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August 5
August 5
Happy Birthday mom. I know you are surrounded by beauty that I can not even imagine. I think of you every day and know how blessed I have been by your loving ways. You were beautiful here inside and out and I know you are a beautiful angel. Miss you and love you!
August 8, 2023
August 8, 2023
Hello Sister. Sorry I am late. But here I am again, wishing you a happy birthday with our Creator. Our place on the course is gone. They took Gods Little Acre away and are constructing. 3-million-dollar homes around it. Greed takes its toll..
Anyway, I had to resign from the job and care for my son, suffering from M.S. the same as your daughter has. Anyway, Sister, Have a great day and forever in the hands of our Creator. Love you as always Sister.
August 5, 2023
August 5, 2023
Miss you Mom !! Thank you for looking over us all and for being the best MOM in the world.

Happy Birthday.

Love you so very much.
January 17, 2023
January 17, 2023
Missing you everyday our beautiful Angel.
January 17, 2023
January 17, 2023
Missing you every day and treasure wonderful memories! Your hugs and sense of humor were amazing along with your gigantic heart and love. Best mom in the world!
January 16, 2023
January 16, 2023
We miss your smile, your laughter, hugs, jokes, guidance and love !
Not a day or moment goes by without missing the best mother a family could ever have ! We love you Granny!
August 5, 2022
August 5, 2022
Happy Birthday to the brightest Angel in heaven! Love you so much !
August 5, 2022
August 5, 2022
Hello again Sister. Time sure is flying by. It seems only yesterday when I visited with you. I know you are having a wonderful time living with our Creator. I bet he has a special party planned for you. Someday soon, I shall join you and we can celebrate your great day together. Love you and miss you Sister. You don't talk back to me when I talk to you from God's Little Acre like we did a few short years ago. I pretend you do and continue talking to you. Love you always Sister. Happy Birthday
August 5, 2022
August 5, 2022
Missing you every day Mom
Our forever beautiful Angel on Earth and in Heaven.
August 5, 2022
August 5, 2022
Mom I miss you every day and pray you are surrounded by the amazing love you gave to all of us as well as enjoying beautiful gardens like you took care of here. I treasure our memories and I am so grateful you are my mom now and forever. Happy Birthday.
January 17, 2022
January 17, 2022
Hello again Sister. Sorry I'm late with this post but here I am. I did speak to you yesterday from "Gods Little Acre", the same place you and I always talked with each other prior to our Creator calling you home to be with him. Nancy and I talked about you yesterday and she could not gain access to this site, but she was with you in thought and prayer. I believe you heard every word spoken. Love and miss you Sister. I'll be talking to you soon again from my favorite place on the course. Love you Sister.
January 16, 2022
January 16, 2022
You are the sunshine when I awake you are the moon that gives me faith you are the minutes the hours the days
you are these things in precious ways
you are the sky, the fields, the streams, and the rain that falls upon the leaves. you are the clouds, the wind , the trees ,the stars in the sky and all the smiles I see.
Everywhere I look I see and feel YOU!
Always missing you mom!
Our precious Angel
January 16, 2022
January 16, 2022
I miss you every day mom. Your laugh and sense of humor still make me smile. I feel so blessed to have had you as a mom showing me such love and support thru so many things. Your gentle hugs and loving heart will always be missed. I pray you are surrounded by glorious beauty. I love you.
January 16, 2022
January 16, 2022
Time goes so fast, everyday we miss her !
I miss the stories, I miss her love and hugs.
Best mother in this whole world❤️
August 5, 2021
August 5, 2021
Missing you every day our sweet precious mom and angel
August 5, 2021
August 5, 2021
Happy Birthday Mom. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of you and miss you. Your laugh and gentle ways were as beautiful as your heart. You always new how to make me feel better and feel so loved. You were an amazing mom and friend. I love seeing the flowers bloom in my garden and remember you sitting outside with me enjoying them. You took wonderful care of your garden and such love to show even your flowers. I picture you surrounded by God's beauty and watchin over all of us. Thank you for showing me so much love and taking great care of our family. I love you and will forever.
August 5, 2021
August 5, 2021
Happy Birthday ! To The Greatest Mother !!!
So very missed.
August 5, 2021
August 5, 2021
Good morning Sister. Once again, I wish you a happy birthday. Time is moving so fast it's hard to believe it's that time again. You are still on my speed dial ,in my address book and I still talk to you from "God's Little Acre" as we did before you joined our Creator. I pretend you are still talking back to me. I enjoy that as if you were on the phone. So ,happy birthday Sister. I LOVE you.
January 17, 2021
January 17, 2021
Hello again Sister. Not much has changed since I last wrote to you. However, I still sit on Gods Little acre and talk to you. I know you listen, I don't give you a choice. I always tell you how much I love and miss you still. I think about you always having pinto beans and cornbread ready when I came to visit and we would tell stories about our childhood. Some were funny, some were not. But, we were survivors with the help of our Creator. Continue singing with the Angles and I shall speak to you again soon. Love you Sister.
January 16, 2021
January 16, 2021
I think of you every day and I am so grateful to have your love. I miss your soft voice always comforting me. I miss your beautiful gentle ways and wonderful laugh. You made me stronger by showing me your incredible strength. I treasure so many precious memories and I admire you to this day. Thank you mom. May you be surrounded by glorious flowers like you took care of so well with your love. I love you always. Nancy
January 16, 2021
January 16, 2021
Forever missed, but never forgotten!
Best momma ever !
So very loved . So very beautiful!
No one can ever compare.
August 7, 2020
August 7, 2020
Hi Sister, Sorry I missed your birthday. I was out of town and out of touch with this machine. However, you were as always on my mind. I still talk to you everyday I work on the golf course. I sit on "God's Little Acre" as I did before you became an Angel. We had many long talks and many laughs . You always were a comedian. Now the angels are laughing and singing with you. Love you Sister. Happy belated Birthday.
August 5, 2020
August 5, 2020
So loved and missed every second of every minute. Happy Birthday to a beautiful Angle.
August 5, 2020
August 5, 2020
Happy Birthday mom I miss you everyday and think of how you made us all feel so loved. Your kindness and gentle ways were what made us feel so special. I think of you when I see beautiful flowers and remember how you enjoyed gardening so much. You made the backyard so pretty with your gentle touch. I miss your incredible laugh and wonderful sense of humor. You are beautiful inside and out. You are always in my heart and I am blessed to have you as my mom forever. Thank you for being so wonderful. God Bless you angel.
January 16, 2020
January 16, 2020
I miss you mom every day. Your warmth for gentle ways with everyone and your wonderful laugh. You showed compassion with your huge heart to even someone you just met. You are the best mom and I could not have dreamed up how incredible you are with all of us. I love thinking of you gardening up in heaven enjoying yourself as you loved your flowers in the backyard. God Bless You! I love you always!
January 16, 2020
January 16, 2020
Gave so much love and inspiration to us all.
I’m so blessed to have had her as my mother and friend.
Missed by Ahna an I more then words can say .
Loved beyond this world, beyond this life.
August 5, 2019
August 5, 2019
Happy Birthday Mom, I miss you like crazy and think of you every day. You were incredible and I know you are an amazing Angel now. I think of how loving, kind, and funny you were and I know i was Blessed you were a wonderful mother as well as friend. You inspired me to be kind and still do. Thank you for always being so supportive and gentle. The lilies bloomed in my garden and I think of you whenever I see beautiful flowers. I know you loved gardening. You had a gorgeous backyard which was a beautiful example to your loving gentle ways. I miss you and love you always.
January 17, 2019
January 17, 2019
Aunt Lorene said she thinks of you everyday and wishes she could call you. She also wishes she could have spent more time with you. She said she knows you are with the Lord and someday she will see you again. She loves you.
January 16, 2019
January 16, 2019
Best momma ever and always will be be!!!
Miss her so much!!
Ahna and I have so many great memories of our life together ! Hope her wings are huge and bright !! Our little “granny schmanny” so loved .
January 16, 2019
January 16, 2019
Mom I miss you so much. I think of you everyday and what joy you gave me. You had such a great personality. You were smart, funny, and compassionate. You were an awesome mother and friend. You were always such a great listener to me and able to give me loving great advice. You helped me incredibly with any problem and were amazing when I was sick. I sure do miss your laugh and wonderful hugs. I imagine you at peace with God surrounded by beauty and love. I love you!
January 16, 2019
January 16, 2019
Hi Sis. Remember when I left your home three years ago, I told you I would see you in the spring? You said ."Do you promise"? I replied "I promise". but our Creator wanted you to live with him, so he called you home,before spring arrived. Our Creator wanted and needed a flower to decorate his garden,so he chose you.Someday I shall keep my promise to see you in the spring. Remember, I STILL have you on speed dial and e-mail address. Sister, you shall remain in my daily thoughts until I meet you in the spring. I still talk to you when I sit in my golf cart on "God's Little Acre" on the BlackHorse golf course, where we spoke for long periods of time. LOVE you Sister !!
December 26, 2018
December 26, 2018
Hi Sister,another Christmas has come and gone, In body you were not here but still in spirit you remain here. I still miss you today as I did since you joined out Creator. I know you are happy there with the other family members and the Creator is amused by your sense of humor which you always had, regardless of any situation. I still have your E-mail address and speed dial on my phone so , don't be surprised if you get a call from me. Love you Sister.
December 25, 2018
December 25, 2018
Merry Christmas Mom. I miss you very much and have great memories of many Christmas's when your kindness filled our hearts with love. But you made everyday like that and you always made Christmas special. Everything from the wonderful food you spent days preparing to the gifts you made it all wonderful. We all talk about how in awe we are of you for doing so much for all of us. Thank you for all the love especially. I try to make your stuffing but it will never be just right because you made yours with a touch of your special love and kindness. You loved to cook and it was always amazing. I remember watching you cook and how you measured things out in the palm of your hand showing me and would say about this much. You were always so patient and gentle.  I miss your great hugs too and your incredible laugh. You had a great sense of humor and quick wit.  I know you are at peace surrounded by love from God, Dad, Alea, Brian, Aunt Marge, Aunt Carol, Grandma, Grandpa, Grandma Wolff, Grandpa Tony and more angels. Rest in Peace you glorious Angel. I love you.
August 6, 2018
August 6, 2018
Sister, you remain on my speed dial and e-mail list. I know our Creator is caring for you now but, we still miss you and LOVE you. Happy Birthday Sister. I will talk to you next birthday. LOVE you MUCH.
August 5, 2018
August 5, 2018
It's your birthday today and I bought flowers wishing I could give them to you but knowing I just need to see the beauty that you showed to everyone. 
There are roses, lilies, and little purple ones we never knew the name of but enjoyed. I remember how much you loved and took great care of your flowers. The roses where always beautiful. I loved how you would pick some for me to take home. They all smelled so lovely. It was your caring and gentleness that got them to grow so pretty. It's your caring and loving ways that I cherish and miss so much. Avery sent me a poem called Mother and it is beautiful. He knew it would remind me of you. The poem is all about iris's and nature. The best part says "Were it not for the way you taught me to look at the world, to see the life at play in everything, i would have to be lonely forever." That is so true! Thank you for showing me so much beauty in life and nature. I know you live on in all of us and I know you're watching over us. I love you and may you enjoy all the beauty of Heaven and earth.
January 16, 2018
January 16, 2018
Every second without her great hugs and laughter, feels like a lifetime.
Love her so much.
Best mother !
Best friend !
Best Granny !
Must be, Best Angel!
January 16, 2018
January 16, 2018
I think of you every day and hear your words of wisdom.
No words can express how much you are missed and loved
Today and every day!
January 16, 2018
January 16, 2018
I think of mom everyday. I am reminded of her love for her backyard roses which were wonderful. Just like her gardening she was always gentle, kind, and patient. She was always there for me which was a lot of complaining. I never heard her complain about herself. She always said she was fortunate to have such a loving family and it is because of the love she showed me and everyone she loved that I am truly grateful to have had her as my mom.
January 16, 2018
January 16, 2018
My beautiful Mom,
I still think of you every day- I see you in so many things. You are such a part of all of us. Dylan loves your spaghetti and Nancy makes it for him now. Wish I could come and sit on your deck with you. I love forever!
August 5, 2017
August 5, 2017
Happy Birthday Mom! Missing you so much still today. Wish we could bring you flowers to plant outback. I hope you are surrounded by beautiful gardens in heaven. I love you Mom.
January 16, 2017
January 16, 2017
Thinking of our special angel today and everyday
The best mom and granny ever to have been on this Earth.
Roses are in bloom for her today
January 16, 2017
January 16, 2017
Mom, I can not believe it has been one year since you have been gone. I miss you so much. Nothing is the same without you here. I miss your laugh, your hugs, your wave from the door of your house. I hope you are at peace and have the angel wings that you deserve.
January 16, 2017
January 16, 2017
Today, one year ago, my wonderful Grandmother went to heaven. She was like a second mother to me. I love her so much and miss her more than words can describe. I miss the days when I would come home from school and sit and watch her favorite soap opera with her, and laugh at the characters together. I miss helping her with her beautiful garden every summer. I miss everything we used to do together. Although, I know she wouldn't want me to be sad,there is always a indescribable pain that comes with grief, but also such a feeling that the person that you miss loves you so much. And if there is such terrible sadness, there must have been great love and memories. I can not even begin to recall all of the wonderful moments we shared together. I'm happy knowing that she is a beautiful,bright angel in heaven now, and feels no pain. My Grandmother always loved flowers and gardening. Her favorite flower was the rose. I love to believe that she has beautiful wings made of roses of all different colors, and a halo  of golden roses as a angel in heaven. I know she is at peace, and she will always be in my heart<3.
January 16, 2017
January 16, 2017
My best friend ! My mentor ! She's missed more then words can say.
Thought of every second of the day ! So very loved.
August 5, 2016
August 5, 2016
Today is my Sisters birthday. Normally I would phone her and we would have long talks. I would tell her my problems and she would help me feel better about myself. I still have her e-mail address and her phone number. I only wish I could use either of them. Now our Creator has one of the most beautiful persons ever to live on his throne. Please Creator,make her birthday a happy one. I LOVE you very much Sister.Creator, pass this message on to her.
August 5, 2016
August 5, 2016
Happy Birthday Mom. I miss you and think of you every day. You showed compassion and love to everyone. I miss your smile and your loving ways. You were a great listener and always knew how to make me feel better. I miss your sense of humor too. Thank you for being a wonderful mom. I love you.
August 5, 2016
August 5, 2016
Happy Birthday today Mom!  You would be 83 today! We miss you more than I can put into words. I hope and pray that you are at peace and are with your loved ones. Oh how I wish we could celebrate your birthday with you today.  I love you mom.
June 8, 2016
June 8, 2016
Thinking of you and missing you, Mom. You will be forever missed. There could never be enough words to express what you meant to me and all of us. We are trying our best to put the pieces together and make you proud. I love you so much and I hope you are at peace and you are with Dad, Alea, Peanut, and all of our loved ones in Heaven.
January 31, 2016
January 31, 2016
I only know Gladys from the sweet stories my mom and Lorene would tell me back home in Tennessee. Mom was not well enough to make the trip to to see her but her heart was there with all of you. I read the sweet tributes and know that she was a beautiful person. We will have a great family reunion when we all get to Heaven. Our love and prayers are with all of you.
Janice Page Russell
Helen Page's daughter
January 31, 2016
January 31, 2016
I only know Gladys from the sweet stories my mom and Lorene would tell me back home in Tennessee. Mom was not well enough to make the trip to to see her but her heart was there with all of you. I read the sweet tributes and know that she was a beautiful person. We will have a great family reunion when we all get to Heaven. Our love and prayers are with all of you.
Janice Page Russell
Helen Page's daughter
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