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This memorial website was created in memory of my beloved son, Heinz Rosener, 27, born on December 31, 1989 and passed away on June 26, 2017. We will remember him forever.

Happy Birthday to Heinz Billoh Rosener!!

Dearest Family and Friends,

Today, December 31, 2018 is Heinz Billoh’s second Birthday since his death. The years after the death of a child is like walking in a maze to find your own way. He would have turned 29 years old today.  My family and I still don’t know what the right thing is to do on the birthday of a deceased loved one.  We don’t cease to love them. In fact we love them more. 

So, we’ve decided to do something positive with our grief, something that he Heinz a veteran of the United States army, would love.  We are partnering with a charity for Veterans Suicide Prevention in Oakland, CA,  "Crisis Support Services of Alameda County" in Honor of my son Heinz.  This charity is specifically designed to help Veterans with PTSD and Suicide prevention.  It is a Non-Profit organization that strives to prevent and discover and answer to veteran suicide and to serve, advocate for and empower veterans and people affected by veterans suicide.

22 soldiers a day commit suicide in the United States.  Unfortunately my Heinz is a part of that statistics.  This number is too high.  It is our hope, to drastically reduce this number, to help prevent another mother, another family, from going through this pain and tragedy.

Please join me and my family in raising funds and reaching our goal in Heinz's memory to help with resources for veterans suicide prevention.  The funds will go directly to the charity. Your support means the world to me, and to all the people it helps.

We cannot do it without your contribution.  So please, click to donate. Help us meet our goal.  If you would like to donate, click on the link below and donate whatever amount you are comfortable with.  

Help us make a difference in veterans lives in Memory of Heinz Billoh Rosener, my son.

June 26, 2018
June 26, 2018
Hainz B as I fondly called you you left for a place where you are more welcome and happier. I know you are resting very well in the bosom of the Lord, and I say, REST WELL son REST till we meet again. You are gone never to return, but never ever shall I forget you son. Love you so much, but God loves you more.
June 26, 2018
June 26, 2018
Heinz Billoh my dear, it's been a year already since you changed this life for eternity. All we are left with are precious memories of the wonderful years we were opportuned to spend with you in Germany. Watching you and my children growing up and playing together was one of best moments. I still remember how you would pull faces, telling us "Reiz ist nicht gesund!" (rice is not healthy), especially when we ate with our fingers from the same bowl. You will never be forgotten, we will forever treasure your memory. Continue to sleep on in perfect peace my handsome. Wir haben Dich lieb!
Deine Tante Ella ⭐⭐⭐
June 26, 2018
June 26, 2018
Heinz, RIP. We miss you and you will always be in our thoughts and prayers. Heavenly Father, I ask you to cover Heinz' soul with your hands and give him peace and comfort. May your kindness, forgiveness and presence always be with him. Amen!  Until we meet again Heinz, rest in peace!!
June 25, 2018
June 25, 2018
One year today Heinz when I got the call from Teresita saying that you are gone. my heart is still broken and i always imagine the last day I saw you which was on a Sunday when I cooked and we all had dinner together you even played video games with your little brother Mahda. We had a good conversation in the veranda. It is like a dream to lose you the next day. I pray for you every day my son that you rest in perfect peace. I will always love you. Miss you so much Heinz Billoh
April 20, 2018
April 20, 2018
Heinz my love, it is going to 10 months since you left us , life is not easy without you, there is not a day that i dont think about you. As your mother I will never stop thinking about you. I thank God for my faith and strength, I don't know what to do with out the help of the almighty. Continue to rest in perfect peace. I wish you all the best in Heaven my dear son.
March 3, 2018
March 3, 2018
My daer Heinz its been 8 months since you left us, I am still in shock and cannot express how much I miss you. I am Thankful to God for giving me strength and courage every day . Continue to rest in perfect peace my Son.
January 19, 2018
January 19, 2018
I went to lake chabot, and remembered how we would go there to reflect and we would go either running or a simple hike. It feels so different when you’re not physically there, holding my hand and talking to me. I also think back to when we got lost, and yet you were so determined to get us out before things got bad. I was so scared, but you helped me through the dark all the way through. We made it out the dark park. You motivated me to be strong and keep going. I’m doing the best I can. I just miss you so much. You should be here, but apparently god had other plans. Thank you Heinz for everything and I pray you are somehow still out there, guiding me the the rough, dark times. I love you always. Be at peace mein schatzie.
January 1, 2018
January 1, 2018
With heavy heart I am wishing you happy 28th birthday, I thank God for the years i spent with you. I vwill never forget this day in Buckeburg Germany when i gave birth to you. You changed my life and the life of the Roseners. I am still lost over your death but God loves you more. Rest in perfect peace. Heinz Billoh you make me become a woman 1989 when i gave birth to you . Your brother Mahda and myself miss you so much. Till we met again Heinz CONTINUE TO REST IN PERFECT PEACE. Ich Liebe Dich. Diene Mutter Zainab
December 31, 2017
December 31, 2017
Heinz, In life, there are good days and not-so-good days but today is the special day God brought you into this world. You are loved and missed. A day does not go by without a mention of you by your mom. Rest in peace. Rest in peace until we meet again.
December 31, 2017
December 31, 2017
Today you would’ve turned 28. I can’t believe I have to go into the new year without you here on earth. We made so many plans and I wanted to accomplish all of them with you. You’ve given me so much and I’m grateful to have been with you for 10years. Thank you for everything. It was only last year from today we celebrated your bday in Reno, and watched the fireworks into the night sky. I will always love you. You will always have a place in my heart and be remembered. I love you heinz.
December 31, 2017
December 31, 2017
Heinz B my love, I want to bless you today till we meet again and say continue to sleep peacfully instead of saying happy birthday. Today is a day I will never forget. 28 years ago on this day's midnight we welcomed you with joy, & 27 years later we have to say good by forever. I am lost of words, sleep on Heinz B, sleep on baby. I know you are in a better place, where there is no pain, no cold, no heat, and no worries, so sleep on son.RIPP ❤
December 26, 2017
December 26, 2017
Bitter and sweet chrismas for Mahda and my self yesterday. Sweet is that we thank God for his strength and mercy that we have every day to cope with the loss of Heinz Billoh. Bitter is the first Christmas with out Heinz Billoh. We pray every day for you Heinz and that your gentle soul rest in perfect peace. We will always miss you.
December 16, 2017
December 16, 2017
My dear nephew who was the light in any room you are gone in flesh but your spirit will stay with is for ever. We have great memories of us in Germany, London and the USA. How you use to secretly pinch the twins, your reptile, baby that ran away, helping you to tidy your room.....all these great thoughts are still fresh in my mind. Those we love dont pass away, they stay with us all the time.
November 24, 2017
November 24, 2017
My dear Heinz, first thanksgiving without you, I remember last year the fun we had together. As your mom, my heart is still broken, i am still crying a lot. I know your spirit is with us. We miss your warmness and jokes and you eating up all the food. I wish you were with us. i thank God for giving me strength every day to pray for you and keep me going Heinz Billoh. All i wish for you is to rest in perfect peace. I will always love and miss you. .
October 29, 2017
October 29, 2017
Heinz its been 4 months, since you went to be with the lord, we visited you today, it was very tough for me as your mom, I am still lost but I am thanking God for giving me strength, grace and mercy to go through this. I will forever miss you. life will never be the same without you., Rest in perfect peace. 27 year's of you in me is gone but God is good for all our good memories.
September 13, 2017
September 13, 2017
Although, I did not know you well, I have heard so many beautiful stories of you from your mom. I have worked with Z for 11 years, the joy you brought to her in those 27 years are indescribable. You and Your brother are the lights of her life. I pray that you are now in peace, that you no longer have any pain. I know you and Z willl be together again one day. I continue to believe that you are with your mom in everything she does. You are so loved.
September 10, 2017
September 10, 2017
I miss you so much. I'm really trying to move forward and live in this life. I'm still in disbelief. I love you so much. Please watch over us and give us comfort. It's just so hard. Please watch over us. I am pray that you are at peace and no longer in pain.
September 8, 2017
September 8, 2017
Heinz, I had the opportunity to visit your family in California in Sept of 2004 for your younger brother Mahda 's christening and meeting you for the first time. I remember staying in your bedroom for my brief stay. You were a handsome teenager with a calm and quiet disposition. You left us all too soon but God has a plan for you. Talking with your mother every day gives her some assurances of God's plan but it is very hard on there are some highs and lows moments she goes through.  The bond between you and your mother was undeniably strong. We will continue to miss you and remember those specials moments shared. Rest in peace. Rest in peace.
August 26, 2017
August 26, 2017
Heinz Billoh we visited you today at your final resting place, Fairmont Memorial Park, Fairfield CA. it was my pleasure to go see you with your brother Mahda and your girl friend Terisita Brown. Its been 2 months since you left us to go be with the lord. I know you are in a better place with your grandparents and your father Manfred Rosener Snr. May you all Rest In Perfect peace. We will never forget you. My love for you will never go away and I know you are always with us Be our Angel. Schlaff schon mein schatz. I habe dich sehr Lieb. Deine mutter Zainab.
August 25, 2017
August 25, 2017
I can't believe it will be already almost 2 months since you left this world. It still feels like your near. I still expect to see you walk through a door, or send me one of your random funny texts to check up on me. It still feels like you'll pop out of the room and ask me to go on a walk with you to the marina. I miss you so much. We will meet again. It doesn't feel the same. Please give me strength. We are all praying that god gives you and all of us comfort. I pray that god has given you peace. Know that I love you so much. Thank you for all that you have done for me. Thank you for loving me. You will always be with me. I love you. I always have.....and I always will.
August 6, 2017
August 6, 2017
Your life was a blessing,
Your memory a treasure,
You are loved beyond words and missed beyond measure.
Rest in perfect peace Heinz................till we meet again....Goodnight!
July 31, 2017
July 31, 2017
Heinz, I did not meet you in life neither spoke to you. But as an uncle related to your mom, it is so hard to say good bye, when your presence was needed the most.
The Lord has his own plan for you, which cannot be altered .
Therefore, I pray tthat our Lord give you one of his rooms in his mansions.
Rest In Peace till we meet again!!!
July 30, 2017
July 30, 2017
We pray that heinz is in a better place with his dear grandma Karoline Rosener, his grandpa and dad Manfred Rosener sr,.
July 29, 2017
July 29, 2017
Heinz, you left us too soon and you will be missed. May your gentle soul rest in peace.
Zain, I pray for you and family to have the strength and courage to move forward with such a devastating loss. Your faith will surely guide you.
To him we belong, and to him we shall return.
July 29, 2017
July 29, 2017
Heinz B as I fondly called you, you will be missed by many, I am still in denial that you left us forever. I remembered on the New Years eve of 1989 when your mum called me in Aachen and gave me the good news about your arrival. I was over my head with joy, I can still hear the echo of my voice. I guess I need not ask God why, but it really hurts. I remembered the weekend my kids and I came to bueckeburg to welcome you, the journey to Bueckeburg from Aachen, is only three hours away, but we spent five hours after missing several exits, your mum was so worried why we took so long on the way. When we finally arrived in Bueckburg your mum was standing right in the middle of the street in joy knowing that we were safe. I can still hear the echo of the laughter and fun we had after that. I can remember how your mum journeyed between Frankfurt and Bueckburg trying to protect you. I can go on and on Heinz B, the bottom line RIP. You left stamps in our hearts that never shall be erased till we meet again. SLEEP IN PEACE SON, SLEEP ON.
July 29, 2017
July 29, 2017
Dear Heinz, these are Aunty Jariatu and Uncle Mallam. It's unbelievable you've left us so early. We have great memories of our days in Dortmund, in Aachen, in Bueckeburg and in everywhere in Germany where we were together with you. We will miss you. May your soul rest in perfect peace. Amen
July 28, 2017
July 28, 2017
Heinz, May you rest in perfect peace. You were loved and you will never be forgotten. We will miss you. Rest in peace!
July 27, 2017
July 27, 2017
Heinz, My physical time with you is over now. So, son, you put those hands that I held for 27 years, one on your brother's and one in God’s hand, and guide him along this journey until I can hold you both again.

And tell God, ‘Thank you’ for me. And tell him how grateful, lucky and privileged I feel that he chose me to be your mom and I hope I made him proud. And I will help guide those who you left behind until we are called up to be with you.

I hold you with my whole entire heart. Luv Mama
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June 26
My dear son Heinz Billoh today marks the 7th year since you left us. As your mom, I am thankful to God for bringing me this far, and I am always praying for you to rest in perfect peace. Your brother Mahda and my self miss you so much. We love you! RIP!
June 26
June 26
Heinz, werden wir ihn nie vergessen. Er ist fuer immer in unseren Herzen lieb und teuer. Schlaf auf schoener Seele ️✝️️
June 26
June 26
Forever in our hearts. How time flies! Can't believe you have been gone so long because time stood still on the day you left Just thinking you are still with us and just away on a trip. Rest well my beloved nephew.
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June 5, 2018

My dear Son Heinz Billoh, almost a year ago since you left us. O can't stop thinking about you, you were my joy for 27 years. Your brother Mahda and I miss you dearly.  We pray that you rest in perfect peace and continue to be our Angel watching over us.  Heinz we will always love you

through the dark....into the light

August 5, 2017

I remember the very first time you took me on a walk at lake chabot. We talked for hours and enjoyed the nice trails and scenery. We went during the afternoon, and i think we went a certain trail. Before we knew started to get darker. I was getting so scared. It didnt help that I wasnt wearing the proper shoes. The battery on our phones were draining and i had to be careful of how much light i used on my phone. It was getting really dark. I started to get really scared and didnt know if i could go any further. But the whole time, you pushed me to keep going. You held my hand and kept me safe. I couldnt see but we got it through together. I dont know how....but luckily we were able to find a way back. And we had something to look back on....something to say that we made it through. Something to remember and joke about. During the 10 years we've been've helped me through times when it was dark. You held my hand and comforted me; you made me feel safe.....always. You made me feel like I could do anything. You were my strength and comfort. We made it through the dark together.

I pray that you help guide us through this difficult time. Help me keep my strength to move forward. I love you for everything you have done. I love you so much. May you be at peace and shine in the light. 

Greatest Dancer

July 27, 2017

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