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February 11, 2021
Father Martin will leave a big loss to all who have known him. He baptised me and my children, and he was one of the reasons we became Christians.

His gentle and discreet manners hid a deep intelligence, as much social as intellectual. He could read people and situations very clearly, knew all about his church and the congregation. He knew who was doing what, and who to lean on where the parish needed it. A caring, practical man, dedicated to his parishioners.
We will remember fondly his insightful homilies, his special time with the children at the family mass once a month, and his gentle preparation for their first communion and reconciliation. We will also remember his beautiful music, his organ playing and his singing.
Father Martin was a modest and inspiring man, who touched the lives of so many.
February 3, 2021
Our most recent memory of Fr Martin - He invited Linda and I to visit him in his new flat.
He took us around and showed us all his new gadgets especially those in his kitchen. His favourite was the robot vacuum cleaner which he’d had running around our  feet for most of the visit 
The highlight was him taking us to the chapel and playing the organ for us
We will always be grateful for the wonderful part he played in our and our children’s lives in Haywards Heath 
Mike Heath 

Professional to his Fingertips.

February 3, 2021
Fr. Martin was so generous to my family. We called on him to Baptise children, to marry older ones and to counsel all of us. He had the knack of getting his points across without seeming to preach. It's not often you can tell a priest that you actually enjoyed his sermons and meant it.
  I was fortunate in working with Martin in the Diocesan Education Service when we recruited teachers to work in our schools. In this area Martin brought his experience to bear and fulfilled the role of school governor.   
  His humanity will be missed.

Father Martin

February 2, 2021
I came to Saint Paul’s because I thought Father Martin was an excellent 
priest. His music, singing, playing the organ, and sermons were out of this world. He encouraged me to go to Lourdes, and since talking about Lourdes, to him  I have returned to Lourdes many times. He helped me organise A Charity

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