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His Life

The Man, The Myth and a Gentle Soul

March 10, 2017

    If I could write a short story of the life of my husband he was bigger than life! He showed that in all he did, with family and friends he had his separate worlds in life I seen all those. He was humble but bold, he was strong but could be as a little boy who needed to be held at times with tenderness and feeling safe I always tried to give him that . It didn't make him any less of a man not in my eyes. To me it made him more so . To know him he could be complicated, but simple. I was lucky to have been loved by him Not perfect by no means but who is. To anyone who truly knew him he was someone who honor friendships even if at times he got in predicaments with them, so to sum up this man I love and know. He was who he was and set his mind to do something it got done. The Higher Power got him a worker in this life and beyond. Live on my love!