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Poppy and Gran-Gran

January 20, 2017

No love has ever been as pure and complete as the love you had for each other and your family.Quick to offer your smile, your encouraging words, you never wavered in your roles as the rock and the glue for this family.Forever in our hearts will remain the memories of our good times and laughter.Etched in our minds is Gran-Gran as she sits sewing one of her fabulous creations, and Poppy as he watches either golf, baseball, or Monday Night Raw. Ringing in our ears is Poppy's "boy" as he comments on people not being able to keep up with his thought process,and Gran-Gran as she sings a favorite song of hers, "This little light of mines". We will never forget the lessons you taught us, like always being there for and loving family.So family reunions continues with us coming together to create more memories, laughs, and lessons to pass on.Even though we will miss your earthly forms,it still doesn't feel natural to say you are gone because we will always have your spirits with us. Our Love is Forever. -The Gordon's.

Written by your granddaughter,Roberta Kirkland.

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