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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Olufunto OMOTAYO, 21 years old, born on August 14, 1981, and passed away on October 24, 2002. We will remember her forever.
December 16, 2012
December 16, 2012
When Funto and I were assigned to the same desk in Sagamu, I recall wondering if it would be a good match. I wasn't sure I would get along with this thoughtful looking 'tomboy'. The year that passed was one of an amicable relationship, full of friendly mischief. Funto was calm, smart, and definitely made an impression on me. May her soul rest in perfect peace.
December 5, 2012
December 5, 2012
Remember you very well from Sagamu days and whenever I think of you, what comes to mind is your smile, your walk, your "happy-go-lucky" nature. Not even one single negative thought comes to mind. You were just you, happy. Some things we never get an explanation for but knowing you walked with Christ here on earth you can only be in a better place indeed. Miss you
November 21, 2012
November 21, 2012
Funto!I remember the yr u became my bunky at Fggc Sagamu,I remember the easy going tomboy u were back then.We were so different but u were so easy to get along with so we did just fine.Then as God would have it we gained admission the same year at O.O.U where we wd stop to gist in front of mini campus.U were sold out to christ so I know ur in a better place.I'm sure w'l meet again someday.
November 3, 2012
November 3, 2012
Wow!!! I'm reading through all these tributes & I'm amazed @ how much impact you made & the impression you left on everyone who had the opportunity to meet you. You will not be forgotten; although, I never met you, I'll never forget you because you've just made an impact on me even in your absence. I'm sure you're soaring in the bossom of The Lord... RIP Funto!!!
October 30, 2012
October 30, 2012
Funto was my brightest example of a young person living holy. Completely set apart to Jesus, her life radiated peace and love. I believe God called her home early for his glory. If all the soul searching I had to do is anything to go by, I know she died not in vain. Rest well, beautiful soul.
October 28, 2012
October 28, 2012
These are great tributes to a departed soul. This is a testimony that I should live my life well in Christ while am still privilege to make use of oxygen gas. May God continue to be with the families you left behind and as well grant your soul eternal rest. RIP Olufunto Omotayo!
October 27, 2012
October 27, 2012
Thanks for being an inspiration not just to me,but to everyone u came in contact with.Your letter...priceless.
October 27, 2012
October 27, 2012
" I walked into FECA VI years ago as the then WESTERN REGIONAL SEC on a regional visit, you stepped forward to receive me and made my stay memorable and never to be forgotten. Your smile, your friendship and your hospitality was none to be compared to . Your love for God was seen by all and thats the beauty you left behind. Remain in JESUS bosom till we meet to part no more .
October 27, 2012
October 27, 2012
This is heart-rending!How can the exploits of a 21-year old command such following,10 years on?This is awesome.Interestingly,I am of the same age.Just rest on in God's bossom.You are added to the list of people i want to meet when i get to Heaven.
October 27, 2012
October 27, 2012
I'm speechless!...just saw the true definition of christian impact! here...i'll tow this line i promise...R.I.P!
October 26, 2012
October 26, 2012
Rest in Peace Funto. I have so many fun memories of Funto from JSS 1N, all the trouble we got into as a class and the song she made up about some of our classmates:) It was a time of laughter and growing up. I remember her as a fun and happy girl. My heart goes out to her family and friends.
October 26, 2012
October 26, 2012
How times flies! Ten years already that we bid you farewell? You touched the lives of everyone that came your way. Your passing on was a shock to all of us and we're still asking why? Our consolation is that we know you are with Our Lord. Rest in peace, Funto till resurrection day.
October 26, 2012
October 26, 2012
New Testament in the Jean back-pocket, swagger in the walk belying your years, glint in your eyes at the mention of the Word and penchant in your heart for things spiritual. Quintessential word damsel, thoughts of you remain evergreen. Funto dear, smile on...shine on. (Forever loved)
October 26, 2012
October 26, 2012
Never really thought that story dat u passed on was true..U were such a beautiful soul...I met u in FECA VI and i still remember the smiles...d passion...the simplicity of ur person...FUNTO...WE ALL MISS U IN FECA LAGOS !...Ten years already...We take consolation that the resurrection morning would soon be here and we all shall be reunited never to be seperated again...Sleep on! FUNTO !!
October 25, 2012
October 25, 2012
Though I didn't know you personally I however heard so much about you from your brother( Topeee). With what I heard you must be such a wonderful person. It quite surprising that it 10yrs already that you left this sinful world. May your gentle soul rest in The Lord.
October 25, 2012
October 25, 2012
I remember Funto from way back in primary school. Not much to say but I'm highly touched by the testimonies of people who knew and walked closely with her. May her soul continue to rest in peace.
October 25, 2012
October 25, 2012
Precious Funto,
Too many memories! We spoke 2weeks before. I still remember. I still miss you! You taught me "Practical Christianity"
Till we meet again!
October 25, 2012
October 25, 2012
October 25, 2012
October 25, 2012
I remember when we used to play soccer at "lift-side". You were always a free spirited person with a beautiful soul, most importantly a lover of God. Rest in peace my dear friend.
October 24, 2012
October 24, 2012
Funti-dodo... I miss you o...Your laughter, our lengthy conversations. You knew the Lord...

Time can never erase the indelible mark your passing made....But the name of Our Lord be praised. Amen.
October 24, 2012
October 24, 2012
Hmmm,seems you are nearby yet at a distant,you had such a strong personality that makes me remember you everyday,never knew you were saying goodbye that day when you said to me twice "just hug me" even after the incidence i bent over you believing God for a miracle but i also heard those words clearly" im in a better place" that has been my solace an answer to my queries, i love and miss u
October 24, 2012
October 24, 2012
Funto i read punch newspaper this morning (24/10/2012)& ask they said you have gone which i felt so bad about it, but it's destiny that evry1 wil go, we love you but GOD Almighty who created the heaven, earth and you, love you must then the way we love and i pray that may your soul rest in gentle peace. We missed you but it's definitely sure we will still meet again in paradise.... Bye Bye
October 24, 2012
October 24, 2012
Funto, u always knew how to put a smile on anyone's face, u inspired me so much with d way u loved God and d way u loved everyone; so ive gat no doubt in my heart dt ure resting in d arms of d Lord. u wr a special gift to d world &even though we had u just for a short while i appreciate it all thesame. ure fondly remembered my dear friend and uld forever live in our hearts dearest Funto.
October 24, 2012
October 24, 2012
Funto, I didn't know you when you were on earth but what others have said about your life have touched and moved me. In the best of times, life is short, a mist. What joy to know that death is but a transition to eternity. I'm glad you knew the Author of Eternity and you're in His care now. He'll comfort your family down here on earth. Amen.
October 24, 2012
October 24, 2012
I never knew you,but i believe with what have read you are resting with the father lord..........
Rest on till we part no more
October 24, 2012
October 24, 2012
Sweet is the remembrance of the Righteous. I didn't know you, we never met, only read about you in today's paper. The tributes that were posted above moved me to tears and also made me have a rethink on my life on earth. That is to say to you, that even in the grave, you are still impacting lives. Rest on Beloved of The Lord!
October 24, 2012
October 24, 2012
what attracted me is that u knew the lord i promise to serve the lord more and to others about him,see u on the ressurection morning.
October 24, 2012
October 24, 2012
Whao! It's ten years since Funto was gone. I remember the awful event on the way to G Net. I remember the passionate young lady with a bright smile. I remember, fondly, the zeal for evangelism that she shared with her friends in FECA and at the University. I am comforted that we will meet again at the feet of Christ when we answer the final call.
October 24, 2012
October 24, 2012
Funto, I will never forget all the fun we had growing up. You had a kind heart and warm smile.
October 24, 2012
October 24, 2012
Thoughts of you come to my mind throughout the year.... And feel the world was robbed of a true Gem... I know tha you are making waves over there like you did here.... Truly touching the lives of others... You will forever be missed bunkie me... Sun re till we meet again...
October 24, 2012
October 24, 2012
Funto, i will never forget you, sagamu days, js1 //2, Ini was my seatmate and you actually made up a funny song about both of us, my hommie, you were calm, sweet, always smiling... you were a rare gem... loving you always......
October 24, 2012
October 24, 2012
Funto,i remember you as an amiable lady,the last time i saw you was during the send forth for raymond,continue to rest in the bossom of the Lord jesus christ
October 24, 2012
October 24, 2012
I am deeply touched as to your loss even tho the last I saw of u was 1997 when I left FGGC sagamu.
I'm just hearing about ur exit. I. Remember your smile and how u used to come to my bunk and have a tate-a-tate. I know we shall oneday see again in glory.
May ur gentle soul rest in peace
October 24, 2012
October 24, 2012
You were a dear sister and a special friend. I still remember your passion for Ministry and the things of the Lord.
Funto, your years on earth has left an indelible mark on us.
October 24, 2012
October 24, 2012
Funto, i remember you darling, i remember because you were one of the most friendly heart warming people i have ever met. The last time we saw was in Shaggy 1998 but you made a lasting impression on me just like you did everyone that you met. I know you are with the lord, Till we meet again dear...Rest peacefully
October 24, 2012
October 24, 2012
Funto, you came,ran your race & conquered.It was very difficult accepting that you had gone,but it was comforting knowing undoubtedly that you had gone to rest in our Father's bosom.
Hmmn,your memory remains fresh in my heart;the way you shed tears when you laugh too much, regular sneezing, love for trousers &strict allegiance to Christ Jesus.Miss U
October 24, 2012
October 24, 2012
I remember your first day at FECA V.I and how I was assigned to follow up on you. Thanks for your simple heart. When we last saw we walked and laughed, and I held your hand for the first time...not knowing it would be the last. You were a rock of support to me, not failing to scold me even though i was President and you, Secretary. Your life is an undying light to all who knew u...Thanks.
October 24, 2012
October 24, 2012
Awwww.... Funto, may your soul continue to rest in peace ....
October 24, 2012
October 24, 2012
Dearly beloved, I never met u neither do I know u but I am amazed at what I read on this page today. U passion for the lord and his work here on earth, I know this generation has lost a great vessel in the hands of the master. This page to me is also a reawakening call to do more fore the Lord, Beloveth U are just asleep and we shall meet when the roll is called yonder, Adieu
October 24, 2012
October 24, 2012
hmmm...its been 10 yrs already..woowwww. Funto you were a gem really, easygoing and fun...i remember a song u formed about dinner and stuff..anytime i remember the song , a smile forms on my lips just at the same time my eyes tear up. You will be fondly remembered. Rest in peace dear
October 24, 2012
October 24, 2012
so quickly 10yrs have passed, how time flies. Growing up with you,i can confirm alot of the things said about you in this page..
Truly you had a strong personality.
Yeah you had this interesting way of walking.
Yeah you were truly passionate about the gospel,even in an uncommon way..
Yeah you lived but a short life but obviously you made an impact..
You were part of my childhood so this much
October 24, 2012
October 24, 2012
I knew the Omotayo family, grew up with all the kids. Tope, Seye and Funto. Funto was quiet, even shy at times. But it was clear that she was a darling. I was sad to hear of her demise. As i read all these tributes, i am moved to tears. To know that even after ten years Funto still resonates in our minds is a blessing. It is the impression one leaves behind that tells our story. Bless you.
October 24, 2012
October 24, 2012
as much as we love you God loves you most..
I personally am consoled by the fact that you lived your life for God and for this you will forever rest in the bossom of our almighty.
Bye till we meet to part no more in paradise..
October 24, 2012
October 24, 2012
I remember clearly the last time I saw you, it was in FGGC sagamu 1998, we said our goodbyes on the corridor and wished ourselves goodluck on our future endeavours, hw can I forget u funto, u made me feel welcomed in a new school when I was lonely and needed a friend, u were really nice to me. We love u but God knows best. Adieu dear friend.
October 24, 2012
October 24, 2012
Tido, i miss you so much. a lot times i imagine you married with children, but i'm really honoured to have met you, the times we shared, growing up, the way you bounced when you walked, your smile, your passion, your love for God. I give glory to God for your life. Your life continues to inspire me.
October 24, 2012
October 24, 2012
I can only imagine you smiling in that funny way of yours at all these tributes. Sure looking forward to seeing you again FT.
October 24, 2012
October 24, 2012
We sang together many times, worshiped our Creator with all of our hearts. I look forward to doing so with you again at the foot of the throne. Love you sis!
October 24, 2012
October 24, 2012
Funto dearie,
Memories of you are still so fresh, it's hard to believe it's already ten years. All beautiful memories. I can never forget your smile and your heart warming eyes. Rest in peace, dear friend
October 23, 2012
October 23, 2012
Funtido, time can never wipe away the memory of you in mine heart. For you are an indelible part of my childhood and life.. the birthdays, times you spent over with us- your cousins, the songs we composed together etc. Till we meet again dear gem, remain rested and resting in the bossom of the Father. For "He shall wipe every tear from our eyes" (Rev. 21:4) when we meet to part no more.
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October 31, 2012

I remember few days before u died, u came to my house and u wanted to know why Christians die. You were really interested in knowing the relationship between dieing young and dieing before your time and how does one know that he/she has fulfilled his/her will on Earth? When i had of ur death, i then wondered if u knew ur time was here. I never suspected anything because u asked these questions with the usual charming smile beaming from ur face. I' ll in return ask u this questions when we meet again in glory. Did u know u were going to die?

The last day i saw u, i remember i asked u what was happening in the word circle, i said ' I don't understand what is going on, the other time i went to school and back, i heard of Psalm T's Death, now it's Chekube, Funto, What is the realm?', Suddenly u said u could be the next. Dele and i shouted at u, then u smiled and departed. About a week later, on a saturday, i went to 1004, was at Akins House, saw His Mum, i greeted Her, She responded reluctantly. I asked Moji of Akin..., she said 'he is in thier house, it's sad that she died just like that'. Then  said 'Chekube Shea'(thinking she was refering ti Chekube's death) she said ' Funto now! She died yesterday on her way to Gnet, they had an accident' It was too expensive to be a joke. I left the house in a hurry, only to remember on my way that i did'nt say bye to Akin's mum. I went back appologised and said bye, her eyes were full of tears, and she nooded.  Between Crescent D (Akin' s House) and Crescent C (Funto's House) that was a few metere apart looked like ages apart to me bcos while i worked down i remembered everything i knew about Funto and i said to me self, it's impossible, she cannot die, Moji most have been mistaking. As i approached her flat. i looked up and i saw a crowd of people garthered in front of her house, yet i still had hope. I told my self that they were there for something else. it cound'nt have been Funto's death. I confessed greatly! but sadly the deed had been done, i could not confess her back to life. All through the night i could not sleep, asking God why Funto had to go too soon. I don't have an answer yet but my only consolation is that it is for good.  

Funto! we'll always remember ur lovely smile.

 Oluwafunmito ( God has given me all) and indeed u gave ur all while u were with us.

Funto! the one we refere to as the first female President FECA VI never had.

Thanks for affecting our life.

Rest in the LORD!!!        


October 22, 2012

It all seems like yesterday, vivid memories fill my mind, when just around a bend, we bumped into the scene of an auto-crash, as we stopped to help, Alas! It was our very own people, gone just ahead, leading the trail to a holy convocation- Grace Network Campmeeting.
It turned out fatal and Olufunto had been caught in the very midst of it.
I can remember how calm she looked, so peaceful that I did not think death
When it dawned on me, I sneaked into where she laid and prayed over her in hope that she would be raised, but it had pleased the Lord to call her home and this, she considered better.

Mine was the unenviable task of breaking the news to her folks, as mum and brother- Tope arrived the Baptist Hospital in Ogbomoso, Mum asking " Olufunto mi da, ki lo se Olufunto mi?" and Tope "Is she dead? Just tell me" confused, I pointed to the morgue in response to mum and to Tope, I nodded yes. Amazingly, mum started worshipping while Tope stooped in silent groans.

Through it all, Olufunto fulfilled the desire of Apostle Paul- “...that Christ be magnified in my body, whether it be by life or death..." Olufunto's demise did not result in depression like one would think, on the contrary, it fuelled a revival in Christ Herald Assembly,OSU. Conviction fell upon many; a lot of people became more fervent & dedicated than they had ever been hitherto.

Olufunto was a rear gem, a lady of unquestionable character, bold as the Lioness and passionate for the gospel in an uncommon way. She sang, played the Keyboard, acted drama, active in outreach, functioned in media & communication and the list goes on. She had been greatly missed since then.

Our comfort & hope however, is the fact that she served ‘The God of the Living’ and right now she’s present with Him and someday soon, we all shall be changed and ever more be with the Lord.



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