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Thanksgiving with Gavin

April 11, 2017

Gavin and Dad came out to visit us on Thanksgiving this past year. This was such a good visit and we got to sit around with Gavin and talk and drink tequila, brandy and beer. We cooked amazing meals each night and we played music, games and sat around and laughed and told stories. Drinking with Gavin was always so much fun because he was so silly and fun to be around. We also drove up to Julian to see the town and pitter around the antique shops and stores. Kapri and Kaiya stole his phone from him the moment he got here and Gavin downloaded games for them and played kid videos for them to watch. They donned him Apple Gavin because Kaiya couldn't say the word "uncle" and it stuck. He loved it! He helped me put them to bed each night he was here and read books to them in some adorable voices. They loved thier Apple Gavin and will miss him so very much.

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