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This memorial website was created in the memory of our loved one, henry finley, 77, born on September 23, 1934 and passed away on December 23, 2011. We will remember him forever.

September 23, 2021
September 23, 2021
Hey daddy Happy Birthday i love and miss you so much... wish u could be here cuz as u kno i got married again and u have a new grandbaby on the way wish u could be here to hold it in ur arms and sing to and rock it.. but ik u will be watching over us every day... hope ur having a great day up there in the clouds
December 24, 2019
December 24, 2019
Hey daddy 8 years ago we lost you and it still feels like yesterday. Nothing has been the same since and a lot has happened, the only thing that hasn't changed is how much I miss you everyday. I kno for a fact you would hate this fiat we have lol and you would be cussing it and me. It's those little things that get me thru the day crazy as it might be. I kno you would be proud of your family and how much it has grown and still growing. I love you daddy and Merry Christmas up in heaven.......
December 23, 2019
December 23, 2019
Hey grandpa just wanted to say i miss you so much and wish u was here its hard to believe its been 9 years your great granddaughter is 3 and she is so bright and smart just like you. Ut she looks just like mom she has my attitude you would be so proud of lilly i know u watch over us and are always there just wish she could meet u and hug you i wish i could see you and hug u one last time
December 23, 2019
December 23, 2019
Daddy I love you and miss you everyday. When I think of you somewhere I think of you playing guitar and singing with your brothers drinking sweet tea or debating with grandpa Finley
June 18, 2017
June 18, 2017
Hey Daddy it's been awhile since I've gotten on here to talk to you. Alot has happened. And I know you have been here kicking my butt the whole way. I really miss our long talks. I miss your advice. I guess I just miss you in general. Daddy you are and will forever be my best friend. I love you so much daddy . Love always your babygirl
September 23, 2015
September 23, 2015
its hard to get over him mot beimg here my best friend and.I .play his guitar and everytime I hear iti jist think of him andhow amazing he was at it I play final fantasy and still remember everything he tought me I remember going to him anytime of the night talking to him for hrs and get back up stairs before my mom and dad foind out that I was staying up all night before skool gpa the memories I have with u are forever I love u gpa happy bday forever missed never forgotten
September 23, 2015
September 23, 2015
March 2, 2015
March 2, 2015
i know its not his birthday or anything but everyday is very special when you have the Greatest Grandpa ever when it comes to him. I talk about him a lot at school and every time i do i don't know i just feel that he is looking down on me a smiling at the pride he has when seeing me that i am at least doing better. I cry almost every night thinking of him and the great times we have had together. I know i cant relive them but i do know that i can only remember them and hope to live them again some day in the future. I miss and Love you Grandpa. I cant wait to see you again!
Hannah Finley
September 24, 2012
September 24, 2012
i am honored to have known mr h. we didnt always see eye to eye, but he was a great man. when i married his daughter, marry jane, he accepted me into his family and treated me like one of his own. thank you pops, for the good times, love and miss you.
September 23, 2012
September 23, 2012
Today is daddy's birthday. We miss him very much! Happy Birthday daddy! love you so much!!
May 9, 2012
May 9, 2012
My Brother "Buddy" was a good man who cared very much for his family. He was good to me when I was young as an older brother. I borrowed his car for my first date. He even gave me my first car. Had a lot of good times pickin & grinin with Buddy and those are lasting memories. Rest in peace brother. (from: little bro; Charlie).
May 5, 2012
May 5, 2012
I remember my brother as being a very loving and compassionate man. He lived a simple life and loved his family very much. We all have our precious memories and because of those memories Buddy will live forever in our hearts. We will all be together one day and have one heck of a family reunion. Till that glorious day, Rest in Peace dear Brother. We love and miss you very much.
April 24, 2012
April 24, 2012
The day I lost my gpa I lost my best friend and my hero but I gained an angel that I don't have to use a phone to talk to I would put a story but I would have to write a noble I spent most of my life with him I didn't get to say by but I tell him everyday and night I love him and miss him so much
April 24, 2012
April 24, 2012
Dad was the most honest person i knew. I rememder sitting with him no matter if we were just talkin, listening to music, or he was teaching me something new he always kept it honest no matter the subject and that is the best thing he ever taught me i miss you daddy more than words can say love ya
April 24, 2012
April 24, 2012
My daddy was a good and very smart man and everybody who ever knew him was better for it. I am thankful that he got to spend so much time with my children because he taught them more than I ever could have. I could not have done most of my life without him. Not a day goes by that i don't miss him and I took that for granted. I miss you daddy.

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September 23, 2021
September 23, 2021
Hey daddy Happy Birthday i love and miss you so much... wish u could be here cuz as u kno i got married again and u have a new grandbaby on the way wish u could be here to hold it in ur arms and sing to and rock it.. but ik u will be watching over us every day... hope ur having a great day up there in the clouds
December 24, 2019
December 24, 2019
Hey daddy 8 years ago we lost you and it still feels like yesterday. Nothing has been the same since and a lot has happened, the only thing that hasn't changed is how much I miss you everyday. I kno for a fact you would hate this fiat we have lol and you would be cussing it and me. It's those little things that get me thru the day crazy as it might be. I kno you would be proud of your family and how much it has grown and still growing. I love you daddy and Merry Christmas up in heaven.......
December 23, 2019
December 23, 2019
Hey grandpa just wanted to say i miss you so much and wish u was here its hard to believe its been 9 years your great granddaughter is 3 and she is so bright and smart just like you. Ut she looks just like mom she has my attitude you would be so proud of lilly i know u watch over us and are always there just wish she could meet u and hug you i wish i could see you and hug u one last time
Recent stories

Hello Grandpa-

August 9
Its been a while since i have wrote to you on here but i've just wanted to say that back in january i moved in with my ex and i wish i didn't for a lot of reasons. i came back home a few months ago and am now living with mom, i have a good job and trying to get my debt down and all. Robert also passed as you may come to find out cause you two are probably together right now. But im going to therapy here and soon and i love and miss you.


Hey Grandpa

December 29, 2023
Hey Grandpa,
                          It's Devin, just wanted to get on here and let you know that I'm doing a lot better mentally and physically. The doctors said I have nothing to worry about, but I think I may have to go back in while for a checkup. But boyfriend and I have been together for a little over 6 months now and I couldn't say I've been happier. I should be moving in with him in a few weeks too as well. I know its soon, but I think it is best for us both as couple and as people for the company, thanks to his mom Sara.
But its been really stressful. I hope you had a good Christmas as well with all of the family up there

Ive recently have had a few wakeup-calls and I've been trying my best to make myself a better person for everyone, but I feel like everyone still makes me out to be this guy who doesn't have true, good intentions, and they just say I try to argue and stuff. So, I don't know if I should try to be better for them.

Wish you were here to help me out since everyone says you and I are so alike.
Love, Devin.

heyy grandpa

September 28, 2023
hey grandpa, its devin. Its been awhile but thought to say hey and a lot has been happening. Ive been full time at my job for over a year now, and ive been having some medical issues and all of that, but im managing, ive also been living on my own now for a little over 15 months now, but you probably already know that from wherever you may be watching us. but ive also met someone and ive been with him fir a little over 3 months now and were doing good i hope atleast from what i can tell, i keep you updated on him over time, but you also know everything there is to know already, but ill tell you anyways so it makes me feel better about you not being able to meet him. I dont know how you feel about same sex relationships, but i know you two wouldve gotten along well. but i love you and i hope to see you again whenever my time has ran out, sooner or later. meet you again gpa

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