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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Justice George Gang, 62 years old, born on February 2, 1958, and passed away on May 7, 2020. We will remember him forever.
June 24, 2020
June 24, 2020
Ni George a time honoured Judge. You fondly called me" ma Dor" . Even now i can still hear the echoes in my ears. You where so friendly to me and my family.
You were so pious in your religious duties. The last years spent with us in kba was so glorious. Thx for the sweet memories of you and family. Rest on our Judge of the time. . Greet ma Gla and the two boys. Adieu. Good nite. Lord Jesus receive his soul. Amen. 

Pst. Dorothy luma Feh.
June 23, 2020
June 23, 2020
Cher collègue et ami. Tu nous manques déjà. Tu resteras toujours cet ami que j'ai connu lors du séminaire des magistrats au Bénin. Très jovial et chaleureux. Vas et repose en paix PCA. Que la terre de tes ancêtres te soit légère. Ameen
June 23, 2020
June 23, 2020
Uncle George,I lack words to express my pain.I miss your imposing voice and everything about you.Very strict but so sweet.You had a unique and resounding voice.Very jovial man full of life.Continue to RIP,I will miss you

Farewell Uncle.

Elvaine Musi
June 23, 2020
June 23, 2020
Hearing all the good stories Bissona told us, her classmates and friends about you, it is no doubt that you were indeed a good father. May your gentle soul rest in perfect peace. Greet our senior LESAN mother, Ma Gladys, Dob and Daiga. May God comfort all the loved ones you've left behind.
June 23, 2020
June 23, 2020
Uncle George! Uncle George! It's been so hard to come here and do this tribute to you for myriad reasons. Doing this just sticks to the fact that you are no more. And just makes it realer.
You were at the center of many gatherings. Especially those in the family. Oh the wit and jokes! Your passing has sent us off our orbits since we certainly happily and lovingly gathered/revolved around you. So, tell me how we find a proper and befitting center since you are gone? This is hard. You were a strong star in our center.
Your passing has refreshed scars that were there from Ma Gla and my cousin's passing and thought were healing. We are sore from these new wounds. How and when my other cousins cope with this, is left for the good Lord God to help. May my brother's tears be wiped. (Love you Thierry, Michelle and Bissona (by extension extended family)).
May you, Uncle George, RIP in peace and may our family find some sort of 'center' to aid us and keep pushing forward. Thank you for being a father figure in one way or another. It's never been forgotten and I do cherish those times.
Your Neice Doreen Sungnyin G.
June 23, 2020
June 23, 2020

First, on behalf of the NGWA family and on my own personal behalf, I wish to express our profound shock and deep sadness to my classmate and sister Na Manyi Andin Gwanyalla, the children of late Ni George Gang, his widow, and to all the GANG and Gwanyalla families for the sudden demise of my dear friend and brother Justice Ni George Foncham GANG, alias the ‘Ngangai’. The news of his departure hit us like a ton of rocks. Ma Adeline and I were frozen, deeply shaken and speechless when we received the news.

From his recurrent holiday visits to the Limbe (then Victoria) home of my late sister, Mrs Akwa (Ma Nuh), in the company of my late uncle Abednego Gwanyalla in the late 70’s, Ni George and I again met at the University of Yaounde where we studied law. Easy going, kind and extremely warmhearted, he was a man with an unparalleled sense of humour. Even if you were made of steel or did not belong to the human species, Ni George would have a means of making you laugh. His resilience, simplicity, courage, and willingness to help in any situation were also part of his great and gifted personality, not to mention his love and passion for football!

But in these moments of sadness and pain, let us not lose focus. William Law once said “This world, with all its stars, elements and creatures, is come out of the invisible world” To me that invisible world is God. At times like this, we can find comfort and consolation only in prayer and the holy word of God, trusting that He is waiting for Ni George, who is now on that onward journey to His invisible yet glorious world. And how could it have been otherwise, since God alone is the Alpha and the Omega of our ephemeral sojourn here below in this valley of tears?

As Christians, we know that Jesus promised and reassured us that there were many rooms in His Father’s house and that He was going ahead to prepare a place for us. Therefore, while we weep and mourn the departure this great man, we should also have hope and faith in God. In fact, I can picture Ni George smiling down at us from his heavenly home and making one of those his characteristic jokes and expecting us to smile and laugh back. We owe him that.

Let us therefore dry our tears and start looking into our own lives and hearts to see what in us needs changing, so that when the Master calls us, we too should answer with great expectations and blessed assurance. Ni George I will not say ‘Adieu’ but ‘Aurevoir’ for we shall surely meet again. To paraphrase Saint Paul, you fought a good fight, you finished your course, and you kept the faith. May your life here on earth be a blessing and inspiration for us all.


Ba Dr Tahmundungnji NGWA on behalf of the NGWA family.
June 22, 2020
June 22, 2020
Justice Gang was a great husband and father to his wife and children. He was very kind, gentle, simple and friendly to all. The most jovial/funny person I ever met. Very sad, i spent a limited but quality time with him when he visited USA. Our conversations were enjoyable and still very vivid in my mind. A couple times we spoke over the phone when I called Maroua to check on them.

Justice you'll be greatly missed. Your departure came as a surprise to us, still in disbelief and shock. I miss you dearly and love you dearly, you are and will forever remain a loving husband and father. God loved you more and now you are home I will see you again some day. Continue to enjoy the peace in Gods presence. Farewell Justice my regards to willie, my parents.

Your sister in law mandaks
June 22, 2020
June 22, 2020
Dear Ni,
I find it hard to write this tribute . Mainly because I've shut down and been in denial that this couldn't be. Despite knowing only too well that it is very real.
I can't make a good attempt at expressing what your absence means to us. There just aren't any words for that. I remember you and MaGla taking me away from Ombe at the very last moment and getting me a school in Kumba so I could live with you. Bisona was eventually born there. Those early years in secondary school with you and MaGla as my guardian were one of the best moments in my life. A part of me is gone with you, MaGla, Dop and Daiga.
I thank God for by siblings Thierry and Bisona. They keep those memories alive for me.
Ni I've been asking myself why all this while. However, recently I came to the realization that one can't and shouldn't put question signs where God has put His finger. We love you all.
June 22, 2020
June 22, 2020
Dear ‘Ni’ George.
    It is more than a month since you left us and I am still in total disbelief and heartache when I think I will never see that beautiful, mischievous and confident smile of yours again.

    Last December 2019, when you came down to Yaoundé from Maroua for Wakuna and Ibifuro’s wedding, you were as happy and proud as Ni Augustine.  I congratulated you on your appearance.  You told me you were contented and well taken care of by Ma Irene, your wife.  We laughed over that.  It was such a joy to see you in your old mood again.

    During the few days you were hospitalized in Maroua I begged God on my knees, to spare your life.  I told Ma Irene to tell you to hang on.  I was so sure you would come through.  After all, had you not suffered so many tragedies and bounced back?  But, alas, God had other plans for you, this time.

    From the moment you came to stay with us as a young ENAM student, our family lives had been intertwined.  So many memories!!  We saw your progress in life and we were so proud of you.  You became a distinguished Judge.  You were a happy family man.
    Remember how you later on housed us in your small abode at “Rond Point Express” without a qualm when we came back from Spain.  It created unbreakable bonds between us and all our children.  

    For nearly a decade, you were a father for our children in boarding school in Bamenda.  You and Gladys took care of them selflessly.

    My Bamoun family loved and appreciated you.  You were just another son for my parents.  Your fun and loving nature endeared you to all of them.  No one could roll the French ‘rr’ in the name of my brother’s wife, Elvirrre Andrrrée, like you!  

    I could take my fellow teachers to your house in Bamenda, at any time, and you would receive us like a king, honouring me and making me so proud of you!  There are so many other such instances in our lives.  I cannot recall all here.

    You were my big “bro” of only 4 days but you would never let me forget you were older than me: “My friend, you better listen to me, I am your senior brother,” you would insist, to our utter delight.   Our birthdays were special, we had our birthday wishes.  We would expect them from each other.  

Wherever you are, dear Ni George, just know that as long as I live, you will always be remembered and cherished.  You will receive your birthday wishes!

    Sleep well in the Lord, my nearly twin

    Your sister-in-law,  Elise Njapndunké GANG (Monrovia)
June 22, 2020
June 22, 2020
Ni George,

Our lively, bouncing, humble, friendly, intelligent and loving “Man of the People”. What more can I say about you Ni George?

Your death came as a great shock to me, so much so that I found myself arguing that it can’t be true. I then realised that I was questioning God.

Nothing replaces human touch. You touched so many lives in so many different ways. I know you are in a better place because you have answered God’s call. Since we met through Manyi Gwanyalla, you always made me feel at ease. I will cherish the good times, jokes and your friendliness. You will be greatly missed by many.

May the merciful Lord and angels install you on your seat in heaven till we meet to part no more.

Rest in perfect peace.

June 22, 2020
June 22, 2020
Ni George, your sudden departure has been a shock to the entire family.
Your caring nature and great sense of humour especially during family gatherings will be greatly missed.
I remember you picking me up from the Guarantee bus station in Yaounde and taking me to your home. You made sure I had a fab time whilst in Yaounde (you even squeezed in a fun filled night out program) You not only ensured I was well prepared for my visa drove me to the Embassy and stayed with me. Thank you Ni George for all the love, support and beautiful memories.
You will be sorely missed.
Our love to all the Gang & Dohnji family members who have gone ahead.
Rest in Peace
Doris Moki nee Dohnji
June 21, 2020
June 21, 2020

Uncle George, it was only but a few months back that you and I shaked hands in Maryland, and you told me ' I will be visiting you next time I return to the US.'
And what are my hearing today around the world, that you are no more?
O Kavoma, please wake me up from this quandary.
O well, since its now confirmed you are in the Bosom of the LORD; who are my to ask God why?, neither would I say ' gone too soon, for; the number of hairs on your head and number of your days were in your Creator's hands. So, if you had to go now, I wouldn't say stay a little either; because He knows it all, and all things happen at its time.
So, precious Uncle of mine, I hear the Chariots of the Lord; swinging Low and High, coming to carry you safely to your Eternal Abode..
Sleep on, O Uncle George, sleep.
It is so hard to let you go but we would let you go.
Go, go, go, back to your Maker Uncle George.
And I cry; knowing, all hope is not gone, and when my all is ended this side of heaven, we will meet again up Yonder, to part no more.
So, my soul finds rest in this sayings of the Lord
' I will give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, and the garment of praise for every spirit of heaviness...... ' Isaiah 61:3

And so, you would always be in our hearts, Uncle George.

ADIEU...ADIEU.....ADIEU, my Uncle.

Na Pastor Grace DF

June 21, 2020
June 21, 2020
Ni George,

The news of your demise came as a blow to me because you seemed full of energy and ideas to offer your good services to humanity. We spoke over the phone but I didn't in my wildest of dreams think that it would end so soon. I now ask myself why death could be so cruel, indiscriminate and striking only where it hurts the most.

While you were on your sick bed, critically ill, you were still more concerned with the problems of others than with your present illness. This was your hallmark - helping others and obsessed with fair justice to all. You had already outlined how you would spend the coming years in good leisure and productive activity to enhance your family. All these plans are now annulled by the cold hands of death.

We recognized your ingenuity in difficult times and places. You transformed your official residence in Maroua into a garden of flowers and plants that everyone had assumed wouldn't do well there. Your determination made things happen.

A severe storm of life capable of bringing down any man forever, came across your way but with time you were able to successfully reconstitute the broken pieces and move on with a fresh start that won the admiration and respect of all. You brought so much fun and joy into life by your wonderful sense of humor at all occasions.

George, given the love you had for all and the attention you paid to friends and even strangers, I pray that the gate of heaven be widely opened as the angels welcome you with open arms in the bosom of almighty and merciful God.

May you rest in peace and may God bless your soul.

Adieu George.

Ni Joe Engeh (brother-in- law)
June 21, 2020
June 21, 2020
Weh weh weh Ni George rest in peace tell and greet all families who went before until we meet again. I remember my 2014 chrismas Holiday with my daughter in cameroon we visited you in the office in Buea and latter at your home in Sand pit in Buea. My daughter was shock hearing this and extend her condolenxe
June 21, 2020
June 21, 2020


I first met George forty-four years ago when I married his sister, Agnes Andine. Our relationship grew into a robust friendship as we relished and looked forward to each other’s company. This was understandable given that George was by nature an easy going person, who was humourous and had a great witty repartee that made everyone relaxed and at ease. When you encountered George, your time with George was never wasted; his humor and warmth made you feel at home and loved.

In addition to his goodness and easy going spirit, he was someone of real focus and sterling purposeful character. You couldn’t sway him from his sense of focus and duty on things that really matter in society.

As a professional, he embraced his profession with all the seriousness that any professional could muster. As a judge, there was a great sense of fairness, equity and justice in the manner in which he treated the public.

The George I knew was also a courageous and prayerful person who withstood the vicissitudes of life and the awful tragedy that claimed his first wife, Gladys and his two children, Dop and Diaga. Even after this tragedy, he stayed faithful to his GOD, committed to his family and loyal to his friends. It took some time for him to become himself once again. The advent of Irene, his widowed wife, also gave him a new lease on life.

George was a caring son to his parents, a good father and a great husband. His departure creates a painful vacuum, but his good works will live on and we shall never forget him.
June 21, 2020
June 21, 2020
“why do the best people die early? When you're in a garden, which flowers do you pick? The most beautiful ones”. That’s the way I choose to reflect on what has befallen our family, because I still find your departure surreal
You were my uncle, father and then friend. Teaching, listening, advising. Always with wisdom, somehow witty humorous but frank manner; its ironical that one with whom you have such wonderful memories suddenly becomes a subject of thought. It is painful.
My handsome, elegant uncle, always on the move, always having a new project and yet still available to the family. I will cherish forever our discussions when we met or over the phone.
Life's but a stage, in which we are all actors, I guess the Divine director said you should come and rest with our loved ones gone before…you are missed, you will be missed
Rest thee well

Dr Gang Dihga
June 21, 2020
June 21, 2020
Uncle George!! Uncle George!! I literary do not know what to say or think, the way you left us, hmmm!! I miss you and our talks and calls. I particularly always thought it wise to check on you, it has been too long I havent heard from you.... wehh Uncle George, why would you make me miss you so much? Is that fair? I miss your jokes uncle.. I remember once, you asked me jokingly, "do you even think you are beautiful? Me, I date women not young girls like you!" Haha it was so funny.. Thank you for welcoming us all those years back when we just moved back from Spain, helping us to understand the system, English. We hardly spoke any English. Those are memories I would forever cherish in my heart. Go and rest uncle!! Give Daiga, Dop and Mama a warm hug, not forgetting grandpa. Say hello to all the loved ones gone ahead as well.. Love you my handsome, elegant uncle..
Your daughter/niece Lehna Raye Gang
June 21, 2020
June 21, 2020
My dearest uncle it's been so hard finding the right words. Anytime I think of you it's with love and fondness and then I remember you're gone and I feel a fresh new shock of disbelief and sadness. You were the kind of person who was, in my eyes, forever young, forever strong, overcoming all that life threw at you and God knows it was a lot! That is why I strongly believed you will regain your strength and be fine when I heard you were sick...
As kids you really took care of us. In fact when we just came back to Cameroon everyone thought we were your kids too, that's just how you were. I also keep picturing you at my wedding in December, so happy, so proud, was that your goodbye like that? I never imagined I would be writing this so soon for you. Hmm uncle you've broken hearts oh.... My handsome uncle, I can only tell you to rest in peace because I know you cannot fulfill my real wish to come back. I love you so much but God loves you more and I know you'll get the peace your soul so longed for. I pray God gives your kids and family the strength they do so need. Rest in peace uncle George ❤.

Your niece/ daughter, Wakuna Gang Okujagu
June 21, 2020
June 21, 2020
Dearest Uncle George

It is really hard to write this as it makes your passing feel real. You were a man so full of life. It seems so crazy you left just like that. I personally want to thank you for all the love and support you gave me from my time in Yaounde as a little boy, all the way through boarding school in Bamenda as my official guardian. It seemed God always seemed to find a way to place you were I needed you most. Thank you my dear uncle. I shall always love and miss you.
June 21, 2020
June 21, 2020
Ni George ... I cant believe I am writing this... I remember the day I got the news of your death.I thought it was a bad dream. Your death has left a huge void.. You were always the life of the party..Always making everyone laugh. I remember doing my law internship with you in Bamenda. You welcomed my friend and I for 2 months and gave us the best advice. Ni, I am gonna miss you. Say hi to all those who have gone before us . Rest In Peace my dear uncle..
 Your Niece,
Nina Engeh
June 21, 2020
June 21, 2020
A tribute from your brother-in-law, General Elokobi Daniel .

Justice, life is full of unpleasant surprises. Who would have thought that I would be writing a tribute to you. Death has robbed us of a pillar, a faithful friend so full of life.

We got to know each other as young boys in lycée Molyko, you were a junior student. Despite the gap, we were very close and I never imagined that our bond wouldl would grow stronger and we would become in-laws one day.

When you informed me of your intentions to marry Irene, I was pleased because of the kind of person you are; kind, gentle, considerate, fair and a good friend. I knew that my sister would be in good hands and you never proved me wrong. Unfortunately the joy you brought to our lives was short lived. You have left Irene, the children and the whole family in shock. It feels like we are in a bad dream and cannot wake up.

While you were in the hospital, we did our best together with Irene and friends from the medical field to ensure that your condition improved. In the end, our efforts were futile because God loves you more and He decided to call you home.

As you rest in the Lord, keep watch over the family you have left behind. Keep watch over Irene, your children and grandchildren.

May your soul rest in perfect peace.


Your brother-in-law ,
General Elokobi Daniel N.
June 21, 2020
June 21, 2020
Uncle George!!!

It is extremely hard to come to terms with your sudden demise.
Such a great man, with powerful presence.
I fondly remember how you disciplined my brother and cousins, every time you visited.
You were so full of life. Ahhh!!! Death!!! Why?
It is Ok to cry because we will miss you forever.

In life we loved you, we do same in death.
Rest on Daddy.

Nerissa Musi
June 21, 2020
June 21, 2020
Ni George, in short i am still in disbelief. Each time i see your picture, i say to myself it is a dream, and all will come back to normal. It all happened so quickly we did not have time to realise what was going on. How can a baobab tree fall? It is meant to live for ages....
You were such a fun filled, jovial, loving, and down to earth uncle. You used to talk to us your nephews and nieces as though we were equals.
You were so greatly loved by all. Even some of my friends knew you. You were called "President".
I always laugh at your childhood stories Mummy (your elder sister) likes to tell us.

A very funny one was when young you went with grandfather and your siblings to the farm. While he went a little bit far i guess to work the soil, you saw a small snake and screamed that there was a "MBOMA". Grandfather flew from were he was to rescue you people saying to himself my children would be dead by the time he gets there. Upon getting there, he asked where the MBOMA was and you showed him a small snake . He instead almost killed you for shouting "MBOMA" and for making him almost have a heart attack. Your stories were just too many and too funny. We will miss you very dearly Ni.

I guess God knows better. Greet Grandfather (aka Nyamchah), Ma Gladys, Dob, Daiga and all those who have gone ahead. I am sure they all will be very happy to reunite with you again. It will not be easy for Bissona and Thierry and my other cousins, but go in peace and rest reassured, we will have their back.
RIP, till we meet again
June 21, 2020
June 21, 2020
It broke our hearts to lose you Daddy, but you never went alone, part of us went with you the day God took you home. Until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of his hands. Rest in peace Daddy Gang.
May God give my aunt Irene (your beloved wife), the wisdom, courage, knowledge and love to care for the children you left behind.
RIP Daddy Gang.
June 20, 2020
June 20, 2020
My dear brother ni George this is ma Bridget Nee Dohnji. I was sad to find out that you left us when the announcement was made. I remember when I visited Cameroon during easter 2015 with my husband and arrived at the baby's party in Douala. You looked so happy celebrating the baby's christening. You were a very sociable man and love by people who like to socialize. I am satisfied that your soul will be with the lord. We shall all miss you dearly. May your gentle soul continue to RIP. Fair well ni George.
June 20, 2020
June 20, 2020
Ni George

Your sudden death and departure came as a major shock to the entire family. You were so full of life, happiness, family and a positive career progression ahead of you. Why, why and why so soon? Well only God can give us the answer.
During our periodic engagements many years ago when you came to the United Kingdom on a brief professional conference and also in Cameroon while on holidays, your characteristic strong sense of humour, simplicity, friendship, kindness, tolerance, generourity to humanity, family values and respect of culture are attributes that will never be forgotten. This is a legacy that the entire family and friends will forever remember. You will be solely missed.
Only the Almighty God our creator knows why you have been called so soon to his eternal kingdom and to join our departed ancestors.
Dear brother may your kind and gentle soul Rest in Peace (RIP) until we meet again.
I wish you a blessed and safe spiritual journey. Good bye.
Ba Buma Richard Dohnji,
Cousin - London, United Kingdom
June 20, 2020
June 20, 2020
Jorgi waka fine, when you get there give hand shakes to Gla, Dop and Daiga ( My Pa). At the moment the left part of my body is physically in pieces, if the orthopedist mends it up well and it heals, I shall be there in Bali to put you in your final resting place.

June 20, 2020
June 20, 2020
Ni George, It’s hard to summarize the good memories you have left resounding in my mind. From the stories Ma Eli shared with us about your youthful days, you truly showed the family that to be outspoken, wayward at times and steadfast to your believes doesn’t necessarily lead to failure. You used these values of yours to impact many lives. These values led to your academic, family and career successes.I am happy we spent some quality time during your last visit to the USA and our various WhatsApp chats. As you would call me “Ba Ben”, May the original Ni Ben welcome you into God’s heavily kingdom. We shall greatly miss you
Bobga Dohnji (Ba Ben)
June 20, 2020
June 20, 2020
Dearest Daddy and uncle .you gone to rest so soon. Here for a moment gone in an instant . We shared great times together .always staying with your favourite nephew when you were in Dla . We had to always take care of your favourite room . Anytime you came you went straight to your room. Your absence is felt .How can we change that??.your favourite room is but a name (Uncle George's Room) thank you for your valuable advice . Your love for friends n family. Your humbleness . Rest in Heaven with Jesus and watch over us . We are short of words but God has the final say. Love from your favourite Nephew . Jeff( Samjella Sama Gwanyalla )
June 20, 2020
June 20, 2020
My dearest in-law, you relocated to Maroua for work purpose and left us in Kumba. Little did I know it was indeed a journey to the Lord you had started as I didn’t see you again till I was informed of your demise. Thanks for the happy moments we shared together and all the support you provided to us. I am sure that one day we will meet to part no more, greet my sister and rest in perfect peace my “Moyo”.
Mami Susana Orock, (Kumba).
June 20, 2020
June 20, 2020
You were such a humble man despite your status, it was very easy to share opinion with you because you always listen and advice when necessary. Gone too soon justice Gang..hard to believe you are no more and I trust you are in a better place with our Lord and savior. You are greatly missed.
June 20, 2020
June 20, 2020
A tribute from Cathy Dohnji

Ni George,
Even though death is inevitable, yours has created a huge vacuum in the life of our family.You were a brother,father,friend and mentor to many.  I learnt one thing from you,strength was your motto.You succeeded immensely in your educational, professional and family responsibilities.

You greatly participated during almost all the family gatherings.You acted roles as the master of ceremony,the family photographer and even the humourist.We will greatly miss you.Adieu Adieu Adieu.

Rest in perfect peace.

Cathy Dohnji.
June 20, 2020
June 20, 2020
A Tribute from the Dohnji's grandchildren in Limbe
Uncle, we remember when you came to visit us in March 2020.You brought "kilishi" which is a delicacy from the people of the Far North Region.You were strong and looked fine .After discussing with grandad and grandmum, when you were about to go , you called for the eldest grandchild and gave her some money so she could share among the grandchild.Little did we know that that was your farewell.We will miss you immensely.

The Dohnji's grandchildren in Limbe
June 20, 2020
June 20, 2020
Tribute from the Paramount Family Head - Ba Tadmanji Dohnji Paul Forfung

Ni George,

As a child our family named you Foncham when l returned from the University in December,1967 and started work in C.B.A. Muyuka, you stayed with me and whenever l called you by that name Foncham,you fondly asked me to call you Nchamfon.When l asked for the meaning of your name ,you told me that "you are the porter of the fon."This was strange and funny to me.  

Little did l know that you will be one great pillar of our family.You excelled in Lycée Bilingue Buea,the University of Yaounde and ENAM and made friends who constitute the wealth of the family.From your youthful ambition to be the porter of the fon,you worked relentlessly towards the contribution to the development of our family,tribe and nation.

May your gentle soul rest in perfect peace.

Ba Tadmanji Dohnji Paul Forfung Paramount Family Head
June 20, 2020
June 20, 2020

Where do I start Ni George ? How do we manage without you? Its so hard to accept you are gone this early.Your numerous efforts deployed to see us get a better life shall be forever remembered.
Uncle George ,I miss your advice , jokes, and encouragement.Through educative videos, you gave me a powerful lesson for a stress free life abroad.
I worry about Michelle,Thierry, Bisona and the rest. May the Lord grant you a place in his kingdom . One day we will meet again because the land of no return is our common destination.
Farewell Uncle George.
Georgiana Forsang.
June 19, 2020
June 19, 2020
Tribute to my brother in law

This is from my heart

Weeeh!!! Chief justice.               Your departure to the world beyond really created a big hole in our hearts is so schocking to hear,think and even know that you are no longer with us.
Your funny words and gentle nature have we missed I didn't know that you were a good singer until I attended catholic mass with you while I visited your family in Maroua in january 2020. I will always remember your hospitable and selflessness reception. Oh what then can i say. Sometimes I wish you can get up from the motuary, the longer I wait to hear of that the more i'm convinced that is the reality. Rest well Daddy Gang as your wife calls you. You were my best, kind, humble, soft spoken entertainer. Your joking ways will ever remain fresh in my mind each time i see or hear of your kids. RIPP my adorable in-law. Your sister in law: Mme Mbuayang Jenet née ELOKOBI
June 19, 2020
June 19, 2020
No farewell words were spoken, barely few weeks you visited me in limbe.The memories are very fresh.It is said in the bible there is a time for everything,i am sure God wanted this to happen.
Give Irene wisdom and strength to watch ovet the family.I will miss all your jokes in the family forum.
Rest In Peace Justice.
Irene lukau
June 19, 2020
June 19, 2020
Ni George, it is difficult to come to terms with your passing but only God knows why at this time. What I remember most about you is how you made me laugh every time we spoke. I was truly blessed to have you as a brother in law. You supported me back home when we had events in our compound that I could not even attend.
Rest in peace in the bosom of the lord.

Your Sister-in-law
Janet Gang
June 19, 2020
June 19, 2020
Daddy Gang,as i fondly called you.My heart still aches with so much sadness and much tears.Your sudden departure has greatly saddened the entire family especially your Wife Irene . I was informed on saturday the 2nd of May that you had fallen ill and has been rushed to the hospital.
Little did i know dead was knocking on our door.
It was sudden
It was brief
You gave no signals
Nor even said good bye
You we gone before i knew it
Who are my to question God
We are saddened.
It broke our hearts  to lose you Daddy Gang.
You have left My Sister heart broken and weary.
I pray she finds solace and Comfort in the lord.
Please watch over her and the kids.
I thank you for the loving husband you were to my sister and a wonderful brother -in-law
The time i spent in Maroua was pricessless;your entertaining sense of humour and hospitality will remained in our hearts forever.
Two weeks before your demise you were full of life.
You will be forever be missed.
Fare thee Well Daddy Gang.
Sisrer -in-law
Mayang Elokobi   
June 19, 2020
June 19, 2020
Justice George Gang, you departed within a few weeks after being introduced to you. I’m still in shock. We talked a few times while you were traveling across the country. You promised me a good time when I come to Cameroon. Listening to my wife and your siblings describe you, I come to one conclusion: you always put the interest and happiness of others ahead of yourself. You touched so many lives and gave me a rain check . My condolences to the Gang family. My thoughts and prayers are with the entire family. May the Lord received you in his kingdom. The world has loss a great person. 
May you Rest In Peace
Charles Nchinda 
June 19, 2020
June 19, 2020
Wow I can’t believe that is has come to this Ni George. Unbelievable, it feels like yesterday that I heard you talking to my husband Charles. We were so numb, sock and in disbelief when Micheal called Charles crying that you had passed. Only God know why this happen Ni George. I remember when I was 10 years old, I was visiting mama during my summer vacation and you were still in the university. My knee was hurting me so bad, I was crying and you comforted me , I stopped crying and you made laughed with some of your jokes. Charles and I were looking forward to the good times you promised to show us when we visit Cameroon. I am so sad that you left Mama behind with a heart broken. You will be dearly Missed. Love you ❤️❤️ Rest In Eternal peace . 
Ramatou Wanda
June 19, 2020
June 19, 2020
A Tribute from your nephew - Chris Gang

My Dear Uncle,

Every day I sleep hoping that I'll wake up and someone will tell me it's a dream.
It's hard for me to believe you are gone.
My memories of u go way back to Muyuka. When ever you visited us you always brought us things and also gave us money.This made me to love you so much and always look forward to another visit from you.
Now that you are no more I'll miss your love, care and gifts

All I wish for you is that God should grant you enternal rest in his bosom.

Bye Uncle George

Your nephew
Gang Chris
June 19, 2020
June 19, 2020
Dear Uncle George,
We thought of you today. We thought about you yesterday and the days before that too. We often speak your name. I have heard about all your accomplishments. You lived a life that no one could forget. You are the light. You're the light that brings everybody together. Now we have memories of you. Your memory is a keepsake that can never be forgotten and will not be forgotten. God has you in his keeping and we will always have you in our heart.
Kaisa Gang
June 19, 2020
June 19, 2020
Dear Uncle George,
I would have liked to get to know you way better as I heard many good things about you from your brothers and sisters. I remember you were a very funny uncle and I will miss the humor you brought to the family. We love you and we will miss you very much. Rest in peace Uncle George.

With lots of love,
Kuna Gang
June 19, 2020
June 19, 2020
A Tribute from your nephew - Precious Gang

Dear uncle George,

It seems like a dream to know that you are no longer with us. I remember the times you came to Douala after we left Muyuka due the strike. You were very happy to see us and glad that we were safe .I can also remember one of your last visits to Douala, were you encouraged me to study hard and pass my G.C.E. I knew that passing my exams will mean you giving me gifts like you always did .

News came to us that you were sick and we all prayed for you hoping that you will get better.My kid brother, Chris and I called Ni Thierry, when he got to Maroua, and he told us you were better and we all were glad that you were recovering just for us to get the news that that you were no more with us. The shock!!!

Oohhh!! The old soldier has finally fallen We love you but God loves you more

Adieu! Uncle George till we meet to part no more

Your nephew
Gang Precious Dingana
June 19, 2020
June 19, 2020
Oh death, where is thy sting? That sense of humor... oh how I will miss your jokes Ni George. Where do I start? I remember you picking me up from "Guarantee Express" during one of my trips to Yaounde. I could not get enough of your jokes throughout the ride from the bus station to Mendong.

Ni George, I never thanked you enough for ensuring that my bar swearing-in date was confirmed. THANK YOU BIG BRO! Due to the short notice, and the distance from Maroua to Buea, you could not make it to see me take my oath. How I wish I had the opportunity to see you one more time.

As if that was not enough, when I had legal issues, you helped me navigate the Cameroon legal/judicial system. AGAIN I SAY THANK YOU NI GEORGE. Your sudden departure has left a vacuum in the family. I wake up most days thinking I am having a bad dream... but alas...

Greet Ma Gla, Dop, Daiga, Nyamcha, Ni Henry, Ni Ben, Ma Christie, Ma Paulette, Ni Emma, Fred and all those who have gone before us!

Adieu Ni George till we meet again to part no more!
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Recent Tributes
May 7
May 7
Four years gone already, just like that.
May you continue to Rest In Peace.
May 7

Daddy, it's 4 years today since you transitioned.
Four good years gone by.
i cant really explain how it has been these four years but i believe from above
you know and watch over us all
Continue to rest in Peace and Glory...
February 2
You are 68 years old today my darling hubby. To me, YOU are very much around because I see your great care and works all over me and the KIDS. BILOLA and George-Daniel Jr. they are growing so well . All thanks to YOU.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN HEAVEN. Enjoy this very special day of yours with the ANGELS.
His Life
June 12, 2020

Chief Justice GEORGE FONCHAM GANG was born on 2nd February 1958 in Soppo-Buea, the 4th child in the family of Mr Gang Pasiga Robert (RIP), a Catholic school teacher and Mami Cecilia Kavoma Gaduna Gang, a housewife.
Baptized the day after he was born, his Godfather was Pa John Gana Fomban of Blessed memory, to whom George would stay fondly attached.
George grew up among his siblings, free-spirited, highly provocative, non-conformist, always in the heart of action and ready to take on anyone, even older boys who dared challenge him. This character trait would earn him serious floggings both at home and at school. Popularly known as “trong kanda’ (tough skin) in his early childhood because of his capacity to take, without flinching or crying, a flogging or thrashing from his teachers or from his dad. He finally succeeded in defeating his father and obliging him to abandon his principle of “spare the rod and spoil the child” after admitting woefully that he would kill the child if he continued using the stick. George won one more time.
George was an exceptionally intelligent kid with no difficulty in learning even the most difficult things. He earned the respect of friends and teachers. His good school results would make him a kid to be reckoned with. When he was in a good frame of mind to play the teacher he made himself useful in helping other intellectually less endowed kids.
 His childhood and early teens would be filled with experiences, some hilarious, others hair-raising and others totally exasperating for his strict father. He challenged authority, flirted with death and showed such unmitigated temerity that all were awed by his dare-devil pranks. Anecdotes abound:                          ---After toiling long hours with his kid sister Agnes to sell the fruits of their hard -earned labour in a local market, George decided on the way back from the market and as they crossed the Yoke bridge, that he would drop all the money into the river because he did not need it after all. He held the purse over the bridge and threatened dropping it into the river. Agnes pleaded and wept for over twenty minutes before he finally had a change of heart, ‘pardoned’ his sister and put the money back into his pocket.                                                           
---On a visit to Kumba his aunt sent him with a parcel to another elderly aunt. George arrived the compound, casually asked bystanders if this was Maya’s house. The aunt came out wondering which kid would call her name without the prefix of deference ‘Ma’, only to see boy George looking her defiantly and unapologetically in the eye.                                                                                                 
– In primary school in Muyuka, everyone said if you ate limes and kolanut together you would die instantly. George immediately looked for the items and consumed them to the amazement of his peers  
– At thirteen or thereabouts he inexplicably decided his middle name would no longer be written as Foncham but as Chamfon (the Fon’s balls!!) and actually put it on his school books. Papa went beserk and nearly foamed in the mouth wondering why only his son would come up with such irreverent and provocative inventions and what the then Fon would think if he heard about it. 
--At a 20th May football finals, as goalkeeper of the Lyceé Bilingue football team, he brought the match to a halt by seizing the ball in protest over a supposed bad call by the referee causing the Governor to leave the stadium.
– Until recently, George revelled in telling the story how in the Lycée he once climbed and walked on a high wall from which a fall would have meant instant death. The discipline master, Mr Akonombo went on his knees begging George for forgiveness and pleading with him to come down. He eventually did but not without having enjoyed seeing his discipline master go on his knees.
When our parents moved from Soppo to Muyuka, George quickly adapted himself to his new environment. He became a pupil of St Peter Claver’s primary school where he completed and obtained his FSLC in 1968. That same year our father fell sick of an undiagnosed disease that kept him unemployed for six months and this would thwart George’s ambition to proceed immediately to Secondary school.
Unfazed by this unforeseen dilemma and deciding it was unprofitable to stay idly at home, George would decide to relocate to Buea with his elder brother Joe Babila who had just moved to Buea as a young gendarme in 1968. Together with his brother, George took the mature decision for a young kid, to enrol into the upper classes of the newly opened Ecole Francophone primary school at the Gendarme quarters in Buea so he could learn French. Under the tough discipline of his gendarme brother, who left him after his transfer to Yaounde in 1969, in the even tougher hands of another gendarme-major colleague Peter Tasah Ambah, a boxer, George obtained his CEPE in 1972.
He got admission the same year into the Government Bilingual High School (Lycée Bilingue) Buea obtaining a BEPC in 1975 and the GCE “A Levels” in 1977. After dabbling for a while with the idea of going into the Army and being discouraged by his elder siblings, he gained admission into the University of Yaoundé and graduated with a degree in the Laws (L.L.B Hons)
George picked up his first job with an NGO, Care Cameroon, where he worked for two years.
It was during this period that he met, fell in love and in 1984 was joined in holy matrimony with the love of his life Gladys Luma DAIGA (of blessed memory), an aspiring and promising young lady who bore him 4 lovely children. As Gladys became pregnant with the first child Thierry, George, totally displeased with the attitude problems from some of his foreign bosses began to caress his big dream – to get admission into ENAM. He predictably had no difficulty breezing through the highly competitive entrance examination into the venerable institution from where he graduated in 1986.
A rich professional career in Magistracy would start in Kumba spanning three decades during which he served successively and successfully in different positions of responsibility in several towns in the NW and SW regions and in the Ministry of Justice. 
It would be during his period as State Counsel in the High Court of Mezam that  he would face, on the 28th December 2003, a terrible tragedy - the loss in a tragic accident on the Bali-Bamenda road of his lovely wife Gladys as well as his two children Dop, 17 and Daiga, 12 years old. This tragedy would have a toll on his health and he came down with hypertension and subsequently suffered a minor stroke. And yet he soldiered on with an enormous amount of courage, facing the difficult and daunting task of raising his two surviving teenage children, Thierry who had miraculously escaped death in the accident and Bissona his 15 year old daughter, as well as fulfilling his professional responsibilities for three more years in the same position.
 He was later appointed President of the High Court for Mezam in 2006 before being transferred to Buea and to Kumba in the same position in 2010 and 2012 respectively. He gratefully received his successive transfers and promotions, culminating in 2017 with his final appointment as Chief Justice for the Appeal Court for the Far North Region in Maroua. During his career he received two honorific distinctions – Chevalier de l’Ordre de la Valeur (2009) and Officier de l’Ordre de la Valeur (2018). 
In May 2014 after more than 10 years of widowerhood, George met and married a charming young lady, Irene ELOKOBI seeking to add some solace and sunshine into his life. Irene bore George two beautiful children: Bilola and George Foncham Junior.
An adoring and doting son, Chief Justice Gang, together with his siblings, buried their father who passed away in 2013 at the ripe old age of 92. Justice Gang then turned to playing husband to his widowed mother, despite the existence of an official successor. He made sure he gave his mother anything her little heart desired. He made several trips even from his distant Maroua to be with her. 
In November 2019, against all odds, he succeeded in convincing Mama to visit him in Maroua. Everyone predicted that Mama, at her age, would apprehensively turn down the invitation. But surprisingly, Mama accepted and left, bag, baggage and caregiver and spent some of her most memorable moments in Maroua. Mama was treated to a red-carpet reception in her honour with a choir and the top brass of the region in attendance. Was this, as Mama reflected on the day she learnt of his death, a premonitory farewell?
As a man of the people, Justice Gang cultivated the fine art of succeeding in engaging with people of all walks of life. None was too small or inconsequential to have access to him and he unhesitatingly left no stone unturned to find solutions to problems brought to his attention. His gregarious and happy-go-lucky nature led him to be found in some unlikely places “unbefitting” for a man of his stature. But if he felt he was happy having a drink in good company in an off-licence, then so be it.
He prided himself with endeavouring to uphold the ethics of his noble profession. His family has made lasting friendships with people he helped and who showed appreciation for his unbiased and spontaneous assistance and goodwill.
Justice Gang was a practising Roman Catholic christian who revved up his faith, his participation in church activities and continued to ensure the moral and religious education of his children after the death of his wife Gladys who during her lifetime volunteered as a catechist despite her busy life as a teacher, wife and mother. He actually renewed his marriage vows with Irene about five years after their marriage in a recent church ceremony in Maroua in January 2020.
Justice Gang had an irrepressible passion for football which he played both at school and later on in his much-cherished Veterans’ Club making sure he started a club in any town he moved to which had none. As he progressed in age his favourite pastime became coaching and mentoring the clubs. He was a social bird, either hanging out with friends; actively participating  in  his Lycée Bilingue Buea ex-students’ association as well as many other social and cultural groups like Nsun Nsun etc. He had a strong attachment to his roots and culture and made sure he was an active member of all the Bali cultural meetings in the towns where he was called to work. In fact, it is on record that he brought new blood to the Bali cultural group meeting in Maroua as soon as he arrived there making members to look forward to their monthly meetings.                                                        
He loved travelling reading, dancing and above all farming which became his major pet project. He actually planned to go big on farming once he retired.
On Thursday the 30th of April mama spoke to him and learnt he was not feeling too well but nothing to worry about. She however communicated the information to some siblings and the whole family flew into action, most from their distant locations to see what they could do once they learnt he had been admitted into hospital on Saturday the 2nd of May. Inspite of the concerted effort of family as well as friends, some from the medical profession, Chief Justice Gang passed on to eternity on Thursday the 7th of May 2020 at 10pm at the Maroua Provincial Hospital. Justice Gang is returning to his Creator and finally reuniting with his late wife Gladys and his two children DOP and DAIGA as well as his dad Pa Robert Gang.
He leaves behind his wife Irene, his mother, seven children and seven grandchildren, several brothers and sisters, his colleagues of the Judiciary as well as a host of friends and family to mourn his loss.
Recent stories

Daddy, it's 4 years today since you transitioned. 
Four good years gone by.
i cant really explain how it has been these four years but i believe from above 
you know and watch over us all
Continue to rest in Peace and Glory...
May 7, 2023
Dear Ni George,
The Vacuum you left 3 years ago today is still to be filled. We miss your presence every day.
Continue to Rest In Peace, Perfect Peace. 
Ba Gang

February 2, 2022
Dad today is a great day for a great man like u were .Been thinking on how to celebrate it all these while but finally I think a small prayer would spark that joy between you and I where ever u are .I must let u know I miss your morals lessons that always kept me pushing .Also I miss the nice times we had together. Wherever you are know we your kids are here and have hope that from heavens above ,being an angel you got out backs to succeed .
Happy birthday and we live to meet one day love you so much .Ba focham(Thierry Gang )

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