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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Glen Witt, 98 years old, born on August 22, 1918, and passed away on June 13, 2017. We will remember him forever.
June 17, 2017
June 17, 2017
Such sad news of Glens passing, my deepest condolences go to all his family.
His legacy will live on in all the boats that have been built from his plans, a little bit of him is in them all.
June 17, 2017
June 17, 2017
I felt a sadness when I read that Glen had passed on, the 1st boat built was the 'Missile' in 1963, so have always admired Glens unique skills to design so many easy build, but classy boats, he shared these skills & helped so many........... to do something meaningful & fun.
Wonderful memories.
June 17, 2017
June 17, 2017
Such sad news! In 1958 I built the Glen L. "Miss Crackerbox" racing boat. Unfortunately I didn't have the money to properly outfit it with the proper engine, etc, but I did get it running with several marine engines that provided my young family the pleasure of running around Lake George, NY in my crackerbox I called "Furioso." The building of this boat gave me the inspiration of restoring other boats later in my life. I still have the Glen L. Marine catalog from those years. Having built "Miss Crackerbox" formed much of my love of wooden boating that has lasted throughout my entire life. Glen had a keen eye for designing the boats that gave many people the where-with-all and the pleasure of becoming a proud boater who built their own boat.
June 17, 2017
June 17, 2017
My thoughts , prayers and condolences to the Witt family. I have yet to build a boat, but I am dedicated to the website until that day and beyond. Please continue with the inspiration Mr. Witt left to all of us.
June 17, 2017
June 17, 2017
I recently finished a Glen-L camper, and many times during the build I thought about the man behind the creative, detailed plans. Sorry to hear of his passing. My thoughts and prayers go out to all. I'm sure he's smiling, knowing that Gayle is carrying on with the Glen-L company.
June 17, 2017
June 17, 2017
Gayle Please accept my sincere condolences on the loss of your beloved father. Might I say that he taught you well and you are doing an outstanding job carrying on his legacy. Blessings on you and yours and I celebrate his rich full life. John Wilder
June 17, 2017
June 17, 2017
I feel like my being a boat builder is a combination of my dad and Glen-L from the time I bought that first catalogue at Thrifty Mart over fifty years ago. I'm so thankful to have been able to walk in the door and say hi to Glen, to you Gayle, John, Darla, Paul or Barry over the years. We are a boat building family because of Glen's vision and warmth. God bless, and thank you, Glen-L Witt.
June 17, 2017
June 17, 2017
So sad to hear of Glen's passing. Glen was not only my mentor but my closest friend and teacher. I would not have had the opportunities I have had in my life if I had not met him 57 years ago and he had taken me under his wing. We made a complimentary team and his influence through all the years was invaluable to me. I know this is a very sad time for you and your family, but may the love of friends and family see you through.
June 17, 2017
June 17, 2017
Dear Gayle:
Thanks to your father, we discovered a new and unique chapter in woodworking... building wooden boats. His plans and lessons made what looked like a very complex operation, actually quite simple, and very much fun. If you were to add yet another accolade to the many tributes to your father, I would add "teacher". My then-10-year old son and I bonded nicely when crafting our wooden dingy, based on your dad's plans.

My prayer is, "A great man is coming back to you, God,. Thanks for letting us have him for awhile."

God Bless you and your family,

Dr. Doug Hepler
Teacher, Kwajalein Jr-Sr High School
Kwajalein, Marshall Islands
June 16, 2017
June 16, 2017
Thank you for your guidance, encouragement, love and support. I will miss you always.
June 16, 2017
June 16, 2017
Glen never ceased to amaze me. Kind to those who needed kindness, straightforward with those who needed direction, honest in all his dealings, and loving to his family and friends. He will be greatly missed.
June 16, 2017
June 16, 2017
Gayle & John
There are tears around the world right now. Your dad brought us so much!

June 16, 2017
June 16, 2017
I wish peace and serenity to you all, family and friends, who feel the loss of such an accomplished creator. It may not be possible even to imagine the hours of joy and pleasure Mr. Witt brought into the world. Few live so well.
June 16, 2017
June 16, 2017
Thank you, Glen, for your legacy of wonderful, creative and beautiful designs and the business to provide them, which has brought me untold hours of delight. I first saw your work over 40 years ago and have copies of all your books, and almost every catalog you ever printed, and an array of study and building plans all which I treasure. They are all loose and untidy from my poring over them. Although I never built one of your boats I learned so much from their lines, and recognize them on sight as old friends. They are Timeless. Long may they sail!
June 16, 2017
June 16, 2017
Our thoughts are with you and your family at this time.               Regards Dougi Murdoch. ❤️
June 16, 2017
June 16, 2017
Although I never met him, I am building one of his designs. Forever grateful for all of the good times it has brought me. Thank you Glen
June 16, 2017
June 16, 2017
I am glad to say that I have purchased a "Fancy Free" sailboat which Glen L designed. And, I am working to rebuild it to a standard that he would be proud of.
Gayle, I know your dad will be missed and even though he lived a long and full life, the death of a parent is always hard. Please accept my condolences.
June 16, 2017
June 16, 2017
So sorry my prayers are with u He was a super talented gentleman.I really enjoy your e mails.Jamie
June 16, 2017
June 16, 2017
May God bless all who knew and loved Glen with His comfort, strength and peace. Even though I never met Glen face to face, I feel as if I knew him through his books and articles and through conversations with Gayle. As I am about to complete a boat he wonderfully designed, I have been blessed by his vision and creativity. Until we meet again....
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
June 16, 2017
June 16, 2017
Fair winds and calm seas Glen, and thanks for many decades of inspiration.
June 16, 2017
June 16, 2017
Thanks Glen for the inspiration to persue our dreams and discover our hidden talents. You've touched the lives of so many, what a legacy.
June 16, 2017
June 16, 2017
Although I never met Glen, I feel I knew him most of my life admiring the many boat designs he created. I got to know and be friends with his daughter Gayle and her husband John Brantuk while attending the Glen L Gatherings. I did get to talk to him about the Torpedo and communicated with him through the forum and email about modifications. The Torpedo is a very special boat and a special pet project of Glen's in his retirement. I am so proud to have made that design come to life and to have named it after him. I am so glad to have been a small part of his life. He was a large part of my life and my dreams. God Bless You, Glen. You will be Greatly Missed.
June 16, 2017
June 16, 2017
It is indeed a sad day to hear this news. I never had the pleasure of meeting your father but through his books and writings, his memory will remain in my heart, in my life. You were very fortunate to have had such a great man for a father... a lifetime of good memories. I am very thankful for the role your father had in my life, giving me the knowledge and skills to build boats... giving me the desire to dream... to make it happen.
June 16, 2017
June 16, 2017
Glen you should be so proud of the legacy you have left behind not only by inspiring others such as myself to build their own boats, but also by the legacy you have left behind in the wonderful daughter you have raised in Gayle to continue on to provide such a great resource. You will truly be missed but your legacy continues on in her.
June 16, 2017
June 16, 2017
I had the privilege and honor of working with and for Glen for over 32 years. (1981 to 2014). He was always fair, honorable, and a joy to be around. He will be greatly missed, but WHAT A LIFE! hHis legacy will go on and on in all the boats built from his designs. Miss you, GLEN.
June 16, 2017
June 16, 2017
Thanks for your guidance and support, i wish him and your family "Fair wind and following seas" god bless.
June 16, 2017
June 16, 2017
This is very sad news. My sincere condolences to your family. Glen was indeed a legend who will be missed. I will always pay a small tribute to him by proudly displaying the Glen-L flag on my Monaco. His legend will live on for many, many years in the beautiful boats he has created. Skip
June 16, 2017
June 16, 2017
An old Irish saying says that "Death comes not with the last breath, but rather the last time your name is spoken" Since Mr Witt has touched so many of us over the years, it's not likely his memory will ever fade.
June 16, 2017
June 16, 2017
Glen was an inspiration to thousands of boat builders and dreamers (like me). Your continuation of his work is the best tribute anyone can give. My condolences.
June 16, 2017
June 16, 2017
My thoughts and prayers go out to the family. Bless you Gail for carrying on. We are all mortal and as I approach 83. . I can only hope for a productive time as long as I have. I built many boats - only 1 was wooden. The first..with my dad. Always remember it. Deeply admired. Glen. Bless you all.
June 16, 2017
June 16, 2017
Thank you Glenn for all you have done for the boatbuilding community and for all of the enjoyment and happiness you have given my family and I thru your Glenn L 14 sailboat......
June 16, 2017
June 16, 2017
Sorry to hear the loss of a great visionary. May your sails always catchwind in the great beyond. Thanks for all the great Happiness you brought to the GlenL community. you will be greatly missed by all
June 16, 2017
June 16, 2017
Touching site.
Glen really changed the boating world in so many ways! Something I will always be grateful for, thanks! :)
June 16, 2017
June 16, 2017
Thank you Mr. Witt for making it possible for people like me to pursue the building of a beautiful creature that floats.
An adventure that never would have been experienced without you.
Sail on Mr, Witt.....................
June 16, 2017
June 16, 2017
A well of information, flowing with traditional wisdom and insight...thank you for providing a tribe of waterman with the tools of our trade. Rest Well. Blessings to your family. Scott
June 16, 2017
June 16, 2017
Thanks for being an inspiration to countless boat-builders around the world. Our thoughts and prayers go out to your family.
June 16, 2017
June 16, 2017
An inspirational leader to us all, that if you follow your dreams, your legacy will be great. Everyone knows Glen L, whether they have built a boat or admired them. Cheers to an enduring legacy. May Gayle continue it into the next generation!
June 16, 2017
June 16, 2017
Our entire family's life was enriched by building and sailing our beloved Glen L 12, "The Buick." Every kid learned to master single handing that beautiful boat. Glen L. Witt's legacy is now perched to live on through our nine grandchildren.
June 16, 2017
June 16, 2017
I've never met your dad or you, but without his expertise, I would have never been able to have the dreams and ambitions I do now for my remaining years. What a gift he was to all of us. May God continue to bless his family.
June 16, 2017
June 16, 2017
What a legacy to leave behind.
Its no wonder that Jesus' best friend was Peter, a fisherman and builder of boats.
RIP Glen
Building a malahini from original Glen l plans, no CAD technology, has been the second best achievement in my life!
June 16, 2017
June 16, 2017
To be absent from the body is to be
present with the Lord...R.I.P. Glen
Thanks for sharing with all of us.
June 16, 2017
June 16, 2017
My grandfather built his first Glen-L designed boat in the mid 1960s. My earliest and greatest memories early-on in my life are being on and around those boats. When I grew up and started my family, I built a Glen-L of my own for my family to enjoy. I truly hope some kids and their kids and their kid will enjoy...or build a Glen-L boat! I am lucky to have had the opportunity to have met Glen in person when I was in Bellflower a couple of years ago. He has left an incredible legacy for others to enjoy for generations to come.
June 16, 2017
June 16, 2017
Our thoughts and prayers go with you and your family in this time of lose. Please take the time to get together with the people you cherish and celebrate his gift of life, and all the good Glen L has brought to the world.
June 16, 2017
June 16, 2017
I am truly sorry for your loss. Mr. Witt's philosophy of creating plans so people could build their own boats and RV's was nothing short of a blessing for so many people. The world is a sadder place without him and his legacy will NOT be forgotten.
June 16, 2017
June 16, 2017
My sincere condolences.

I guess old schools are disappearing, but there are wise ones to
keep the legacy alive.

It has been a thrill just reading the material on your site and weekly letters. I can imagine how much more it will be building from your plans.

June 16, 2017
June 16, 2017
What a wonderful gift it was to have Mr. Witt bless us with his foresight, and encouragement. Thank You. Our thoughts and prayers are with your family.
June 16, 2017
June 16, 2017
What greater gift can a man give than the gift of pride of accomplishment?

That is a legacy worth having.

Thank you sir.
Fair winds and gentle seas...
June 16, 2017
June 16, 2017
The first boat I built was a Glen L design. This started a love for boat building . I since build two more. Plus some others, thank you.
Sorry to here of his passing.
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March 27, 2023
March 27, 2023
I am currently building one of his boats, the "Saucy Shingle" and I have to give appreciation and love to the man himself. Thanks
August 22, 2022
August 22, 2022
Dear Glen , I know that even if you are not with us physically but spiritually you are, and you still can hear my words , I am so grateful to you for more than 13 years ago i came through your web site and as a crazy fisher man by hobby , i been cought by your way to Inca rage people to build their own boats and since then i am still waiting and looking for a chance to start as i am still living in an apartment with no Garage and I am sure that i will do it soon may be using my son's. i miss you man may God bless your sole . and as for you Gayle you should be always so so proud of you dad as one of the kind, God bless you.
August 22, 2021
August 22, 2021
Caring employer, prolific designer, father figure. You had an incredible influence on the boating world. I wish I had thanked you more often for your kindness and for employing me for 35 years. God's speed, Glen.
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Saucy Shingle

February 25, 2020
I built the little 3 point hydroplane while I was stationed at Ft Fisher AFS in NC (1964 to 1967). All I had was a jigsaw, circular saw and drill at the time. I was fortunate to buy a polished and ported Mercury Mark 16H with a neat lower unit.  It would really scream when up on plane. Had to fashion a couple of aluminum skegs on the chines to make it turn. I brought it home to Florida in the trunk of a 1964 Bonneville. Found an old rusty trailer and wire brushed the frame and added Rustoleum primer and paint to match the boat.

A great "thank you" 51 years later, from Greece

June 18, 2017

Strange coincidence today, Gayle. As I was preparing a Facebook post about the 25th anniversary of my father's passing, I saw your email about your farewell to your own father. He was blessed to live until 98 and you are grateful to have had him with you that long. My father, Othon lived from 1922 until 1992.

I have been intending to write you and send you some photos for some time now, but I perceived your message today as a sign from the Universe not to delay any longer.

Both my father and I had been indebted to your father for the long hours of creativity and fun that he offered us, through his design.

But let's rewind back in 1965. My father and myself, I was 15 years old at the time, “met” your dad through an ad in BOATING magazine. We ordered your catalogue and we chose the “Albert. E”.

We were not very happy with the idea of the inboard engine, so we asked your father what he thought of the Evinrude 90 hp Stern drive, instead. His reply was that it should be OK, so we ordered the full-size patterns. The boat was completed during the first 6 months of 1966 in Athens, Greece.

We took it by sea (an 180 nautical miles trip) to Kefalonia, the biggest of the Ionian Islands on the Western parts of Greece. Kefalonia is our place of origin and this is where I am living now. The boat with two people had a top speed of 26 knots and cruised happily at 20-22. We think we did a great job building it and it proved to be a great hull, making the passengers feel very comfortable both as far as the ride was concerned but also space onboard.

Although it was not a deep vee hull, it was extremely seaworthy and fought bravely with the Mediterranean afternoon choppy seas. It was also very robust and sturdy and having two layers of fibreglass and the advantage of the stern drive, she could be easily beached.

Moving the engine aft was a great idea and we regretted not getting the OMC 120 hp 4 Cyl. 4 strokes straight, instead of the 90 hp V-4 2 stroke we opted for. A friend of ours built his “Albert. E” with the bigger engine and this proved to be a better configuration.

The boat was christened “Ketty M.” after my mother's name and we had lots of fun with it for several summers. Years later, in 1977 the engine broke down and it was not worth repairing. Somebody somehow persuaded my father to modify the boat and put a Mercedes inboard diesel engine, following the original design.

The outcome was utmostly disappointing because on one hand the boat lost its spaciousness and on the other, she never managed to exceed 12 knots. Obviously, the engine did not have enough power. My father sold it to somebody who was looking exactly for this kind of performance and got himself, after my advice the British built Center Console Fletcher model Fish “n” Ski, in 1979, which I am still enjoying. I already had my own boat at the time, a Greek made Compass F3 racing hull of Swedish design.

“KETTY. M”, was not our first boat and it was not going to be our last. But, it will always hold a very special place in my heart as long as I live. I was very proud to say that I built this boat with my father following the design of Glen-L. Sharing this story with you makes me feel relieved. Like giving credit to where credit was due.

Another friend built in the early seventies your L-Dorado, here in the island. It was Dr Nikos Troianos a good friend of my parents. Lots of fun and skiing with it...

I have some photos from those days to upload. A bit late after 51 years, but better late than never. My sincere condolences for the loss of your father. May he rest in peace and may you live longer than he did.

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