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March 26
March 26
Continue to rest in peace mama. We remember you today and always.
December 17, 2022
December 17, 2022
Professor Grace Alele Williams was and always will be an inspiration to women everywhere. Her tireless work and dedication to worthy causes showed that she believed in herself and always fought for what she thought was right and fair. May her good soul rest in perfect peace. God bless you ma. Amen
May 7, 2022

The University of Benin Alumni Association North America (UBAANA) commiserates with the family of Professor Grace Alele-Williams on her passing. We are however grateful to God for the impactful life she lived and for the many moments we got to share with her.

Professor Grace Alele-Willams was an ICON and a role model. She was a trailblazer in academia.

In 2018, UBAANA had the rare privilege of honoring her legacy with a lifetime achievement award. She was pivotal to numerous unmatchable contributions to our great school, the University of Benin. Her uncompromising contribution to raising generations of exceptional students is forever indelible in our hearts and memories.

As Vice Chancellor, Professor Grace Alele-Williams dignified her office as she changed the narrative for university administration. She was resilient, responsive and ready. She was often referred to as the Iron Lady!

Her impact on the University of Benin, the Nigerian academic landscape and the world, will continue to live on. Her passing has created an enormous void in our hearts that will be difficult to fill.

We join you in celebrating an exemplary life well lived to the glory of God and the good of mankind.

May the Almighty God comfort your family, our great institution and the entire nation.

Alex Imuetinyan Eronmwon
April 21, 2022
April 21, 2022
A truly great Lady and Auntie, Prof. believed in excellence and strived to inspire all around her towards it, and at the same time gracious and understanding to people irrespective.
You were indeed a blessing to me personally and I pray that your beloved Children, grandchildren and your generation will continually be favoured and blessed
Extend my greetings and love to my beloved Father, Blessings Erewa Gold Awani, at the other side of eternity.Adieu
April 21, 2022
April 21, 2022
I recalled my first board meeting with you, you were so full of praises and kind words of encouragement for me.
You were such a beacon of light and a great mentor to me . Would forever miss you.
Rest on great Icon! Amen 
April 20, 2022
April 20, 2022
Prof Grace Alele-Williams was an outstanding trailblazer in so many spheres. A brilliant and an outstanding academic, her achievements in the Education sector in Nigeria stand tall. She was a delightful and charismatic personality, who was much admired, both from near and from far. We salute her and pray that the children and grandchildren are blessed with the fortitude to bear the loss. RIP! Ahmed & Ronke Makele.
April 19, 2022
April 19, 2022
When i learnt that our dear mum Chief Prof Alele Williams had passed away.  i was sad and but i knew in my heart that she had gone to glory .
She was a very kind and cheerful woman . Her home was open to everyone of us i am grateful for the impact she had on my life and can never forget .
She came she saw and boy did she conquer .
You will remain forever in my heart and thank you ma for all you have done
Rest in peace and in the bosom of the Lord.
April 19, 2022
April 19, 2022
A Tribute to a National Icon

Professor Grace Alele-Williams will forever be remembered and honoured by WISCAR for her immense contributions to Nigerian Women and the Nation as a role model and exemplar.

A renowned mathematician and first female Vice-Chancellor of a Nigerian university. In an interview in 2004, speaking about her appointment as the first ever female Vice-Chancellor of a Nigerian University, she was quoted to have said;

“The excitement I felt on receiving the news from Professor Jubril Aminu [the Nigerian Minister of Education] had more to do with seeing it in terms of opening up the field for women than anything else. I saw it as an opportunity to show that women too could rise up to the occasion. Also, I knew what the weight of the expectations on me as a woman now was. They were eager to see how things would go and I was not going to let them down. Mind you, those who appointed me felt I was qualified for it; so it was not just a case of wanting to satisfy the yearnings of the womenfolk. It was more than that.”

She assiduously paved the way for women in Nigeria, Africa and the world to dare to break the bias and shatter glass ceilings.

Prof. would be greatly missed by all of us in Nigeria and at WISCAR we feel particularly privileged to call her beloved daughter Dr. Orode Doherty one of our own. Taking after her mother as a high achiever, Dr. Doherty has paid it forward as a mentor on the WIN with WISCAR Mentoring programme.

We continue to be grateful to have Professor Grace Alele-Williams’s life story and legacy of her work as part of our nation’s history. She will never be forgotten.

May the good Lord comfort the family and enable them to bear her loss. May her gentle soul rest in perfect peace.

On behalf of Women in Successful Careers

Amina Oyagbola
April 19, 2022
April 19, 2022
I never really had a direct interaction with Prof. Allele-Williams, but through my classmate, Orode, I knew that you were a first class mother as Orode always displayed those qualities you only see in people who are well grounded in all areas. Even though she was the daughter of the Vice Chancellor when we were medical students, you never could tell if you didn’t know.

Prof. Allele-Williams graciously led UNIBEN, through a period of crisis and made the university the best. You will forever be remembered for your services to mankind in many spheres. The Lord has called you home for a well deserved rest after you fulfilled your destiny.

Rest well my VC.
April 19, 2022
April 19, 2022
Tribute to My Amazing Aunty Professor Grace Alele-Williams………
Aunty Grace was a wonderful lady; her doors were always open to all. She was, as someone else said, like a second mom to many not just to her children. I remember sitting many times and talking for hours with her whether in Warri Lagos Asaba or Charlotte!

She always had great stories and advice. I always admired her for the values she instilled in all of us and working while she did it.

She shattered the glass ceiling for us to follow and gave us courage to dare to excel in a men dominated arena! And she wanted us to overtake her achievements! And what colossal achievements..a professor of mathematics would make an indelible mark in my life that will never be forgotten!

As an associate professor of medicine, a physician a wife a mother a chief and yes a mainstream politician...I would say aunty Grace taught me I dare to follow and dream of overtaking you!

Being a vice chancellor of UNIBEN especially as a female non-indigen you played the politics ooo and excellently too!!! You beyond excelled and was firm even under ginormous pressure banning cultism..I will never forget that!!!!!

Amazing Grace!!! You would say in the lodge often do not let me down ladies..for my name is Grace and not dis-Grace! Orode my classmate in medical school is your replica on so many levels and I cherish every moment I spend with her as she reminds me so much of you! 

I wish I could have seen you in more recent months but due to Covid we would last see in 2020! I will always keep the fond memories I have of you. A very loving woman, our tall elegant 'iron' lady with a beautiful soul.

Condolences to my brothers and sisters and all of us that call ourselves your children our spouses and all our grandchildren and great-grandchildren
Aunty Grace you remain a great inspiration to me, to others that you shared your life so willingly with.

You showed us the way at a time when He for she was not even known you stood towering as a She for She!!

The joy you brought us will never end and one day we will be together again!

Though we miss you terribly..where will I get these incredibly detailed life changing stories now? Yet we know you are with Jesus and those who have gone on before.

Thank you for being a great Mom to all of us! Love you so very much and shall never forget you!
May you rest in perfect peace for you indeed had a most amazing life on this planet earth ……… Amen!!

Olorogun Dr Mrs Rukevwe Ugwumba nee Akpedeye
April 18, 2022
April 18, 2022
Lattee Williams, as long as you and your girls live, your precious, iconic "Mumsie" too will live, for she is now a part of all of you, as you remember and celebrate her.

May she Rest in Eternal Peace with the "cloud of witnesses"

Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.
Hebrews 12:1‭-‬3 KJV
April 18, 2022
April 18, 2022
It was with great sadness I received the news that our mother has transitioned to a better place.

What an icon and shining light in Nigeria and abroad she was! The legacy she leaves as a trail blazer, mother, our favourite VC, mathematics professor, to mention a few roles will never be forgotten. She was never afraid to stand up to establishment and do the right thing all the time every time.
She inspired and touched the lives of so many, mine especially included. She paid attention to detail and knew exactly what was happening around her and to my surprise when I met her knew who I was. Even though I was a shy retiring student, she spoke to me with interest and kindness, encouraged me to stand tall, take pride in myself and be confident as I was going places. It was then I realised she knew more about me than I thought.
Her legacy will live forever and she will always be fondly remembered.
May her kind soul rest in perfect peace

Dr Owen Woghiren
Consultant Gastroenterologist
Royal Free Hospitals Foundation Trust
London, United Kingdom
April 18, 2022
April 18, 2022
My Dear Aunty Grace,

I was one of the VC kids by virtue of my friendship with all the children. You were a wonderful mother to me
and treated us all the same. Your words of wisdom and
wise counsel to numerous
to mention will always
remain with me. You
achieved greatness and
paved the way for other
Women to follow, to have
hope and aspire.We will
miss your earthly presence but take solace in knowing that you are home with your Father.Kem,Latee,Orode,Ayo and Yetunde will all be fine.You raised them to be God fearing ,honest and strong.Rest in Peace Sweet Mother and I will never forget those words"Eyewumi, theres no need to cry over spilt milk..Clean up and lets get on with it,".
April 18, 2022
April 18, 2022
From Professor Olukemi A. Odukoya
A mother’s love is divine. To an average Nigerian, Professor Grace Awani Alele-Williams was one difficult uncompromising Thatcher whereas worldwide, you were an accomplished scientist and change agent. I remember your warm embrace at the University of Benin, while I was a young lecturer. The fear of Alele was the beginning of wisdom; but to me you were very loving. You taught me love, patience, endurance and how to lead by example. You praised me whenever I did good and pointed out my mistakes with that gentle voice and made Uniben a positive turn in my academic carerer.
Mama, Mummy, your one call in February 1994 that I should leave for England, at the beginning of my undiagnosed health challenges gave me life and sustained my hope and courage till date. You were a precious gift from God, so much Beauty, Grace, Love and Patience you possessed. You touched my heart in so many ways, your strength and smile even on dark days. Your home was open to everyone including me from the Vice-Chancellor’s lodge in Uniben to Adisa-Bashua to Adeola HopeWell, with plenty to eat and drink; thank you Mummy, I will miss the wisdom in your advice and the stories of your life.
Though death changes everything, May God bless and keep ever alive the memory and legacy of the devoted life of our mummy GAAW. To Kem, Latte, Orode, Yetunde, Ayo, all the grandchildren and the entire family, there is hope in the resurrection. It is well.

April 15, 2022
April 15, 2022
Passing of a great icon, Mama,as l call you.
l saw you last in 2019, when l had the privilege of dropping you off at your house in Victoria lsland because your driver travelled, you had ordered an Uber ride, after thanksgiving service at the cathedral church marina. On getting to your house l wanted to rush off immediately but you said no and you invited me and my kids inside and asked your girl to go bring an envelope of money and drinks for them, they had so much fun and an afternoon filled with lots of knowledge and wisdom, the afternoon was spent in laughter and my kids had fun going round your library, and seeing so many achievements awards of an iconic mathematician and itsekiri’s own pride .
You were with us in 2003, when my mom’s only son was murdered, you drove from Victoria lsland to osolo way visiting to console us, giving comfort l kept away due to COVID-19, and your age even when your house is a walking distance. I should have still visited more .
May your beautiful soul rest in power and peace ✌️

Mama chief Mrs Grace Alele- Williams.
Beautiful woman of steel.
From Esimaje Egbe -Agbeyegbe.
April 15, 2022
April 15, 2022
One of Nigeria’s Iron ladies, one of Nigeria’s great ladies has gone home. May her soul Rest In Peace. Amen.
April 13, 2022
April 13, 2022
Mummy Grace Alele-Williams, you were a woman of grace and substance, a trail blazer, someone I looked up to when growing up. What brought this home for me was when we celebrated our 25th anniversary of leaving Queen's College, you graciously attended the mentoring event we had for the students, with your daughters, one of whom was my set mate.
It was indeed an honour for us all and we were truly blessed that you attended the event and even spoke a few words.
Heaven indeed has gained a rare gem.
We celebrate you ma, and the life you lived; indeed, you lived it Your Way.
May your gentle soul Rest in Peace. Amen
April 13, 2022
April 13, 2022
Mummy called me KPEKPE. I have known her all my life. I will surely miss her. The Ogiugo family of Benin City will always remember her with great love .
She was so good to our mom Amoma Oteri, her cousin.We all call her cousin Grace.
Sleep on mummy cousin Grace!
In everything we say Thank You Lord.
April 12, 2022
April 12, 2022
The news of your death came was a great blow as it occurred barely 6 months after the demise of my Dad, the late Captain Johnson Agbajor Ogun, your bosom friend.

Mummy, thank you for the role you played in making me the woman I am today. You nurtured and supported me in my studies as well as my outlook to life. You were indeed a role model!
You were strong, focused and not deterred by man made obstacles. This trait shone through whilst you were the Vice Chancellor of the University of Benin. Your work ethics was admirable..Despite your tight schedule, you had time to discuss seemingly mundane things which showed how much you cared for every aspect of our well being.

You were indeed a friend to my father and Mum, Mrs J Ogun. I thank the Almighty God for this wonderful friendship as it greatly enriched both families.

You will be sorely missed. I pray you rest in perfect peace and light perpetual shine on you forever.

Adieu, My dear and loving Mum.

With lots of love
Orode Mode ( Ogun)
April 12, 2022
April 12, 2022

The Committee of female Vice-Chancellors of Nigerian Universities mourns with sorrow and deep sense of loss, the demise of our mentor, a legend, a mother, an astute academic and a trailblazer for all women in Nigeria, Professor Grace Alele-Williams, the first female Vice-Chancellor of a University in Nigeria.
Prof Alele-Williams’ appointment as Vice-Chancellor, a sphere hitherto considered to be the exclusive preserve of men was a catalyst that opened the vista for other women academics to apply for and be so appointed.
A Professor of Mathematics in her academic journey had a remarkable career and success which served also as impetus that engendered national confidence in the ability of women to excel in exclusive fields and vocations. During her tenure as the Vice-Chancellor at the University of Benin, she steered the affairs of the University with high sense of responsibility, great dexterity, prodigious passion, and huge vigour exemplifying that ‘’what a man can do, a woman can do better’’.
As beneficiaries of Professor Alele-Williams' pioneering role, we are particularly proud of her and the achievements she attained in academic development and nation building. We emulate her demeanour, eloquence, focus, versatility and enduring pride in womanhood.
We appreciate her for liberating the way for all women in academic to believing that we can attain the position of Vice-Chancellors of Universities in Nigeria.
Our mama, though you are no longer with us but you will continue to be remembered in the history of womanhood and academics in Nigeria, Africa and indeed the Universe.
May God grant her soul eternal rest and console her family

Rest on our mentor!
Rest on our mother!!
Rest on our trailblazer!!

Signed: Committee of Female Vice-Chancellors in Nigeria
Professor Lilian I. Salami, Vice-Chancellor, University of Benin, Benin City
Professor Florence Obi, Vice-Chancellor, University of Calabar, Calabar
Professor Ibironke Olatunji-Bello, Vice-Chancellor, Lagos State University, Ojo, Lagos
Professor Maimuna Waziri, Vice-Chancellor, Federal University Gashua, Gashua
Professor Stella Chiemeke, Vice-Chancellor, University of Delta, Agbor
Professor Elisabeta Olarinde, Vice-Chancellor, Afe Babalola University, Ado Ekiti
Professor Nnnena N. Oti, Vice-Chancellor, Federal University of Technology, Owerri
Professor Ibiyinka Fuwape, Vice-Chancellor, Michael and Cecilia Ibru University, Delta
Professor Hassana Sani Darma, Vice-Chancellor, Khadija University, Majia, Jigawa State
Professor Marietu Tenuche, Vice-Chancellor, Kogi State University, Lokoja
Professor Enase Okonedo, Vice-Chancellor, Pan-Atlantic University, Lagos
Professor Chinedum Babalola, Vice-Chancellor, Chrisland University, Abeokuta
April 12, 2022
April 12, 2022


The University of Benin community, comprising the Governing Council, Management, Senate, Staff, Alumni and Students, mourns with nostalgia, the loss of its illustrious former Vice-Chancellor, Professor Grace Alele-Williams, who joined the saints triumphant on Friday 25th March, 2022, at the age of 89.

The late former Vice-Chancellor will be remembered as an astute administrator, a consummate academic, a visioner and a pathfinder who played pioneering roles in many fields of human endeavour including being the first female Professor of Mathematics, and excelled in all. As the first female Vice-Chancellor of a University in Nigeria (University of Benin), Professor Alele-Williams broke the glass ceiling for other women to aspire to, and attain enviable heights in Nigeria. Serving as Vice-Chancellor during a military regime in which there were several agitations, she steered the University steadily and progressively. She fought cultism to a standstill.

Furthermore, in the position of Vice-Chancellor of the University of Benin, she exhibited courage, tenacity, clarity and honesty of purpose; thus winning the hearts of Staff, Alumni and Students who have continued to eulogise her as a colossus, an amazon, a phenomenal leader, a rare gem, a trail-blazer and the pride of womanhood among other accolades.

For me as the current Vice-Chancellor of the University of Benin, Professor Grace Alele-Williams was a special mother, a mentor and role model whose life style of discipline and exceptional candour has influenced me greatly. She will be forever cherished and immensely missed. May God in His infinite goodness grant her kind soul, eternal rest and continue to support her family.

Goodbye our Icon
Goodbye our former Vice-Chancellor
April 12, 2022
April 12, 2022
I knew you from afar. You were an inspiration and a role model. Sleep on mummy
April 12, 2022
April 12, 2022

The Family of Prof, Grace Alele William Awani
Victoria Island



In the Spirit of the Holy week. May His comforting grace continue to be your experience. We receive with sorrow and deep sense of loss the sad news of the demise of our amiable mother, Mama Prof. Grace Awani Alele-Williams; the hen that laid the golden egg is gone home to rest. We know and appreciate how much pain her departure had caused the entire family.

However, we must take solace in the fact that mama lived a very useful and successful life. Mama epitomises her love for God and humanity through as a matriarch per excellence who impacted lives while on Earth. Indeed she left an indelible footprint in the sand of time. Like the mother of our Lord, mama certainly received the salutation “A vitreous woman who can find, Blessed are you among women”.

My first contact with Mama was in the year 2018 when our church is to host the Diocesan Synod while the Church Building Project is still on-going immediately Mama took me as one of her on and issue a cheque with handsome donations that enhance the successful hosting. Ever since then, she keep sending her support and promise to come and see the level of work until her physical body started getting wane. Oh Mama so loving, caring who will never short her bowl of compassionate to those far and near.
The first woman Vice Chancellor of reputable citadel of learning in Nigeria, so intelligent, you serve with precession, doggedness and panache of a great Academics who possesses discerning/dynamic thought with a mother face. Your credibility and legendry are very assuming and giant in making friends. Our departed icon, who will fit into this shoe. We take solace in God providence and provision to perfect all that concern us the church militant. You fought the protracted illness that plague d you gallantly but God said it is time to come home and rest, you fought the good fight of faith and there awaits you the crown of righteousness at the feet of Christ. His lordship, The Bishop of our Beloved Diocese who is so passionate about your lovely contribution mourn your glorious transition
Mama good night, Adieu, ujemisie, Tigure mama compatriot builder of world giants a sojourner in academia. May you legacies never dies, the fond memories we shared together will assuage the pain of your loss by death we are separated but in Christ who has conquered death, we are united. Forever with the Lord Rest in His Bosom till we meet to part no more. 

Rev’d Can. &Mrs Pelemo Timothy Taiye Pelemo P.hd
April 12, 2022
April 12, 2022
A Tribute to a Trailblazer!!!

I will be succinct. I could not miss the opportunity to salute a trailblazer and exemplary character. A substantial and first part of what I know about Professor Grace Awani Alele-Williams OON , I received from my mother, Hon. Justice Busola Ogunlesi-Adio, of blessed memory. The second part from my personal interaction with her.  My mum attended the veritable Queen’s School, Ede. She hated Maths, literally. Prof took an interest in her and said, “Busola” you can do it. Busola retorted, “I intend to be a lawyer, I DON’T need Maths.” “Aunty Grace”, as my mum fondly called Prof countered you will do it and pass well. And indeed, Busola passed Maths in her GCE O’ Levels and the rest is history. She will remind of that experience when I also struggled with Maths. Busola really loved “Aunty Grace” and would always speak very fondly about her. Her respect and love for Prof was indelible. The second experience would take too much space here. Suffice to state that, Prof was always very clear about what she wanted and very principled. 

Rest in eternal peace, Ma. 

Affectionately, Seni Adio, SAN
April 12, 2022
April 12, 2022
Mummy G.Alele-Williams was an extremely kind, selfless, gentle, thoughtful and brilliant woman. She was a wonderful mother to everyone who came across her. I remember when my parents were returning back to the UK in 1965, I had to live with her and her family at University of Ife (Ibadan branch) where late Professor was a lecturer, while mummy was a mathematics lecturer in University of Ibadan. I moved with them to University of Lagos when they resumed appointment there and I lived with her till I entered secondary school Queens College. She made a great impact on education not only in Nigeria but also in Africa. She was a worldwide renowned external examiner for mathematics in higher institutions and college of educations, especially Akoka. I remember when she was first female Vice Chancellor of University of Benin during former General Babangida’s era, the students were so fund of her they nicked named her MamaGIDA, I SisterGIDA and Orode BabyGIDA. Mummy was such a selfless and humble woman. I remember a time she wanted to see me on an important family matter, I came home to find her sitting outside my door on the floor. I was shocked and amazed that a woman of her status could be so humble, selfless and extremely patient.
Although the world has lost a great gem, heaven has gained an angel and she would forever live on in our hearts.
We would miss you mummy. Rest in perfect peace with the Lord. Amen!

Your Daughter
Folake Kuti-Coker
April 11, 2022
April 11, 2022
My earliest memories of life in Nigeria involved dear aunty Grace (as we fondly called her) and the Williams family. During the last 50 years and probably before I was born, she was an amazing pillar of support to the Kuti family. This was not only when we were celebrating special occasions, but also when there were family problems. The help, advice and emotional support that she gave to the family during our difficult periods will never be forgotten. She was a true friend to my parents and to the whole family.

Aunty Grace was a wonderful lady and an amazing human being. She was God fearing and was a thoroughly decent human being. She was humble, compassionate, friendly and very easy to talk to. She had the ability to make you feel relaxed. She had the gift of empathy. We all looked up to her and we greatly admired her for so many reasons. She will never be forgotten. May her gentle soul rest in perfect peace. May the almighty God give the family the strength to bear their loss.
April 11, 2022
April 11, 2022
Tribute to Prof Grace Alele Williams;Good and Worthy Mother

What a caring and loving mother! At the critical point in the life of my late wife Beatrice Oluremi Ajayi ( Nee Komolafe) when she lost her biological mother Prof Grace Alele Williams who was then teaching at Queen's school Ede, took her up and gave her the most needed loving care and counsel. She was my role model in mathematics right from the time she obtained her first degree in mathematics. I too brought up my children early using her Entebe mathematics books. By her demise the world has lost a dogged genial worker. But we are consoled she left worthy legacy in education and life in general.

Adieu good and worthy mother. You will always be remembered by your foot prints.

(Daddy of Folasade Femi- Lawal)
April 11, 2022
April 11, 2022
By Timeyin Baiyekusi (Nee Ikomi)
Uniben Ex -Student while she was our Vice Chancellor

As a student, everyone thought our VC was a very strict disciplinarian, a very tough lady and some of the Student Union leaders even tried to make things difficult for her as our VC. In 1986, I had the rare opportunity to live with my VC . I was so excited that I was staying at her place. She was so nice and full of empathy because I had ‘some issues’( a story for another day). Her children Latee, Orode, Yetunde and Ayo were simply wonderful.(Kemal wasn’t around when I was there). I found out that behind that ‘tough lady’ was a beautiful soul. She was a nice, loving & caring woman with a good sense of humor . Every night she came to wake me up to read my books and in the mornings, she always said something nice ‘you look beautiful in that outfit’ . She made me forget my problems at that time.She understood the students and wanted the best for us all.

The Itsekiris and the Nation at large have lost an ICON,a pacesetter, a mentor, a mother,grandmother and aunty.

Aunty, we celebrate you. May your gentle soul rest in perfect peace. Amen 
April 10, 2022
April 10, 2022
I never knew her but I admired her & always wished to be like her.
May her soul rest in peace.
April 9, 2022
April 9, 2022
Prof Grace Awani Alele Williams,
My Aunt, Sister of Dcns Maureen Dorothy Isebor nee Awani

Had actually looked forward to continuing our discussion on family history and stories But am consoled and comforted we talked also of our commitment and confession of the knowledge of Jesus Christ death burial and resurrection and Life everlasting..
Our Lord Almighty knows best and isn't taken by surprise. Am also comforted by devotionals shared.
Rest from labors.. with Prince of Peace.

Dr Joseph Isebor
Vet. Missions
April 9, 2022
April 9, 2022

.*Crushed but Consoled*
Crushed but consoled by the rude reality of your demise - Prof Grace Awani Alele-Williams. Prof, you were to us at your best for one and all - you displayed, empathy to all around you, who met you or heard of you. You were simply good, intelligent, knowledgeable, wise and a disciplined personality.

I grew up knowing you as a unique cousin who loves books and school - true to that reality, when I first had the rare opportunity to meet you, in the 70s, it was in your humble apartment in the University of Lagos where you unleashed your gemmy nuggets that has mentored me as I waded through life’s vicissitude determined, leaving your presence to be different and resourceful. Thank God I heeded!

I miss you with a gratified sense of submission to the will of God and do hereby pray to the Almighty God to console all crushed by your absence, assured that you have lived well and carved memorials of integrity, knowledge, intelligence and empathy that will inspire posterity, then, now and in years to come!

Posterity won't easily forget what you believed, stood for and the people you influenced for good, learning and equity for a better society.

Adieu our Prof! Good night.

Chief Eyituoyo Awani
April 9, 2022
Tribute to Mama Professor Grace Alele Williams by Valentine Anijah
(Your Student)

Here today, gone tomorrow. It still sounds strange to me that you are no more, and very difficult to say recalled with nostalgia your message to us on the day you received us into the Great Uniben on that
Matriculation evening,you said;and I quote; ‘’Ye are the first and the last –first ever to have your matriculation at the auditorium and the last to be matriculated by me’’and other interesting and
encouraging words about our studies which moulded and shaped my academics afterwards.
The memories of how I came close to knowing you more would remain evergreen; since 2004 you have been a great impact in my career life;helped to search for good job placements for me, and even supported me financially to aid my movements in search of job. And finally while working at the Centre for Values in Leadership CVL Lagos (a non Govternmental Organisation)you accepted my invitation to be the Guests Speaker at the event organized by me for the widows under the Widows Support Project. Mama, you may have passed on but your memories lives on within me and all your love ones left to mourn you. You were an amazing woman whom I had the
privilege of meeting during which you gave your very best and never a dull moment either. A role model worthy of emulation, a true caring and loving mother you were. You were very strong, energetic and loving even when your heath was no longer helping, but in essence, wonderful to all who passed
through your tutelage, a rare gift to Uniben, Nigeria and the world at large. I would greatly miss your advises each time I called you on phone or visited at home, and your welcoming tone; ‘My son how’re
are you, and your admonitions to me never to give up despite the challenges’’ all would remain evergreen. Eternal rest grant unto your gentle soul and let perpetual light shine on you, may your soul and souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace Amen. Adieu Mama.
April 8, 2022
I had pleasure of being one of her students from 1985 when she assumed office till 1987. Her determination to wipe out cultism in the school then was impressive. She was indeed a trail blazer and great amazon. She came, She saw and She conquered. May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen
April 8, 2022
April 8, 2022
Writing this is so hard because it acknowledges that Mommy has left us but we take great comfort in knowing she is with the Lord. We know without doubt that she loved her family and we were blessed to be counted as family. We always called when in Nigeria and visited with her when she was here in the US. One time we discovered she was in Abuja (I believe she was receiving a national award). We quickly arranged to meet for dinner and it was so much fun. We talked and laughed for so long; saying goodnight was so hard! She also loved on us and encouraged us. She always did that. One year I sat with her to talk and glean from the life of an icon. I left with so many nuggets. What an amazing legacy!
Our hearts and prayers are with the entire family. Mommy you are forever in our hearts.
Pastor Fiifi & Dr. Sybil Pentsil
April 8, 2022
April 8, 2022
Let's give Honor to whom Honor is due!
Prof Grace Alele Williams is:
An Icon
A trailblazer
A role model
A woman activist/Empowerer
A builder/developer
The Utukpa of lwereland (The light of lwereland).

She was beautiful, elegant, and regal. She was always gracious and humble and when she spoke, everyone listened.
She was a great academician and teacher who inspired all the girls and women of Nigeria from her youth. She was a good listener and judge of character and never judged anyone by what she heard from others. She gave everyone opportunity to prove his/ her worth.
Mother Teresa said," Some people come in our life as blessing . Some come in your life as lessons" . Madam Vice-Chancellor, you came into my life as a blessing and gave me the opportunity to serve my Community and Country when you appointed me as Acting Dean of Law at Uniben in 1986. For this l am eternally grateful.
You have lived well and left a legacy and marks on the World that can never be erased. It is now time for you to rest. Rest in peace ma.
April 7, 2022
April 7, 2022
Bye for Now Grandma Williams! World's Greatest Grandma
How do you write about an Amazon who bestrode this landscape with Dignity, Integrity ,Brilliance ,Motherhood , Professionalism and Godliness? Toomuch to write and little space to contain the eulogy.
We discovered that the legendary Professor Grace Awani Alele-Williams is our BFF's grandma over 17years ago when OLuwatamilore met Oluwasijibomi at Discoveryhouse Montessori and the rest is history as she became our Grandma too as Grandma Williams. That comes with the joys and perks of grandma as most members of the family just have to know' Tammy Femi-Lawal' in Siji's words. This is not about the BFFs but about a great Grandmother who is firm yet loving and a mentor of mentors.My family history predates our eventual meeting wherein she was the Principal of Queens College in day so yore when my late 'other mummy' Mrs Beatrice Oluremi Ajayi was her student and Grandma Williams had the unpleasant task of breaking the news of her mum's demise to her. History had it that she handled it so well and actually took a special interest in her henceforth mentoring and nurturing her to becoming who she was in her lifetime.
I recall with joy the long period of dancing with Mummy at my dear Oremi Orode's 40th in 2011, Mummy will come over, pull me up and encourage me to lets continue our dance to the Most High that has kept her first daughter alive and well. While the party was going on outside, we were inside dancing to worship songs. She is that dedicated to God's worship.
My younger brother, Olusoji Ajayi, the Producer of Revert TV, USA interviewed her in 2018 and it is such a delight to preserve the rich interview covering National, Economic , Academic and sociopolitical space.Sleep on Mummy , Grandma Williams and World Greatest Grandma. We love you dearly but we know the Lord Jesus whom you serve so well loves you more than the rest of us.
April 7, 2022
April 7, 2022
Prof Grace Alele Williams my greatest role model. I have always admired your beauty and brains. You gave me all the inspiration and mentoring I needed to excel as a woman in STEM. You stood for. excellence and you achieved it in all spheres of your eventful life. You single handedly nurtured TWOWS (now OWSD) in Nigeria, thanks to your selfless effort to establishxit in the early 90s. Your death is a personal loss to me but I take solace in the biblical truth that you are now in a better place. Rest in peace my great mentor. You will forever be alive in my heart ❤ . Your mentee Prof Uchenna Udeani. University of Lagos, Nigeria
April 6, 2022
April 6, 2022

She was the VC when I was a student of College of Medicine, University of Benin.

UNIBEN students did not know her as Prof. Grace Alele Williams.. We called her IRON LADY.

If you know University of Benin very well then you will know that the institution is a *HOME FOR ALL...* To date the higher institution is a haven for the GOOD, the BAD and the UGLY...It was a jungle where there was no victor no vanquish..
Every student was a predator with inclined skills to survive attacks from bigger mammals...

Lecturers were initiated into secret cults; female students, christians, muslims, handicapped students, medical students, law students et cetera were all recruited.

Inter-university cult wars involving UNIBEN always drew the attention of ARMED FORCES SERVICE CHIEFS because of high level of blood letting and massacre...
Other universities came to UNIBEN to hire cultists for reprisal attacks...

Even with the ongoing negatives, UNIBEN is famous in academia.

The institution graduates the best professionals, the highest number of first classes...

The third tier of aggression and violence the institution was known for was flattened to the bottom when IRON LADY was in charge (the person outsiders refer to as Prof Grace Alele Williams)...

*She allowed crack squads from the State Criminal Investigation Department to engage cultists with live bullets when several dialogues with cultist failed.*

This was when the miscreants that littered the institution knew she was a phenotypic woman but truly a biotic man...The name IRON LADY popped up.

Detectives (men and women) on the orders of President Ibrahim Babangida working hand in hand with Iron Lady infiltrated the institution...They mixed with students in the hostels, lecture rooms, bukaterias, mosques, churches, hang outs, everywhere.

Arrest of cultists by those special detectives was carried out like BIBLICAL RAPTURE...Very unnoticed!

The institution that was hitherto a ghetto became sublime, became a norm...

Every student was suspecting one another because you would not know who was a detective and who was not.

This was how Iron Lady reduced cultism to insignificant tempo in UNIBEN...
She fought violence with violence and won, the first of its kind in higher institution cultism.

Today she is dead but encyclopedia will keep remembering her as the first Iron Lady in history of mankind and not the political Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher!

Dr. Ibegbu Christopher Chukwuemeka, ex-student of UNIBEN.
April 5, 2022
April 5, 2022
Dearest Prof Alele ,
It is a pride and Exquisite Honor for me to tell the world that you are my Friend,
you will always be remembered As The Greatest Toughest Kindest Lady Ever ,
you are a true example of a strong personality with high morals and extremely Loving heart you will always be missed my Dearest Professor and Friend May God Bless Your Soul….
April 4, 2022
April 4, 2022
My dearest Aunty Grace what a blessing and privilege it was to have you as a part of our family. You were beautiful, warm, loving, intelligent and one of the most accomplished women in your generation.
I will always cherish the last time I saw you in November 2020. You were eating when I arrived. You smiled and beckoned to me to come sit by your side and share your food with you.
Aunty you have left a remarkable legacy here on earth and I am so privileged to have you as my very special aunt.
We will miss you dearly but celebrate with gratitude your long and exceptional life. We can proudly say that you left your footprints in the sands of time and a legacy that will be read through generations, current and to come.

Rest in heaven’s glory my dear Aunty Grace.

April 4, 2022
April 4, 2022
Professor Grace Alele-Williams was one of my role models. She was an icon, a great and courageous woman. There are so many adjectives to describe her: a pacesetter, trailblazer, an amazon, a woman of many firsts, a mentor, encourager, mother, an epitome of grace, beauty and brains, an astute University Administrator etc...
She will be remembered as the first female to get a doctorate degree and the first female Vice Chancellor in Nigeria. She broke the glass ceiling for Women in Science and Academics. She will be missed but left her beautiful footprints on the sand of times. She lived an eventful life and left a great legacy. My heartfelt condolences to her dear family.
May her great and gentle soul rest in peace, Amen.
Prof. Evelyn Uwa Edosomwan,
University of Benin, Benin City,
April 4, 2022
April 4, 2022
Upon retrospection and in spite of all my parents did, the unsettling political environment in the Western region in the mid 60s had its disquieting moments. My parents were separated during the Civil War in Nigeria.

Mummy's sister was there for us; Auntie Grace, our dear 'Auntie Math' was an uplifting go-between. She shuttled us in her cute Saab and VW cars as we spent time between the relative safety of Lagos and the occasional volatile Midwest Region.

Fast forward eight years after the war; Auntie Grace was there to bail me out of my 'jam with JAMB'; the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board. I got into the University of Lagos; I chose to read Political Science instead of Law. I don't think my old man was comfortable with my choice; he had solicited the help of Auntie Grace to make me read Law.

I had one of the best academic three years as an undergraduate; Auntie Grace's husband was a Professor of Political Science. You bet I got some serious tutorials!

In 1986, as a cub reporter on the nascent THISWEEK newsmagazine, I was tasked with the responsibility of landing an exclusive interview with the first female Vice Chancellor of a Nigerian university. Professor Grace Alele Williams was forthcoming and professional as she made her case in the midst of all the crises she was dealing with at the University of Benin. Her story from the interview became a cover story.

Today, I have three letters and two dots behind my name; plenty of thanks to the inspiration from my dear Auntie Grace.
'Doh Ma... ene dokpe'

May your soul rest in perfect peace

Jonnie Isebor, Ed.D.
April 4, 2022
April 4, 2022
She came,
She saw,
She conquered.
A gift from Delta State to Nigeria and the entire World.
Your footprints remained and cannot be forgotten.
Rest in peace ma.
Nwudu Austin.
M.Saleh & Co Ltd.
April 4, 2022
April 4, 2022
Mami as I always refer to you..
The first female Vice chancellor who signed my degree certificate...
Coming back into my life after many years brought blessings to me...
Mummy forgetting your impact and influence in my life is difficult...
A mother, a friend , a mentor and benefactor
Continue to rest in the bossom of the Lord...
Much love...
April 4, 2022
April 4, 2022
Prof. Grace Alele-Williams,

I am very proud to say that I read your colorful Mathematics books in Primary school and got my chance to meet you in person at the Great University of Benin as a student.

I thank God for you. Without openly preaching, you have touch more lives than you could ever imagine.

Rest in perfect peace, our Mother.
April 4, 2022
April 4, 2022
Professor Grace Alele Williams lived a life that was amazingly beautiful. She was such good example at a time when decent people are in such short supply in our our country Nigeria. I am so proud and very grateful that she influenced me and thousands of other people across our nation with her dignity, strength through her service as Vice Chancellor, Professor, mother, Anty, teacher, mentor and the list goes on. She brought her star ⭐️ power to our 2018 University of Benin alumni re Union in Charlotte, USA. We are grateful to mama for her enduring legacy. Her values will continue to challenge us to be better versions of ourselves. May her soul rest in perfect peace . Amen .
April 4, 2022
April 4, 2022
I only met Aunty Grace just over two decades ago shortly after the death of my late father, R.A.I Ogbobine, who was her cousin even though I'd always heard about her from my early years. The memory of that first meeting remains with me till date. She shared her compassion with me over my dad's departure and she was filled with empathy at the moment of my grief.
We maintained close contact over the years, especially because Aunty Grace made it easy to love her. Her humility, warmth, and gracefulness were just a perfect mix that made her quite endearing.
I'd always remember when she spoke to me about my career path. At the end of the conversation, she prepared my first resume for me. It was a handwritten resume she put together for me. That was a seminal moment for me in life. Ever since I've always held myself by that standard. Even without requesting, she worked her networks for me for a job. My visits to her VI home always left me better off. Just watching her treat people quite warmly was like a practical lesson in living.

Two days before she passed on, she came to mind but I thought it was too late at night to make a call to her. Despite the shock and pain of her departure, the good memories she's left behind have provided relief from the pain.

Aunty Grace Alele Williams will be sorely missed.
April 3, 2022
April 3, 2022
Dear Aunty, you were a special and rare gift to the family, Nigeria, Africa and the world. You reflected grace and brilliance, influencing so many lives positively. You will be forever missed.
Rest in peace.
April 3, 2022
April 3, 2022
Grandma Williams was never without her beautiful, gorgeous and captivating smile.
It was always nice and lovely around you. Good night and sleep well Grandma.
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