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Wonderful person to everyone who had the pleasure of meeting her

July 4, 2023
Grace, I was one of your many people that you helped. I saw you for over 5 years and I went from weekly meetings to monthly then 6 months passed. You are solely responsible for helping me out of my spiral of depression and have made me the person I am today and words cannot express how eternally thankful I am for your wisdom, skill and simply compassion. Sleep well Grace rest in peace x
May 10, 2023
Dear Sis
To Godbe the glory - in all things we give thanks. It was a rude shock to hear of your passing but the Lord knows best. We love you here but Jesus loves you more, I pray that the Lord will comfort your family left behind. You fought the fight, you won the race and we know you are in a better place. Rest in peace my Sister

Your memory lives on

April 22, 2023
So sorry to hear about your passing, prayed and hoped for a different outcome. Thank you for touching my family the way you did, we will never forget you. I know you are in a better place even though you will be sorely missed.

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