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May 22, 2023
May 22, 2023
It’s been so difficult putting some words down to describe the memories we shared with you, Toyin Labode.

You lived a life full of love, joy and purpose, and it was a privilege to know you. Every encounter with you was always memorable. You were that friend that one could be real with. No ‘forming’. No conversation was out of depth for you - from the light and easy to the deep matters. You always had a word of encouragement to give. You were a firm believer of going to good schools as it sets one up for a good career path.

We triggered each other in a positive and friendly way. I miss the friendly banters, especially you telling me you were older than me because your birth month, February comes before mine, August and my response was always “I’m not selling my birthright”. I remember all the times you say, “Kunle, a ni agbaya ni e” in jest.

Aunty Funme your fellow Lagosian is thankful for the conversations you had many moons ago about career in Education.

Toyin you were a fighter, never giving up no matter how difficult the challenge. Your life faced many obstacles, but you never lost hope. Instead, you persevered and worked tirelessly to overcome whatever obstacles came your way, always depending on the words from the Bible.

This was your year of jubilee and indeed, you are enjoying the release from the pain of this world and the restoration and celebration with master Jesus.

The Bible tells us not to grieve like unbelievers but to be comforted by the Lord. We know that you are in a better place now, free of pain and suffering. As we celebrate your life, we take comfort in knowing you are with Jesus.

Toyin, we will miss your warm smile, infectious laugh and the light you brought into our lives. Thank you for the time we spent with you and the impact you have had on us. Your legacy lives on and you will always be in our hearts.

Rest in peace, Toyin.
May 21, 2023
May 21, 2023
My Friend and sister
I don't know where to start from, I find it difficult to write this tribute.
I am deeply sad and I know we will meet again.
I remembered those years we spent Christmas together at my place at Finsbury Park.We travelled together to New York with few friends in the 90s and after you got married,you and Lekan attended my cousin's wedding in New York.
You are a lovely person, a giver and caring person, I cherish our friendship and love the time we had together
The last time I messaged you was on your 50th birthday looking forward to meet you not knowing that was my last words to you.
Rest in peace my dear Toyin
May 20, 2023
May 20, 2023
It’s a rude shock to hear about your demise dear Grace. You were a woman of many parts, kind hearted and always ready to help. I can’t forget your caring acts especially in the way you take out time to ask about the family wellbeing. You are forever in our hearts dearly beloved. We love you but God loves you more. Rest on dear Grace in the bosom of your creator.
May 20, 2023
May 20, 2023
I celebrate the life of Sis. Grace. We served together in Teens Church where she added value. As a unit member, Sis. Grace wasn't the type that would keep quiet if something wasn't right; she would give feedback and proffer solutions. On a personal note, Sis. Grace always remembered my children at Christmas and gave them something to celebrate with. Her sense of humour made friends and acquaintances crack up with laughter. Sis. Grace will be sorely missed but we're comforted she is in heaven.

Ibukun Ishola
May 20, 2023
May 20, 2023
Heaven has gained an angel!!! Oluwatoyin was such a peaceful & kingdom minded person. Oh!! it hurts so much to loose someone as kindhearted, caring & loving as you. Lekan take solace that your beloved wife is with the Lord.
May 20, 2023
May 20, 2023
You are such a wonderful sister full of joy. Always beaming with a smile when we greet. I will miss our little friendly banters. Always willing to help in your own little way. I always admire your union with Your husband around the church and outside. Sleep well my sister till we meet again in heaven.
May 20, 2023
May 20, 2023
My dear Sister Grace!
I was so looking forward to October to reunite with you again until we got the call from your dear husband.
You were such a wonderful soul who particularly cared for my family especially your girls Tito,Titi & Alia, even though we left UK about 10 years ago, you never missed any birthday and always asked after my kids, my wife and I.
My dear sister you and I shared this special bond that cannot be explained but stems from being candid,direct and practical  and I will definitely miss you. Thank you for your genuine love for my family.
I pray that God will comfort and uphold “my Lekan” and may you enter into eternal rest.
May 20, 2023
May 20, 2023
Sis Grace ("Mummy G of Dartford" as I liked to call you) you are a rare family friend of ours. Very candid, straightforward and funny. You had a rare gift of connecting with kids, teens and young adults. Ever so helpful.

You obviously loved God and His kingdom. I recall your service as WSF District Secretary for Dartford, you got the Dartford map from the Council (I still don’t know how ) and used your local knowledge of Dartford to help map out a strategy for outreach coverage for the entire Dartford. Also provided invaluable support to make “Dartford Day of Hope” crusades a huge success as you helped with logistics, planning and prayers. You also served in different service groups in the church including Prayer Squad, Teens Church and Children church at different times. You love to make positive contributions and suggestions for improvement wherever you are.

As a member of the same WSF location, my family enjoyed “fellowship after fellowship” (fun time after WSF) with your family. The games night and barbecue days will not be the same without you. You will be greatly missed.

As I gradually come to terms with the fact that you have passed over to eternity, my consolation is that while you were here on earth, you were in Christ, you slept in Christ and no doubt will see you again at the resurrection of the saints (1Thes 4: 14-18). Therefore, we will not grieve like those that have no hope.
May 20, 2023
May 20, 2023
You are a remarkable soul Toyin. Your personality always filled the room. Loving, caring and willing to help and contribute positively.

Yours'and Lekan's fellowship with my family, the times we spent together traveling, at our homes or in Church are memorable.

Your faith in Christ was central to all you did. Your commitment to Lekan unwavering.

We will miss you dearly but are encouraged that 'Precious in the sight of the LORD is the transition of his saints.' Psalms 116:15. You are in a better place dearest. Rest on till we meet again.
May 20, 2023
May 20, 2023
Aburo mi, I cannot believe I am writing a tribute about you. You are such a beautiful soul. You were caring though disciplined and principled.

You were always so helpful and supportive to my family and I. You taught me how to drive. For years you and Lekan would drive down to pick Anjola and I up for church services. Our first trip into Dubai, you and Lekan crossed in from South Africa to spend time with Ladi, Anjola and I. You made it so much fun because Ladi and Anjola wouldn’t go out because of the heat. So many stories to tell.

Toyin, you can never be forgotten. I pray for strength for Lekan and the family.

Continue to rest in peace till we meet again.

Lola Odulele

May 20, 2023
May 20, 2023
It will always be very hard to comprehend that you have left us Toyin but we are reassured that you are at peace with Jesus.

Even though we saw each other infrequently, you have always made a memorable imprint as I have fond memories of our discussions and jokes, which I will miss. You had no hesitation in giving me a nickname soon after we met and taking the mickey out me.

Wow! you and Lekan beautifully compliment each other.

Clearly you’re a source of inspiration and the energy or sunshine you brought into the room is always refreshing. Toyin, you were always ready to help and go the extra mile. You have clearly impacted many lives in different ways by your selfless kingdom principles.

I heard someone say recently that you always leave someone thinking that they are your only best friend which positively reflects your generous heart. Thank you for all you have taught us. Praying that the impact you have had and the seeds you have sown will multiply in many lives. Amen

Lekan and Funmi Daramola
May 20, 2023
May 20, 2023
My Sis of Life!

Rest peacefully in the bossom of our Lord. Accelerated healing, spiritual and emotional maturity is my prayer, for all of us you left a big hole in our heart. I can speak forever about you, however, your dedication to kingdom advancement is a special kind of "Grace"
May 19, 2023
May 19, 2023
Aunty Toyin. You were there with me doing my 11+ revision many years ago. The times of you saying, “do you want to be a wheelie binner?” to encourage me to study hard still ring in my head. I managed to pass and it was thanks to your help. You were always smiling and a joy to be around. Whenever I came round to visit you, you were always very welcoming and your fruit punch drinks were the best! I just wish I remembered to note down your secret recipe when you told me it one time. We thank God for your life and the blessing you were to many. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace aunty.
May 19, 2023
May 19, 2023
My lifetime friend, we planned to meet on the first May bank holiday Monday, I didn't realise it won't happen. I still can't process you leaving here so soon but I know you're in a better place. Thank you for your friendship, I'll carry the sweet memories we shared forever.
Olumide and Oluyomi Akinpelu
May 19, 2023
May 19, 2023
Toyin, you are one of a kind. Unique in every way, forthright, generous, trust-worthy, reliable, enterprising & funny. I remember your delectable cup cakes which you brought round to ours over many Christmases, my birthday gift when I turned 50, your gift to my mum when my dad passed away and many acts of generosity. I remember sending you to Nigeria with money for my sister she commented on how nice you were. I remember you were the MC for one of my daughters' 6th birthday. I remember you teasing the grandmas (the Dartford Bombers) at the party. We have come a long way, it's been decades now from Thamesmead, to Dartford.
Toyin my neighbour, the last time I saw you in April; you were telling someone we are neighbours & that we live in the posh part of Dartford. I didn't know that was the last time I would see you on this side of eternity. We served together in the Prayer band of Glory House & Prayer Squad of Winners Chapel. It was you who encouraged me to come to Winners Chapel. You loved my children and had a funny nickname for all of them. Olumide & I appreciate your friendship. Till we meet again, sleep well in the the Lord Jesus.
May 17, 2023
May 17, 2023
It is so hard to accept that you have gone my dear sister, but comforting to know that you are in a better place. Heaven has indeed gained an angel for sure. Your smile and warm heart will forever be remembered. Your love for our teenagers was just so striking and amazing and can never be forgotten. We thank God for the impact that you had. You ran your race well. Sleep well sis Grace until we meet again.
May 17, 2023
May 17, 2023
Tribute to my dear sister and friend, Mrs. Grace Oluwatoyin Labode. Writing this took forever because it just doesn't make sense, but I judge God faithful.

My meticulous, always-on-point Sis Grace carried herself with grace everywhere. A special breed of God's gift to humanity. A lover of God and His people.....

Ahhh, how can I write a tribute about you like this? This is not how we planned it now!!!! We were planning to meet in Canada this year!
Since destiny connected us in WCI Dartford UK on the first day, I knew there was a reason for our meeting. Your selfless love and care for my family were evident for all to see. 

You taught my twin girls how to bake and so many fond memories they hold dear. Our WSF was fun with your thought-provoking questions and our daily conversation about life. Oh, I will miss you, Sis!

Is there a month gone by in 8 years that you did not check on us in Canada to ensure we are settling and doing well? NONE! You have never missed any of our birthdays or anniversary etc. You absolutely loved and cared to a fault.
Your beautiful spirit will live on through your family; they will always know how much you loved them. I know you would have tried with all your heart to stay, especially for your amiable darling husband, but God called you home because destiny has it differently.

The best moment for me is that you knew Jesus; it gives me so much hope that you are with your God in heaven where there is no more pain, sorrow, or weeping.....

Rest in peace, my darling, ever-smiling Sis.
Goodnight, Sis Grace, until we meet again!

May 17, 2023
May 17, 2023
Dear Toyin I thank God for when we met many years ago and reconnecting again you were a blessing to me and my family and so sad to hear about your passing. 

You fought the fight, ran the race and have received your crown by Gods grace and mercy

Myself and my family bless God for every remembrance of you and pray for Gods comfort for Lekan and both your families
May 15, 2023
May 15, 2023
To a very dear friend and sister,
A very special person,
My unique sister Grace.
Thank you for the times we spent together, the phone calls, the laughter, the fun and the joy.
They will be greatly missed.
From our games nights, barbecues at the beach, the house parties and especially the casual drop-ins just because ...
Those will be greatly missed.
Thanks for always being there as a sister and a friend, a big aunty to the kids and always very understanding and caring. 
Those will be greatly missed.
You called us family, not just friends but family...
That will be greatly missed.
Dearest Sister Grace I know you're in a better place right now and I can just see you lighting up heaven with your unique presence and laughter, but ...
You will be greatly missed.
Love you always xxx
May 14, 2023
May 14, 2023
“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments” Psa.133:1-2.

You are uniquely weaved and packaged that you cannot be mistaken among multitudes. You are who God made you.

You are a shining light everywhere you went. You had such a beautiful, godly and friendly heart. You are a beautiful soul who radiated love and joy. You had a heart of gold and unmatchable passion for helping others in your special way. I watched you unravel mysteries around Teenagers and Young adults with passion.

Your view of life is simple. Your biblical perspectives of relationship and fellowship is a message. Each time we had opportunity to pray and share scriptures together, your faith was always touchable.

You never hesitated to call me “ Egbonnnn” in your own special way the number of people around us or the place notwithstanding. Your infectious smile, your warm heart will be missed.

When your time came, You fought and You won with Christ holding your hand, on your way to eternity.

Good night!!!!!!!!!!!
May 14, 2023
May 14, 2023
It is still like a dream that you have gone. I am short of what to say, because words will just not come., all that came out is you are one of a kind, you adopted me as your sister and shower me with your love without reservation.

I know you are enjoying the rewards of your labour in your short time on earth in Paradise.

Keep resting in the bosom of God.
May 14, 2023
May 14, 2023
Dearest Toyin,
It is very difficult to accept that you have transitioned to glory.
You are truly an epitome of love and support, a true friend and a sister for the past twenty-four years.

Toyin, Who will give me that side eye again when I say anything and make jest of Ibadan people.

You have truly touched so many lives in different ways and you will surely be missed.

Rest well in the Lord.
May 13, 2023
May 13, 2023
Toyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen! I still cannot believe.
I was meant to do the Isreal trip with you and hubby……but had to go for my dad’s rememberance ?
I was patiently waiting for the gist about Isreal.
You helped with my dad’s remembrance preparation , you recommended the event planner, down to the souvenirs……
Aburo how!!!!!!!!!!!
My sister from another mother. We will greatly miss you…..words are not enough ro describe the impact you had on my family as a whole.
Still dumbfounded !

We love you but God loved you much more.

Sleep well my Sister………..
You left too soon.

May 13, 2023
May 13, 2023
Sis Toyin, we first met in 2005 and ever since you have been like a sister to me. I will miss our long telephone conversations talking about life and how to be better in everything. You are a kind and generous soul and a blessing to people around you. Till we meet again in glory, rest on my dear sister. You are greatly loved.
May 13, 2023
May 13, 2023
Toyin! Kind, funny, loving Toyin!

It’s been so hard to write a tribute. There’s lots to say but it’s agonising to even accept what’s happened. Toyin, you left us way too soon. However, you’ve left us with a rich vault of great memories.

There’s so much to miss about you. Your humour and naughtiness to start with… Grace!!! I’ll miss you teasing Lekan and our other childhood friends about where we grew up and mimicking the people you love. You’re such an engaging storyteller. Games nights and barbecues will feel strange without you.

You’ve been so generous with your time and what the Lord blessed you and Lekan with. Just a few weeks ago, you both came to drop something for my daughter. I said, “Gift imi?” (Another gift!)

You love your family and spoke about them with deep affection. It just made us fall in love with them too. I pray the Lord will strengthen them. I also thank them for sharing you with us.

So many young people passed through your nurturing hands in schools, the community and church. Thank you for your investment in their lives. You loved them and they respected you. What a blessing you are to them!

I pray the Holy Spirit will comfort Lekan (Paul). You’re a beautiful couple and my family and I love you dearly. We pray that God will sustain a strong support network around him, which includes my husband and I.

Grace, radiant sweet sister, we miss you every day but are confident you’re with Jesus.

- ‘Tunmbi (Karis) for my family and I
May 13, 2023
May 13, 2023
Sister Grace,
I am still in a state of shock as I write this tribute. You were one of the nicest, cheerful and well cultured people I have ever met. We attended same church and previously same house fellowship. There was no time we met that I did not see a bubbly smile on your face. You loved God and served him dearly; you taught my kids at children’s church. You were so loving and kindhearted; you dropped my kids at school numerous times that I cannot remember.
Your husband is an outstanding gentleman and a dear brother. I know without a shadow of doubt you have triumphantly completed your race on this earth and now resting at the bosom of our Lord Jesus Christ. I can only pray for God to comfort all the people you left behind.
Adieu dear and wonderful Sister.
May 13, 2023
May 13, 2023
It hit me so hard. I did not see it coming. I could not believe what i was hearing. Grace, my lovely, sis gone. Gone. Just like that.

Well done. You ran your race well serving people so passionately as God wanted you to in his plans for you. You will be greatly missed. Oasis will never be the same without you.
Rest on Grace.

Paul, the lord keep you strong at this time and beyond.

May 12, 2023
May 12, 2023

Dear sis as I fondly called to you, I still find it very hard to believe.

You have been a blessing to my boys and myself. You were always genuinely interested in their lives.

Always giving us lifts to and fro from Dartford Even when out of your way, it was never an issue because you didn't want them to be late for school.

We cannot forget you blessing Ayomide financially when he started uni.
There are just too many wonderful moments.

Your time was short but very impactful
It is well .
May 11, 2023
May 11, 2023
 Beautiful Grace
The picture of you here capitulates not just your beauty but your warm smile, your zest for life and that twinkle of mischief in your eyes.
I can’t believe you’ve gone to heaven so soon. You’ll be greeted with open arms and ‘well done good and faithful servant’.
It was a privilege to work along side you at Oasis and see you grow into your role there. So many lives touched by you.
Paul my heart goes out to you. Stay strong for her. You are in my thoughts and prayers and yes she will stay in our memories and our hearts.
May 11, 2023
May 11, 2023
So sad to hear of your passing Grace. Yet happy to know you are now safe and secure with Jesus. I remember how you used to help with our kids club. You were a real blessing there. Thank you.
May 11, 2023
May 11, 2023
Just about getting through the shock that you have said an early goodnight while it’s still bright in the day! I shall live the rest of the day with sweet memories of your smiles, warm charm and your melodious shouts of ‘My Egbon!’ till we meet again at the feet our Our Lord Jesus!
Teniola Ibironke
May 11, 2023
May 11, 2023
I know Auntie Toyin will never be forgotten because of the massive impact she has made on my life and everyone she was around.
Anything I wanted to do at any time or needed help with, auntie Toyin would be there behind me ready to lend me a hand.
She was full of happiness and joy.
No words can express how much she will be missed.
I personally am so grateful and blessed that she was my godmother and that she lived right around the corner.
She was a huge part of my family and though we were not connected by blood she still cared and loved us all unconditionally.
Though it would be easy to lean into sadness and only think about how we will not see her again on this earth, we can look back and cherish the moments that we created with her.
We carry on with her in our hearts, not as an anchor but as an extra support and live our lives with Auntie Toyin’s essence and spirit. As I know that’s how she would want us to proceed.

Teniola Ibironke
Anjola Ibironke
May 11, 2023
May 11, 2023
There is no room Aunty Toyin entered that didn’t immediately light up. Her smile, her laugh, her energy had the power to lift spirits no matter the situation. I will forever be grateful for her steadfast, positivity and loving kindness, as well as for being such a constant in the lives of me and my family.

It’s hard to think about the next event in my life happening without her, but she lives on, in my heart and mind. I see her, I feel her presence, I hear her voice. I will cherish the time I’ve spent with her forever.

Anjola Ibironke
May 10, 2023
May 10, 2023
My Aunty Toyin
The only person who truly never saw a flaw in me
The only person I felt loved me with all their heart and meant it
The love of my life and my first and only "girlfriend" …
There is truly not another person that can replace you and your kind heart
I really miss you
I really does not feel real sometimes
Thank you for being a light to everyone you met
Thank you for all the memories you gave me
I will never forget you
From your one and only,
May 10, 2023
May 10, 2023
Toyin, hmmm when I heard, I found it hard to believe. Who would ever forget you? If there is something I want to remember about you, it is the fact that you were principled and disciplined. With you what we saw was what we got no pretence. In all of that you still had a captivating smile. You loved God and served him. Though you were strict you were still compassionate and friendly. Might not have seen you in years but the old memories linger on. You have gone to rest and someday our paths would cross again. To Lekan, your family and those you left behind, difficult as this may be this is a time of celebration. Toyin came, fought the fight, kept the faith and I know that without a shadow of doubt she would obtain her prize. To everyone reading this, life is too short. One day we would answer the call, what would people say about you or remember you for. Why keeping malice or living in unforgiveness. I rest my case. Sleep well Toyin, the graceful Grace Labode
May 9, 2023
May 9, 2023
My Dear sister Grace,
I remember all those morning prayer meetings we attended, I was always happy to see you because I knew we would be treated to that angelic voice of yours during one of the praise sessions.
I remember those free and wise counsels you gave me when life was overwhelming, the confidence you gave me to get my driver's licence quickly, your no nonsense attitude, your commitment to family and above all; Your love for God. You always said you were serving God because you love Him and not for things.
Your memory is indeed blessed.
1 Corinthians 15:19-20
'19 If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.
20 But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the first fruits of them that slept'.
May 9, 2023
May 9, 2023
Toooyin! What can we say! Still in shock! Missing your beautiful dazzling smile and hearty laugh. Always welcoming and uplifting, a real breathe of fresh air and a life that touched so many.

The last act of benevolence to us was going out of your way to get a water bottle for Femi when you were not happy with the one that had a funny cap lol! You were a real gem of a person who genuinely cared for people, especially the children who are now young men and women that were attracted to your beautiful light that shined bright for all to see and give glory to our father in heaven. Always empowering, connecting and enabling people. You were kind, caring, real, genuine, funny, witty and beautiful inside and was a privilege to be part of your life.

You lived life to the full and your faith radiated through everything you did, you can now rest, you've finished your race. We'll try our best to carry on the tradition of making fruit punch, but can't compare to your expert preps . We all miss you sorely as a family...our thoughts and prayers are with family and friends that you left behind... sleep tight, sleep well, till we meet again Shalom

Bisi and Femi Abraham
May 9, 2023
May 9, 2023
Toyin, as I used to call her, left us on the 20th of April 2023. It was a rude shock to my wife and our girls. Toyin was their second mum.

She was a very principled woman, who was never prepared to compromise her faith in God.

Though we are friends with Toyin and Lekan, our relationship went far beyond friends but more of family.

Our friendship dates back to 1998, when we used to live in close proximity to one another in Thamesmead. Attended the same cell fellowship, went away on holiday at various occasions.

Our girls (Anjolaoluwa and Oluteniola) have always known “Aunty” Toyin. Teniola has threatened her mum on various occasions that she will move to Aunty Toyin’s house if her mum threatened to shut her out of the house.

Where is Toyin to call the girls to help feed her fish when she is away on holiday? Where is she to tell our girls the right way of doing things?

I recall my wife sought advice and direction from Toyin when she took up Teaching as a career.

Toyin, you were a mum to so many children and an inspiration to many families.

There is no one to call me “broda Anto”
I miss your voice as it keeps ringing in my ears.

My family and I was inspired by your simplicity and your no nonsense approach to life. You knew how to give a stern warning and advice at the same time. That explained how you were able to carry out your counselling profession seamlessly.

Toyin, you will be greatly missed. But we thank God for you were loved by your other half, Lekan and numerous children and families that you came in contact with.

Toyin, we shall always have fond memories of you. We love you and God loved you more.
Adieus and continue to sleep in perfect peace.
May 9, 2023
May 9, 2023
We all miss you so much Aunty. I really admired your commitment to helping others - you always put yourself forward to be there in times of need, and you consistently demonstrated this throughout all your actions, words and prayers. I can’t recall a conversation with you where I didn’t gain some sort of insight or advice, and you understood the importance of perspective in every situation. I am so grateful for all the time we spent and am so happy to have been able to call you my Godmother. You were such an inspiring, humble person who took each day one step at a time, and you emphasised the art of working hard to achieve any goal, no matter how big, and how to plant the seeds for my future to blossom. You taught me that no dream is out of my touch, which is wisdom I have carried with me everyday. I will forever cherish the times we spent together laughing, and the more serious times you guided me through that I still value deeply. You advocated for me and showed love in whatever you did at all times and that meant and still means the world to me. There really never was a dull moment with you, and your ability to lighten up a room or anyone’s mood was undefeated - your selfless attitude and genuine interest in the lives of others left those around you in a happy and comfortable state and you left such a positive impact on the world around you.

Your kind and loving spirit lives on through the legacy you leave behind, and although you will be missed dearly, I am content that you are now resting in a much more peaceful place.

Rest in perfect peace, until we meet again.
Your Goddaughter
Dapo Ibironke
May 8, 2023
May 8, 2023
Toyin, as I used to call her, left us on the 20th of April 2023. It was a rude shock to my wife and our girls. Toyin was their second mum.

She was a very principled woman, who was never prepared to compromise her faith in God.

Though we are friends with Toyin and Lekan, our relationship went far beyond friends but more of family.

Our friendship dates back to 1998, when we used to live in close proximity to one another in Thamesmead.

We attended the same cell fellowship and also away on holiday at various occasions.

Our girls have always known “Aunty” Toyin.

Where is Toyin to call the girls to help feed her fish when she is away on holiday? Where is she to tell our girls the right way of doing things?

Toyin, you were a mum to so many children and an inspiration to many families.

There is no one to call me “broda Anto”
I miss your voice as it keeps ringing in my ears.

My family and I were inspired by your simplicity and your no nonsense approach to life. You knew how to give a stern warning and advice at the same time.

Toyin, you will be greatly missed. But we thank God for you were loved dearly by your husband, Lekan and numerous children and families that you came in contact with.

Toyin, we shall always have fond memories of you. We love you but God loves you more.
Adieus and continue to sleep in perfect peace.

Dapo Ibironke
May 8, 2023
May 8, 2023
My dear Toyin….. I can still hear your voice saying ‘Sade, Pele…. Awon omo nko?’ How are you & the children?

You had your own problems but that not withstanding you & your dear husband had been a tremendous support to my children & I since your friend ( my late husband) went home to be with the Lord in 2020.

Gbenga was very fond of you and I remember when he first relocated to the UK in 2004, finding you and reconnecting with you was his priority. He had told me how you both grew up together in the same area, went to same secondary school and also that you were an active member of the fellowship (Intercessors) he started in his teens.

When I met you, I understood why he was searching for you. You immediately took to me and advised us on the purchase of our property then. You shared your knowledge and experts with us and we purchased our property before our first child was born.
You were an entrepreneur, a lover of God & a giver.

A beautiful soul..,,, heaven has truly gained an angel and I know you are now reconnected with your dear friend and brother ( Gbenga Ayankogbe).
I can imagine him saying with excitement at the sight of you ‘Toyin… o ti de’.
We don’t know how they communicate up there but we are certain that the saints are happier with Him.

Keep resting my darling Toyin. You can never be forgotten.


Fola (Sade) Ayankogbe
May 7, 2023
May 7, 2023
Babes, I can’t believe that I’m writing a tribute about you. I must say it took me a while to believe that you have transitioned to glory. I will always be thankful to God for the 26 years we spent together of which we were married for 23 years. You were my best friend, my wife, my confidant, my cheerleader, my soulmate and the love of my life. You believed in me and ensured that you brought out the best version of me.

I can still hear you telling me that “Babes you can do it, it is possible” even when I didn’t believe in myself, you believed in me. You were indeed a woman of faith.

You were a woman of vision. I remember when you obtained your counselling masters degree in 2013 and qualified as a Psychotherapist. You told me that you will soon have your own counselling practice, and in 2020 you took over Oasis Counselling Services in Dartford.

Babes, you lived a life of impact. You made an impact and added value to the lives of everyone you came in contact with both old and young. Most especially you had a special way of connecting with teenagers and young adults and bringing out the best in them. The impact you made in your short life is a testament to the fact that it is not how long but how well one lives that counts. Touching lives, making a difference.

You loved life and lived it to the full. I remember the great times we had in our last trip together in Israel last month (April 2023). We visited Jerusalem, Bethlehem, the River Jordan, the walls of Jericho and the Sea of Galilee among others. Little did I know that the same month you would transition to the heavenly Jerusalem.

Your smile was infectious, you were full of life and radiated joy at all times. There was never a dull moment around you. I still laugh when I remember the funny jokes we shared. You were a fashionista always looking pretty and ever young. I miss the fun times we spent together.

You always looked out for people; you were extremely generous and was a liberal soul. You were a good woman.

Sweetheart, you had a heart of gold. I miss you dearly and you will never ever be forgotten. I am forever grateful to God for bringing you in to my life. You are a treasure of inestimable value, priceless. Thank you for loving me and sharing your life with me. Truly, I could not have asked for a better wife. As I always told you “when God gave you to me He gave me the best” I fondly called you Ibukunoluwa because you are God’s blessing to me.

Babes, I really don’t know how I can live without you but I know that the Lord will strengthen me and see me through each day. I miss you sweetheart but my consolation is that you are with the Lord Jesus in a far better place. You have overcome.

You are forever in my heart. I miss you greatly. I will always love you babes.
Rest in peace my sweetheart. Yours always, your husband - Ayodeji xxx
May 7, 2023
May 7, 2023
By Tomilola Adediran
Aunty Toyin, I thank you for your love,support and gifts. I really appreciate them.
I’ll miss you so much and will always love you. I know you are in Heaven with God and believe we will meet again.
May 7, 2023
May 7, 2023
by Olamiposi Adediran.
Dear aunty Toyin, thank you for your support and love, it means a lot to me. When I heard you had died I was very sad. The day I first knew your name was the day I told myself to always love others, you did a lot of things that will always remind me of you. From now on I will show a lot of love to other people because your story has inspired me. Thank you so much I will never forget you. See you in heaven 
May 7, 2023
May 7, 2023
Dear Aunty Toyin as I usually call you,

I decided to be conversational because its hard for me to capture in words how I feel. It has taken 12 days to do this… Yes I am counting!

We talk about all sorts of things and manage to argue about them all at the same time! Our conversation never ends it just continues and goes in all directions. Remember when we were rushing to catch that flight to New York that we eventually missed drama! We eventually got there for the weekend and we bought our first designer bag together!! We just kept shopping till it was time to pay for our first designer bag! As the money was leaving our account, we kept laughing and encouraging each other that we deserve it!

Then the conversation of strange shapes of sausage pillows we found in our beds……We sent each other pictures, just saw it on my phone! That was hilarious! How do those men sleep like that?

Hello Toyin, your people have come again oh! How can someone decide that ……. Then you will say, “A re” mo ti so fun e pe, ko mo iwa fun oniwa!” (meaning know and accept the distinct character of people). If I continue lamenting you will say,” I have told you, just leave them!”

Then we have the “awon senior!” moments oh that was the highlight of any shenanigans by the seniors… we know them lol! Our way of making sense of unexplainable ideas from those we have to obey! Ha that one cracks us up all the time.

Then there is the everyday “Aunty Toyin” phrase in our house. Anything and everything is aunty Toyin oh. From those that miss the bus that need a ride, to those that have decided that when they run away from home and are moving in with you. And those having panic attacks that only aunty Toyin can bring them out of. I said Toyin, they said they are moving in with you so they will do no chores, you laughed and said they will be disappointed that all the chores will be become theirs.

Madam Funmi, your mum is looking for a small bottle to put water, I said please leave me out of my mother’s bottle drama! What small bottle? You brought so manty bottles and they were never the right size. We cracked up over this for years. Then there was the I want to sit by the toilet episode….. O lord.

By the way mummy said “Mo wa very devastated” Toyin came last month!
Then remember that our family drama decades ago. We felt so sorry for Lekan because anytime my dad saw him, he will say Ehen, Lekan sho get mi , ki lo feel, ki la ma se……..questions no answer

Funlayo, your mum has come to take a shower. Toyin, what is wrong with the shower in my house? You said you did not know. She just showed up with the girls to take a shower…..then we will laugh……..

Madam Funmi, my mum does not need the sketchers, she just wants to go and give it to someone in naija. Toyin what is your own? If mummy wants sketchers, mummy gets sketchers, I go to the shop buy the sketchers and bring it and you lament all the way! This is what she does all the time! Buys things for other people.

Ha so many sit down meals, board games played together, fellowship, travels (remember the trip to Brugge and on our way back, they wanted to open only our case or something! Toyin you displayed oh! All of us were quiet looking on with utter amazement at Ashford International. Chai Toyin only you could have taken them on. (Lekan reminded me recently!) 

Going on some random apple picking, Toyin we are dudu what are picking apples in kent for? Ki lo se Sainsburys apple?
Funlayo you need Kent honey, the pollen this year …… Toyin jo ma pa mi there is anti-histamine in boots I am not going to look for Kent honey!
I can’t wash plates in your sink Toyin, this your washing up liquid is not foaming, madam Funmi this is organic, no chemicals, etc etc . E ma binu oh awa non organic lol…..

Babesssssss Funlayo is here she said you are going to exercise! You are laughing at our attempt to shed the weight because it becomes 20 minutes of chatting outside followed by the actual 20 minutes walking or I just turn back and I am okay. 

Toyin, when you set your mind on something, I am wasting my time but I still waste the time oh because me, I have to say my own!! Then you will say, Funlayo have you finished? So ti se tan?

Then the croissants ….. Babeeessss come downstairs, they have brought you croissant. E yin ni kan loro yin ye! I am not involved.

By the way, I need to renew …. And that thing you have been saying to Lekan and I …. mmhhhh “ eyin mejeji, o jo to ba ti wa gbe yin..” You and Lekan will know. Well I will have to sort it now my dear!

Then lock down was so funny. We were our own bubble. Toyin is like, what are they doing with toilet roll, Shelves are empty “A re!” This people, I just don’t understand! They are mad! They are just mad!!! O lord I can’t stop laughing.
I am in my kitchen I look out the window you are there. I am driving down the hill you are there. In the town center you are picking things up for me. So we had his membership card debate and I refused to pay as I said it was a scam…then you added me on. Anyway sha, Toyin, I kuku paid it on Sunday when I got there on Sunday and they said it was expiring. I said chai, Toyin will be laughing at me and say so they have scammed you abi. Toyin, you are everywhere in my life!

Our last conversations, included the banking system is not working well oh, when you transfer it does not go etc, I said maybe its your bank, my own bank has no such issues (turned out to be a lie, they showed me pepper in Lagos). Mummys birthday plans, photo shoot, event planner, awon seniors, awon to ni ideas….. Lord I miss you dearly.

Toyin your faith is unquestionable and unshakable. I am not permitted to doubt oh! There is nothing impossible with God. But Toyin … Madam Funmi you have come again! Listen to this preaching, Pray,there is this scripture…..
You believed for me even when I doubted. You ignored my unbelief and forged on. Without a doubt God brought you into my life because I needed to learn empathy, respect of people’s choices I do not agree with, support others when I am thinking otherwise and protect those we care about despite and in spite of what they do. That was who you were. You stay when others go, even if you felt let down by them too. You were a mum to my kids.

Parenting was effortless for us because aunty Toyin sorted it out. Whatever aunty Toyin said was okay. I often played catch up with the girls because you guys had finished your plan then I will just go along.

I don’t know life in London without you, 20th February 2023, I got the unique opportunity to tell you how I felt. I danced and sang “emi ni kan lo ye”. Words are not enough but it is becoming clear that aunty Toyin is not here. I have to be strong, I have to understand that God loves you more, I have to accept that you are in a better place. My confidence is a bit shaken and though it be a bit cloudy now, I know the sun will shine again because you radiate light. You are in a better place, smiling down and urging us to keep moving positively in the right direction. Ensuring we fulfil the call of God on our life.

My sister, my friend, my prayer warrior, my encourager, my challenger, my banter partner. Thank you, Lord, for allowing me to share a few decades with Toyin. It’s been a privilege and an honour to be given a rare gift of God like you in my life.

I miss you, miss you, miss you. Can’t remember the last time I cried so much! Toyin you know I don’t cry oh. I cry for my personal loss but I rejoice at heavens gain. Sleep well with the saints. I can never forget you. You are with me today as you were yesterday and always. I have a richer life because of you. 

                                       Your Sister
                               "Madam Funmi" (Another joke we share!)
May 6, 2023
May 6, 2023
Grace knowing you were a beautiful privilege. You being a part of my family was one of the best impacts I will not forget. You were not just friends; you became my sister, a mother to my children, a teacher to my family and a beautiful MENTOR to me. You connected to every member of my family so powerfully and your impacts on each of us are undeniable.
Aunty Grace, as we call you, you left us unannounced, and we were not prepared for this, indeed, it hurts. Thank you for being my teacher, thank you for loving me more than a sister, thank you for your impact on my children, thank you for standing with me and thank you for always fighting the good fight of faith, you will always be remembered.
And thank God for victory over death Grace, and enjoy the presence of life eternal in Christ Jesus

by Rinah Omosewa Adediran
May 6, 2023
May 6, 2023
Dear Aunty Toyin,
You have always been there for me.
You are the best Aunty in the world and
I love you so much. I can't explain how much I love you. I heard that you were gone to be with the Lord and it made me cry. I wish you would come back.

Rinah Omosewa Adediran
May 5, 2023
May 5, 2023
I have to remind myself over and over again that it is not a dream. 
It hurts but I thank God for memories.
I thank God for the times we spent together.

You were a wonderful sister to me. 
You were a wonderful aunt to my children.
You had this ability to reach out to people.
You reached out to every member of my family both young and old.

I will miss our catchup calls at the weekend.
I will miss your lovely smile.
I will miss hearing your voice.
I am glad that I got to tell you ‘I love you’ each time we spoke.
I am glad for the time we spent together, laughing, and encouraging one another.
Missing you. 
May 4, 2023
May 4, 2023
Aunty Toyin,
It’s sad to realize that you’re gone. It’s difficult to come to terms that you’re no more. You were full of faith, courage, and strength. I wish you farewell in your journey to eternity. You’d never be forgotten. Rest in peace sis.
May 4, 2023
May 4, 2023
The memory of the just is blessed says the word of God.
You memory is blessed Aunty Toyin. You have passed through this world.
You make a good choice by having Jesus as your Lord and Saviour
Before you sleep,you have victory over death
You obtain life eternal in Christ Jesus
While we are sad we loose you
While we are missing your absence
Heaven is rejoicing for another victorious soul
Heaven is celebrating your victory
Host of heaven is celebrating your short life but impactful
You nice words of encouragement and smile
Will be forever missed Aunty Toyin aya Labode.
Till we meet at Jesus’s feet,
where we meet to part no more
Rest On!
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