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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Olufunto OMOTAYO, 21 years old, born on August 14, 1981, and passed away on October 24, 2002. We will remember her forever.
October 22, 2012
October 22, 2012 time flies! I still remember as though it were yesterday when your dad broke the news to us,that was a serious rude shock! I know you lived a short life on earth,but it was an impactful one and I know that we will all meet again at the feet of Jesus.Rest well my sister, till we meet again!
October 22, 2012
October 22, 2012
Olufunto was a rear gem, a lady of unquestionable character, bold as the Lioness and passionate for the gospel in an uncommon way. She sang, played the Keyboard, acted drama, active in outreach, functioned in media & communication and the list goes on. She had been greatly missed since then.
Our comfort & hope is the resurrection morning
October 22, 2012
October 22, 2012
I loved Funto as a dear sister. I remember helping her with her studies barely days before she fell asleep in the Lord.10 years on and I still feel the sadness I felt the day we said bye to you.Our only comfort is that we will see again but you are missed Funto. I miss your quirky smile; your interesting walk; but most of all your dedication and diligence to folks and the Lord. Sleep well
October 21, 2012
October 21, 2012
I remember that day. It was my elder sister's birthday and together with brethren from FECA you came to celebrate with her. That was the last time I ever saw you alive. And then I was in school and a teacher who was familiar with you told me about your passing. It was a very rude shock. I was upset, sad and unhappy but I am consoled by the knowledge that you are at rest and at peace.
October 21, 2012
October 21, 2012
You will forever remain in our hearts sweet Funto. It all seemed like yesterday since you passed away we love and miss you, but The Lord God in Heaven loves you most and I know you are sat with Him smiling down at us all on earth. Forever in our hearts, and we shall see you in the presence of the most High in time.
October 21, 2012
October 21, 2012
You indeed were a shinning light. It is hard to believe that its been this long. You will always been our hearts as a witness cheering us on to be that salt to the earth.
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October 31, 2012

I remember few days before u died, u came to my house and u wanted to know why Christians die. You were really interested in knowing the relationship between dieing young and dieing before your time and how does one know that he/she has fulfilled his/her will on Earth? When i had of ur death, i then wondered if u knew ur time was here. I never suspected anything because u asked these questions with the usual charming smile beaming from ur face. I' ll in return ask u this questions when we meet again in glory. Did u know u were going to die?

The last day i saw u, i remember i asked u what was happening in the word circle, i said ' I don't understand what is going on, the other time i went to school and back, i heard of Psalm T's Death, now it's Chekube, Funto, What is the realm?', Suddenly u said u could be the next. Dele and i shouted at u, then u smiled and departed. About a week later, on a saturday, i went to 1004, was at Akins House, saw His Mum, i greeted Her, She responded reluctantly. I asked Moji of Akin..., she said 'he is in thier house, it's sad that she died just like that'. Then  said 'Chekube Shea'(thinking she was refering ti Chekube's death) she said ' Funto now! She died yesterday on her way to Gnet, they had an accident' It was too expensive to be a joke. I left the house in a hurry, only to remember on my way that i did'nt say bye to Akin's mum. I went back appologised and said bye, her eyes were full of tears, and she nooded.  Between Crescent D (Akin' s House) and Crescent C (Funto's House) that was a few metere apart looked like ages apart to me bcos while i worked down i remembered everything i knew about Funto and i said to me self, it's impossible, she cannot die, Moji most have been mistaking. As i approached her flat. i looked up and i saw a crowd of people garthered in front of her house, yet i still had hope. I told my self that they were there for something else. it cound'nt have been Funto's death. I confessed greatly! but sadly the deed had been done, i could not confess her back to life. All through the night i could not sleep, asking God why Funto had to go too soon. I don't have an answer yet but my only consolation is that it is for good.  

Funto! we'll always remember ur lovely smile.

 Oluwafunmito ( God has given me all) and indeed u gave ur all while u were with us.

Funto! the one we refere to as the first female President FECA VI never had.

Thanks for affecting our life.

Rest in the LORD!!!        


October 22, 2012

It all seems like yesterday, vivid memories fill my mind, when just around a bend, we bumped into the scene of an auto-crash, as we stopped to help, Alas! It was our very own people, gone just ahead, leading the trail to a holy convocation- Grace Network Campmeeting.
It turned out fatal and Olufunto had been caught in the very midst of it.
I can remember how calm she looked, so peaceful that I did not think death
When it dawned on me, I sneaked into where she laid and prayed over her in hope that she would be raised, but it had pleased the Lord to call her home and this, she considered better.

Mine was the unenviable task of breaking the news to her folks, as mum and brother- Tope arrived the Baptist Hospital in Ogbomoso, Mum asking " Olufunto mi da, ki lo se Olufunto mi?" and Tope "Is she dead? Just tell me" confused, I pointed to the morgue in response to mum and to Tope, I nodded yes. Amazingly, mum started worshipping while Tope stooped in silent groans.

Through it all, Olufunto fulfilled the desire of Apostle Paul- “...that Christ be magnified in my body, whether it be by life or death..." Olufunto's demise did not result in depression like one would think, on the contrary, it fuelled a revival in Christ Herald Assembly,OSU. Conviction fell upon many; a lot of people became more fervent & dedicated than they had ever been hitherto.

Olufunto was a rear gem, a lady of unquestionable character, bold as the Lioness and passionate for the gospel in an uncommon way. She sang, played the Keyboard, acted drama, active in outreach, functioned in media & communication and the list goes on. She had been greatly missed since then.

Our comfort & hope however, is the fact that she served ‘The God of the Living’ and right now she’s present with Him and someday soon, we all shall be changed and ever more be with the Lord.



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