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Ruth Bibiire Adediran
May 4, 2023
May 4, 2023
Dear Aunty Toyin,
The aunty that has been with me since the day I was born.
You have given me so much memories to cherish and remember forever. You will dearly be missed and surely be remembered. I love you to the moon and back aunty. I miss you.
Ruth Bibiire Adediran
May 3, 2023
May 3, 2023
Hello Aunty,
I cannot believe that you are gone and it still does not real.

Every summer that I visited was filled with love and joy to calm and peace.

At family events, I knew I could look for you and be welcomed with open arms.

Just last summer we were flicking through old photos from around the family, raving about holidays and sharing funny stories.

Whenever I was around you, I felt like I was always creating memories.

I always found comfort with you and know that you will find comfort with the Lord.
May 3, 2023
May 3, 2023
No one ever has the notes or right words prepared for when a loved angel leaves us……So this has been a tough one to comprehend. Toyin, you are such an amazing soul and when you joined the family….your presence brought pure love, calmness and to add, fun. Banter with you was so easy and with Bro Lekan, it was absolute bliss. Such rare moments spent with you but cherishing those times now.
Your heart was pure and real….the what you see is what you get type.

It won’t be the same without you at the family functions……miss you dear Sis. Rest on ️️️.
May 3, 2023
May 3, 2023
Auntie Toyin, as I fondly call you.

My sweet darling sister from another mother.

What can I say right now? It's quite hard for me to come to terms with the fact that you are physically no longer here with us. I never knew that our trip to Nigeria in March was going to be my last of seeing you physically. I still have those pictures we took in the airplane Lol! My consolation goodbye gift, I guess.

Every time I call, you always say "Egbon se e wa okay?" As a meticulous counselor that you are, you always asked me to tell you exactly how I'm doing. I could never hide it from you. Even when I tried to hide those feelings, you always pick the vibes of them. Thank you for your love, your care, and your encouragement. Thank you for looking out for me even in my difficult times.

Every time I come to the UK, you and Lekan always make my stay pleasant and comfortable. You have a beautiful heart.

The days of long hours of conversation and laughter with you and Lekan. Your voice still lingers in my head and in my heart. You will be terribly missed, Toyin. But you are forever in my heart.

I know you are at peace in the bosom of the LORD, and we shall meet again someday.

Rest on, Sister.

Ibukun Olotu
Arizona, USA
May 3, 2023
May 3, 2023
My Aunty of Life.
My personal person.
I just want to thank you for accepting me into the family with open arms. I was really nervous meeting you for the first time, but your bright smile and warm heart made me feel loved and welcomed.
I thank you for all the words of wisdom you have given to us over the years. Love you have shown us as a family and joy you instilled in our lives.

I'm gutted we were unable to make the trip to see you during Christmas, I would have loved to see you one last time but I take solice in the fact that you are in a better place.
You will be missed deeply. 

Ps. Don't worry about these ibadan people you left behind, I will take good care of them.

Love always

Baba Olu
May 2, 2023
May 2, 2023
Dear Toyin,

It’s well over a decade since I last saw you but I remember you so fondly. You were such a practical and helpful person. I never forget how you helped us dress our daughter up on her 1st birthday.

It has taken me a while to come to terms with the news of your passing. Your memory will forever remain dear to my heart.

Rest in perfect peace my darling.
May 2, 2023
May 2, 2023
My sweet sweet Auntie Toyin, my big sister of life!
You have been such a wonderful inspiration to me, from my teens to the grown-up woman I have become. You empowered me to be the best version of myself in every aspect of my life.

I thank you deeply for the pure love you showered me, the care you provided to me, and the nuggets of wisdom you passed onto me, which I will pass on to your 'Darling Nathan', your 'Professor Tia' and your 'Baba David'.

I will miss everything about you; your beautiful smile, your calming voice, your jokes, your yummy cooking, your singing, your prayers, your love for all things 'Ibadan' ( you love us really) and most of all your kindness.

Maya Angelou once wrote "A great soul serves everyone all the time. A great soul never dies. It brings us together again and again.” Auntie Toyin your beautiful soul brought us all together and will certainly continue to keep the family together. I LOVE you more than words can express, keep smiling at us all from the best spot in heaven.
You are gone too soon but memories of you will be treasured, memories of you will NEVER fade from my heart.

Rest well my sweetest Big Sis xx

Temilola Agunbiade
May 1, 2023
May 1, 2023
Godmother, I am so thankful for you and grateful to have had you as a confidant, cheerleader, advisor…the list goes on... You were always unconditional. You would always tell me the truth. You were always there. You made me feel special. You made us all feel special.

You would encourage me to step out of my comfort zone and be there every step of the way – in Thamesmead, in Dartford, through secondary school, through university…I know you would have flown around the world to be there if you had to. You were a rock for me. You were a rock for many.

I always looked forward to our chats – “Aunty Toyin just gets it” I would think. We always had more to talk about than hours in the day. It’s tough to accept that you are gone. But never forgotten.

I’m praying for strength for Uncle Lekan and the rest of the family.

You will always be in my heart. Your Godson, Tim
April 30, 2023
April 30, 2023
Haa, Toyin aburo mi,this is too hard to take in, I only just spoke with you when you came back from mum's birthday, little did I know that would be our last conversation, you have left a big void in the family, we thank God for your life, you've touched many lives and your spirit will live on.
April 28, 2023
April 28, 2023
Oh, my sweet sister, it looked like a bad dream when you were taken away from this sinful world to be with the lord. I wailed and prayed and prayed and wailed as if that would bring you back.
I will forever miss you my beloved sister. I will hold in my heart the great times and memories we shared together. I will forever miss you calling me Madam Deedee. I love you sis. May God rest your soul.
Aderinsola Adediran
April 28, 2023
April 28, 2023
Toyenyen aburo mi, this is so hard writing a tribute to say goodbye to you. I remember all those times we were all growing up in Lagos and then all the way to England what a journey. when I came to collect my goodies for mum's birthday at your place few weeks ago, little did I know that would be the last time of seeing you. Haaa this is so difficult to bear you have made so much impact in peoples lives within a short space of time and we're all so proud of you. Our only consolation is that you were standing in Christ untill the end. Continue to rest in the Lord aburo mi.
Joyce Oyebanjo.
April 28, 2023
April 28, 2023
Sister Grace,

Thank you for your kindness and gentle talks. May your soul rest in perfect peace.

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
13 Brothers and sisters, we want you to know about those who have died. We don’t want you to be sad like other people—those who have no hope.

14 We believe that Jesus died, but we also believe that he rose again. So we believe that God will raise to life through Jesus any who have died and bring them together with him when he comes.

15 What we tell you now is the Lord’s own message. Those of us who are still living when the Lord comes again will join him, but not before those who have already died.

16 The Lord himself will come down from heaven with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet call of God. And the people who have died and were in Christ will rise first.

17 After that we who are still alive at that time will be gathered up with those who have died. We will be taken up in the clouds and meet the Lord in the air. And we will be with the Lord forever.

18 So encourage each other with these words.
April 27, 2023
April 27, 2023
Aunty Toyin,

I find it difficult writing this tribute, this isn't supposed to be, i met you just a while ago and it seems I've known you my whole life, the discussion you had with me were the final confirmation I needed in a direction God has been nudging me to take on.

You were a light and you shone so brightly making it difficult to miss you in a room. I am glad I got to hug you well.
Your words still rings in my head and I promise to make you proud.
Sleep well aunty T, till we meet at the feet of Jesus.
I miss you.
April 27, 2023
April 27, 2023
Gone too soon and difficult to put it in words.

Grace Oluwatoyin, you were more than a Sister-in-law, loving, and beloved sister.

Our gratitude is to God for the life of faith that you lived.

Your heart of generosity is appreciated.

The footprints of compassion and love you left in our hearts will not go away.

You model excellence to our young adults with surprise birthday gifts and visits to nieces and nephews whilst at university.

You kept everyone on their toes to succeed and in hurry to do so.

When you dance, you danced with a genuine heart of gratitude to God.

Out of the abundance of the heart, the proof of your faith and belief is evident.

You left the realms of the humans and was translated to the realms of the saints.

You left with us fondest memories.

Your trip to the holy land (Israel) brought inspirations to stimulate our faith.

Forever in our hearts.

April 26, 2023
April 26, 2023
Rest in Peace dear Sister, May the Lord Comfort all those left behind. Adieu
April 26, 2023
April 26, 2023
Our beloved Aburo,

Where can one start from? The journey together has been looooong. We lived together in our early years as youths growing up and continued to just cherish and love each other. We loved to confuse people on which one of us was actually Steve's sister and who was Funke's sister. We had fun, we had our upsetting moments when we were both growing up, but we stayed true to each other because blood was always thicker than water. We loved each other endlessly!. Ours was a story of sisterly love that nothing could separate. We celebrated and wished each other all the best in the journey of life. You watched my back at all times. Nothing you wouldn't do if I needed your help. You have never seized to check on us in any of your trips even to the last time we were together. Our beloved Aburo, you will be missed. Rest well in the bossom of Our Lord and Saviour. You have fought the good fight and finished your race.

We love you dearly, but God loves you more.

Rest well, Aburo Mi. Rest well!

Olumide & Funmilola Jayeola
April 26, 2023
April 26, 2023
Hey Sis,
Is this really the end on this side? No more gists and banter with you? No more debates to agree to disagree? No more jokes about how many barbecues I am having before summer? No more competition between us on the dance floor? Really? I know you are in a better place but it hurts. You've gone too soon my darling sis.
Love you. Missing you. Till we meet again.

David Olusola Adediran
April 26, 2023
April 26, 2023
Dear Aunty,

I'm crying as I type this and in my mind, I'm hoping you'll drop by here and read my heart.

Aunty, you have left such a big void in my heart, we started speaking in 2017 during my service year and till 2023, your words were an injection for me.

You told me to focus on my focus till I become the focus, and now that I'm on my way to become a global focus, you ain't here to tell me how proud you are of me.

Aunty, who will call me Oluwadebbielola like you do?
Aunty, the doors of relationships you opened for me to meet great people, who will keep opening them? You tell me to pitch myself well

You tell me to take my depth deep down

My heart is heavy as I type

But I know you are with the Father, that is my only consolation.

I miss you EVERYDAY Aunty, your voice rings in my ears everyday and I run to the convenience to cry whenever I'm at the office..

I promise to make you proud and I'll keep on sharing my milestones with you in your WhatsApp DM hoping you'll reply like you always do.

I miss you

Your Oluwadebbielola
April 26, 2023
April 26, 2023
What a shock to hear of your passing Toyin !! May the Lord rest your soul and comfort your families.
April 26, 2023
April 26, 2023

Toyin, My sister in love,

It has been a very difficult few days for the whole family and I just thought that not typing the words would make it seem unreal but could hear your voice ringing in my ears to accept what just happened as the will of God and do the right thing by writing my tribute. This wasn’t the plan at all Toyin. We gisted whilst you were away in Israel with you sending lovely pictures of both of you and taking us on the journey with you. I even jokingly said to you that I can’t wait for you to lay those Holy hands on me and you responded affectionately. You even told me what meal to prepare for both of you on your return from Israel and requested I spoke to my big sis to prepare the fish for your meal. Little did I know that the script would be different. I would have never imagined that I would be writing this tribute right now but one thing I am assured of is that you made heaven and we shall meet again. Thanks for all you’ve been to my family and for the love shown and support given to my brother. Your memory will forever live on in our hearts. The children have found the loss extremely difficult but I know God will give us the grace to bear it. My joy is that you are no longer in pain but in peace with the Angels in Heaven. I will really miss you sis as I fondly call you.

Oluremi SimileJesu
April 26, 2023
April 26, 2023
Aunty, I still can't come out of the shock of the news of your transition to Glory. My consolation is you were a woman of Faith during your stay on this side and that alone has strengthen me.

Aunty, Thank you for your push, thank you for your words of motivation, thank you for your prayers, thank you for your gifts, thank you for all you did while with here, you will be greatly missed.

But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus. For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words.

Miss you Aunty
April 25, 2023
April 25, 2023
Too shocked, words fail me.
Rest in perfect peace Toyin.
April 25, 2023
April 25, 2023
It's so difficult to believe this reality, I'm speechless because this sad news came to me as huge shock. I pray the Lord to give us all comfort and courage to be even stronger at this time. Rest in the bossom of the Lord dear loved one, your impacts can't be forgotten in a hurry. It's well !
April 25, 2023
April 25, 2023
Aunty Toyin... The English language simply does not possess the vocabulary to wholly capture your essence, and there are no adequate words to reflect the special and inordinate place you have forever inhabited in my heart.

Our close relationship was well-earned. A lifetime of fighting and tears, but also of laughter, jokes, mapping out life plans, cultural outings, wedding dress discussions and ultimately love. You continuously went out of your way to let me know that you were a rock that I could forever lean on and rely on, no matter what I was going through.

I'm so blessed and honoured to have known you for almost 25 years and I'm lucky that I got to be your 1st (and obviously favourite) niece. I may not have known that last Monday would be the last time that I would see you, but I'm so grateful that I got to see you, speak to you and express my love for you.

I love you so much and it's so painful to say a goodbye that is so final and permanent... but I have no choice. So, goodbye to my favourite aunty. I can at least take comfort in the fact that you are in no pain and you have now taken your rightful place in heaven with God.

Lots of love,

Your favourite niece,

Tobi xxx
April 25, 2023
April 25, 2023
All we have to say now is "thank you Lord for a life well spent". God has decided to keep you with Himself.... painful to us but gainful to Him. Rest well Grace.....see you at the resurrection day. Shalom.
April 25, 2023
April 25, 2023
Sweet Aunty
In the short time that we knew each other, you were nothing short of amazing.
I am glad I got to experience your love and warmth.
I will miss all our voice notes and interesting mini gists.
Rest well Aunty.
Praying for your loved ones always.
April 24, 2023
April 24, 2023
My darling sister and friend words cannot express my feelings but I know you have gone to a better place.
Sleep on till we meet again at the feet of the Lord.
April 24, 2023
April 24, 2023
Darling Toyin, my sis and Career Nuggets Director,
I really miss you.
I know you are now in a better place and smiling from above. Sleep on dearest.
May the Lord uphold and strengthen all your loved ones left behind. Amen
April 24, 2023
April 24, 2023
You will be greatly missed indeed my dear sister. Heaven has gained an angel so continue to rest in power until the resurrection morning.
April 24, 2023
April 24, 2023
Hello Sis
I can't believe you are no more. The last time I saw you was at the Akintola's in October (6 months ago). This still feels like a dream. Seun will be so devastated when he finds out as he truly loved you and your hubby. May you find rest in the perfect arms of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. God bless and keep your family this season. Continue to rest
April 24, 2023
April 24, 2023
Momma, yes that's what I call you whenever we chat or speak. You were not just like a big Aunty to me but a mother... Always checking up on me, celebrating with me and all.

You have been a big support system to me and my family and we will never forget your good deeds. Am so glad you lived a life of impact.

Yeah,its really so devastating to hear about your demise and still can't comprehend that I wouldn't get to communicate with you anymore, however am consoled knowing that you are in a better place, resting at the bossom of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Till we meet to part no more...
Love you Momma, now and forever.

Aanuoluwapo and Olaoluwa Ige
April 24, 2023
April 24, 2023
My darling sis, I really can't believe you're gone. I wish this was a dream and I'll wake up to realise its not true, but.... 
I'm grateful to God for your life. You were a gift that kept giving. You extended yourself and touched lives. You truly cared about everyone.
You'd always call me "aburo mi" and you were indeed the big sister I never had. I will miss those hugs.
I remember our many gists and laughter.You were my big supporter,always encouraging me and nudging me forward.
I'm grateful for the moments we shared and the memories we created. I'll miss you dearly but I thank God that you're in a better place.
Rest on sis.
April 23, 2023
April 23, 2023
My sweet lil darling friend turned sister, Toyin .

I  still can't believe  that you are gone. Somebody pls wake me up from this dream. I sent you a message on the morning of Thursday 20 April. I didn't get a reply but believed you would reply later on. Only to wake up the following morning, Friday 21 April, to Lekan's message that you went to be with the Lord on Thursday. Oh my!! I cannot ask God the thousand Qs I want to. However, he loves you more & the angels are rejoicing.

I met you 26 years ago & you have been the same then until the end. Consistent with your friendship & never wavered. You are a loving, caring & kind person. My birthday month mate, I the 19th & you the 20th. We never failed in wishing each other happy birthday.

Anytime people saw us together or apart even, it was always " are you two sisters" or I would always get "are you Toyin's sister". Yes you are my sister & I called you that & you called me your big sis. You were an epitome of a loving sister & I couldn't have asked for more.I'm glad we stayed in touch. Whats App made it seem we did see all the time.

The last time I saw you was at Ore Oyin-Adeniji's wedding, not knowing that will be the last. I said to you in Dec 2021 "I will make it my duty & all endeavours that we meet up in 2022"

2022 flew by like a flash & I was to call you on Saturday 22 April, post my message on 20 April, to arrange a date for four of us to meet up.Man proposes,God decides.

I am still asking God to wake me up from my dream that it is not true you have not gone.

My consolation is that you impacted the lives of  every single person you came into contact with. You did not have a chip on your shoulder rather modest and humble. You were an extraordinary human being.

The Angels have most certainly gained and received a good woman and are rejoicing.

I pray for comfort for your beloved husband, Lekan, family & all those you left behind. May the heavenly father  bring comfort and peace to them & me in Jesus name.

Rest in perfect peace
April 23, 2023
April 23, 2023
My darling sis, I still can't believe this is how it'll end. It's hard to say Goodbye. When I drop you off at the Airport, didn't know it was the last time I'll see you. Sis am suppose to give u an update on our last discussion?
Does it mean am not going to see u in my house again? This is heart breaking and really bad to loose the only sister I have in the whole world.
I love u, will always do and will never forget you and all the moments we share together.
Rest on.....
April 23, 2023
April 23, 2023

No bi so we plan am oh,You left my 'band of brother padi' to go rest.i would miss your candi gist and stress.would miss just badging into the kitchen and sorting my self out. thanks for been a friend and making a difference to a whole of people .you would be missed a whole lot enjoy your new 'home' .ayodele C
April 22, 2023
April 22, 2023
I am doing a strange thing here, how on earth am I visiting this page to leave a tribute to you, my sister from another mother. It's 22 years of knowing you and us holding frank talks. Yeah you went where no one dared, sis. Why? Just like my dad, you were a frank talker who wasn't afraid to tell me as it is. I really appreciated you dear sis. Thanks for all you did; from the warm reception in Thamesmead to Dartford; from the the small talks in your house to the chats in Barnwell Road. Thanks for the support you gave over the years; from birthday surprises to planned celebration. How do I tell mum that there would be no Toyin to drop her off at Winners Chapel Dartford on Sundays? How do I open my mouth and say that Toyin would not be coming home to visit her again? You refused to take the 80th birthday card that was specially got for your mum from me in March and said that I should bring it to London, as you would not be seeing your mum again till then. Haa Toyin, this is hard oh. This is not how we planned it. Just like that, you earned the angellic wings and sored to the world beyond. Sleep well beloved and say hi to my dad. Till we meet at the saviour' s feet, sleep well beloved, it is not goodbye but goodnight.
April 22, 2023
April 22, 2023
T for Toyin, my darling one & only sister gifted to me and our brothers. It’s hard to believe that you’ve left us to be with the Lord so soon.
It still feels unreal! I wake up every morning hoping it’s a bad dream. Still expecting to you hear your voice; “My only egbon” you would say.

I would cherish the old memories of growing up with you my little sister. Behind that assertive, stubborn and strong opinionated personality lies a kind and caring heart. I admire your giving spirit, keen to help those in need.

Though you’ve goon too soon, you lived an impactful life, always encouraging everyone to be their best. You have positively influenced so many and have an admirable knack of connecting to youths, many who are now young adults.

The consolation we have is that you were a faithful Christian believer. You’ve gone to a place where there’s no more pain. Rest in perfect peace my darling aburo! 

Stephen Adediran
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