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10 Things To Consider When Mourning Your Loved One.

April 21, 2022
To Yetunde with the smiling eyes, Ayo, Senior Orode, and my dear friend Jemine.

1. Death takes, but it gives much more. Watch out for life’s many opportunities to be a better you.

2. The passing away of our loved one naturally brings families together, hold on to the togetherness and build on it.

3. Do not argue or fight over the will. (speaking from experience) You’ve already got yours, Mummy’s things are just “jarra”.

4. The process of mourning can be quite sneaky. Take care not to retreat into a place where your ability to give and receive kindness is off balance.

5. Eat well, get plenty of rest & look after yourself. Try to do the positive things that you really love to do.

6. If you have any health issues that has been on the back burner..., NOW is the time to address them.

7. Create a new legacy for Mummy and/or build on the existing one.

8. This is a good age (89 years) to move on to the next life. (Not Christian, this is what we believe death is about). This was a Celebration of Life for Mummy.

9. I can’t shake the feeling that there should be a “Future Library” building/structure in her hometown as part of her legacy. Possibly walking distance from my house in Warri “clears throat”, just like American Presidential libraries.

10. You guys all looked gorgeous. The funeral fashion was on point. I really enjoyed the “banga soup and starch” story (girl after my own heart) and I’m still in awe of the “WAEC by Candlelight” story.

This was a successful event and a massive thank you to the organisers. Sending all of you warm love and best wishes during this time. Igho X

March 27, 2022
I first heard of Professor Grace Alele-Williams when I was in Secondary School. She was friends with my Principal, Mrs Sulekha Osunde. Mrs Osunde was a Mathematician, and used her friend's story to inspire every student at Igbinedion Education Centre who cared to listen. She escorted me to one of the Award Ceremonies for a National Mathematics Competition, and as though there was something more important than receiving the prize, she said, "I'm inviting my friend, Professor Grace Alele-Williams, to the Graduation Ceremony this year. I will introduce you to her at the Valedictory Service and we will take a picture with her. She's one of the greatest female Mathematicians and Professors!" I never forgot that.

Many years later, I met Dr Orode and was surprised when I learnt she was Professor Alele-Williams' daughter. I excitedly shared my stories from Secondary School with her, and all the wonderful things I had heard about her mum. As we celebrate Mothers' Day today, I think of her family and send my deepest condolences. A mother who leaves such an outstanding legacy will always be honoured and loved. May her noble soul rest in perfect peace with God.

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