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August 13
August 13
Dear Dad, It has been seven years since you were called home. Life has forever been changed since your gone. I think of you everyday and look back on the memories I have and always realize how blessed i was in life to be able to have such an awesome Dad. The hurt of losing you has not gone away , nor will it for the rest of my life . I know that one day we will see each other again and until we do I will live life as you taught me. I love you and miss you , Your son Harold
June 16
June 16
Dear Dad , just want to wish you a Happy Fathers Day in Heaven . You are truly missed and I want you to know that Fathers Day has been so difficult since you are gone . One day we will be together again and we will celebrate together. Love your son , Harold
December 25, 2023
December 25, 2023
Hi Dad. Just want to wish you a Merry Christmas and hope you are celebrating this glorious day in Heaven with all our family and friends that have also been called to be with God, Love and miss you, your son , Harold
December 2, 2023
December 2, 2023
Hi Dad, Today Dec. 2nd is your Birthday and I wanted to wish you a Happy Heavenly Birthday. We wish you were here to celebrate what would have been your 86th Birthday with us but God had a different plan for you and felt your time here on earth was over , you finished whatever he had planned and now you moved on to eternal life with those family and friends that have gone before you, I hope you are celebrating with everyone that you want to celebrate with and that you are having a great time. One day we will be together again and catch up on everything and be together forever. You were an amazing Dad and you deserve to be at peace and enjoying eternal life. Until I see you again, I will always think of you, and I have so many memories to hold in my heart, Love ya Dad, your son Harold
August 13, 2023
August 13, 2023
Hi Dad, its' been 6 Year's now that you are in Heaven. We miss you so much and think of you everyday. I know one day I will see you again but the hurt never goes away. I think of all that we did through life together and all that you taught me. I am only hoping I am doing things in a way to make you proud. I hope you are at peace and until we see each other again I love and miss you, your son Harold
June 18, 2023
June 18, 2023
Hi Dad, Happy Father’s Day ! I miss you and wish we could be together today. I know that one day we will be together again and I will see you but until then I have to cherish the memories that I hold in my heart of our time together. So many things I want to tell you about and so many times I need your advice but you are no longer here for me to seek it. I can only live the way you taught me and make choices based on the love you gave me and the years of your teaching me the right way. I hope as you watch over you are proud of the way I handle situations and as I do I try to think what would Dad have done? In any case I miss you dearly and hope that you are enjoying Father’s Day in Heaven with my brothers ,Grandpa and Uncle John. Until I see you again , love and miss you, Your son , Harold
December 31, 2022
December 31, 2022
Dad, Wishing you a very Happy New Year and hoping you will be celebrating tonight with all the family that is in Heaven with you. We miss you and think of you everyday and hold deep in our hearts all the memories we shared. Until we see each other again, I love and miss you. Your son, Harold
December 25, 2022
December 25, 2022
Hi Dad, Wishing you a Merry Heavenly Christmas. We miss you so much and wish you were still here with us. We share stories of Christmas when you were here and it brings smiles to our faces. We have so many memories to look back on and its amazing! I hope you are enjoying this joyous Holiday with family that is in Heaven with you. We miss and love you. Love your son , Harold
December 2, 2022
December 2, 2022
HI Dad, just want to wish you a Happy Heavenly 85th Birthday. we miss you so much and think of you everyday. with the Holidays approaching its even harder knowing you are not here anymore. But we know one day we will see you again and that helps ease the pain. Until that day comes I will always remember the things you taught me, and the times we shared together. Please know that you were a great Dad and I couldn't have asked for better. I love you Dad and forever you are in my heart and thoughts. Love your son Harold
August 13, 2022
August 13, 2022
Dad it has been 5 Years today since God called you home. I just want you to know that you are remembered everyday and my heart has an empty space since you left. I try to remember all that you taught me through life and do things the right way. I remember all the things we did together and love remenicing about all that we did. Your were an amazing Dad and I could not have had a better life because of you and one day I will see you again and we will catch up and continue where we left off. I love you dad and miss you until we see each other again, I hope your with family and at peace and enjoying Heaven. Love your son. Harold
June 19, 2022
June 19, 2022
Dad, I want to wish you a very Happy Fathers day. I wish we could be together this day as it is special to me. I remember all the times we shared together and all that you taught me. I will forever miss you , until we see each other again. Thank you for being an amazing Dad, I love you and will see you again someday. Love your son, Harold
December 31, 2021
December 31, 2021
Hey Dad, its Dec.31st and I just wanted to wish you a Happy New year in Heaven. I hope you are going to bring in the New Year in style and celebrate with family and friends that have passed on also. We miss you here and we bring in the New Year but its not the same without you here. We think of you everyday and hold true to our hearts the memories we shared. Until I see you again and we are together for eternity, I love and miss you, your son, Harold
December 25, 2021
December 25, 2021
Dad, wishing you a very Merry Christmas in Heaven. I hope that you are spending Christmas with family in Heaven. We miss you very much and although every year we Celebrate Christmas , we feel the pain of you no longer being here to celebrate with us. Just know how much you are missed not just on Holidays ,but each and everyday of the year. Love you Dad, Your son Harold
December 2, 2021
December 2, 2021
Hi Dad, Just want to wish you a Happy Birthday in Heaven. I hope your celebrating your 84th Birthday in style like you deserve with all our family that is in heaven with you. We wish you could have been here to celebrate with us and we miss you dearly. Never a day passes that I don't think of you and all the memories we shared through life and especially growing up as a child. I love you with all my heart Dad and one day I will see you again, until I do I love you and miss you, Your son , Harold
November 25, 2021
November 25, 2021
HI Dad, just want to wish You a Happy Thanksgiving in Heaven. I hope you are celebrating with all the family. I miss you so much and one thing is for sure the Holidays are so drastically different than years ago when I was growing up. I miss those times so much. I will of course be on again in a few days as your Birthday is approaching. Again Dad you are so missed and loved by many. Happy Thanksgiving again , Love your son , Harold
August 13, 2021
August 13, 2021
Dear Dad. Wanted to wish you a Happy 4th Anniversary in Heaven. I think of you everyday and cherish all the memories, I remember all the things we did together and everything you instilled in my to become a strong caring Husband and father. I do my best to do as you taught me but I can never be as good as you for sure. You were an amazing Dad and I will never forget that ever. I hope you are at peace and you are spending time with my brothers in Heaven, along with your dad and mom and everyone else in the family that has called to be with him. Until I leave a message on here again, I love you Dad and will continue to think of you each and everyday and I will miss you so much, it never seems to get easier at all. Love your son , Harold
June 20, 2021
June 20, 2021
Hey Dad, I want to wish you a Happy Fathers Day and let you know how much I miss you and wish you were here so we could spend time together .Life is so different without you and I especially have a hard time on Fathers Day without you here for me to talk to you. I am sure one day I will see you again and be able to say Happy Fathers Day to you face to face once again, but until then I will leave my wishes for you here and hope that when I look up to Heaven and wish you a Happy Fathers Day , Happy Birthday , Merry Christmas , Happy New Year, or just ask you for guidance in some way you can hear me and know that I always think of you. I miss you Dad and I am so proud to be your son. I love you, Harold 
December 31, 2020
December 31, 2020
HI Dad, Just want to wish you a Happy New year as 2020 comes to an end. We miss you dearly and think of you all the time. WE hope you will be partying in Heaven tonight to bring in the New Year. Love and miss you until we meet again , your son Harold
December 25, 2020
December 25, 2020
Dear Dad, Just want to wish you a very Merry Christmas in Heaven. We miss you dearly and wish you were here with us . I love you and will think of you everyday until we meet again! Love you, Harold
December 2, 2020
December 2, 2020
Dear Dad, Just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday in Heaven today, you would have been a young 83 Y/O. You left us way to soon but obviously God needed you with him and your work here was done. I miss you so much as does the whole family. I think of you everyday and will never forget all of our memories. I try to live life the way you taught me and often when things occur think to myself what would Dad have done. I will always love and miss you Dad, and one day I will hopefully see you again. Until I see you again I will continue to cherish the memories and think of you everyday. I love you, your son ,Harold
August 13, 2020
August 13, 2020
Dear Dad, It has been 3 years today since you have left us.I just want you to know that you are truly missed and loved. We think of you everyday and many days I sit and relive the times we shared together as father and son. I try to always think to myself what would Dad advise me to do in situations.You were always there for me to ask advice when I needed it, but now I have to do it on my own , hoping its the right choice. There is nothing like having a dad to look up to and follow, I sure miss it. I think I do ok though you have taught me enough through the years on what a man is and what a man does. I hope you are relaxing in Heaven and enjoying being with my two brothers, your mom and dad, your stepmom, your brother, your grandparents and all our other relatives who God has called upon so far. I miss you Dad, I love you, and you will never be forgotten as long as I am still here on earth, and one day I will see you again. I love you, your son Harold
June 21, 2020
June 21, 2020
Dear Dad, Its Fathers Day and today I remember you especially as you were the best Dad a son could ask for. I hope each day while I am here on earth that I follow what you taught me as a dad with my children . I raised them all by the standards you taught me and hope that they will continue to follow what they have been taught. You were an inspiration to me all my life and you continue to be. I love you and I hope you enjoy Fathers Day in Heaven with Grandpa and your grandfather's who are also celebrating in Heaven. Thank you Dad for everything and you live on in my heart and memories forever. Until I see you again I love and miss you, Your son , Harold
December 25, 2019
December 25, 2019
Dear Dad, Just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas in Heaven. The Holidays are not the same without you here and you are missed dearly. I hope you can see as you look down from Heaven that I uphold the traditions you taught me through the years. I love and miss you Dad. Love your son , Harold
December 2, 2019
December 2, 2019
Dear Dad, Just want to wish you a Happy Birthday and let you know that you are thought of everyday. I wish you were here to celebrate, but you are in a better place celebrating with all the family that has passed before. We all miss you dearly and nothing is the same without you here. One day we will see each other again and be together forever. Love and miss you Dad,your son Harold
November 28, 2019
November 28, 2019
Hi Dad, Just wanted t wish you a Happy Thanksgiving and tell you how much we miss and love you. We think of you everyday. Love your son, Harold
August 13, 2019
August 13, 2019
Dear Dad, I want to wish you a Happy 2nd Anniversary in Heaven. You have no idea how much you are missed. I think about you everyday and still have been unable to forgive myself for not getting down to Florida to see you before you passed. I know it was out of my hands since I was having medical issues at the time and could not travel, but I so regret not taking the chance and coming to see you. I know in my heart you have forgiven me but that doesn't help heal the pain I feel. I love you so much dad for all that you had done for us and I have tried to follow all that you taught me. I have raised my children by what I was taught but my parenting can never equal up to yours. I love thinking about the memories we shared together through life and it brings a smile when I think of our times together. I know I will see you again someday and we will have so much to talk about and catch up on. In the meantime I will continue on with my life , trying my best the way you have taught me. Again Dad , Happy Anniversary in Heaven , I love you, and will see you again someday, Love your son, Harold
June 16, 2019
June 16, 2019
Dear dad, just want to wish you a Happy Fathers day in Heaven. I love and miss you dearly. Things will never be the same here without you, I love you, Your son , Harold
February 22, 2019
February 22, 2019
HI Dad, just a note that I wanted to leave. I still miss you so much and think of you often. I hope you are at peace and enjoying your life in Heaven. I hope you have gotten together with all our relatives that have passed. I love ya Dad and will for eternity. One day we will be together again and we can make up for lost time. I love and miss you, Harold
January 1, 2019
January 1, 2019
HI Dad, just wanted to wish you a Happy New Year in Heaven. I hope you are partying like never before.We miss you as you celebrate your 2nd New year in Heaven. But we will celebrate again one day. Love your son ,Harold
December 25, 2018
December 25, 2018
Dear Dad, Just want to wish you a very Merry Christmas and let you know that not a day goes by that I don't think of you. I know one day we will be together again on the Holidays and we will make up for lost time, but that doesn't take away the pain I feel each day.I hope that you are in Heaven celebrating with my brothers and all the family. I will never forget you dad and all that you did for me and taught me, I love you and will forever your son.Harold
December 2, 2018
December 2, 2018
HI Dad, Its Dec.2 and it would have been your 81st Birthday. Just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday in Heaven and let you know how much you are missed. I think of you everyday even though I don't post here on forever missed daily. Don't think a day goes by that I don't think of and miss you. I wish you were here with us but God had taken you to be with Him and all the family that went before you. I Love you and always will.I will see you again someday and we will catch up right where we left off. Goodbye for now , I will leave more messages over time to honor you. You were the best dad a son could have. I love you , your son Harold
November 26, 2018
November 26, 2018
Dear Dad, Just a message to let you know I think of you everyday and miss you dearly. I hope you had an awesome Thanksgiving in Heaven with the twins, and Grandpa pop, Grandma Selma, Grandma Gertie, Aunt Doris ,Uncle John and all of the rest of the family that has gone on to a better place. One thing is for sure although we lived far apart and couldn't get together on the Holidays , just speaking with you on those days made a world of difference and talking about the Holidays in the old days was great. The Holidays are not the same anymore since you passed and I don't think they ever will be. Its just not the same. I know that I am supposed to move on , knowing I will see you again one day but that doesn't help. They say time heals but I don't think losing you will ever heal.Thank you for being my dad and all that you did for me in life, I love and miss you.Until I write again, I hope you are in peace in Heaven and I will see you again someday, Love Your Son, Harold
August 12, 2018
August 12, 2018
Dear Dad, It's a year today August 13th that you have been called to Heaven by God. No day passes that I don't think of you and miss you. Your memory will live forever as long as I am alive. The job you did as a father was second to none and I think of all that we had done together when I was growing up. I to have now raised all my children as you did and I can only hope that I was able to lay down a strong foundation for them like you did for me. They say that time heals all wounds but I'm not that works when you lose a parent. I don't think the hurt will ever pass, but that would be ok because I don't think it would be normal if the hurting stops. I don't know what else to say other than I miss you, I love you and I hope that one day we will be together again. Until then , I love you DAD! Forever loved , your son,Harold
June 16, 2018
June 16, 2018
Dear Dad, Happy Fathers Day! This is your first Fathers Day in Heaven and I miss you so much. Fathers Day will never be the same without you here. I love you and will always remember you as an amazing Dad. I think of all our memories everyday, we had some great ones thats for sure, You will never be forgotten Dad I love you!
March 26, 2018
March 26, 2018
HI Dad, Just wanted to leave a message today, thinking about you every day, missing you and thinking about all the times we shared together, I miss them dearly but will remember them forever. I hope your life in Heaven is all it could be. I hope your with all our family in Heaven and that your at peace, I will get to see you again in Heaven and we will continue on without missing a beat. Until then I will keep your memory alive and will follow all that you taught me. I also want you to know that you are missed by all your grandchildren and great grandchildren. We all speak of you when we get together. I love and miss you dad, until I write again, All my love your Son, Harold
February 13, 2018
February 13, 2018
Grandpa, six months without you today. I cant even explain how hurt i am that i could not come take care of you. That i could not have been there for you. I miss you every single day since the day i got the news i lost my bestfriend. You were an amazing grandfather, great grandfather, and father to your sons. I will never forget all the times you'd say you loved me on the phone. All of our conversations. All of the memories i have with you. Remember the time you were in New York in Freehold when i wanted to go see the cows which i had said that it was right down the “woad”. Not a day goes by where i dont think about you. I never want to believe that this is real. I want to wake up from this nightmare but deep down i know you went home to god cause you were needed. You are now my guardian angel and are watching over me. I hope I'm making you proud like i promised you i would. I hope you have seen my accomplishments and changeds in the past six months. I wish i could hear your voice one last time, see you one last time. But, i know you are up there with grandpa pizza and my other loved ones. You are also reunited with your parents now. You are forever missed and loved ❤️
February 13, 2018
February 13, 2018
Dear Dad, Today is your 6 month anniversary in Heaven, Not a day goes by that I don't think of you and miss you dearly. The pain and hurt of losing you has not subsided at all. I hurt each day knowing that I was unable to see you again before you parted earth.I know you are in a better place now and at peace and I will see you again someday, but even knowing that doesn't stop the hurt. I love you and relive great memories each day until I see you again.Love you forever you son, Harold
December 31, 2017
December 31, 2017
Dad, thinking of you today as the year comes to an end. We miss you and could only wish that you were here still with us. This New Years will be hard with you not here , but you are celebrating in peace in a better place . I hope you have a Happy first New Year in Heaven as you celebrate with all our other family that have passed through The years. I love and miss you, your son Harold
December 24, 2017
December 24, 2017
Dad, Just want you to know we are thinking of you on this Christmas Eve. This will be the first Christmas without you here and it will be hard. I know you are celebrating this joyful Holiday in a much better place, We miss you and think of you often, Love Harold, Kelly and all the children.
December 2, 2017
December 2, 2017
Happy 80th birthday! You will forever be remembered and missed
December 2, 2017
December 2, 2017
Dear Dad, just want to wish you a Happy 80th Birthday. I wish you were here to celebrate it but you are celebrating in a much better place. I miss you with all my heart and words could not describe the void in life without you here. I love you and will miss you forever, your son , Harold
October 20, 2017
October 20, 2017
Dad, just needed to sign in and leave a message on here that not a day has passed that I haven't thought about you and feel the pain of losing you. I am trying to get through this knowing I will see you again one day and that you are in a better place but even knowing that doesn't help the pain and sorrow. I miss you with all my heart and life will never be the same without you here. I want you to know I am following your wishes and will make sure they are completed.your love and memories will live on forever , until I see you again, love your son Harold
September 8, 2017
September 8, 2017
Dad, I Just want you to know how much you mean to me. You were the best Dad any son could ask for. The memories I have in life of things we have done together will live on forever. I wish I had the opportunity to see you at least one more time before you left our world, but as you know I didn't and I hope you understand I had no control of this with the medical issues I was having. I am so sorry that I couldn't make it down to see you and I can only hope you forgive me. I know you are in Heaven now with Uncle John, Grandpa pop, Grandma Gertie and you are with your mom who you lost at a young age, grandma Selma. I Love you Dad, and will forever, until I see you again, enjoy your life in Heaven, you deserve nothing but the best! I LOVE YOU!!!

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