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His Life


February 21, 2018


Our beloved Dad Kibandi was laid to rest on Saturday 15th April, 2017 at his family home in Karinga village, Kamahuha Sub-loc­ation, Sabasaba Location, Maragua Constituency in Murang’a County.

“The garden belongs to the Master, and all the flowers are His. He knows every flower in His garden. He knows every bud about to blossom, every flower that has long shared its beauty with the world, and every flower that is about to fade away. And to suit His overall divine plan, He plucks His flowers as He pleases.”



February 21, 2018


Our beloved Dad Kibandi had lived with hypertension (high blood pressure) since 1989 and diabetes mellitus (Type 2 Diabetes) since 2001, for both of which he was on constant medication. The two conditions had previously led to health complications like mild strokes and mild diabetic retinopathy.

On the afternoon of Monday 3rd April, 2017, Kibandi started feeling unwell and weak in his limbs. The following morning, the situation worsened at home and he was rushed to Nazareth Hospital in Limuru, Kiambu County. He was admitted on the same day for treatment. According to the doctors at Nazareth Hospital, his hypertensive and diabetic conditions; and some of his major body organs, i.e., the brain, spine, liver and blood were in normal state. Little did they know that his kidneys and heart were gradually failing as a result of his persistent conditions. This also caused poor blood flow in his limbs, hence they became weakened.

However, he was transferred to Thika Level Five Hospital on the night of Thursday 6th April, 2017 for further diagnosis of the heart, kidneys and nerves. His nerves were observed as normal, but his kidneys were failing and his heart was too enlarged as a symptom of an underlying problem that was causing it to work harder than normal.

On the morning of Saturday 8th April, 2017 at 9 AM, Kibandi’s condition worsened. He became unresponsive to treatment and suffered a heart attack as a result of multiple organ failure. Kibandi departed to be with the Lord on the same morning at 9.10 AM. He was 62 years old.


February 21, 2018


Our beloved Dad Kibandi worked in various places after his studies, among them Milimani Hotel – Mombasa (1978–1980), Income Tax Department – Nairobi (1981–1983), Murang’a Farmers Cooperative Union (1983–1992) – where he met the love of his life Nancy Njoki Wairia. Later on he served as the Administrative Chief for Kamahuha Location (1992–2002). After employment, Kibandi ventured into business until his demise.


Kibandi married Nancy Njoki Muiruri née Wairia in the mid-80's. Together they were blessed with five lovely children - two boys and three girls namely; Dennis Guchu Muiruri, Maureen Waithira Muiruri, Lewis Wairia Muiruri, Evelyn Wanjiku Muiruri and Gillian Nyambura Muiruri. They were also blessed with three more children through marriage, that is; Louisa Wanjiru Guchu née Ndathi, Steve Ogweno and Kristine Wanjeri Wairia née Waithaka. He was a grandpa to many, among them Seanice Nancy Njoki Guchu, Asia Wothaya Guchu and Hawi Jair Ogweno.

Kibandi was a brother to Jesse Mwangi Guchu, Sarah Wanjiru Kariuki, Nancy Njeri Guchu, Margaret Thogori Reed, Dorcas Wangari Guchu, Ann Wambui Guchu, the late John Njoroge Guchu, the late Jacinta Nyambura Gachamba, the late Faith Muthoni Njuguna and the late Samuel Ngugi Guchu.

Kibandi was a son-in-law to Stephen Wairia Kimani and Esther Wanjiku Wairia.


February 21, 2018


Our beloved Dad Kibandi practiced Christianity all his life. He attended Thaara Catholic Church during his childhood years, where he was also baptized in 1955. He later became an Anglican and was confirmed on 25th December, 2003 at ACK St. James and All Martyrs Cathedral in Murang’a town. Although he wasn’t a steadfast churchgoer, until his demise Kibandi was a member of ACK Mugumo-ini Church in Section 9 – Thika, Kiambu County – where his family worshipped. He always encouraged his family to align themselves with the church and regularly attend church services.


Kibandi attended Thaara Primary School between 1962–1969. He later joined Igikiro Secondary School (1970–1971) and Makuyu Secondary School (1972–1973). Upon completion, he proceeded to Mombasa Polytechnic (now Technical University of Mombasa) from 1975–1977, where he acquired a Diploma in Business Administration and Accounting.


February 21, 2018


Our beloved Dad Francis Muiruri (Kibandi) Guchu was born on Friday February 18, 1955 in Karinga village, Kamahuha Sub-loc­ation, Sabasaba Location, Maragua Constituency in Murang’a County. He was the firstborn child of Joseph Guchu Muiruri and Loise Waithira Guchu.


Francis being his Christian baptismal name, he was named Muiruri after his paternal grandfather and also adopted his father’s name Guchu as his surname. His alias name ‘Kibandi’ was derived from the name of his age-set (Riika in Agikuyu dialect). Traditionally, there was a circumcision ceremony for boys organised by age-sets of about five-year periods. The circumcision group was given a name that identified it with a particular event characteristic of that period. Boys circumcised throughout that period would become part of the same riika (age-set) and given the names of that riika.

In his time, many age-sets were named after the British colonial Kipande System, introduced to Kenya in 1921. Under the system, every male native had to get registered, finger-printed and issued with a certificate called a Kipande when they became sixteen years old, so that upon request he should be able to pull out his Kipande to show the government official. The Kipande was used to monitor the movement of Africans or to prevent them from escaping forced labour.

Unto many from his younger years, he was popularly known as Kibandi wa Guchu, while those he later worked with called him Chifu – owing to the many years he served as Administrative Chief for Kamahuha Location. Some of his close friends also called him Baddie because of his huge physique.

His childhood can best be described as industrious. Young Kibandi worked hard, doing errands in his parents’ business in Kamahuha town centre in order to make a few coins.