocket’. I still remember the day I visited his house. He got his son Ayodele Soyinka (who was then an OAU student) to drive me over from OAU. I remember that his daughter Atinuke Soyinka (who was a year ahead of me at OAU medical school) told me stories from their childhood when I was there in the house. I remember that the meal had chicken in it. When his wife Dr Kofo Soyinka asked me what part of the chicken I wanted, I said the neck. My answer surprised everyone. I should have asked for a better part! But I've always liked the neck because growing up, it was that part of the chicken with multiple bones that I could crush and eat successfully!

For a young medical student, getting to know and learn from such a renowned and towering figure as Professor Femi Soyinka so personally was such an important thing. I didn't fully appreciate its effects on me then, but looking back, it was such a formative experience for me.

I am grateful for the opportunity, and I was very sad to hear the news.

I wish the Soyinka family well.

Seye Abimbola
July 2, 2022
July 2, 2022
A wonderful teacher,true gentleman to the core.Always smiling.You will be sorely missed Prof.You didn’t treat us like student but like colleagues.You welcomed us into your home anytime especially since we were your wife Kofo’s friends we couldn’t keep away either.Last time we met at our 40th class anniversary you called my name and were so happy to see me,asking after my entire family.That was you as your usual self,ever caring about others.Rest well,my teacher,brother and friend.
June 30, 2022
June 30, 2022
For us in African AIDS Research Network, Nigeria Chapter, Prof Femi Soyinka will continue to stand a collosus for many things to emulate. Prof Femi Soyinka was a foundation staff of the Faculty of Health Sciences at Obafemi Awolowo University and a great lead by all standards. He was a dogged researcher and humanist. He became the first person to give the persons affected by HIV and AIDS the most desired Hope by initiating the Ambassadors of Hope programme and this became the turning around catalyst for PLWHA coming out and seeking help and care. He cared for people infected and affected. He used his beliefs and passion not only to drive ethics and human rights in all his relationships with students, colleagues and clients but transformed that to be a pioneer in initiating the intra-continental African AIDS Research Network with other colleagues over the continent. He championed exchange of ideas in international exchange of knowledge. He facilitated a most stimulating international research conference in the early years of HIV in Nigeria. That conference was also a turning around motivation for many researchers to take more interest in research and care of PLWHA in Nigeria. As the first President of the AARN in Nigeria, he nutured researchers who became very passionate and his passion became infectious to get other health professionals to begin exploring how HIV impact their practice. He was not only a researcher but started using his evidence to intervene to support care. He facilitated local, (OAU/OAUTHC) national and international training of health professionals and PLWHA and free anti-retroviral drugs for PLWH long before Nigeria as a country started giving drug support. He supported bringing 2 institutions, OAU and Olabisi Onabanjo researchers/health professional to to have a well trained multidisciplinary HIVAIDS team to support the free antiretroviral drug supply from Center for Special Studies of New York Cornel University. As a public health practitioner and advocate, he started extensive training of civil society organizations in Counselling, care and support of PLWHA initially in the South-West and took that to a national level. He used evidence to bring the challenge of vulnerability associated with HIV to build capacity for care of orphans and other vulnerable children. He supported our team to sustain our interest and work to translate research to practice and this transform to one of the legacies we have in OAU today- the Youth Friendly Centre. We cannot recount every impact of Prof Femi Soyinka, but we need to continue his legacy of research for Service through collaboration, cooperation, nurturing, building capacity for public health in the context of the health team. While we pray that he rests in the most deserved rest, we also want to thank his family for cooperating with him to do so much and we wish them higher grace and long life in good health.
June 28, 2022
June 28, 2022
Because of Prof Femi Soyinka and his NGO NELA, Center for Caring, Empowerment and Peace Initiatives (CCEPI) received Sergio Viera de Mello United Nations Humanitarian Award in 2017. During the World Humanitarian Day on 21 August l received the award. CCEPI is now registered in the United States of America, Ms Folake Aliu and her team including Yetunde Makanjuola taught us step by step how to serve the Orphans and most vulnerable children from 2011-2013. We are grateful to him and the Staff who served in Adamawa State, we learned a lot from them. May His Soul Rest In Peace. His legacy lives on through us and millions of the most vulnerable people we are serving in Northern Nigeria.
Rebecca Samuel Dali, PhD CEO of CCEPI
June 28, 2022
June 28, 2022
When a person is kind and good, they will never be forgotten. They will always stay in your heart, and they will always be a part of your life.

There’s just too much history that cannot be erased, and there’s just too much love left to live a life without them.

Just like yesterday when I heard the opportunity to meet a Great ICON during my brother Dr David Ajani wedding preparations with his daughter when visiting an ICON as well which I meet how simple he was a careering lovely man. May your gentle soul rest in perfect peace.
June 27, 2022
June 27, 2022
Prof. Femi Soyinka, my former teacher and an illustrious son of Egbaland, a formidable mentor and molder of minds in the Great Ife (OAU) has come; he has seen and had played his role well. ! Prof. has not said he was no longer interested in flying the banner of glory and candor, but it is rather the cold hands of death that has taken him off the stage of life!
The Chapter painfully came to a close on the 12th June, 2022. The Cloud was thick and the painful rain had fallen, we refused to grief but rather celebrate an enigma
The Great Dermatologist lived a life that was full of joy and happiness. Whenever we think about him, we would remember how humorous, witty, humane and gentle he was. As a great teacher of note among the Medical graduates of the Great Ife, our memories of him shall be tinged with traces of humor and laughter. It was so much fun to be with him, he liked to laugh and cause laughter, he really enjoyed meekness like a typical father, and we really adored him!
One might be tempted to think that he has an extraordinary life but looking back deeply, one would realize that it was not the events in his life that were extraordinary, but rather, the way he faced them. He really faced life with intelligence, courage and wit.
Listening and collating comments from his colleagues, students and mentees, both friends and foes, the common denominator was how much fun he was to be around. We will all remember how lighthearted he was and how much he liked to enjoy himself.
Definitely, if we could all hear Daddy Femi speaking to us now; he is saying;
Don’t Cry for me now I’m gone
For I am in the Land of Song
There is no Pain, there is no Fear
So Dry away that Silent Tear
    Don’t think of me in the Dark and Cold
For here I am, no longer Old
I am in that Place that’s filled with Love
Known to you all, as ‘up above’
Prof. Femi, an illustrious son of Soyinka, a great teacher of note, a proud son of Egbaland, we will always miss you but shall all have wonderful memories of you and shall think of you with nostalgic smile!
I pray strength for his better half, my "girlfriend" Dr Kofo Soyinka, a stallion, a worthy wife of all seasons, an amiable mother, you shall never walk alone!
Dr Muideen Babatunde Olatunji
Executive Secretary
Oyo State Primary Health Care Board
June 27, 2022
June 27, 2022
The legendary professorFemi Soyinka was one of the foremost thirteen young Nigerian consultants that started Ife University Teaching Hospital in 1975 , now known as Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals Complex Ile-Ife. He was first foundation head of department of Dermatology and Venerology created in March 1976. This department is a novelty because in all other universities in the country, the department of dermatology were under the department of medicine. Prof Soyinka was so foresighted when he became the dean of the then Faculty of Clinical Sciences, additional 22 clinical departments were created out of the original 12 department. His activities as Venerologist led to creation of national awareness on HIV of which the country has benefitted immensely. His NGO was internationally recognized and well funded. For reasons best known to some of our colleagues in the department of dermatology and venerology, Prof Femi Soyinka deserved emeritus Professor that Obafemi Awolowo University failed to have. Prof Soyinka has made his mark and his name written in gold in the College of Health Sciences of Obafemi Awolowo University Ile-Ife.
Adieu Femi
May your soul rest in perfect peace.

Prof. A. Olu Arigbabu.
June 27, 2022
June 27, 2022
Professor Femi Soyinka was an erudite scholar, a gentle giant in the practice of Medicine, thorough, unassuming, and down to earth. I was his student in 1979 at then University of Ife, the class of 1979 really enjoyed his lectures not only because he knew how to communicate his well researched thoughts to us but his delivery modalities of a mixture of analogies, life experiences, and well articulated jest. He was one of the very few that laid for me a solid foundation for my exploits in the field of Medicine. You lifted so many souls in your journey through life. I'm certainly one of them. Thank God for your fulfilled life. Rest on.
June 27, 2022
June 27, 2022
Prof has fought a good fight, he has finished his course, he has kept the faith. We shall meet on the morning of Resurrection .Rest in Internal Peace PROF.
June 27, 2022
June 27, 2022
I got very close to uncle Femi in Obafemi Awolowo university from the early 80s when Kofo used to invite Seye ( my late husband) and I to their house for supper. It was on one of such  occasions that I had my first taste of ' dumplings' ( Kofo's terminology for 'Ikokore ' ) . Uncle always teased Seye and I after supper. He would wink at me and would round it all up with his mischievous grin. When they later moved to Ibadan, Uncle had the space to display his skills in hunting and fishing. He decorated the wall of his sitting room then with the skin of a python he shot at the pond within their compound. But he was not very successful with the fishing based on the sizes and quantity of the catfish I always saw in the kitchen. I knew Kofo often had to augment the stock with supplies from Iya Imole at Asejire. 
He soon got preoccupied with his NGO work and the demands of other local and international agencies he was affiliated with. Oftentimes, he would be returning from office while I would be on my way out. He was retired but not tired, considering the zeal with which he still worked . However, in the last few years, the teasing stopped but he smiled at intervals whenever I called his name.
Though your song is ended, the melody lingers on. Continue to rest in peace. Adieu ! Adieu!
June 27, 2022
June 27, 2022
Truly, heaven has gained a wonderful soul! We are rejoicing because our Daddy is right now being welcome with cymbals, tambourine, and éclat. Our daddy, Prof “Femi Soyinka was a success in his journey to the world. He was a success neither because of his academic achievements, nor his standing in the society, he was a success because of his humanity and the love he shared.

He was our biological father's best friend. We the children have enjoyed more than four decades of unadulterated love and attention.

It is a truism that "A man is a success who leaves the world a better place than he met it, who looked for the best in others or gave the best of what he had". Daddy gave his best to those fortunate enough to cross his path. He was our family's go to person. He was our adviser, mentor, and coach. Time would not permit me to list the wonderful and memorable roles he played in our family. Do I need to talk of how instrumental he was to my professional career?

We thank God for his life and grateful for the privilege of his legacy of love, wisdom, and care.

Sun re o Baba!
June 26, 2022
It is with a deep sense of loss that we write this tribute.
Prof Soyinka was a member of the Board of Trustees of our noble association, Nigerian Association of Dermatologists (NAD). He was among the very few foremost indigenous dermatologists that this country had during the early years of our Independence. He used his training as a dermatologist, venereologist and allergologist to contribute positively to the growth of this profession in Nigeria through the training of several Resident doctors who are now accomplished dermatologists and even professors of dermatology.
Prof Soyinka was a very important and engaged member of our Association. We will miss his fatherly advice and contribution to the association. His death is a huge loss not only to your family but to NAD and dermatology as a whole.
He has gone home where there are no more tears and sorrows. This is our comfort and we hope, yours as well.
We hope to carry on with Prof Femi Soyinka wish that NAD as an association continue to promote skin health among Nigerians and research works that would showcase the peculiarities of Nigerian skin

Rest on, Prof Femi Soyinka. Rest in the Bosom of the Lord

Dr Tahir Mohammed Dr. Perpetua Ibekwe
NAD President NAD Secretary General
June 25, 2022
June 25, 2022
Prof calls me "praise the Lord" on many occasions, to which I always responded "hallelujah". He was a man of great integrity and character. May his soul rest in peace.
June 25, 2022
June 25, 2022
I did not meet him in person but his contributions in the fight against HIV/AIDS has been valuable not only in Nigeria but the entire continent of Africa.

I believe he is not dead but has passed the Mantle to us his students to carry on his work as he watches from above our heads.

Rest Easy Prof
June 24, 2022
June 24, 2022
Tribute to Professor Olufemi Soyinka

From: South-West Nigerian Association of Dermatologists (SWNAD)

Members of the South-West Nigerian Association of Dermatologists received with sadness the passing on of our doyen and one of the founding fathers of Dermatology and Venereology Professor Olufemi Soyinka

Professor Soyinka will be remembered for his great contributions to the field of Medicine as a visioneer, particularly bringing relevance and pioneering advances in the Dermatology and Venereology specialty. He created a department of Dermatology and Venereology at the College of Health Sciences, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife.
He carried out various researches in Dermatology, HIV/AIDS, and sexually transmitted infections amongst others.
Professor Soyinka was greatly loved by his students as he was very hardworking and unassuming.

We are proud to be associated with you Prof and pray that your legacy will live on in your mentees and Children

Adieu Professor Olufemi Soyinka!

Olaide OKE
Chairman, South-West Nigerian Association of Dermatologists
June 22, 2022
June 22, 2022
My Uncle Femi, How do I put into words a unique and special relationship, the twinkle in your eye that made me know I was special and in on a little secret?

It takes a village to raise a child. You were one of the daddies in my village and I cherished every little thing that you taught me (and Ayodele of course). Come to think of it, I have probably never used your name, you were either "Ayodele's daddy" or just "Daddy" when I was in your home. There was the hunting and the fishing that has been spoken of at length, but there were many more subtle things as well, like how to know when the potatoes were ready for harvest by the cracks in the earth, or the best way to grill/smoke catfish.

You also exemplified the definition of "cool" in so many ways too numerous to mention, but suffice it to say that you left an impression on a young mind that formed a significant part of who he has grown up to be. I still have some things on my bucket list inspired by you.

You shall be missed.
June 21, 2022
June 21, 2022
Some people crossed ladder of knowledge and cut it but Prof Femi Soyinka was not like that. He crossed the ladder and helped others to cross. May his noble soul rest in perfect peace. Shokoloko gbangoshey.
June 21, 2022
June 21, 2022
Adieu Grandpa Ibadan like Oluwanifise and Mimoseoluwa your grandsons from Ayodeji your last son and my first daughter Modupe would call you . You were such a remarkable person with an enviable personality that deeply portrayed kindness, love and humility.
I could go on forever if I choose to list the many unforgettable encounters I had with you as an in-law and a friend to my husband.
I never visited Ibadan without looking forward to seeing you and sharing in your jokes and some choice wines. Your tea making was exquisite, being a lover of teas like myself, you chose the tea carefully, the Kenyan tea being your favorite, you complimented the tea with the giraffe/ safari dainty tea-sets and actually made the tea personally with all the rituals of tea- making.
As I write I can picture you sharing the tea with us and Mama Sho, your wife who is a friend and a sister to me, getting some sumptuous meals and tea accompaniments . I remember your wise cracks which you usually accomplished with a straight face but usually get the rest of us laughing heartily.
The short period I knew you looks like a lifetime. You shall forever live in our hearts and all those who were fortunate to have shared your generous, selfless and well accomplished life.
You may not be here to read the tributes, however, I have a strong feeling you are somewhere just reading through them and smiling mischievously at what has been written about you and asking someone beside you, who these people are talking about.
We write about you Prof. but these are just snippets into the life and times of a remarkable person. Adieu Prof.
June 21, 2022
June 21, 2022
Tribute to Prof Femi Soyinka

From Oluwatoyin Oshun

The recent demise of Professor Femi SOYINKA. A world acclaimed Professor of Medicine, erudite Scholar , renowned Researcher AND Achiever, made us recall with nostalgia, the over forty - five [ 45 ] Years of connection and interactions with Professor Femi SOYINKA AND his wife Dr. Mrs Kofo SOYINKA, the junior Sister of my wife, for just a while ago in 1976 . When she got married to the highly revered Professor. Each visit to their house either at University of Ife now Obafemi Awolowo University, and later in their personal residence, is a great family reunion. 
Aside from his extensive AND globally acclaimed works / contributions, in the field of Medicine, even after retirement from University Service, which entails many travelling, he gave optimal attention to his happy, closely-knit nuclear family, spending quality time together. Even in his Octogenarian days / Years, he was still working passionately in his well-tended home garden, in his home at Kukumada Village, along Ife - Ibadan expressway, Ibadan.                 
Professor Femi SOYINKA gladly connected me to British Council, Lagos, Nigeria, in 1998/1999 resulting in my Professional group - ANUPA [Association of Nigerian Universities Professional Administrators], receiving some support from the British Council, Nigeria. In addition, our counterpart group in the United Kingdom - AUA -UK [Association of University Administrators], requested and received support from British Council UK, in relation to the formal linkage programme between ANUPA, Nigeria AND AUA UK. During my several visits to British Council Lagos, it was clear British Council officers, held Professor Femi SOYINKA, in high esteem. We remain most appreciative of the kind gesture of Prof.         
We commiserate with our Sister Kofo, the Children, Grandchildren and the entire SOYINKA family, on the passing on to Glory of Prof. It shall continue to be well, in the name of JESUS CHRIST.
June 20, 2022
June 20, 2022
Tribute to Prof Femi Soyinka.
From George Ojebola.

Professor Olufemi Oladipo Soyinka, popularly called Prof. by all NELAH's staff, was a scion of a wealthy and educated family in Isara Remo. He was a meteorite and a shooting star who lived a fulfilled life and impacted many lives.

He became a doyen of Dermatology and Apostle of HIV/AIDS prevention care and support for people living with HIV/AIDS not only in Nigeria but on the Africa continent. Prof fought the war against HIV/AIDS on behalf of his generation and won.

He always had the best stories to share especially about his childhood - his laughter always filled the room and you couldn't help but laugh with him. He loved dancing to Fela's music. Prof. gave nick names to every member of his staff. Names like "peruke", "pepe", "Nene", 'Shully", "Baba Kaso", "Khadilat", "Le Contab", "Iya Jere" amongst others, and this attested to the personal relationship he cultivated with individuals.

He loved children and they loved him back. He gave staff who were nursing mothers free hand to bring their children to office and even created a space where their children can be taken care of. There was never a boring moment with Prof. He welcomed everyone with open hand and loved all unconditionally. He was always willing to help in times of trouble. When my wife was sick, he really supported me and encouraged me. He was never too big to say sorry. Prof. would always explain what had gone wrong and apologize if he had hurt you in any way. I could go on and on but words would still not be enough to express how humorous, wonderful and disciplined Prof. was.

He gave great advice & ideas and taught me how to write proposals, good reports. He gave me opportunity to represent him in several fora both in Nigeria and oversees just like he did for other NELAH's staff and encouraged me to build my character as one of the longest serving staffs. He shall greatly be missed. Dad sleep well till we meet again.

George Ojebola (Nela-H Alive)
June 20, 2022
June 20, 2022
Daddy, it's about a week that you have departed from this earth to be with your creator. Though you have gone to rest, your life and time impacts still. I miss your jokes and humour also. You introduced yourself to my grandson - Edidi as Shokoloko, since that day, he has been calling you grandpa Shokoloko and your wife grandma Shokoloko. He was shocked at the news which grandma shokoloko had to console him when I took him to your house after your demise. In all, I thank God for your beautiful life. May your soul rest in perfect peace and May God comfort the family you have left behind (Amen).
Good night daddy till we meet to part no more.
June 20, 2022
Sweet is the remembrance of good legends! For you, Prof Femi Soyinka; you have left great landmarks that can never be erased nor shifted. You touched many lives and indeed proved that you were one in a million. I still remember vividly how humane and simple you spoke, last time we had opportunity to speak together. It is my prayers that may God console the entire families you left behind. Continue to rest in peace!
June 20, 2022
June 20, 2022
I lost a rare gem. A father, mentor, adviser and role model. You taught me the knitty gritty of public health programming. You always celebrate all my achievements and brilliant performances. You instill the confidence, assertiveness and the technical skills that I needed for the job. You were there for me at critical points in life. You stood by me when it seems as the world will collapse around me. The year 2007 was a year I had my first daughter . I was in and out of the hospital at the early stage. You will always be in the hospital to check on me, and you gave my family all the support needed . I will miss you daddy. Good night my Oga like no other. Thanks for all you do.
June 20, 2022
June 20, 2022
Dear grandpa Femi,

I wish I had gotten to speak with you more, so that I could’ve heard more of the great stories and wisdom you’d gained from your days.

I am so proud to have had you as my grandfather.

Love always,
June 20, 2022
June 20, 2022
Dear all our father is gone the giant the great man that created SAA permanent secretariat the visionary leader the true pan-Africanist who value our soil and his people the man with a Lionheart and understanding of the true love of mankind the Humble servant of people and fighter of injustice is gone. He gave all to humanity and built a legacy for generations to come. Prof you gave me all, you thought me how to fight with dignity and stand firm as a proud African. Prof. your legacy will live forever You were a great man with a brilliant brain and your impact especially as regards HIV/AIDS is valued all over the world. You shall be forever cherished and missed. Rest in peace, my Dear Prof.
June 20, 2022
June 20, 2022
Dear grandpa Femi,

The news of your passing was yet another reminder not to take the time we have left with loved ones for granted. My brother and I were looking forward to visiting you later this year, but truthfully, we should have met each other more often starting years ago. I wish I'd gotten to know you better, but I've heard so many beautiful things about you and the legacy you've left behind. I'm grateful for the people I call family and am proud to call a good man my grandfather. Rest in peace.

Love always,
June 20, 2022
June 20, 2022
I can only spend the rest of my life living the tributes, I can never have enough time to write. I can only wish I was bold enough to have been honest with you at all times, and of course with myself too. For every attempt of man to deceive his Oluwa, himself alone he fools. This, yet is not a tribute to you - but to the world you have left. We all know you are never going to read this and now we must learn to come to terms with the truth; a moment is what we always have left.

Prof Femi Soyinka indeed was a very good man; whose life I have a lot to learn from.

~deji soyinka
June 19, 2022
Dear Papa
I have to write this in german
this is my deepest tribute for you
It is written with big sadness and love

ich bin seit heute am Boden .Ich weiß, ich bin fast 55 Jahre alt mehr als erwachsen .Ich bin Mutter,Großmutter und dennoch.Ich fühle mich in diesem Moment wie ein völlig verzweifeltes Kind,
Papa ,in mir ist ein tiefer dunkler See ich wusste nicht, dass es ihn überhaupt gibt.Ich sehe
keinen Grund ,keine Inseln kein Ufer in Sicht.
Es gibt kein Zurück, vielleicht ein Vorwärts, ich weiß es noch nicht.
Verpasst verpasst !Meine Seele schreit, alles in mir ist wund .
Da ist nichts mehr zu ändern ! Unwiderruflich vorbei,und ich glaubte dies nicht andern zu können.Ich konnte es nicht.
Ayodele und Atinukes Worte haben mich mitten ins Herz getroffen Bis in den innersten Kern meiner selbst.Gleichzeitig frage ich mich,wer bin ich ? Ein wichtiger Teil fehlt ,Das bist Du als mein Vater,die Verbindung zu dieser ganz anderen Seite in mir.Dies zu entdecken ist mir nicht gelungen.
Du warst nie mein Professor,mein Lehrer,es gab kaum erste Malevon welchen Atinuke so berührend schrieb.
Ich nehme es Dir nicht übel,ich missgönne es meinen Geschwistern keineswegs! Ganz im Gegenteil.
Ich glaube ,Du warst ein ganz besonderer Mensch,!ch hätte Dich gerne besser kennengelernt. Deinen Witz,Deine Klugheit,Deine Liebe für gutes Essen.Ich hatte gerne guten Wein mit Dir getrunken, hatte gerne Deine Ratschläge gehört ,mich mit Dir gestritten Dir widersprochen und auf Dich gehört.Ich hätte gerne Deinen Schutz gehabt ,Dich stolz gemacht ,Dir meine Kinder gezeigt,gesehen,wie sie ihre eigene Geschichte mit ihrem Granddad schreiben.Ich hätte Dir gerne mehrzugehört, mit Dir gefischt.
Gerne wüsste ich in welchem Berreichen ich Dir ähnlich bin.All dies und noch so viel mehr.Ich hatte so gern meine eigene Geschichte mit Dir gehabt.Mehr Erinnerungen.Es war mir uns nicht möglich.Die Gründe sind vielfältig,aber das ist jetzt nicht mehr wichtig.
Ich danke Dir,dass Du mich gezeugt hast,dass Du auf Deine Art versucht hast mir nah zu sein.Danke für Deine Liebe trotz allem.Für jeden einzelnen Brief danke ich Dir,für jeden Brief,jeden Anruf
Sogar für die nicht von Dir besorgten Geschenke ,alles unwichtig.
Ich wünsche Dir den Frieden YHWHs
Und ich möchte Dir sagen.
Ich liebe Dich und ich vermisse Dich
Es tut mir Leid
Deine Tochter Eniola -Stefanie
June 19, 2022
June 19, 2022
The journey began in 1974 when I chose the topic for my project towards the award of a bachelor's degree in the Faculty of Health Sciences as it was called in those days.
Prof Hashimoto was the lead supervisor while Dr Femi Soyinka was the co- supervisor. The field work for the project involved collection of specimens from school children in Ile-Ife and other satellite villages who had superficial fungal infection in various parts of the body.
My co- supervisor was so keen and committed to the project that he sometimes offered to drive me in his car to schools in the satellite communities to obtain specimens. On one of such trips, he told me about not being a family man yet, but confessed that he has love child born by a German lady. From then on our discussion included personal matters aside the project issues.
By the time the project ended in 1975, our relationship had morphed from friendship to a romantic one. We got married in 1976 while in my clinical years of medical school.
How do I describe my marriage? Very exciting, joyful, peaceful, in summary, BLISSFUL.
We had a good one, we enjoyed the good life even though it was simple but it was full of fun, fishing and hunting escapades, impromptu travelling by road to Togo for weekends at Hotel Tropicana not to talk of other vacations outside Africa.
My husband of 46 years was a good family man. Simple, but urbane, mischievously witty, kind, very hardworking, with uncommon integrity, an excellent cook, and a very considerate person.
He loved nature, he loved humanity and he strived to protect humanity in all its various ramifications.
Alzheimer's disease, robbed us of his jovial and humourus personality but we are grateful to God that through it all, His grace was sufficient for us.
Fare thee well my love, companion and friend.
June 19, 2022
June 19, 2022
A tribute to Professor Femi Soyinka
Gone but will never be forgotten!
The passing away of Professor Femi Soyinka (or Uncle Femi to many of us) came as a blow to me. Despite his advanced age all of us hoped and prayed that he would still be with us for several years to come. He was a professor of medicine who after qualifying as a medical practitioner in Germany rose to the top of his career especially in the field of HIV/AIDS research and investigation.
I first met Uncle Femi in 1995 when my wife Egbinola and I were courting. At that time Egbinola was living with him in his house located at Kukumada village Ibadan. From the first day I met him I was impressed by his reserved but friendly nature, his intellect and most importantly the value he placed on family. In the culture I come from (Yoruba) the initial courting of a prospective  female spouse is metaphorically referred to as seeing a flower in a person’s backyard (a ri ododo lehinkunle). In this light, I can proudly say that I found my “flower” in his backyard. During our wedding in 1997 he played a pivotal role, hosting both the traditional wedding and wedding reception in his beautiful garden at Kukumada village Ibadan. As the years progressed, our relationship  metamorphosed from that of a prospective suitor to an in-law, and for the past 25 years he has been a source advice and moral support for Egbinola and I. 
For reasons which I have never really been able to fathom he gave me the nickname “Mr Charlie.” That is the nickname given to me by him since 1995 and for some reason it stuck. If nothing else this illustrates Uncle Femi’s often overlooked humorous side.
Although born into an Anglican family he was only nominally religious. Despite this (or some may say because of it) he exhibited many basic christian values like honesty, truth, equity, fairness, and respect for all men. He was not too impressed by most modern-day pentecostal churches but in a patient and fatherly manner he tolerated those of us that were affiliated to them.
All the same I believe that Uncle Femi has gone to be with the Lord. We give gratitude to God for a life very well lived. He will be deeply missed. May his soul rest in perfect peace.
Sun re sir
Anthony Olanrewaju Oladeji (In law)

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Recent Tributes
June 17
Yesterday was Father’s Day. I had only two fathers on my mind all day, (1) my biological father, Prince Adeleke Adejare Ladapo and (2) you, my other father, Prof ‘Femi Soyinka.

Apart from my biological father, you are (not were) undoubtedly the only person who has (not had) the greatest impact on this my very eventful life.

You picked me up like a child when I was well past youthful age and moulded me like such an adept potter. You honed my skills through NELA and laid the foundation for what I am today in the NGO world. You not only mentored and nurtured me but provided me with a vivid image after which I molded my relationship with young ones in our NGO milieu.

Now, just like I adopted you, several young ones have adopted me as their father, such that I am gradually but steadily transforming into a father of many nations.

Happy Father’s Day, my Love!
June 16
Thanks for the memories you left behind

I still remember the pencils among many other things. Your memories made me smile. For the first time in a long long while, I discussed you with my adopted daughter, Nonye. I shared the you I heard about before I met you and the contrast you I discovered. What a contrast.

I remembered you last week as I wrote about mentoring. The Award application required I write about how I learnt to mentor. I wrote about how I learnt mentorship from the way you mentored us at NNELA. I should write this up properly and share with others.

Thanks for leaving the gift of your family as friends for me also. Thanks for the beautiful memories. I leaves me with smiles always. I am every grateful
June 16
Wow...... Two years just like yesterday.

May your beautiful Soul continue to rest in peace and God keep all you left behind Sir.
His Life
June 15, 2022
Prof Femi Soyinka was born on 4 January 1937 as the third of six children to Samuel Ayodele Soyinka (Essay) and Grace Eniola Soyinka in Abeokuta. The older siblings are Tinuola Aina and Wole Soyinka while the younger siblings are Yeside Soyinka, Kayode Soyinka and Folabo Ajayi - Soyinka. 
Professor Femi Soyinka recieved a  Medical degree in Medicine and Surgery MBchB from University of Heidelberg, 1964;  and  Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree from the same University in 1965. He  specialised and practiced as a  Dermatologist, Venereologist and Allergologist at the University of Giessen,1969. 
In 1972, he obtained a  Master of Public Health degree from Hadassah Medical School, (MPH) Israel.
He worked in the academic field for 30 years, holding various positions from Chief Medical Director to Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences and the Provost of College of Health Sciences of Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria.   He was also involved in ex-tensive research work on Tropical Skin Diseases and Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in collaboration with the Federal gov-ernment,  international donor agencies and organizations such as the World Bank, UNDP, DFID, the British Council; and the International Development Re-search Centre, Canada.
He pioneered several researches in the field of HIV/AIDS and worked as consultant to various international and local agencies in-cluding the World Health Organization, DFID, UNDP and Nigerian Federal Ministry of Health based on his extensive experience on the subject in various parts of the country.
Prof. Femi Soyinka was in the forefront of mitigating the impact of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria. By translating the outcomes of his researches into clinical practice. He impacted significantly not only in the lives of numerous individuals and families living with the disease, but also on the nation as a whole.  
He initiated the Ambassador of Hope program in Nigeria, encourag-ing people living with HIV/AIDs (PLWHAs) to speak up, thereby bringing the much-needed public awareness to the disease at a time when knowledge was low and stigma was high. He also demonstrated technical knowledge and was involved with many other HIV/AIDs related programs including HIV/AIDS prevention, care and support, prevention of mother-to-child transmission, ARV programs, voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) and home-based care for PLWHAs in Nigeria. 
Subsequently, he contributed significantly to capacity building of indigenous organizations across the six geopolitical zones of Nigeria through his non-governmental organization – New Initiative for the Enhancement of Life and Health (NELAH) previously known as; Network on Ethics/Human Rights, Law, HIV/AIDS-Prevention, Support and Care (NELA). He was a past president of Society for AIDS in Africa and he successfully coordinated the International Conference on AIDS and STIS In Africa (ICASA) in Abuja, Nigeria in the year 2005. 
He is survived by his wife, children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Recent stories
June 14
Rest on my Dear Father-in-law. Your wise counsel and  Staunch Support for me during your time here  with us are of inestimable values.My family will never forget you. Farewell sir.

A great man

June 30, 2022
Toutes nos condoléances à la Famille de notre regretté Maitre et à toute la famille de la SAA . C'est une grosse perte pour l'Afrique. Il était un homme serviable, humble et d'un humanisme exemplaire. Repose en paix  cher Professeur.
June 29, 2022
Toutes mes condoleances à sa famille biologique et au monde scientifique.
Reposes en paix.

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