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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Frank Stewart Sr., 66 years old, born on April 12, 1956, and passed away on December 30, 2022. We will remember him forever.
January 5, 2023
January 5, 2023
January 3, 2023
January 3, 2023
Stew or Stewby as a few of us knew him by will be sadly missed. I have known Stew since 1987,and lol we definitely had our up and down times at work . Personally we never had a bad word said to one another ,at work was another story. Stew was one of the first miners I worked behind when I started in tunneling at the age of 17. Stew taught me alot when I started,how to lift properly, how to be able to work hard at a pace so you last all day,and how to slow it down and control bad ground when poop hit the fan,lol there was a few times Stew taught me what not to do ,but i will not forget all his lessons. Stew would be rough on the new guys almost drill Sargent tough. Then when you had just a little left in the tank ,Stew would get in there and show you how to do it and last,all while talking smack at the same time. He was one of the best tunnel men I ever worked with. Stew was cut from a cloth they just don't make in our business anymore. Going to miss you buddy. One last thing us old hand miners used to say,this one's for you Stewby,
" I'm a miner I'm a mucker
I'm a mean mother f!#$×@
I said and I meant it
And I'm here to represent it"
RIP my friend.
January 3, 2023
January 3, 2023
To my brother Frankie… With Love
I had a brother to turn to for anything I needed. I always felt protected and safe, knowing he was there. He almost always had a joke or something funny to say, to make me laugh and smile. Growing up, he did things for me that only an AWESOME big brother would do. I will miss him calling me dollbaby and buttercup. I will miss him sending me random music to listen to. Frankie was the one that made our family so strong and resilient through all our heartbreaking losses. Now, with the heaviest of hearts, I am writing this for him. Words are not quite good enough to describe how wonderful Frankie was to everyone he knew, but I am sure everyone that knew him would agree with me. Although I will miss him deeply, I have many memories of him to keep me smiling and laughing for a lifetime. I will forever carry him in my heart…with love

January 2, 2023
January 2, 2023
An Awesome brother and a true friend. Frank was always a strong presence who made everyone he encountered feel that he was totally concerned with that person and what he/she was experiencing at that moment.

Like his dapper father, Claude Stewart (who passed in 1996), Frank was a Renaissance Man and a polymath. He was an engineer, building tunnels & trained in underwater welding, but also a connoisseur of the arts, including music and the visual arts—for example, he enjoyed creating & gifting flower arrangements, reveling in the ancient Japanese art of Ikebana. His family was truly blessed to have him as a member. Truly, I feel almost guilty to have had such an amazing brother, friend and also surrogate father to my son, his nephew, Abdi!
December 30, 2022
December 30, 2022
Helloooo! Mr. Frank AKA Gracie,

Losing you, I can't begin to father the thought, the heartbreak, loneliness and emptiness of no longer having you here. I can't begin to explain, no words I can put together. My heart is broken into pieces. But what I do know for certain is that I hold a lifetime of unforgettable moments and chapters of the cherished memories we shared.

The funny, crazy times we laughed, played, and yes, we danced and sang LOL! But most of all, your warm sprit, your kindness and your way of just loving, caring, helping and doing whatever you could for all those lives you have touched. (WOW) no one can fill your shoes.

I can write our story Mr. Frank. (Smiling, laughing)
I can't promise I won't weep! But I will promise, I will love you forever!

Thank you for being such a great man, loving son, awesome father, grandfather, big brother and friend to all the many lives you've touched.

I will hold you in my heart for a lifetime. Until we meet again. R.I.P

I love you

Butter Cup

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January 5, 2023
January 5, 2023
January 3, 2023
January 3, 2023
Stew or Stewby as a few of us knew him by will be sadly missed. I have known Stew since 1987,and lol we definitely had our up and down times at work . Personally we never had a bad word said to one another ,at work was another story. Stew was one of the first miners I worked behind when I started in tunneling at the age of 17. Stew taught me alot when I started,how to lift properly, how to be able to work hard at a pace so you last all day,and how to slow it down and control bad ground when poop hit the fan,lol there was a few times Stew taught me what not to do ,but i will not forget all his lessons. Stew would be rough on the new guys almost drill Sargent tough. Then when you had just a little left in the tank ,Stew would get in there and show you how to do it and last,all while talking smack at the same time. He was one of the best tunnel men I ever worked with. Stew was cut from a cloth they just don't make in our business anymore. Going to miss you buddy. One last thing us old hand miners used to say,this one's for you Stewby,
" I'm a miner I'm a mucker
I'm a mean mother f!#$×@
I said and I meant it
And I'm here to represent it"
RIP my friend.
His Life

A page from our book

December 30, 2022
Our first date, (smiling)! Frank and I met on a dating app., in which I let my girlfriend talk me into. Scared to death, lol. Taking a leap, Mr. Frank in box me, turns out he was not the only one, but he was the only one that caught my attention. He had a gentleness about him, that came across in way of text.

We text for a couple of weeks, think we both felt like Gitty teenagers.  LOL! Well, as it turns out his sister, Baby Doll hooked him up on this site, I learned later, she had her big brothers back, (smiling) he told me she looked like me up, said to him FRANKIE! she's real (LOLLOLOLO).  You're not being catfished. (How we often laugh about that!) That's when it all started, he asks me on a date, Yass! of course I excepted. It was amazing, what a gentleman he was. Mo's Seafood Restaurant.

In the process of getting to no one another, turns out we lived 10 minutes from one another, he knew half of my family. How awesome was that! This was a bonus.

As the night came to an end, He said "so can I see you again" the rest was history.
The moral is, what we both went out on a limb for, the risk was worth the reward.

Recent stories
January 2, 2023
Our wedding at your house was so Beautiful,I can’t thank you enough brother ❤️
January 2, 2023
My Brother I Sure Going To Miss You,But You Will Always Be In My Heart.I have learned so much from you frank about friendship,Wow love you man it hurts buddy but I know GOD has a KING up there!Just so lost for words,Frank you were always there for me and so many others,You are the best friend ever ❤️Love You Man 

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