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May 7
May 7
Four years gone already, just like that.
May you continue to Rest In Peace.
May 7

Daddy, it's 4 years today since you transitioned.
Four good years gone by.
i cant really explain how it has been these four years but i believe from above
you know and watch over us all
Continue to rest in Peace and Glory...
February 2
You are 68 years old today my darling hubby. To me, YOU are very much around because I see your great care and works all over me and the KIDS. BILOLA and George-Daniel Jr. they are growing so well . All thanks to YOU.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN HEAVEN. Enjoy this very special day of yours with the ANGELS.
February 2
February 2
My dear brother, I am still fighting hard to accept that you left us. Thanks for the excellent memories you gave us. You will always be remembered in our hearts. We continue to miss you and wish you were still around. Continue to sleep well my dear brother.
February 3, 2023
February 3, 2023
Happy birthday with the Angels MY CHAMPION.
Continue to Rest in Glory my LOVE
Dennis Gang
February 2, 2023
February 2, 2023
Happy third birthday with the Angels Ni George.
The vacuum left in our hearts by your absence continues to be felt greatly.
Continue to Rest In Peace Bro!
Ba Gang
May 7, 2022
May 7, 2022
Two years gone by already my beloved Daddy Gang.
Its seems like yesterday
Too bad Bilola and George - Daniel cannot remember anything about their Daddy's passing unto glory this fateful Day but am confident that you are watching over us from Heaven where you now reside.
You were so so much loved by all.
Evergreen memories to YOU my ANGEL
To me you are still very much around.

May 7, 2022
May 7, 2022
Can’t believe it’s already two years. The memories are so fresh.
May Your Soul Rest In Peace Big Bro.
Ba Gang.
February 4, 2022
February 4, 2022
Ni George, I cried some on the 2nd february and had a lousy day.
I got some sad experiences also.
Please Ni George as you spend your second birthday with the angels, please look down and protect the friends and family you left behind .
You were our father figure.
Don't stop caring for us now.
We will keep on mourning your premature disappearance .
We love you brother.

February 2, 2022
February 2, 2022
Daddy, as I fondly called You. Know that your memory will be forever be green in my thoughts and my all.
Continue to REST IN PEACE my Hubby and LOVE.
Happy 2nd Birthday in Heaven.......... Typing this seems like a dream.

February 2, 2022
February 2, 2022
Happy bday in heaven my dear uncle… love and miss you …. Nina Engeh
May 8, 2021
May 8, 2021
Continue to RIP my man! We're still where you left us, until we meet again.
May 7, 2021
May 7, 2021
Hello my friends/ brothers Dennis, Peter, Alain Michael and the rest please on the occasion of one year anniversary of the passing of Ni George I just want to emphasize that “What we once enjoyed and deeply loved we can never lose, for all that we love deeply becomes part of us Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near; still loved, still missed and very dear”
So the pain passes and the beauty remains. I am thinking of you and praying for you today as you remember the death of Ni George. May his soul rip Amen
May 7, 2021
May 7, 2021
Today marks 1 year since you left us Ni George... I miss you my dear uncle.. Continue to RIP....
February 3, 2021
February 3, 2021
Dear Ni George, I miss you dearly. It is really difficult to accept you’ve left for good. Some times I feel it’s a dream , the type that ends well , but it seems I have been wrong each time as it seems you are gone for good. Gone too soon, with a lot of unfinished business .
May your Soul Rest In Peace, Perfect Peace my brother.
February 3, 2021
February 3, 2021
My earliest memory of my father-in-law was when I met him in Buea in March 2013 for the first time. I was nervous about meeting him since Bissona and I had only been dating for a short time. But Daddy as I call him quickly put me at ease. He gave me a huge hug to welcome me to the family. Not everyone is lucky enough to get this treatment from a potential father-in-law. Daddy had an amazing life. He was a hero, a leader And family oriented . He was, without a doubt, one of the gentlest men I have ever known. While Daddy is physically gone from our lives and we seek answers as to “why him?” Know that he is never gone. Know that all of George's energy that was known to us in his human form exists now in other forms. He is here with us all, here with us in the memories we have made of him, here with us in the friendships he’s forged, here with us in the children, grandchildren, and families he’s helped to create, here with us now as we all are, together as one. Daddy we will always love you . We know you are feasting with the angels in heaven king ! Adieus Legend! We will
Always love you xxx
July 26, 2020
July 26, 2020
Its like I'm dreaming about your moving into glory. You were our icon because of the way you treated my family . Oh! I remember when you told my wife and I at our wedding that it was your first time being a sponsor and chairman of a wedding! We were honoured and we will always remember you. Our first time special friend, big brother who treated us like his equals. This quality of yours I greatly cherished. Fare ye well until we meet again. Roland .G. Babila for the family .
July 23, 2020
July 23, 2020
Presented by DUGA TITANJI (President)

Ni George, we woke to the reality of what had befallen us when the eerie sound of your untimely and unannounced departure shattered the quiet of each member’s solitary confinement that fateful Thursday evening of May 7th 2020.

It was so unbelievable that we circulated words in codes hoping someone would crack the code and confirm. But since your illness was short and no one was psychologically prepared for the shocking news, it took a while to get confirmed. We were all dumbfounded.

Then we prompted each other to make sure we were all on page as we usually do when we have a happy or sad event. And the following persons responded to the prompt : Ba Sama Samuel Fohtung, Ba Tessi Dinga Musi, Ni George Ngyetiko Musi, Ni Moses Fohtung, (Ba John) Emmanuel Dinga Fomunung, (Ba Joe) Emmanuel Fofung Mfonfu, Ni Fomunyam Charles, Ba Tita Nwana Dingana Faustin, Ni Augustine Gang, Ba Fondi Ndifontah Nyamndi, Ni Pius Gwanmesia, Ba Nkom Gwanganua Fongod Edwin, Ba Nkom Gwanuyidla Doh Jerome, Ni Manna Joseph, Ni Thompson Sama, Dr. Gabriel Mfonfu and Ni Duga Titanji.

We recalled the humour and camaraderie of the last meeting you attended. We recalled more especially how you had insisted that the meeting that came too close to the end of year festivities was not to be moved, because in your own words, it was an opportunity to spend time with your brothers after a very long time. We recalled how you electrified the meeting with your characteristic radiance and charismatic presence. Little did we know that you had come to say good-bye. Then it started to dawn on us that we were using the past tense to refer to you. Yes, reality had dawned on us that you were gone no more to be seen.

Ni George, as you go to join Ni George Yebit, Ba Fongwa Boblang and the other members of your family that preceded you, we pray you to intercede on our behalf before our lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to prepare for our inevitable coming.

May your soul rest in perfect peace.


From your Nsun-Nsun brothers.
July 21, 2020
July 21, 2020
My great George lived a life that was full of joy and happiness. Whenever l think about him, l remember how humorous, witty, and clever he was. Most of my past memories with him are tinged with traces of humor and laughter. It was so much fun to be with him; he loved to laugh and to have fun, and we adored him.
I remember how he used to tell me funny stories about his childhood and school days.
I always thought that George had an extraordinary childhood.
Looking back, now l realised that it was not the events in his life that were extraordinary, but the way he faced life with intelligence, courage and wit.
My man as we call ourselfs, l will always miss you. But l have so many memories of you.
I will always think of you with a smile.
July 17, 2020
July 17, 2020
Daddy, as I called you :) Can't believe you're gone...God this life is not balanced at allll but who are we to question you Lord.

I vividly remember a time in primary school when I had difficulties spelling the word HUCKLEBERRY in preparation for my dictation exams hmmmm. I asked you to spell it for me, instead you gave me chalk to spell it out on my own - of course I was wrong haha! I tried numerous times and got them all wrong. I was so angry and confused why you couldn't just give me the right spelling. You patiently stayed with me for close to an hour (don't judge my daftness I was young oh!) letting me make all the errors until I finally got it right all on my own. I remember being so proud and even more pleased that I impressed you. Awww I can hear your mocking chuckles as I came up with horrendous spellings hehehe.

That scenario has stuck with me till today because that right there is the personification of who you were and what you meant to me - a patient and loving father figure who made time to teach us important lessons.

I lived in your home for years and never once did you make me feel like "just a niece" You made me feel not only like your own born child but a very special girl. I was so proud to be a part of your household. LOVE LIVED in our HOME until December 2003. Nonetheless I cherish and appreciate the time I had with you Daddy.

Thank you for being the greatest father figure in my life.
Thank you for teaching me how to study and love books. (although I highly unappreciated the 5AM wake ups even during holidays chai!)
Thank you for the "old-timer" songs I heard in your car stereo and still listen to today.
Thank you for your jokes and vivacious laughter.
Thank you for being proud of me - it meant much to me.
Thank you, most of all, for all the genuine love and care you bestowed on me Daddy.

I am deeply sorry and regretful for not calling often nor checking in often as a daughter/niece should have. I hope you knew I loved you so. Please say hello to Mama, Dop, & Daiga.

With deep sorrow,
KAH Daiga

July 15, 2020
July 15, 2020
Tribute from Martin Nweke (in-law) & Margaret Fohtung

The finest and seemingly most delicate characters are called first!
Gone we heard and now know but lavishly present you are!

George we will always understand your departure reminiscent of your finesse, your ambivalence void aura, accentuated by a bearing that claims leadership and excellence by word and act. With uncommon humility, you bridged the destructive societal chasm between the top, you tarried in by merit, and your ordinary provenance; waving and shaking everyone that comes and passes by, dispensing attention, smiles, laughter and solace in a rare display of humanism.
I and my family will forever understand the dawn of your return as a call: a call to sojourn this earth knowing we do not live for ourselves but for the other/neighbour in whom is God too, and by so doing earn ourselves the individual and heavenly revered claim to a meaningful, purposeful and excellent life; that satisfies the Order that created us all that is excellent, GOD!

Rest in excellence George! 
July 15, 2020
July 15, 2020
Tribute from Legima Doh, President of Ndah Nchunyin Cultural Association, Washington DC.

Just two years ago when you visited the United States, I was invited and met you the first time at your reception. The reception was hectic and I noticed how happy and excited people were to be in your company. When I had the chance to converse with you, I immediately understood why people were so happy to have you around. You displayed such an uncommon, calm, and friendly demeanor. You spoke so kindly and respectfully to all. When you visited Ndah Nchunyin, your remarkable good fellowship, modesty and decorum were in full display. As such, all our members were so happy to have you.
Dear Justice Gang, we were looking forward to having you back in the United States and could not have imagined that it was the last time that we would be together. We received the news of your demise with utter shock and disbelief. You were an illustrious son of our land, a great father, a brother, a friend, a community leader, and a self-actualized Justice. It is difficult to come by men of your caliber and so shall you be sorely missed by us and many. You shall forever live in the memories of the countless people whose lives, you touched in many and various ways.
With a heavy heart and on behalf of Ndah Nchunyin, I say rest forever in peace dear Justice.
July 7, 2020
July 7, 2020
Oooh Justice, it is with deep regrets that you left so soon. Only God knows why. To him alone be the glory. May you fine rest in his bosom.
             Lokendo Martin
July 6, 2020
July 6, 2020

The more than sad news of the rather untimely demise of Chief Justice Gang George Foncham (or Ni George as he was fondly known and called affectionately) hit me like a shockwave for, I did not hear of any illness - I only heard of death. This was on Thursday, the 7th day of May in the year of our Lord 2020. It is Justice Feh Helen Galega who sounded the death knell at the late hour of 11:25 PM. The news was as incredible as the news of snowfall in the Sahara desert. This because, from his towering stature, to his broad chest, to his physical strength, to his boisterous and ebullient nature, to his sheer intelligence, to his charming (but sometimes provocative) wits, to his self-confidence, to his electric personality, to his elegance, to the fact that he seemed to have no nemeses, to his courage, to his iconoclastic bend, to the fact that he was a daredevil, to his apparent invincibility, to the fact that he was a “Lord” and could hand down the “death sentence”, Ni George looked an immortal man. I kept asking myself, “could it be true?”

But when it gradually dawned on me that true it could be, and actually was, after all Ni George was a Catholic Christian who would of course want to go to heaven, but knew that the one and only way to be borne to eternal life, as it were, is by dying, per St Francis of Assisi, I was overcome by palpable sadness. I did not sleep that fateful night. I spent the whole time dreaming that I was ringing his siblings, in a series: Ni Joe in Yaounde, Ni Augustine in Monrovia, Ma Maggie in Paris, Na Manyi in Maryland, Ni Mike in Maryland, Ni Peter in Maryland, Barrister Edwin in Muyuka, Ba Pasiga in Maryland and Ni Allen in Maryland, in that order, for just one (or any) of them to discount the story, but each would disappoint me by rather confirming same. In effect I rose the following morning visibly devastated, and used like spill-water. A “mann” with double “n” had just passed on like play like play. This is a man whose grip of the right hand in salutation was always firm, tightened like a vice, looking straight into your eyes, and wearing a wry smile on his face, with a squint in his eyes, as if asking, “can you try me”? All I could then say was “how man go do”? "God’s case no appeal". Nèedless to say, "That the de cujus was a Court of Appeal judge would matter little in the celestial jurisdiction".

As judge, George was a legal heavyweight. When at the bench, and especially when sitting on criminal matters, his dark (or ebony black) complexion also added to the aura about him, of a-man-larger-than-life. His language was smooth as silk (or nearly so) and was also as expressive and graphic as a mathematician’s. His reasoned judgments contained sterling and sublime arguments. His learned views were respected by his peers. His legal mind was infinitely logical. The judicial family will miss him, if dearly.

Never staying in the background, Chief Justice Gang mingled with the high and the mighty in society. Remember as President of the apex court of the far North Region in Maroua, he was collaborator of the Governor.

Yet he also mixed freely with the down and out. As President of the High Court of Mezam Division holden at Bamenda, one could easily catch him chilling out with friends and family in an off-license bar along the Commercial Avenue and cracking jokes. He was wont to making light of very serious situations. When he lost his darling wife and two teenage kids in December 2003 and Ni George was chief mourner, he could still be caught once (sometimes twice) in a while shoving in a practical joke in the midst of the lamentation. And talking like someone who enjoyed Ni George’s good company for over four decades, I can assure you, his jokes would always catch fire.

One rather noteworthy thing about Ni George is that he was an iconoclast - he would break the limbs of idols and smash the traditions of men. He would never join the crowd and in that way would always stand out like a flag staff. He never believed in the conservative wisdom that, if you follow the crowd you would never get missing. He was non-conformist and would only do what the ordinary man least expected. Like John Fitzgerald Kennedy, he believed that, one man with courage makes a majority. In effect he would always take a stand counter to the current, however strong it may be, and by that he would stand firm, strong and sturdy. Some friends would say he was unpredictable and never sought advice when important decisions were to be taken. Of course, as intelligent as he was, he believed in himself. In effect, once, in his quiet moment, he advised himself to leave us that fateful Thursday evening, he did not care how he would be sorely missed by family and friends, even foes. And behold, here we are, stranded, in the middle of nowhere, missing him every moment.

Ni George, now that you have gone (ahead) all we can do at this juncture (with tears in our eyes washing away our sorrows as we grieve) is:
-Pray for your soul to rest in peace, perfect peace, as you are currently in heavenly places, singing hallelujah;
-Pray for your surviving soft-spoken spouse, Ma Irene, who was also your friend;
-Pray for your surviving children, beginning with Thierry Soja, who in May 2014 was grown enough to be your best man as you wedded your friend;
-Pray for your nine surviving siblings (seven brothers and two sisters) named supra;
-Pray for your surviving mother, Na Kavoma (who is 85, and happens to be my sister);
-Pray for your in-laws, including but not limited to, Ba Nkom Gwanyalla, Ba Latu (Peter Daiga), Ma Emma Daiga, Flt Cpt Engeh and General Elokobi;
-Pray for the soul of your father, Ba Gang Pasiga, who pre-deceased you more than half a decade ago or some time thereabout at the ripe old age of four scores and twelve; and high and above all,
-Pray for the souls of your darling wife (Ma Gladys) and two kids (Dop and Daiga) who all pre-deceased you on even date, as if in competition, each person looking to photo finish.

Brotherman, Mercy and I miss you so. Fare thee well.

Feh Henry Baaboh, Esq.
(Ni George’s brotherman in Douala)

July 6, 2020
July 6, 2020
Tribute To A Big Brother From A Junior Brother Who Love And Cherish You So Much
Ni George, being your first male follower means you were my number one role model. I tried to copy everything you did. The way you walked, I copied. Your best shirts I took without permission. Your belt made of twine ended up in my possession when I decided you didn’t need it anymore. Even the military bag that you likely got from Ni Joe, on which was written, CASIUS CLAY ET LES HITS PARADE, became mine without your permission as well. Your name, YABU, I gladly accepted when your dear friends from Lycee Molyko called me that. Your sudden and untimely death is extremely painful to me, big brother. It is so painful that I don’t mind copying this new trick you have played on me, your other siblings, and especially your beloved mother you loved so much and who also loved you dearly. I struggled to be like you even though I fell short in so many aspects.
You kept in line with our other senior brothers to be the nicest big brother any one could ever have. You were brother and father to me in Yaounde, when I was in Bilingual Grammar School, Yaounde. You gladly took over from Ni Augustine when he was admitted into IRIC (International Relations Institute of Cameroon) and took care of my feeding and lodging from your meager scholarship the government gave university students without complaining. I remember one time, in Yaoundé, after more than a week of me being extremely moody you asked me what was wrong. I couldn’t hesitate to tell you that I had not eaten for a week. You were surprised because you had woken me up from sleep one night and told me you put my lunch money in my shirt pocket. I went for more than a week without food because I was in a dreamland and did not hear you. Then you showed me the money in my shirt pocket that you had left for me. You did your best taking the responsibility of my father, so I couldn’t blame you for that. Thanks big brother for never making me feel like I was a burden to you. Thanks also to Ni Joe who from time to time would bring us all types of raw food from Mbalmayo, where he lived and worked, to supplement bread and beans I mostly bought by the roadside to and from school that was standard food for students from the provinces.
Each time I came to Cameroon you made my moving around so easy. You always gave me a car to move around. Because of your generosity I had no reason to buy a car and send to Cameroon. So, Ma Irene, you know that is your responsibility now to take care of me, if I ever come to Cameroon again. You and Thierry better keep my Camry for me oh.
Dear Ni George, what do you think you have done to me, mami, Irene, little Bilola and George Jr, Thierry and Bisona, Cecilia, Buma and the rest of the family? Well, when I say you choose a time that is good only to you I really mean that. See, we your brothers and sister in the USA and your other siblings outside West Cameroon may not be able to travel home to bid you final farewell. So dear brother George, you may have to bury yourself. Did you have death on your agenda or did somebody do this to you??????? In our family we don’t believe in evil and harming others, but in the name of all our ANCESTORS I WANT TO INVOKE ALL THEIR SPIRITS TO LOOK INTO THE CAUSE OF YOUR DEATH AND IF ANYBODY’S HAND IS IN IT, LET THAT PERSON AND HIS ENTIRE GENERATION FOLLOW YOU TO THEIR EARLY GRAVE AS WELL. Brother, you yourself should not rest until that man feels your rage.
Big brother, I thought we were going to bury Mom when her time came, but look at what you have done to her. How do you expect her to cope? Do you really want mami to travel to Bali to bury you? You have left her heart in so much pain and her words these days are too sorrow-laden. You know when the matriarch of the family is not happy, by default the rest of the family will be sad.
Ni George, you were the sunshine of not only the family but every single Muyuka child in our quarter. I always admired the way you made even the least of the Muyuka children feel so comfortable around you. You indiscriminately made everyone laugh with your jokes. It was fun to be around you. Not only your family members are mourning your loss, but the whole Muyuka. My Nda Nchuyin meeting is also mourning. They can’t believe that only two years ago when you visited us here you attended our meeting and made very wise contributions and today you are no more. Like Lawyer Gang said to me, ‘we have lost the pillar of our family. I believe him
Bye bye big brother. Greet my father and all my uncles and aunts, grandparents and cousins who went before you. ONE FINE DAY WE WILL MEET IN GOD’S KINGDOM TO PART NO MORE.
Be my Guardian Angel
Your brother, who still love you and care so much.
July 3, 2020
July 3, 2020
Tribute from Dohnji Joyce.
Ni George,
          I cannot believe it has happened.It is all like a nightmare.l want to wake up and be told it is just a dream.Your high sense of humour will ever remain fresh in my memory as well as how you used to enjoy the 'Ndanga' traditional dance.Thank you for giving me the opportunity to meet and share with you few weeks before your demise.It seems like you actually came to say goodbye.Rest in peace till we meet to part no more.
July 2, 2020
July 2, 2020
May the soul of the faithful departed Rest In Peace. Amen!

Go well sir!
July 1, 2020
July 1, 2020
A Farewell Tribute

By Augustine Tambekong

Justice George F. Gang, Farewell, An Action Gentleman

Justice George F. Gang, your life with us will always be remembered. You have been the action gentleman to everyone you came across since you were born, and indeed, since I knew you for the past 32 years since I became one of your Moyos, and a friend as you will call me on phone and we exchanged views and crack a joke or two, you still remained the action gentleman !

You will always be remembered for the different things you are to one and all of us.

To all of us here today, you are the man who loved your family, your friends, your community but most of all your God.

To your Church, you faithfully served and supported the Church in your own quiet caring way.

To your wife, you showed her true love as your love for her remains constantly strong !

To your children, nephews and nieces, you were a good father and uncle. You gave them the very best in life. Every single one of them got the very best from you. Your role in their lives will forever remain exemplary !

To all your family members, especially your mum and your other siblings, you remain a caring son and a loving brother, and a respectful brother in law too ! Always there for everyone to contribute positively to peace and togetherness.

To your late father, and other family members who had gone before you, you loved and cared for them, even through difficult times.

To your co-workers and colleagues, friends both at home and abroad, right from the time I knew you as a true brother in-law, you had remained the beacon of civilisation within your peers with a sense of resolute diligence and sheer determination to succeed.

Moyo, as we always called ourselves, you were a peacemaker. I never remember you having a quarrel with anyone despite you popularly known as the action man ! You are always there to help, advise and to give to everyone that you cross paths with.

Moyo, you remained gentle and jovial up to your death. I am so proud to call you a true Moyo, a friend and a brother. It is painful to loose you now Moyo, but God knows what’s best.

We wish you farewell as you join Dad and the many other family members that had gone before you, rest in the bosom of God Almighty and our Lord Jesus Christ.

May St. Peter and all the saints open wide the gates of heaven as the angels welcome you with great trumpets and open hands!

Farewell my best Moyo Justice George F. Gang, the action gentleman !

May we rise and send our Moyo, Brother, Father, and Uncle, Justice George F. Gang's Holy Spirit to Heaven with the greatest round of applause for a job well done on this planet Earth !
July 1, 2020
July 1, 2020
A father, brother, uncle and a pillar of society. Full of wit, kindness and giving. You will be sorely missed. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh. Rest in peace Uncle George.
June 29, 2020
June 29, 2020
Justice Gang George was a brother in a friend. It breaks my heart to imagine that we will never share jokes again. I still haven't come to terms with his sudden demise. I wake up every so often expecting his phone call with our favorite "U son of a naked Nkwen woman, U son of a naked Bali woman" signature greetings. Oh my!!, what a world!! Go well my bosom friend. You will forever be remembered by my Kumba in-laws for accompanying me to see them during my son's marriage introductory phase. You will be remembered by my entire family as a brother friend. You will be remembered by our friends of the 5th social group. Yes U will be remembered by many more .RIP my strong man. May God keep you in His bosom till we meet to part no more.
    Kaba Christopher
June 28, 2020
June 28, 2020
Ni George our beloved brother the news of your death to me and family took us off guard. I waited for my sister Na Manyi Gwanyalla to tell that it was not true to no avail. It finally dawn on me it was true. A bitter pill to swallow. You were a nice person jovial and accommodating. We will miss you. We loved you but God loved you more. Fare thee well to glory land to meet your creator.May your gentle soul rest in perfect peace.
June 28, 2020
June 28, 2020
Bah,it is with a heavy heart I write to say bye bye.The smile you put on the faces of all who loved you will be missed.So shocking is still the news but we pray for a peaceful repose.Irene mami,we beg and pray for you to stay strong for the family especially for the kids.
June 28, 2020
June 28, 2020
Uncle George..
     You were and will always be an inspiration to myself, the entire family and anyone who worked with have left a void in the family that will never be filled.your family, friends and colleagues mourns your death..May u find paradise and world of eternal life. We will forever miss you.....
       Buma's Aunt

June 28, 2020
June 28, 2020
Yabu was his nickname in Secondary School. Like us, he was one of those who walked through the gates for the first time into the imposing compound of the Bilingual Grammar School, Molyko, Buea in September 1972 to start a life of a secondary school boarding student.

Since then, the mosaic group of kids from different backgrounds that we were quickly bonded together and nurtured our own subculture which cemented that bond for a lifetime.

That is the reason why as recently as February 2020, George travelled all the way from Maroua to Douala with a goat for our classmates’ reunion. We made noise, recounted our adventures in Buea and promised to make our meetings more regular. As usual, Yabu with his dynamism was on the driver’s seat and steered our deliberations to a successful outcome.

Gang was a unique student who was perfectly suited for the Bilingual Grammar School (a ‘national integration experimental school’ that admitted equal numbers of Francophone and Anglophone students). He started his primary school as an Anglophone, later switched and wrote entrance into the school as a Francophone. In form 3 he wrote and passed the BEPC-the Francophone first cycle exam that is usually written in form 4. After one year into the second cycle of the Francophone sub system, Gang switched to Lower Sixth form as an Anglophone. He then wrote GCE A Level in lower sixth, passed and proceeded to Yaounde University. He was 100% bilingual.

We considered ourselves as brilliant students but Gang’s brilliance was a step ahead. Most of us were mischievous, but Gang was at the cutting edge. He was a good school goalkeeper who always added drama and clowning to his art of catching balls. He was always doing and achieving great things but never appearing to be too serious. He was a likeable person in school because he seemed to have some ingredients of ‘Charlie Chaplin’ in his character. Leadership flowed naturally in George as many of us can attest from his record in school and beyond.

After our February reunion, all of us were hopeful of having the same fun next year taking for granted that George, the natural cheerleader will be there.

Like a dream, it has turned out that Gang George came to bid us farewell. May his Soul rest in Peace and may his bereaved family have the fortitude to bear this great loss.

Secondary School Classmates (BIGSEA Class of 1972
June 28, 2020
June 28, 2020
A tribute from your niece - Ma Eunice Tita Tata

My Dear Uncle,

There are family members and there are family bonds and even among the special family bonds, a higher level of family relationship occurs and answers to the description “family-friend” or “friend-family”. In the you-me relationship, uncle-friend describes our own category. That is where you and I belong, which better explains why we had a special and differential treatment for each other.

Ni George, I had the pride of enjoying an uncle in a sphere of influence beginning in Nkambe where you served as a Magistrate while I attended high school there. We both loved sports. I watched your acrobatic, catlike dives as goalkeeper in football games. And you always carved out time to watch me play handball. Professionally, still in Nkambe, I also watched you handle cases presented in court for judgement. I cannot forget that case I witnessed you dismiss from court. A driver had been accused of excess speed by a police officer; how was it possible for a driver to be on high or excess speed on the kind of roads Nkambe had (in those days), you queried. That is how, from the driver’s mouth, news spread like wild fire that a Daniel of an objective magistrate was vindicating the unfortunate and poor in the division.

Later, you were transferred to Yaounde. There too I came, to pursue studies at the University of Yaounde. The bonding continued as I visited you at your home and office, tapping your wise counsel always. I followed you to the sports field to watch your spectacular performance in the Promo CFA club. The acrobat was still very much in you.
The rhythm of proximity between us continued. You were transferred to Bamenda as State Council and there too l was posted to work. The providential common path we walked left me with a lot of firsthand stories. One, which might read as trivial to someone else, raised my pride no small deal. It happened early in the year 2000; my mobile phone was stolen and you set a team of gendarmes on the trail to get the thief and my phone within a record time of 48 hours. The grimly humorous part is that no lawyer was willing to defend the culprit; they were intimidated by my elevated background. I had to act the lawyer to procure my own thief’s release! I could not recognize you when I pleaded for his release. Eventually, my tears softened you to grant the bail.
Two years quickly spun round and then came 2003, a year of an unprecedented disaster for our family. No point detailing, except that many saw you a heroically brave man. That was the false external picture; underneath, you were broken. Your toughness was kind of smokescreen I participated in by attending with you official ceremonies at which I posed as your partner. Truth came with a bang five years later. The pain you hid burst through to the surface and gave you a stroke. Ni Sama Justice Ni Pius Tachang and I negotiated for you to be displaced to the Franciscan convent rest house. The place, La Verna, provided the appropriate atmosphere for your gradual recovery. It partly helped to prevent many from visiting, distracting and prolonging your full recovery. You did come round fully and were later transferred to Kumba and thence to Maroua where night fell.

Ni, we last met at my cousin's wedding in December 2019 in Yaounde where fun flourished with pleasantries. Two weeks before your exit, we spoke on the phone; you called to appreciate a radio program I was a guest speaker at. Then you sent me a snapshot of you and Ma Irene at your nuptial rite in church. I looked forward to more time for bonding pleasantries when suddenly the announcement hit the airwaves of social media. It was a virtual thunderbolt that exposed our human predicament at its most humiliating. Thankfully, we are not out of options for we shall continue in prayer for your eternal repose.
Adieu, Ni George, my Uncle-friend
Eunice Tita Tata
June 26, 2020
June 26, 2020
Tribute from Michael Buma Titanji. George,we shared good moments together when i came back from Germany in the early 90s. We also shared sorrowful moments on that faithful day of the accident on Bali-Bamenda road which i assisted in the mutuary. I remember your son Thiery Gang who visited my son his friend Roger Buma Titanji and we talked about your usual fun of which i confirmed this to be true when ever we were together. George you will be remembered for your spirit of one another keepers spirit, togetherness, love, commitment to friendship. Brother rest in the bossom of the lord,and intercede for us as you sit at the right hand of God
June 26, 2020
  I am still in shock to have heard about the distressing news of your death. we spoke to each other thrice that same week not knowing those were your last words to me....i remember the times you would come and visit me at the store to crack jokes and usually would ring my phone and call my name in loud tone (FRANKLINE....)
  I can't still believe how death could be so cruel to have taken you away from us so soon.
Adieu BIG BRO..
June 25, 2020
June 25, 2020
Dear George's
I always knew you had ice water in you veins in spite of all the warmth you radiated to all who came to meet or know you but this one was not the kind of leg-pulling I was waiting for. I thought it was unusual not to hear back after our usual Sunday WhatsApp exchange.
Young, old, wherever on the socio-economic-political level you made them your people. How can you exit now that when this country desperately needs more like you.
God only knows. He has called you and will give us the wisdom and knowledge to understand. Adieu my brother.
June 25, 2020
June 25, 2020
Monsieur le Premier Président, grande est mon émotion au moment où je formule ce dernier hommage à ton adresse car tout larmoyant je le suis depuis ton départ le 07mai 2020. Chef, tu l'as été pour moi mais surtout père tu m'adoptas comme ton fils et m'appelais affectueusement par mon prénom" Léger". Je garde de toi les souvenirs d'un homme humble à nulle autre pareille.Sachant trouver toujours un équilibre dans la manipulation de la carotte et du bâton, tu m'as permis de mieux cerner le milieu professionnel en m'orientant et en me prodiguant des conseils à chaque fois que l'occasion se présentait. Merci infiniment pour tout Grand Homme au cœur sur la main et reconnu de tous. Maintenant que se referme le livre de ta vie terrestre et que s'ouvrent à toi les portes de la félicité céleste, puisses-tu continuer de prier pour nous afin que le Seigneur DIEU tout puissant essuie nos larmes.
Repose en paix Chief Justice !
Repose en Paix Papa NGANG!
June 24, 2020
June 24, 2020
George it is with deep regrets that i write this.Yes you were an elder brother who will always make your younger ones feel your presence positively when and Where ever we met."Death you strong oooo'To snatch you away from us suddenly.You had a good heart and a good sense of humour that will keep even the dead laughing when you are around.The question is"who is going to replace you now that you are gone"and at what a period ???????? YABU as you fondly called weh eeeeeeeehhhh my tears will never stop running down.My Muyuka big brother.
June 24, 2020
June 24, 2020
My heart is hurting because of your lost. You were one of a kind who touched the heart of every soul that crossed your path. The last meeting was fun filled and never thought it was the last . One can never cross your path without laughing. Our entire family will miss you especially Buma and my mom (Mariatou as you always called her).  We love you but heaven is brighter. May the Almighty Creator be pleased with your soul.
June 24, 2020
June 24, 2020

My dearly beloved brother George, why have you chosen to treat me this way? Far from being a rhapsody the last time we met in Yaounde you promised that during your next trip to Yaounde you would rush down to Douala for us to have some quality time at my Bonaberi residence. Man proposes but God disposes.

This is me completely numbed by shock, consternation, devastation, deep pain and disbelief since I learned of your sudden and dramatic demise from an unannounced ailment.

Though you will forever be missed, I thank God for your life and the moral and spiritual values you stood for. This is what distinguished you from many folks. Great legacy.

Despite human flaws I can vouch that you were simple, humble, kind hearted, spiritual, patriotic and cogently professional. I can also aver that you were one of the few finest minds at the upper rung of the Judiciary in Cameroon. A legal guru par excellence.

The void your departure has created in the Judiciary cannot be easily filled. You were a monument, an emblem and a phenomenon in the Magistracy.
Your commitment and devotion was inestimable. Kudos brother.

After leaving behind an unmatched legacy, God has taken you away from this sinful world where there is everything but genuine LOVE and real Justice. I can vow that where you are is definitely better that where we are. No pain, no sorrow, no weeping etc. God has definitely reserved a conducive place for you to rest peacefully.

I can imagine how crushed and devastated the family and friends left behind should be. Despicable indeed.

In that connection I wish to sign in my sincere and heartfelt condolences to the entire enlarged family.

Special condolences go to the National President of the Bali Old Boys Association- Ba Nkom Raymond Gwanyalla and family, Ambassador Gang Augustine and family, Flight Captain Engeh Joseph and family, Major General Elokobi Daniel and family, all Presidents of the Courts of Appeal in Cameroon, all Magistrates, the Bali community, lawyers and family friends.

May our awesome Father grant the above bereaved families and more the fortitude to bear the irreplaceable and irreparable LOSS.

Brother George, do not forget to intercede for us who are facing countless challenges in this SINFUL world.

Otherwise rest in perfect Peace with your creator. Adieu brother.

Your brother,

Barrister Nico Halle
June 24, 2020
June 24, 2020
It is with a lot of regret that I pay tribute to Justice George Gang. I met and taught him in GBHS Molyko as a Francophone student. Obliged to teach in French, I was relieved by his presence in class since he helped me many times as I suffered with the French language. He was my assistant in the history, Civics and Geography classes that I taught. Undeniably his help remain unforgettable to me.
We later on met in Bamenda where he continued to show concern by visiting me from time to time. From Kumba and from Maroua, he kept in touch. I expected him to mourn me but the reverse is the case. God knows why. We give glory to Him for the life George lived and pray that God should give the family the fortitude to bear the loss. My wife, Helen and I join all family members and friends to pray for a peaceful transition of his soul to God's kingdom.
June 24, 2020
June 24, 2020
Daddy Gang, it's so sad to have heard that you just vanished like that, like the wind. You made my sister and friend happy when she met you but today she's so heartbroken. I know that you would never have wished that she goes through this.... But God alone knows how she'll carry on. Please intercede for us all. May your gentle soul rest in peace.
June 24, 2020
June 24, 2020
Monsieur le PCA était un homme d'une grande vertu. Un exemple pour ses Cadets dans la magistrature.
Il va laisser un grand vide dans la grande famille judiciaire. Ce fût un Modèle dans sa vie familiale et au près de ses amis. Oh Dieu quelle perte !
Que son âme repose en paix !
June 24, 2020
June 24, 2020
Dear friend, I can't explain how much i'd really miss you. You are an inspiration to the whole world. You were full of faith, courage and strength. We wish you farewell in your journey to eternity. You'd never be forgotten. To your siblings I express my earnest commiseration to you on the demise of your brother, you and your family are in my heart. I can’t understand or imagine what you’re feeling right now, don’t forget we love you and we’d always be here for you.
John Nenghabi and family
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