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March 19, 2017

Favorite Sayings

Get help
Hand it over 
Help a brother out
Get it out
Ya cheap bastard 

Seen Doing

Sitting, reading or doing meticulous electronic work with his "Inspector Gadget" goggles on.
Sitting in the camp lanai in his smoking jacket with his cigar and a glass of wine.
Sweeping leaves off the camp roof.
Sitting, working on a project with a million pieces in front of him and an hour later it is miraculously all back together.

Will miss you brother 

Barstow CA

March 19, 2017

My brilliant idea was to take a road trip to the Ghost Town in Barstow CA in the middle of the summer.  Gary and I would drive with my girls in tow.  Unfortunately summer in California is incredibly hot.  We had a big jug of ice water in the van to keep us hydrated.  We stayed at some podunk motel there and in the middle of the night, because our air conditioner was so loud, we found ourselves wide awake.  Naturally it was time to check the temperature; it was 95 degrees.  Next was a beer!  We sat and drank beer and talked for some time.  It was a very good trip, my girls got to know their uncle and I got to spend some time with G.  A very good memory.


March 18, 2017

There is no better place to spend Thanksgiving than at the camp on Ice Lake.  Our family was very fortunate to be able to spend this holiday with Gary. We enjoyed the beautiful weather and splendid colours of the season.  We all enjoyed the walk to the precipce to enjoy the spectacular view. 
He was proud of his piece of paradise and was very happy to share it with us.
I am so thankful that I have this memory of Gary and will treasure it along with all the other fun moments spent together.

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