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June 19, 2020
June 19, 2020
A Tribute from your Sister-in-Law - Ma Glory Gang

Big daddy, as I fondly called you.Your death has broken every part of me.
Today, I am heartbroken because l never thought it would be this soon.

The last time you visited us in Douala is still very fresh on my mind.Little did I know that the pieces of advice you gave Thierry and I were the last I will get from you.

If only one could say no to death,l know you would have done that for your mother's (mami Gang's) sake.But l guess it was time for you to reunite with Ma Gladys,Dob,Daiga, Nyamcha and above all your creator.

I'll really miss your jokes, smile and the childhood stories you always told us of you and your siblings.

In my heart you'll live forever.

Your Sister-in-law
Glory Gang
June 19, 2020
June 19, 2020
My handsome beau! So you beat me in the race to be first? Fair enough. When my turn comes better be there upstairs on the lookout. So when I hit the rotunda and surely miss my way heading for the basement. Be there to whisper in our mutual complicity, this way up my moyo!
S'long and say me fine to y'all crowd yonder.
Daiga, Bengyela-Daiga.
June 18, 2020
June 18, 2020
Ni, I will forever cherish your visit the week before Easter and three weeks before your passing to glory. ( Greet all the overside pipol them for me till we meet again) Adieu.
       Antonia Daiga
June 18, 2020
June 18, 2020
Dear Uncle George,

I am regretful to say that I wasn't able to fully get to know you, from the few interactions we had I felt you were a joyful man with a lot of love for your family. I heard family members talking about you countless times and praising your great accomplishments. You were like a sun, drawing people in with your bright personality. In times of need, we could all come to you for the answers. You were a huge figure in our family and your passing has left a hole in the hearts of many. Rest in peace Uncle George, and may your soul forever rest in peace.
Bitmia Gang
June 18, 2020
June 18, 2020
Dear Ni George,

So it is true!

This has been one of the hardest tributes to write. Largely because of the denial. How does a fighter like you slip off just like that?! Leaving everyone at a loss for words. Your abrupt & unexpected exit has rehashed old wounds that only come with the finality of death. And those cruel pangs have hit home one too many times.

Ni, your wedding to my dear aunt Ma Gla was the very first wedding I ever attended as a kid. I was super excited to be the little flower girl. The ceremony was beautifully dreamy in my eyes and I watched everything with awe and amazement. And from then on, you became our Uncle. You joked around but never hesitated to discipline or lend your advice at every turn. You were a great Father figure as you both welcomed so many kids into your home at different stages with no objections. And Personally, I always felt at home anytime I visited on holidays (from Kumba to Nkambe & Yaounde).

Ni George, while heaven welcomes you, I hope you all have a great reunion out there with Ma Gla, small Dob, small Daiga & Ba Daiga. You have now left Thierry & Bissona in the same orphan status like us. I know you instilled great values in them. And they’ll continue in your spirit. Please keep a tight watch over them.

You have also left a huge community of mourners. Your wife Ma Irene and other kids (from small Jr. to Michelle). How unfair that some of them didn't even get a chance to enjoy you as much. I pray you have broader wings in heaven to intercede for all of them.

We are however thankful to God for the beautiful times on this side of eternity. You left an unparalleled legacy professionally. Your good name will be upheld. We will forever miss you (The family, your in-laws, your friends & colleagues, the Bali Community and huge tribe of football lovers).

Fare Thee Well.
With Love,
Diane Daiga
June 18, 2020
June 18, 2020

Ni George,
    It is extremely difficult to accept that you are no longer around, it seems as though  you are traveling somewhere in Europe or America and are planning to come back home to your wife, children, and beloved family, but that is not our reality. Ni, I am still sitting here pondering. Ni, if this is a joke, please stop now because it is not funny. Are we just daydreaming?
     There are so many definitions of great men, Ni to us, you were more than the word great, you were an epitome of class, a great family man, a good father to your children, a great husband to your wife, a dear brother to your siblings, a loving son to your parents and a very good friend as you were well loved by your peers. You were a man of the people, a man with great courage, in short, the amount of people crying over your demise says it all.
    Though you joked a lot and led an amazingly simple life, you remained a man of principle, leaving no stone unturned. If we knew that God was going to call you this soon, we would have done things differently.
   Ni, as you spread your wings and fly, remember that we love you dearly and it breaks out hearts to lose you. Your precious memory will never fade, your candle shines even brighter, you are forever in our hearts, until we meet again. Rest in peace Ni.

Ma Commy Gang.
June 18, 2020
June 18, 2020
Dear Uncle George,

It was hard to hear of your passing but I will remember you in death as you were in life; A great man who was always best dressed, and entered every room with a strong presence and brilliant grin. We will all miss you very much and I am forever grateful for the small amount of time that I got to share with you.

Rest Easy Uncle,
           Lema Gang
June 17, 2020
June 17, 2020
Ni George , it was with great sadness and a feeling of hopelessness that I watched you leave this world slowly, for five long days.
  I knew your condition was critical but hoped every day as I called to check on you that some miracle will happen - Sadly It did not. I continue to have a picture of you laying on your back in your hospital bed. God alone knows what happened to you as I have asked questions with no satisfactory answers.
  You were fun to be around and I enjoyed everyone of our meetings especially when I became of age. I still have fun memories of our road trips from Kumba to Douala and Yaoundé to watch first division Soccer Tournaments, our hangouts in Kumba, Nkambe, Bamenda, Bali, Yaoundé , Douala, Limbe, Buea, Maryland, Muyuka etc.
   I fondly remember my last interactions with you in December 2019 in Yaoundé and Douala. We had a good time at Wakuna’s wedding, slept in the same bed for two nights in one of the down town hotels in Yaoundé, hung out with you and your veteran friends as well as your Nsun Nsun brothers. We continued to Douala where we had a great time at Manyi’s place with Mum, Ma Maggie, Thiery and the Gwanyalla’s. Sadly, I turned down your invite for me to accompany you to Buea and Limbe. How I wish I knew I will not be getting anymore invites from you.
  As a human you had your flaws, but your humor alone was enough to compensate for any shortcomings. It was difficult to be angry at you for long.
Your simplistic life style was greatly admired by almost everyone that I know. Rarely did you wear your title on your sleeves, or remind people who you were. When you visited our neighborhood in Muyuka all our friends felt welcomed to sit with you on the same table. It was your nature to be very simple-a very admirable trait. In fact, most of the condolence calls I received from friends all over the world stressed your most admirable qualities: simple, humorous and helpful.
   You loved your profession and tried hard to be the best despite the odds. You did not take lightly the consequences of your judgements on those it affected. You told me after your last appointment that all you want to do is help people. Many have told me how you legally helped them .
   I remember the warning you gave us when you heard you had been admitted to ENAM. While we were happy and celebrating your success, you reminded us not to go out and break the law because you are a magistrate. You constantly reminded us to be law abiding. I hope we made you proud as you never had to intervene on the behalf of any of us for breaking the law.
  I know some unfulfilled dreams you had for when you would finally retire from the government. Man proposes but God disposes. That’s life. Overall , you did great in your undertakings and your achievements. I am very proud of you .
  Rest In Peace my brother, Rest In Peace my Son, Rest In Peace Ni George and Greet Nyamcha for me.
Ba Pasiga-Gang, D
June 16, 2020
June 16, 2020
A Tribute from your brother - Ni Edwin Gang


Why have you decided to abandon the one you always called 'my first son' without prior notice? Oh!! why is death so tricky and stealthy? It takes even from those who had only one.

Ni GEORGE, you stood by me when many had been tired and given-up and because of that, I am the little I am today. I shall always lack words to thank you for the immense contribution you made to my life.THANK YOU 'My Father'.

You have left with the basket of humour you had for humankind.We shall forever miss you .

Professionally, you have exited the stage without any blemish.We can only hope and pray that posterity and the very many kind many kind hearted colleagues you have left behind find favour in your offspring.

Prepare a place for us in the bosom of the Lord.

Adieu Justice

Your brother & 'First son'

Barrister GANG EDWIN (Muyuka)
June 16, 2020
June 16, 2020
Dear brother George,
                     didn’t you promise me we will be retiring in Limbe in 2 years? What kind of early retirement have you then taken from earth like this? You decided to be the 1st in everything even death? Did you expect to receive prizes for being the 1st like you always did in school? My brother, sometimes number one is not as good a number as you might think. How could you be so inconsiderate to abandon mom at a time when you know how fragile she is. Why couldn’t you beg God for a delay. Could you not have requested an adjournment in this matter? Mr. Chief Justice, why would you sentence your own friends and family to such a harsh sentence. Why the rush to join Ma Gladys, Dop and Daiga? Who have you left behind to replace and continue with your good deeds. The void you have left your family and friends is insurmountable. We hope you will be looking down on us with sympathy especially for your old and fragile mother. You supported and always begged her to stay strong for us then you quietly removed yourself from “us.” Tell God his taste for the best hurts, but we accept wholeheartedly his extraction. Crack their ribs with some of those your quality jokes. We will miss you but we also will always remember the good times we had together. Adieu brother and save our seats at the table till we meet again to part no more.

June 16, 2020
June 16, 2020
Tribute To A Big Brother From A Junior Brother Who Love And Cherish You So Much
Ni George, being your first male follower means you were my number one role model. I tried to copy everything you did. The way you walked, I copied. Your best shirts I took without permission. Your belt made of twine ended up in my possession when I decided you didn’t need it anymore. Even the military bag that you likely got from Ni Joe, on which was written, CASIUS CLAY ET LES HITS PARADE, became mine without your permission as well. Your name, YABU, I gladly accepted when your dear friends from Lycee Molyko called me that. Your sudden and untimely death is extremely painful to me, big brother. It is so painful that I don’t mind copying this new trick you have played on me, your other siblings, and especially your beloved mother you loved so much and who also loved you dearly. I struggled to be like you even though I fell short in so many aspects.
You kept in line with our other senior brothers to be the nicest big brother any one could ever have. You were brother and father to me in Yaounde, when I was in Bilingual Grammar School, Yaounde. You gladly took over from Ni Augustine when he was admitted into IRIC (International Relations Institute of Cameroon) and took care of my feeding and lodging from your meager scholarship the government gave university students without complaining. I remember one time, in Yaoundé, after more than a week of me being extremely moody you asked me what was wrong. I couldn’t hesitate to tell you that I had not eaten for a week. You were surprised because you had woken me up from sleep one night and told me you put my lunch money in my shirt pocket. I went for more than a week without food because I was in a dreamland and did not hear you. Then you showed me the money in my shirt pocket that you had left for me. You did your best taking the responsibility of my father, so I couldn’t blame you for that. Thanks big brother for never making me feel like I was a burden to you. Thanks also to Ni Joe who from time to time would bring us all types of raw food from Mbalmayo, where he lived and worked, to supplement bread and beans I mostly bought by the roadside to and from school that was standard food for students from the provinces.
Each time I came to Cameroon you made my moving around so easy. You always gave me a car to move around. Because of your generosity I had no reason to buy a car and send to Cameroon. So, Ma Irene, you know that is your responsibility now to take care of me, if I ever come to Cameroon again. You and Thierry better keep my Camry for me oh.
Dear Ni George, what do you think you have done to me, mami, Irene, little Bilola and George Jr, Thierry and Bisona, Cecilia, Buma and the rest of the family? Well, when I say you choose a time that is good only to you I really mean that. See, we your brothers and sister in the USA and your other siblings outside West Cameroon may not be able to travel home to bid you final farewell. So dear brother George, you may have to bury yourself. Did you have death on your agenda or did somebody do this to you??????? In our family we don’t believe in evil and harming others, but in the name of all our ANCESTORS I WANT TO INVOKE ALL THEIR SPIRITS TO LOOK INTO THE CAUSE OF YOUR DEATH AND IF ANYBODY’S HAND IS IN IT, LET THAT PERSON AND HIS ENTIRE GENERATION FOLLOW YOU TO THEIR EARLY GRAVE AS WELL. Brother, you yourself should not rest until that man feels your rage.
Big brother, I thought we were going to bury Mom when her time came, but look at what you have done to her. How do you expect her to cope? Do you really want mami to travel to Bali to bury you? You have left her heart in so much pain and her words these days are too sorrow-laden. You know when the matriarch of the family is not happy, by default the rest of the family will be sad.
Ni George, you were the sunshine of not only the family but every single Muyuka child in our quarter. I always admired the way you made even the least of the Muyuka children feel so comfortable around you. You indiscriminately made everyone laugh with your jokes. It was fun to be around you. Not only your family members are mourning your loss, but the whole Muyuka. My Nda Nchuyin meeting is also mourning. They can’t believe that only two years ago when you visited us here you attended our meeting and made very wise contributions and today you are no more. Like Lawyer Gang said to me, ‘we have lost the pillar of our family. I believe him
Bye bye big brother. Greet my father and all my uncles and aunts, grandparents and cousins who went before you. ONE FINE DAY WE WILL MEET IN GOD’S KINGDOM TO PART NO MORE.
Be my Guardian Angel
Your brother, who still love you and care so much.
June 16, 2020
June 16, 2020
A Tribute from your sister and friend, Manyi Gang Gwanyalla

My brother, my confidante, my first childhood friend, my protector….
How inseparable we were growing up. Together, we had fun. Together, we suffered. You protected me from the bullies. As teenagers, we formed our first business venture; a farm, which we tilled, harvested and sold products. You safely kept the proceeds from our sale until we were ready to split proceeds prior to going back to school.

Whenever you winked and called me A.G., I had to comply as it indicated you had some mischievous undertaking or something hilarious to share.
We parted company in January of 2020, after spending time with the family, at my home in Douala over the Christmas and New Year holiday. We discussed so many pertinent family issues and you put on your legal hat and advised us on the importance of having a will and mentioned that we will rendezvous in April at my home. Unfortunately, the April rendezvous shall never happen…..

G.G., we went uphill together and now I have to take the slippery descent alone. I keep asking myself what happened? Is it a dream? Have you traveled? When can I expect you to return? I can’t believe you are gone. Every day, I ask the good Lord whether you’re truly dead. Why have you left our old and sick mother? I don’t have the words to console her. You were always better at this…..

G.G., as you journey to meet Papa Gang, I pray that he will receive you. I can imagine him regretting not having a rod to give you the usual 12 strokes for joining him so early and not giving his wife a befitting burial. I know late Ma Gladys, Dop and Daiga Gang will warmly receive you. I miss them all. I am beginning to accept that your passing is the Lord’s will. I pray the Lord will keep you safe and that you may rest in perfect peace.

I will always miss you, your humor and the fantastic and memorable interactions we had. I love you G.G.

                    Your sister and friend,
Manyi Gang Gwanyalla
June 15, 2020
June 15, 2020
My kid brother George,
How does one say farewell to a loved one? How does one accept that a visibly strong and so physically active a brother has just slipped through our fingers in a brief moment ? Maybe seeing your corpse will finally convince me that you are gone to the Lord. I grieve more so because I was not around to help you put up your ultimate fight. What wouldn’t I have done to keep you?
Georgy you had the honour and privilege to be the boy born between the only two girls of the Gang children. Agnes and I cherished and spoilt you as much as we could but today you leave a big and unfillable vacuum.
After a bit over six decades of love, brotherhood and tender loving care for me as a big sister my heart breaks trying to tell my friends you are no more. Now they say you are dead; But is someone just kidding me? I wept as I had never done before when we lost Ma Gladys, Dop and Daiga. Here I go again, broken and inconsolable.
We were among the lucky few to care for Papa during his last days. Together with Edwin, Thierry and Glory we made a last-ditch attempt to save his life. You refused to go home and, standing like a sentinel, you kept wake all night. In your usual caring manner, you asked me to rest and then woke me at 5.50 am for us to watch Papa take his last breath.
You went out of your way even before Papa died and more so afterwards to make your physical presence felt by your parents. No journey was too long for you to be by mama’s side. I again witnessed the tender heart you had behind your sometimes rough but humorous self when you took leave from work in Maroua to travel down and tend to mama when you thought she would die in December 2017. You made me go to sleep in the room while you lay on the couch to help mama all night.
The last time you showcased your affection for mama was in November 2019 when you flew mama up to Maroua. I was amazed, delighted and impressed by the red-carpet party you threw in her honour to which you invited your friends, colleagues and countrymen around the region. Who would have imagined you were saying Adieu?
You have left your wife and children heartbroken. Pray and watch over them and tell the Man up there to protect them. I will work hard to ensure your legacy lives on.
Your loving sister
Maggie GANG épouse ENGEH.
June 15, 2020
June 15, 2020


I wish to write neither eulogy nor epitaph to honour your life. What kind of cold honour is that? My dear brother, your sudden exit from my life cannot be a mere grammatical opportunity. And if death were merely for eulogies, wouldn’t it have been à propos for you to write mine?

We lived a mighty pleasant half a century, and a little bit more, together. It was a good time. And so, I forgot about death. Maybe, I believed Psalm 90:10, too childishly: This wicked death and its irredeemable separation, I thought, is only for the elders. But, in my foolishness, I neglected the reality that we are now the elders – “food for the earth” (nyam nchah’) as our late father used to say. Somehow, despite all your judicial robes, gowns, collars and wigs, I still obstinately perceived you as yet able to smartly monkey your way up a kola nut or mango tree in Muyuka to harvest a “mbóló” for us.

At times we dreamt that the sad war would end, so that we could return once again to Bali and dance one last proud “Lela Dance” at the Palace grounds. Ah! We thought, and hoped, and planned…. How unwise we’ve been. I should have sensed, in December 2019 and January, that “adieux” might be near: You took Mami and Thierry to your Maroua home to fête them royally; You visited me in Yaoundé; the house was full but we slept on floor mattresses to chat like kids; You attended merrily to most family and friends in Yaoundé, Douala, Limbe, Buea…; You discussed wills and testaments…. Our fraternal decagon was about to end!

It just hurts in a way too hard to describe. Who shall I now advise, to stop speeding recklessly; to watch your back at work; to be careful who you hang around with; to…. Now, I can only pray that your path to heaven be straight and thornless. And the Great Door be open on arrival. And that your spirit join our ancestors’ to watch kindly over us and the rest of the complex family that destiny caused you to create on earth. We will sorely need that now.

Judge George, you lived a fulfilled life. You did, in your shortened life, what three other lives might not achieve. I believe you can go without much regret. From the land of the eternally happy spirits, I hear your hearty voice singing base in one of those Church tunes you loved. Dear God, let that hearty singing plead doubly for us and for any cases George left unresolved. And if, perchance, any one helped to hasten your earthly exit, forgive him and beg God to rather bless him or her with length of time to enjoy the benefits of the biblical “30 pieces of silver”. There is only One Final Path. And departure must be only by God’s will.

Ni Beng’yela A. GANG (brother – Monrovia, Liberia)

June 15, 2020
June 15, 2020
A Tribute from your most senior brother - Ni Joseph Babila Gang

Ni George, in 1968, I had just graduated from military training and was posted to Buea. There you were as small as you were brandishing your First School Leaving Certificate obtained from the St Peter Clavers Catholic Primary School Muyuka. Due to financial constraints at the time, you could not proceed to secondary school like your immediate seniors Ma Maggie and Ni Augustine. I spontaneously decided to to concert with our parents and I had you enrolled in the Francophone primary school in the barracks. Before long, you had integrated the system so well even though you didn’t enter as a beginner from scratch. You were pushed a few classes ahead. The outcome was a wonderful one and in just a few years, you were already bilingual and even obtained you CEPE (Certificat d’Etudes Primaires Elementaire). After all, the little French I had learned in Sasse College and the military made me a good home French teacher for you. Not forgetting that, when in 1969, I had to go back to Yaounde for further training, I handed you over to my very good colleague and senior gendarme major Peter Amba Tasah of blessed memory who too had studied French in Protestant College Bali. He continued with the home learning process.
You later passed the competitive common entrance examination into Government Bilingual Grammar School Molyko where as a very good football goalkeeper, you excelled in academics that won you a place in the prestigious University of Yaounde where you brilliantlty obtained a bachelor’s degree in English private law and later proceeded to ENAM (Ecole Nationale d’Administration et de Magistrature). Your first posting upon graduation, took you to Court of First Instance Kumba where you served as substitute to the State Counsel. (The rest is to be found in your biography so I share dear mourners and friends the pain of any unnecessary repetition).
It’s worth noting nevertheless that, Chief Justice George Foncham Gang who has left us behind could as have well been a military magistrate because he passed a two competitive exams simultaneously into ENAM and EMIA (Ecole Miltaire Inter-Armées). The English equivalence being (Combined Military Academy) Yaounde.
Dear Ni George we will miss you forever. For over six decades, you gave us a nice and comfortable drive. When you got to a crossroads, you suddenly stop your limousine and like a swallow, disappeared into the clouds beyond. You left us with no contacts through which to get in touch with you. Where are you Ni George? We are lost and disillusioned. Where do we go from here?
We would only console ourselves with the belief that you must be in your creator’s heavenly kingdom. You must have found shelter where there is a really well protected and peaceful place for you. With no pain, no suffering, no intrigues, no slander no hate, God will eventually hand over to you, a new command baton in recognition of the good works you left behind in this sinful world. You are into new and eternal life. Stay in peace in the Lord. Keep us in your prayers always as we too do.
George, you were sociable friendly out spoken, jovial, and ready to offer to the first person that came your way. You were full of sarcasm and also had a high sense of humor wherever you found yourself among people; you would electrify the atmosphere and send them almost breaking their ribs. We will miss you and all this forever.
Man, go, go, go; only look back to intercede for your family as large for peace to reign.
Greet Ba Robert Gang, your mother-in-law Na Daiga your wife Gladys, Dop, George Daiga Junior and the host of others.

Your senior brother
Ni Joseph Babila Gang.

June 15, 2020
June 15, 2020
My Darling brother Ni George Foncham Gang,

I am still very saddened of your sudden passing into glory. Your absence has left a void in our lives. Thanks for all the memories of fun things we did together. Though we all will die someday, it is a painful feeling to not have you around. You lived a great life. Unfortunately, you are gone too soon. May the Lord grant you Eternal Rest and may your Soul Rest in Perfect Peace. Amen.
June 14, 2020
June 14, 2020
A Tribute from your Step-Daughter - Diana-Flore


I still can't believe you are gone. I remember the day I was told you were sick, but I didn't know it was very serious. Even when I was told you had died it all looked like a bad dream.

You were loving and kind hearted.Even though you were my step dad you never made me feel like I wasn't yours.You showed me so much love and concern and wanted the best for me. I know you are in a better place now, free from all the pains of this world. I remain grateful for everything and will forever love and miss You Daddy.

Your daughter
Diana -Flore
June 14, 2020
June 14, 2020
A Tribute from your Daughter & Son - Gang Bilola & George-Daniel Gang

My Daddy is a Hero.
My daddy is a hero because
He loved me.
He took me to school and
brought me home safely.
He ensured I was a bilingual pupil
He ensured I did all my homework
He ensured I studied.
He bought me kinder joy, chips and malta.
I love to wear my Dad's shoes.
He plays with Jr and I.

Daddy we have noticed you haven't been around for over a month now. Where are you? We can barely understand what is happening but we know something is not right.
Every one looks sad around us and our little minds are trying to understand what it means: Daddy is gone away and will not come back.
We just can't accept that and we will miss you forever.

We love you Daddy.

Gang Bilola and George Daniel Jr.
June 14, 2020
June 14, 2020
A Tribute from your son - Gang Buma

My darling Father,

All I had in the world and my everything. Dad I never knew you will leave us so soon .Little did I know your departure from the house to the hospital for check up was your silent way of departing from us. Dad you left so soon.

First of all you never told us goodbye like you always told us on our way to school.
Secondly leaving too soon breaks and shatters my plans as I have always had as plan to spoil you when I graduate and get a good job .

Dad I appreciate your rigorous efforts in our academic pursuits and I have realised a great change since I started staying with you.You are the kind of father everyone would wish to have and for that I thank the Almighty God for the honour of being your son. I also wish and pray that in my next life,where you are right now, I should be blessed with the same opportunity of being your son.

I miss those hard days when I understood with the help of the cane .Now I understand why I have become all grown up and schooled so much .I miss those jokes, outings and what have you .
Dad safe journey. I can't wait to meet you again
I love you always ❤️

Your son
Gang Buma
June 14, 2020
June 14, 2020
A Tribute from your Daughter - Gang Cecilia

My daddy and Mentor,

You have gone creating a big vacuum in my life that cannot be refilled. I still can't believe that you left us so soon. I miss the pieces of advice you gave us.
Who will tell us those funny childhood stories about Grandpa and yourself that you used to tell us .Who will teach and correct us on the rights and wrongs in life.

You never spared the rod so as not to spoil your children. Who will tell me "study well" each time I leave for school .Who will help me make those my choices concerning my education. You told me you wanted to see me pass my G.C.E with flying colours. I am writing next year Dad, where are you? I need your motivation and support .

  When I need you will you come ,
  Will you encourage us like before
  Will your love and sustain us like before, 
  Will your voice reach us like before Daddy,
  Will you come if we call?
  Tears in my eyes I cannot wipe away,
  The ache in my heart will always stay.

The shock of losing you is too much to handle but I am grateful for your life.
God knows why he took you back to his heavenly Kingdom.

Please continue to guide us from where you are.
May your soul rest in the Perfect Peace of the Lord
Daddy we love you
Your daughter
Gang Cecilia
June 14, 2020
June 14, 2020
My Daddy, Love, Mentor, Sweetheart and Idol

My whole world is dark, my life is shattered and my heart is broken - it feels like someone just literally ripped out my heart. It all sounded like a prank the first time I got the news. I waited for God to tell me he too plays pranks but days passed me by and I realised it was the sad reality.

I have been crushed from inside out. Why did you go so soon Daddy. Wrong timing - during a pandemic where we can't even bury you as you so deserved, wrong place - without most of your loved ones to be there with you in times of sickness and your last moments on earth, wrong road - not death
I have only heard that you look peaceful while sleeping and I hope your soul is Resting in Perfect Peace.

You were one of a kind parent. Intelligent, practical, responsible, a disciplinarian,open-minded, honest, inspiring hard working, meticulous,jovial,loyal and supportive, ready to advise, entertaining, loving to all your kids and beyond, humble and always with a big smile on your face and making sure everyone around you was laughing and happy. You taught us to appreciate things and life, spent quality time with us and led by example. Who do I turn to for my complaints and advice. I called you every time you were at work and you will update me on everything ( family,health, work ,life issues as a whole, your troubles) and we just chit chat on everything. Since the 7th of May I have been ringing you to have a chat to no avail,My darling Father.Why are you sleeping for so long my Idol?

Daddy after Mama, Dob and Daiga left us I knew God will be nice enough to leave you grow old with us. This is just not fair. It was too sudden. I spoke with you 4days before you left the world and called every other day to check on you but you could not talk to me because you were weak and needed rest. Your namesake (Paris FONCHAM) even told you he was coming in December to play with you and you said you were waiting for him. His little brain is confused as to why Ganddad died. Who will call him namesake and video call him to listen to his interesting stories and hold some very detail conversations with him. He had told you a few weeks back he lost his phone in the shop and learnt from me, you were a Judge and he needs you to catch the guys. You promised if he saw them you will catch them. He keeps asking who will catch them for him. All the sweet stories you told him especially how you disciplined us as kids when we didn't listen still linger on his mind.

I even got a chance to watch you on video the day you departed this world and I just wanted to hug you even for a second and say things will be alright but distance couldn't permit. I couldn't have imagined that was the last time I was seeing you alive. Daddy I so deeply hurt I can't quantify it. My heart is bleeding and I am scared even for my own health now that I am heavily pregnant. You didn't even wait to welcome your Granddaughter into the world. What will I even tell her once she is here.

You know how much I love you. You have been a greater part of my life especially after Mama left us. For 16.5years you were my Mom and Dad in every sense of it.I came to you as a special dream and you believed in me so much and honoured me to bear your name GEORGETTE which i carry with so much pride and honour. The character traits can't hide. You listened to my every worry and walked every stage of my life with me. You made me who I am today. How much I always wanted to make you a proud Dad. What happened to our plans especially for the year end.Why didn't you just wait to enjoy the fruits of your labour. I can never forget you beautiful soul.

Since the day Mama, Dob and Daiga had their wings life has never been the same for me and you have just made Life so meaninglessness to me. Still wishing life had a remote control so I could just hit the Rewind button and cuddle you all just one more time while saying I LOVE U SO DEARLY. As you join them in Heaven I am rest assured I have one more Guardian Angel. Please give them big hugs for me and all our family members who have left us too.

May the 4 of you give Ma Irene, Michele, Thierry and I the strength to put together the family left behind and bring up the little ones as you would have done.

May the Good Lord take you into his Hands and may you Rest Peacefully in His Bosom until we meet again My Idol

Your Darling Daughter (like you fondly called)
Bissona Georgette Gang
June 13, 2020
June 13, 2020
   I have been trying to reach out to you since the 7th of may but no reply from your end .As days go by I begin to feel that vacuum of loosing a dad which I am not yet used to .The pillar/backbone of our little lovely family is no more .Dad you left so soon.Where are you hurrying to ?We have unfinished business ,come back please atleast for a day let's talk and then you can properly say good bye dad.What becomes of little George , Bilola ,Boma,Cecilia Bissona ,Michelle and I ?Talkless of your siblings who would always miss you and the world a large. Dad I know while in heaven you will meet your wife ,my mother and your kids, my brothers .Tell them you left us in good health .
Tell them to have us in prayers as well .Bring Justice in the heavenly Kingdom as you were fund of your job and loved it so well .
  Seeing you leave us in that hospital in Maroua taught me alot
1.Life is nothing .So prepare for your departure. And I know you did .An honest man you were .Loving and kind .Full of humour .
2.Life is short .I still see you young and agile .Like it was not yet time for you to leave .But now from life's lessons I see and believe truly that life is short.My mum also left us while I was young , little
Dob and Daiga to .Now you just confirmed it.At 64 years I guess life was just begining.
You also taught me to take life with a pinch of salt .Be strong in all situations .Now I am learning to be ,no mum no dad .I am building my inner most conscious to continue the battle you fought for us your kids .I would forever do my best to be their Dad .You would smile from heights above to see my efforts behind my family you entrusted in my hands dad .It's my duty, anyways like you had always told me I would continue this battle when you join your maker .Little did I know you had plans to live so early. Daddy also empower me with your wisdom to continue this task. I would forever miss you .This wound in my heart only gets wider as I am still in shock 17years today trying to accept the sudden loss of my mother and brothers .
Dad words can't express my feelings now .I only have to live with it that I would never see .I just tell my self Dad,dad,Dad
   I have you since the 7th of may but no reply from your end .As days go by I begin to feel that vacuum of loosing a dad which I am not yet used to .The pillar/backbone of our little loving family is no more .Dad you left so soon.Where are you hurrying to .We have unfinished business ,come back please atleast for a day let's talk and then you can properly say good bye dad.What becomes of little George , Bilola ,Boma,Cecilia Bissona ,Michelle and I .Talkless of your siblings who would always miss you and the world a large. Dad I know while in heaven you will meet your wife my mother and your kids my brothers .Tell them you left us in good health
Tell them to have us in prayers as well .Bring Justice in the heavenly Kingdom as you were fund of your job and loved it so well .
  Seeing you leave us in that hospital in Maroua taught me alot
1.Life is nothing .So prepare for your departure. And I know you did .An honest man you were .Loving and kind .Full of humour
2.Life is short .I still see you young and agile .Like it was not yet time for you to leave .But now from life's lessons I see and believe truly that life is short.My mum also left us while I was young .Talk less of little
Dob and Daiga .Now you just confirmed it.At 64 years I guess luge was just begining.
You also taught me to take life with a pinch of salt .Be strong in all situations .Now I am learning to be ,no mum no dad .I am building my inner most conscious to continue the battle you fought for us your kids .I would forever do my best to be their Dad .You would smile from heights above to see my efforts behind my family you entrusted in my hands dad .It's my duty anyways like you had always told me I would continue this battle when you join your maker .Little did I know you had plans to live so early. Daddy also empower me with your wisdom to continue this task. I would forever miss you .This wound in my heart only gets wider as I am still in shock 17years today trying to accept the sudden loss of my mother and brothers .
Dad words can't express my feelings now .I only have to live with it that I would never see u again .I just tell myself you have gone for one of those trips to a foreign land never to come back .That way it would reduce the pain in me .Because I would not be able to cope believing you are gone just like that .
You would live in me .I would carry on with your name to heights and would forever be proud of who my dad was .I love u so so so so much I can't even explain .Permit me say you were a dad unique to this earth.
 A Dieu daddy George
 AKA the lion
    Your son Gang Soja Thierry
June 13, 2020
June 13, 2020
À toi mon Lion, mon modèle, mon mentor, mon idole. Je n’arrêterai jamais de t’admirer. Tu m’as fait le privilège d’être ta fille ( first blood tel était tes mots), tu m’as accompagné dans mes études, dans mon rôle de filles , sœurs, femme et mère. À chaque fois que j’ai sollicité ton secours t’as toujours répondu à mon appel nonobstant le fait que je travaillais déjà. Daddy, mon amour je te dois tous : existences, études, qualification professionnelle bref tous ce qui fait de moi une personne accomplie. Je t’aime énormément et béni Dieu de m’avoir donner un père aussi pointilleux , méticuleux , une boule d’énergie positive. De toi nous avons appris la rigueur et la droiture dont tu incarnais les valeurs. Doux sommeil Daddy, que la lumière sans fin brille sur toi et puisses-tu reposer dans une éternelle paix.
À toi les fleurs à nous les pleurs. Amour éternel

Ta premiere enfant
Michèle Likeng
June 13, 2020
June 13, 2020

Tribute to my beloved husband;

It's hard and hurts so much to know that you are gone and that I will never see your handsome face on the earth again. Oh death!!!! Why did you do this to me at this point in my life? I am very certain that all humans will depart from this earth one day, but I wasn’t prepared for your passing this soon.

My love, my best friend, my Daddy GANG !!!! You were a remarkable man, Dependable, loving, caring and so fun to be with. Our days since 2013 was filled with laughter. Your jokes will always be reminiscent. Your love for me was unconditional. You made all who came across our lives, gave me great respect and showered me with much love. All because you will tell them how blessed you are to have had me as your better half. I am grateful for the times we shared together.

Many a times we will joke about death: and you would say to “Na how you di over fear die so eh? All man go die one day”. And on my part, I will beg God to please grant you long life in order for us to raise these beautiful children our union was blessed with. l am now left all by myself to raise them. I didn’t know that naming George Daniel Jr. after you, we were instead changing your face and existence here on earth. What should I tell Bilola and George Daniel Jr?

What happens to all the plans you had for the kids? did you even think of your retirement plans? what happens to Cecilia and Buma's educational follow up which you were so particular about. Cecilia dreams of becoming a magistrate like were and I knew you will be right here to put her through. Where do the children and I go from here? I can go on and on….. Yet there is no answer for me.

In the twinkle of an eye, our beautiful stay in Maroua came to an unexpected end.!!!! Am left with just beautiful memories of our time spent together.

Your simplicity, humility and kind heartedness made our close to 3 years stay in Maroua, looks like 20 years. All who knew you saw very special qualities of the fine soul that You were. They were marveled by your ways. Your qualities as a person earned you alot of respect from all those who came across you.

Despite your status in society, you treated everyone around you with love and concern. You made so many friends who loved you sincerely during your short stay here on earth. May your spirit of friendship continue to be with you as you stay in the heavenly realms. Because, I am confident that you my dear husband are with the angels. Please Angel George continue to intercede for me and the children.

2nd Corinthians 5:8 says: We are confident. I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord. You are such a beautiful soul; so loveable, caring, selfless and so full of life. Have a well deserved rest Daddy, until we meet to part no more.

Love you forever

Your wife – GANG Irene (Satmiyah)

June 11, 2020
June 11, 2020
A Tribute from Your Darling Mother - Mami Cecilia Gang

One of my “TEN” strong is no more. It sounds unbelievable yet so true. Ni George, during one of  your routine  trips to Douala, where as an IDP, I have settled for close to three years now, you threw an invitation at me, it was verbal though. You said I must come visit you and discover Maroua. I spontaneously complained aloud, I wouldn't be able to undergo such a tedious journey. You laughed and as though you were kidding, announced to me, you were going to make available air tickets to and fro. That’s exactly what you did for me to know it was real.
       I arrived in Maroua Salak airport to a very hilarious welcome, pomp and pageantry. The treat your son, Thierry and I received for the short length of time we spent with you, your wife Irene and family, was wonderful. What a beautiful and well planned city I saw.
     While in Maroua , I  very happily learned you had made the Bali community traditional meeting group more enjoyable than it was before your arrival. Your timely initiative was highly appreciative by the benefactors.
    When it came to the time to throw a party on my behalf, it happened to be a memorable one. Your colleagues, friends, well wishers and your Bali brothers and sisters turned out in their numbers. I was very truly overwhelmed with joy as everyone present treated me with so much reverence.
     I couldn't withhold my feelings and sentiments, I asked you George whether this invitation to Maroua was to bid me bye bye and exit me from this world? Your response was “darling mother, it is really worthy celebrating a beloved parent or relation when they’re still alive. You went on further to say, no one knows who of the two of us may go first”. You happen to have gone first. What a shock? This is what I least expected would happen to our family and just come to look at the timing.
   How do the people abroad come back to Cameroon to show you their last respects? Think of Bissona your daughter, your son-in-law, your grand child, your brothers, your  two sisters, nephews and nieces, In-Laws , friends and well wishers.It is almost certain they won’t  be here for your internment. This is very difficult to contain.

In any event, we accept this from God Almighty in a very purely Christian fashion and spirit. May the will of our good Lord be done.
You had an impressive character, you were friendly, generous and would crack a lot of jokes. To this effect I can’t give an exhaustive account of the volume of calls I have already received worldwide since your demise.

As we raise our hands and eyes to your creator, we implore him to take special care over the large biological family you’ve left behind to mourn your loss. Let him grant your wife (my daughter-in-law Irene ), all the wisdom, discernment and strength it takes to handle such a big responsibility. What comes to my mind now is the fact that your last George who will never know you will be one year old on the 13th of June this year (2020). You wouldn’t be around to celebrate his First birthday with him.

Our entire family will ever remain very attached to Irene and all your kids. We will also be sensitive to everything that may bring sorrow or joy there within. As you journey to your destination of no return, may the Lord receive you with mercy and compassion and find you a very comfortable place in his celestial kingdom.

Ni George, greet your father Pa Robert Gang, grandfather Ba Nkom Gaduna, your first wife Ma Gladys Gang, your kids Dob and Daiga George Junior Gang, Hon A.W.Daiga and wife Mamon Lucy Daiga, Ba Dinga Daiga, Ni Mathew, Ma Regina, Ma Eli and the host of others. I must apologize to you because due to my deteriorated health condition, I may not be able to be present at your burial ceremony.
My beloved son, return to your creator in peace.
Prepare a place for us.
Your loving mother,
Cecilia Kavoma Gang
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