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The Mentor of My Boarding School Saga

March 22, 2021
Dear Gil, Sharon, and Family (some of whom I have met in-passing over the years, particularly his grandchildren),

Gil meant the world to me. He was my AP teacher, my advisor, my foremost collegiate reference, my hockey coach (albeit, I could have made varsity during my last two seasons, but I stuck with him, because getting into Middlebury was all I cared about - athletics took a backseat to academia diversification and well-balanced extracurriculars). 

Middlebury was the primary target at St Mark’s School circa-III Form Year; hence, hockey became a recreational passion, not a primary pursuit, as a result. He knew it, and I knew it.

Have you ever had that whole-hearted triumph when you step your first foot onto a campus and think, instinctively, “THIS IS THE ONE - THE HOLY GRAIL!?”

That was Middlebury for me, and he knew it / shared the same feeling years beforehand...

I made it in to the “mini Ivy” of our mutual dreams. He was so proud.

I’ll never forget the ear-to-ear smile on his face when we both opened the letter together
- that moment will live with me until the day I pass.

Your husband/father/grandfather meant the world to me. He changed my life in 6+ ways, and I am so grateful for how he revered his best student athletes.

Please accept this as a prayer for his passing and blessing for his tenure. I am so sad, yet so grateful.


Brian Isbell


November 2, 2020
I first met Gil when I was a senior at the Choate School and he was a senior at Kent School. I was walked by the pitcher and Gil was then a first baseman. Immediately, we had a very friendly conversation for moments. Despite my weakened memory now from age and a memory problem, I can, in my mind, still see Gil covering the base! We next both enrolled in Middlebury College and became fast and good friends. I graduated a year before Gil, but hung around as a college admissions assistant. Then...GIl and Candy husband and wife, and I hung around together for fun spare time! I WILL NEVER EVER FORGET THEM AND OUR WONDROUS TIMES TOGETHER, THEN AND AFTERWARD!!!! Sincerely, Dennie Williams

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