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November 30, 2023
November 30, 2023
Happy Heavenly Birthday Brother, miss you!!!
April 29, 2022
April 29, 2022
Think of you often. Miss our chats on Facebook and the reminiscing from our younger high school days. Miss you brother!!! 
April 28, 2022
April 28, 2022
5 years, and I still haven't forgotten about you.
Hugs my friend
December 1, 2021
December 1, 2021
Sure miss our chats on Facebook. Still get posts in my memories. Miss you brother!!! 
November 29, 2020
November 29, 2020
Another year without you saying how much I appreciate our friendship.
You are always missed
AKA: Fireymom
November 29, 2020
November 29, 2020
Missing you so much my friend. Rest In Peace
April 28, 2020
April 28, 2020
Another day, another year without you. Life is crazy in this world.
Until we see each other again, stay kind my friend.
November 29, 2019
November 29, 2019
Another year seems like its been forever.
Miss you dearly !
See you on the other side
Your working friend ( dispatcher )
@ Allegiances Staffing Company.
April 28, 2019
April 28, 2019
Hard to believe it's been 2 years, miss you by brother, miss the good times we had as teenagers !!
April 28, 2019
April 28, 2019
Today marks 2 years that you left us, and you are truly missed. You are always in my thoughts and prayers.
Hugs to you big guy, you will always be missed.
November 29, 2018
November 29, 2018
Harold, my friend. We never met in person. But the conversations we had and the fun we had was memorable. How you kept reminding me of my age and fixing the breaks on my wheel chair. We had a lot of laughs. You will always be remembered. Love you big guy. H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y IN HEAVEN.
November 29, 2018
November 29, 2018
Happy Birthday in heaven my beautiful friend. You are missed daily.
April 28, 2018
April 28, 2018
Dear Harold, I remember when we would be a talking in the True room, and I always had music playing. Whenever “I’m AGenie In A Bottle” would play, I would start singing “I’m A Wulfie in A Bottle Baby...” and you would howl that song with me. I’ve heard that song more in the last year than I have in a very long time. I miss you my friend.
April 28, 2018
April 28, 2018
  Today is one year since you were layed to rest. You are missed daily, and I wish you were here cause I miss our chats.
Until we see each other again stay the way you were.
One of the sweetest guys I have ever met. I'm glad we got to work together.
Hugs Sweetie
November 29, 2017
November 29, 2017
HAPPY BIRTHDAY in heaven Harold. You are truly missed.
June 25, 2017
June 25, 2017
This is so sad he left way to young I loved seeing the photos. It gives his life depth. I remember years ago he gave me the chance to reading his poems. He was a very passionate man with a big Heart. You will be missed by so many Harold. I for one will never forget you.. Love you my big teddy bear.
June 16, 2017
June 16, 2017
R.I.P Harold you were a nice sweet person . I can't believe your gone, You will always be missed.
May 8, 2017
May 8, 2017
Goodbye sir! it may be too soon but i know He knows what is best for everyone....I will surely miss reading this... (Customer called and...)

you will remain in our hearts!
May 7, 2017
May 7, 2017
Sending our heartfelt condolences to the family and friends. Harold, as we knew him in True, was always respectful and kind to all. As he rests in peace with the angels, may your memories be a forever reminder that he will always be with you in your hearts.
May 6, 2017
May 6, 2017
Dear Harold, you will forever own a piece of my heart. Till we meet again, my sweet friend.
May 6, 2017
May 6, 2017
Vroom vroom my sweet friend. I'll miss our chats...bless your wonderful heart. <3
May 6, 2017
May 6, 2017
hey Johnny, its mom,you left us all way to soon I never expected it. Ijust don't know to say except u will always be in my heart and I love you so very much.RIPmy son
May 6, 2017
May 6, 2017
Harold, I only met you once in Helen GA. but you were memorable. You were always a light and good soul, You will be missed by all those you made the world a better place for. I hope your children find peace in your passing. People are borrowed and not ours to keep, only the memories are ours forever. RIP Harold.
May 6, 2017
May 6, 2017
Harold was one of the sweetest guys I have ever met.
It was a honor working with you at Allegiance Staffing Company.
You will truly be missed.
RIP ole friend until we see each other again
Thank you for honoring my friend with such a lovely page, and with photos.
May 6, 2017
May 6, 2017
RIP ....our chatroom was so much fun. Many of us were looking for love but we found great friends that helped take the loneliness away. I know you must be happy where you are because you were such a sweet and gentle man. RIP ....Diana from True
May 5, 2017
May 5, 2017
I am glad you got to meet my wife. And I will try my best to make you proud. I love you dad.
May 5, 2017
May 5, 2017
Harold was more than just a customer with fun personality and enormous passion, and we know that his passing will not only leave a void in our lives,but in the hearts of all those who knew him
May 5, 2017
May 5, 2017
So thankful,we met in person in Helen . From that day on you were Big Daddy to me and you were the only one that still called me Wenchie A heart of gold and integrity seldom seen these days.Sure going to miss ya my friend. My sincere sympathy to your family,, you were so very proud of them.
May 5, 2017
May 5, 2017
The guy that spent a few summer days teaching me smoke in the water on the strings!  I'll never forget that smile and shooting hoops. Great friend who always watch my back as a new kid in the neighbourhood!  Loved it when him and Hugh got into their brotherly disagreements. Prayers and love to the family. I wish you all the best during a difficult time! Dana
May 5, 2017
May 5, 2017
You left us way too soon! What a pleasure it was to work with you these last few years. Paul, David and Amanda My deepest sympathies!
May 5, 2017
May 5, 2017
I met you in 6th grade in 1976 in Old Orchard Beach. We became great friends all through High School. We made some great memories hanging out with all our friends. You will be missed my brother, RIP . Love ya!!!!
May 5, 2017
May 5, 2017
I never met you personally, but spent many hours chatting over the years. You always held a special place in my heart because you were always so sincere. This world has lost a great man. Sometimes I think God takes some because they are just too good for this world! I will forever remember you my friend!
May 5, 2017
May 5, 2017
I am be side myself words can't explain how my heart skip a beat when I heard of your passing. Not to many of you left in this world. You were always there for your friends and family. I regret not ever getting meeting you in person. But know you sense of humor got me through some rough times. You are and always will be missed so very missed. Sending love hugs and kissing up. RIP my friend. And to your family I pray you find comfort n knowing your dad was very loved. God bless
May 5, 2017
May 5, 2017
I regret not getting to know you better but I will make sure your grandkids know you.

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