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Birthday Coincidence?

August 10, 2018

Today my dad is turning 45 and I completely lost track and did not know today would be the tenth. Anyways, since I didn’t know my mind was clear of him at the time and I ended up having a dream about him last night and the dream was that we were expecting company to come over and then I walked passed him thinking like “oh that’s just one of the guest” then I realized, I went to go hug him as fast and as hard as I could crying so many tears. Then, I also realized “wait he’s dead” then I looked away and looked back and he was gone I was so upset I missed him so much I had hallucinated. I woke up and saw the notification of today being his  birthday and I wish we could all pull and all-nighter at his apartment waiting for him to get back from work and give him hand made gift but I wasn’t that creative so I always gave him my love.

Picante Sauce

March 23, 2017

One day Daddy came home from work with whataburger. He went to his room then called Kailah in the room. Once she was back there he asked her, "you want some picante sauce?" She was young & didn't know what picante sauce was, so of course she said yes. But what she didn't know was when Daddy gave her the piacnte sauce, she got a taco too. So then Daddy called me back there & asked, "would you like some picante sauce?" I was a little confused as to why he was asking if I wanted sauce. So I stood there & was like "uh..." then I looked at Kailah. When I looks at her she's smacking on the taco & pointing at it trying to tell me if I say yes, I get a taco too. So I said yes & got a taco. Then he called Marquea back there. Daddy said "would you-" then stopped his self in mid sentence. Then said "hold on I'm a little parched," then sipped his drink. After that he sarted over. "Would you like some picante sauce?" He said. Marquea responded without hesitation, "no, why would I want picante sauce?" Then Daddy said, "mmmh, that wasn't a very smart answer." As Marquea stood there in confusion, then he said "how?....why would I want picante sauce?" Then I did the same thing Kailah did to me, to Marquea. I pointed to my taco trying to say if he said yes he would get a taco. Then Marquea said, "yes, I would like some picante sauce." Lol. 

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