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June 24, 2018

I remember when Frankie was little, he used to throw some terrible temper tantrums, his Mom would be so cool with everything and would just put him in her bedroom, shut the door and let him go at it, after awhile he would stop and come out like nothing happened.  He was such a cute little boy who was a boy through and through and full of mischief.  I wasn't around him much as a teenager or adult as I am almost 10 years older, but I do remember the love he had for his family and vice versa.  He had changed his life around (for the better).  I remember him always having a smile on his face and remember his love for racing, just like his Dad.  I remember spending the nights with his sister Maryann a lot as a child and remember the summer we babysat Frankie and Tater, went to the beach everyday.  Lots of fond memories, I will hold you in my heart forever and will miss you greatly.  Love ya, your cousin Brenda

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