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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Engr. Ibrahim Inuwa OFR, 71 years old, born on April 15, 1949, and passed away on May 11, 2020. We will remember him forever.
April 15, 2021
April 15, 2021
Inna lillahi wainna ilaihir rajiun, Shekara, kwana goes the saying in Hausa. It's still shocking/touching to recall the news from my Boss in the Office that fateful day. Instantly I asked Accident ? He said no. Few minutes we left to the House for the Funeral. At the grave yard, seeing the turn out of People from different works of live, one will believe that his life was well spent and he relates very well with People during his lifetime. Dr Abdallah Gadan kaya,a comments about him also attest to this. Well his time lapse and is gone, but the legacies he left behind not only in the Engineering profession but beyond will continue to reflect. Allahumma agfirhum warhamhum wa,af,anhum wa,afihim warhamna, may Jannatul Firdaus be his final abode bijahi akhramul khalki ajma,in Ameen.
May 24, 2020
May 24, 2020
The death of Engr. Ibrahim Khalil Inuwa is a great loss to the Engineering family in Nigeria in particular and the general World Engineering Assembly.

The role played so far epitomised immortality in his chosen profession as one of our past president for the Council of Engineering Regulation in Nigeria (COREN) and as past President of the Nigeria Society of Engineers (NSE).

He had been a mentor to many, and an inspirational role model not only in Engineering Profession but as a forthright thoroughbred practitioner in the realm of National Development.

Adieu and Rest in Perfect Peace (RIP) – Inna lillahi waina ilaei rojiuun.

GMD/CEO, SOA Management Consultancy & Engineering Services Ltd.
Executive Director, Center for Religious Cooperation and Tolerance (CRCT).
Founder, Spiritual Head and Grand Imam, Shafaudeen In Islam Worldwide.
May 20, 2020
May 20, 2020
 "At that time, two men will be working in a field, one will be taken away, and the other will be left behind” says the Holy Book.
The cold hands of death cut short the earthly journey of a pragmatic engineer; He was suddenly snatched away by death among his peers as the holy book prescribed. 
The Nigerian Society of Engineers was established in 1958 but situated in a particular section of the country. 
Efforts made by our heroes to extend the arms of the Society beyond that particular area proved abortive due to a big River called the River Niger.
There came a vibrant young man who risked his life and swam across the river to associate himself with the Society. What a great sacrifice?
That singular act been by the energetic young man led our elders to the design and construct the "Niger Bridge”
The design of the said bridge was completed in1985 when the indefatigable young man became the Vice President of our great Society.
The construction of the same bridge was completed when an illustrious son of Kano became the President in 1989
The completion of that bridge encouraged many engineers from across the river to join the Society. 
 Engr Ibrahim Khaleel Inuwa is the Niger Bridge of the Nigerian Society of Engineers; the symbol he represented until his last breath.
"Oh death where is your sting, grave where is your victory ".
_Baba na mu_, as i fondly called him, where and when do I see him again?
Your smiling face and soft spoken words of encouragement will be greatly missed. 
The demise of the past President and iconic engineer has created a huge vacuum that can hardly be filled in the foreseeable future. 
The detribalized elder passed away like a flood; the elephant has fallen to rise no more. What a great loss!
What we cannot change must be accepted; we are submissive to the will of Almighty Allah, the giver of life. 
Good bye Past President, Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE)
Good night Past President, Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN)
Adieu Deputy President, Nigeria Institute of Management (NIM)
_Baba na mu, sai watarana ! !! !!! 
 Engr Joseph Olatunde Akinteye, FNSE, FCAI, MASCE, MNIM 
Past, NSE Vice President
May 20, 2020
May 20, 2020
I have known Engr Inuwa for over 30years and had always been very pleasant and friendly.He was very supportive of APWEN ALJANAH FRIDAU !
May 20, 2020
Innalillahi wa innailaihi rajiun. We love him but Allah loves him much more than we do. It's really sad, May Allah in his infinite mercy grant his soul eternal rest and grant him Jannatul Firdaus as his reward for service to humanity. I'm really short of words to express how deeply sad and heartbroken I am at the moment, May Allah give his family and the general public the fortitude to bear this great loss
May 20, 2020
May 20, 2020
May his gentle soul rest in perfect peace and may Almighty Allah over sees his shortcomings and grants him Jannatul firdaus as his final abode.
May 20, 2020
May 20, 2020
Engr I.K. Inuwa had been a father and a mentor who contributed immensely to the development of engineering profession in Kano and Nigeria as a whole. We love him, but Allah love him most. May his gentle soul rest in eternal peace, Amen.
Engr. Sulaiman Dahiru MUHAMMAD, Mnse
May 20, 2020
May 20, 2020
On behalf of myself and the entire membership of the Nigerian Society of Engineers Zaria Branch, I register our heart-felt condolence over the demise of Engr. Ibrahim Khaled Onawa FNSE, OFR, FAEng, Past President of NSE. He was a leader, a father, a mentor, a national figure and and an Engineer of national and inernational repute. He contributed his best to bring NSE and the Enginnering profession to where they are today. He was an exemplary leader . He contributed positively at the Council meetings that I attended. We lost an icon of Engineering!
May Allah, SWT, forgive his shortcomings and grant him Jannatul Firdausi.
May 20, 2020
May 20, 2020
"Verily from Allah we come and to him we return". On behalf of all members of APWEN Kano we mourn the demise of our father and mentor. May Allah S. W. T Grant him eternal rest in Jannatul Firdaus. May all his good works in propagating engineering profession be a source of sadaqatul Jariyah for him. We will surely miss you Baba!!
Engr. Dr. Zainab Yunusa
May 19, 2020
May 19, 2020

From God Almighty we came and unto Him we shall return. With a deep shock, but total submission to the will of God, I join the multitude of colleagues in mourning the death of a great leader and statesman, Engr. Ibrahim Khaleel Inuwa, OFR, FAEng, FNSE, FNIM. A Past President of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE) and the Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN) respectively.

Engr. I. K. Inuwa, as he preferred to be addressed was a great Father, Mentor and Inspiration to so many, within and outside the engineering profession and irrespective of tribe, religion or class. He was a proud family man, always seen professing his love for them through his action and words. As a friend, he related well with everyone, not minding his very high profile; and as a mentor, I never missed the opportunities of learning from him and banking on his tutelage. Oh death, where is thy sting?!

Though this is my fourth year in the NSE Council, I was only priviledged to cross the path of Engr. I. K. Inuwa, FNSE about a year ago; and within that short period of time, it is as though I had known him for decades. The indelible prints he left are just too strong and many to be forgotten in an eternity. Oh death, where is thy sting?!

I remember vividly the 17 April 2019, when I received a message from Engr. I. K. Inuwa that he was at the Prototype Engineering Development Institute (PEDI), Ilesa, an institute under NASENI and my place of work earlier that day but that his 'National EXCO' was absent to receive him. I duly informed him of the need to be away to attend a Ph.D. seminar at the Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Lagos. This got him interested in my academic pursuits, as coincidentally the department shares the same building with the office of The Academy of Engineering where Engr. I. K. Inuwa, FAEng, was a devoted Fellow and Technical Secretary of the Academy until his death. I recollect sharing some of the challenges encountered in the cause of my pursuit, and his constant words of encouragement to keep going and never to give up. No wonder he was one of the few I immediately informed after I successfully defended the programme in January, 2020. He never hid his joy and congratulated me profusely and even with a promise of 'washing' it. Alas! I never for once thought that time will never come. Oh death, where is thy sting?!

I could not help but benefit from his mentorship on several issues and challenges of life. I became more comfortable with him when I learnt of his friendship and closeness with another of my mentors, Prof. O. O. Adewoye (of blessed memory). Engr. I. K. Inuwa was never tired of giving direction and advice at any time of my several encounters with him. In him, I saw a great mentor and teacher. Oh death, where is thy sting?!

I could recall teasing him before Kano 2019 that I was coming to his 'territory' and that I must certainly taste Tuwo Chinkafa prepared in the 'real Kano' way before the end of the AGM. Though, time never permitted that but I was surprised to receive a package at the reception of Bristol where we lodged for the conference in the presence of some other APWEN members. My sincere thought and guess was that I was going to have a sumptuous packaged Chinkafa meal that evening but on opening the package, how wrong my thought and excitement had been!. Oh death, where is thy sting?!

I also remember his several chastening, I received as a contestant at the Kano AGM. In His words, "Moji, where are you? Other contestants are here or there campaigning but you are nowhere to be found". At a point in time, I didn’t know when I replied him with mine "My FNSE, FAEng Sir, I do not take things for granted, I may not be there, not because I did not want to but because I never got necessary information about the event and time. What will be will surely be". I was amazed by his show of love and support for my aspirations. Why then should I not celebrate a great fan of mine? Oh death, where is thy sting?!

Outside the Engineering profession, Engr. I. K. Inuwa, FNIM was a Fellow of The Nigeria Institute of Management (NIM) while I am a Corporate member (though not as active). He was as committed to the management institute as he did to his core profession. Both of us as members of NIM gave a platform for discussion, where he shared some of his commitments to the institute. No wonder I was priviledged to be one of the few he told immediately he was elected the Deputy President of the NIM. I could remember teasing him of 'activating' my membership now that he had been elected the DP of the institute. Oh death, where is thy sting?!

Words are not just enough to describe what his great impacts were on anyone and everyone that was priviledged to cross his path in his sojourn in life. Death has indeed robbed the nation of a great man, Engr. I. K. Inuwa, OFR. May Allah (SWA) forgive him his shortcomings, accept his good deeds and make Aljanna Firdausi his final abode. May He also grant his immediate family and loved ones, and the engineering family the fortitude to bear this great loss.

NSE National EXCO Member, 2019, 2020
IPC, NSE Ilesa Branch
May 18, 2020
May 18, 2020
A respected Engineer and lover of engineering profession to the core. Always cheerful and always ready to give solution to every issues that needed solution. The Nigerian Society of Engineers and the engineering families are going to miss you dearly. My prayer is that may your soul continue to rest in perfect peace with God. May the Almighty God continue to be with the families you have left behind.
May 18, 2020
May 18, 2020
Engr Ibraheem Khaleel FNSE OFR FA Eng, is known for 3 most outstanding qualities that i will always live to remember
1. Punctuality
2. Precision
3. Perfection 
May Allah forgive him May Allah give the engineering family , NSE Kano and his immediate family the fortitude to bear the loss.
May Engr Ibraheem Khaleel rest in peace ameen
May 18, 2020
May 18, 2020
Tribute to Engr. Ibrahim Khaleel Inuwa, FNSE, FAEng, OFR

By Engr. Bello Gwarzo Abdullahi

Though humanity internalized death as inevitable, it remains a sad and shocking event to those close to the deceased. From Allah we come and to Him we shall return and every soul shall taste death.

The death of Engr. Ibrahim Khaleel Inuwa is unexpected considering the way it came. Allah knows best. Focused, passionate, quintessential and indefatigable Engr. Khaleel will be sorely missed for his immense contributions to the development of Engineering in Nigeria. He remains a shining light and an inspiration to engineers due to his passion and commitment in the course of his activities. During his life, Engr. Khaleel drummed it to all those who cared to listen that engineering is the pivot of development and it should be seen to be so. His mentorship and style is awe inspiring. He was always encouraging engineers in the course of discussion with words like "keep the hope alive" "we can do it", "develop a sense of pride", and "be passionate and confident in whatever you are doing". All these and many more are clarion calls for members of Nigerian Society of Engineers to give their all towards achieving the goals set by our great and noble Society - the Nigerian Society of Engineers.

Born on 15th April, 1949 in Gwale L.G.A, Kano City, Kano State. He attended the Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria and Cranfield University, Bedford for his B.Eng (Mechanical) and M.Sc (Automobile) in 1973 and 1978 respectively.

Engr. Khaleel served the nation meritoriously in Port-Harcourt at the Marine Services Department of the River State Transport Corporation in 1973/74 service year. He joined the services of Kano State government in 1974 as Pupil Mechanical Engineer and rose to the position of Chief Engineer. He became Chief Mechanical Engineer Kano State Agricultural and Rural Development Authority 1986, Deputy Managing Director, National Trucks Manufacturers Ltd and acted as Managing Director in 1986. Between 1986-1989, he was member of the Kano State Executive Council as the Commissioner for Ministry of Rural & Community Development, and as a Commissioner in the Ministry of Animal Health and Forestry. Finally, 1989 he served as Director of Engineering in the Kano State Agricultural Rural Development Authority and retired voluntarily from Civil Service in 1989 to serve as Chairman, Technovation Limited, that engaged in the installation, commissioning and maintenance of Engineering systems and Management Consultancy. He received many awards for distinguished services to the Nigerian Society of Engineers.

On a personal level I became a Corporate member of the Nigerian Society of Engineers from Jos branch in 1999 when Engr. P. Y. Tongman was the Chairman. When I was later transferred to Gombe the same year I met Engr. O. O. Olabenjo as the pioneer Chairman of Gombe branch. Even though I knew of Engr. Khaleel since my secondary school days at the Science Secondary School, Dawakin Tofa in the 1980s my interaction with him began during the Annual General Meeting/Conference of the Nigerian Society of Engineers held in Abuja in the year 2000. In the course of the conference, Engr. Istifanus Amlai was invited to attend a meeting and he asked me to represent him as he had to go back to Gombe to be part of those receiving President Olusegun Obasanjo who was coming for a visit. Coincidentally, later that day, Engr. Battah Yaga Ndirpaya and Engr. Prof. Babagana Mohammed also invited us (myself and Engr. Tasiu Sa’ad Gidari- Wudil) to the same meeting. That incident marked a watershade in an educating, exciting, exhilarating and beneficial experience with the nitty-gritty of the politics of the Nigerian Society of Engineers. It was an eye opener and a wakeup call for me to brace up for the challenges ahead. This was made possible due to the intimidating credentials of the convener - Engr. Khaleel who chaired the meeting. He emphasized the need for unity, commitment, fairness in dealing with others and networking to ensure that all are carried along. You can almost touch his sincerity and passion when he was talking. The vision and mission of the Nigerian Society of Engineers is a complex setting that requires focus and commitment in order to achieve set goals. For those in the civil service he reiterated the need to understand our peculiar situation so as to facilitate our participation in the activities of the NSE. He used to tell us how late Alhaji Sa'idu Mohammed Gwarzo then Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Works, Housing and Transport used to encourage him and enquired about the the impact he was making as a representative of Kano. Since then our relationship continue to blossom with several meetings held in various locations across the country. He was held in high esteem and listened to throughout the country. This further emboldened us to do more as part of our little contributions. His childhood friend and classmate Dr. Shamsuddeen Usman had this to say "Khaleel was very proud of, and passionate about engineering right from his student days. He was always very effusive about engineering. I cannot recall which of our friends gave him the nickname of "Injiniya da rabin Injiniya", i.e. an engineer and a half rolled into one, to which he answered very proudly."

Engr. Khaleel was an honest and dedicated man. He was a visionary who was passionate about a future for the engineering profession. He had impacted so much to the Nigerian Society of Engineers such that his name will be written in gold and will continue to be a source of inspiration. His wisdom, his vision and great service rendered to the nation will never be forgotten. I pray that Allah forgive his shortcomings, lighten his grave, give his family the fortitude to bear the great loss and grant him a home in jannah.
May 18, 2020
Engr. Ibrahim Inuwa FNSE , Past President (NSE & COREN), Past Chairman NSE Kano Branch, you lived a life of an achiever, you were a successful professional per Excellence. Your achievement as Precedent of both NSE & COREN can't be easily forgotten. A selfless and success focus leader.
Adieu Great & Distinguished Engineer.
From. Engr. Michael O. OGUNDIRAN, Chairman NSE OYO BRANCH
May 18, 2020
What a great loss to the engineering family. May his soul rest in peace and may the Almighty give his family the fortitude to bear this irreparable loss!
Adieu Baba!
May 18, 2020
May 18, 2020
Tribute in Honour of Engr. I. K. Inuwa, FNSE, FAEng., FNIM, OFR by Engr. Nasir A. Shinkafi, Ph.D

"Verily we belong to Allah, and verily to Him do we return." Qur'an 2:156.

The untimely death of our dear father, mentor and true promoter of Engineering profession in our community, Engr. I. K. Inuwa, FNSE, FAEng., FNIM, OFR came as a great shock to me. I received it as a shock not because I undermine the fact that all men are mortal and someday we will all pass on, but for the fact that I was waiting for the COVID-19 lockdown in Kano to be eased so as to pay him a solidarity visit and seek for further guidance on how to embark on a journey he had sustained several years ago. The journey that had made remarkable impact on me twenty-two (22) years ago.

In 1998 when I graduated from Bayero University, Kano, Electrical Engineering Department, I received two highly prestigious awards namely:

1. Engineer Khalil Inuwa Prize for “The Best Graduating Student in Electrical Engineering" and;

2. Engineer Khalil Inuwa Prize for "The Best Graduating Student in Electronics Engineering”.

With these prizes, I held my shoulders high and have had my name written in gold during the over 20yrs of my professional career in IT & Telecoms here in Nigeria and abroad. One notable thing to mention was the way those prizes made my first employment with NITEL in 1999 easier as I got my offer of employment same day I had my NYSC discharge letter.

With my diverse experience within the IT/Telecoms industry in both private and public sectors as well as in Academia, I have chosen to also be a volunteer mentor and a Philanthropist perchance I will be able to emulate our icon, Engr. I. K. Inuwa of blessed memory - hence the need for my planned meeting with him which never happened - Only Allah knows why I kept this to myself until I meet him one-on-one, but that moment will never come....This memory will live with me forever.

In an attempt to seek solace on this unplanned departure of our Mentor, I will have no option than to also identify, promote and encourage the best graduating students in Electrical and Electronic Engineering in his blessed memory, just as he did to me.

May Allah have mercy on him and may He grant him Aljannatul-Firdaus. May Allah continue to give solace to his families, relations and well-wishers and grant us the fortitude to bear this great loss. Ameen.

Adieu my Icon.....& RIP.
Engr. C.itp Nasir A. Shinkafi, Ph.D. M.Eng, MNSE, MNCS, R.Eng (COREN®), MCPN, PMP®, EPM, CSI-Experienced
Dan Darman Shinkafi
May 18, 2020
May 18, 2020
Inna lillahi wainna ilaihir rajiun! What a great loss of an Icon, one among those that ensured the existence of Nigeria Society of Engineers to date as one entity that made impact on the Infrastructural development realized so far in the Country and beyond. His life time definitely serves Humanity across various fields of endeavor and his absence has created a vacuum in the Engineering Profession. He was a Man of Proven Integrity that a lot of People will continue to remember and prayed for. May Allah in his infinite mercies forgive his shortcomings and make Jannatul Firdaus be his final abode Ameen!
May 18, 2020
May 18, 2020
- An Engineering Icon and a Mentor

By an elder of the Branch; Engr. Mustafa Balarabe Shehu

Perhaps the most certain phenomenon of human life but most times coming as a surprise and even shock, is death. This can be explained by the fact that Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala) the creator of all beings has kept secret to himself alone, the time, place and cause for such death for each human being. Of course, the level of shock is also proportional to the level of intimacy the deceased has to the person concerned.
That was what exactly happened on Monday 11th May at 2.14pm when the daughter of Ibrahim Khaleel Inuwa (IK as we fondly call him) called to confirm to me about the death of their father about an hour earlier. I was driving from my house in Kano to visit a cousin whom we had prior appointment with. I was shocked to the bone marrow, to say the least! I had to park my car for a while to regain my composure and come to terms with the reality of the shocking news. As a Muslim I had to recite a part of a verse in the holy Quran that says ‘Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji’un’ (verily we are all from Allah and unto him we shall all return) a couple of times before I could gain some level of composure. I then asked myself, what can I do before I go to the house for the funeral arrangement? It immediately dawns on me that I have many things in common with IK in spite of the 14-year age gap between us.
1. We are both from the old Kano City, therefore I know many of his relatives, friends and acquaintances
2. We are both Old Boys of Government College Kaduna and therefore members of KADOBA
3. We are both alumni of Ahmadu Bello University. He graduated 1973 while I graduated 1985.
4. We are both engineers and are playing active roles in the activities of the Nigerian Society of Engineers. He served as NSE President in 1989 and 1990 and I served the same position in 2012 and 2013.
These 4 constituencies I have in common with IK made a lot people to identify me as a loyal junior brother to IK as these define more than 80% of his activities during his lifetime.
I had to take the courage of calling some of his friends in Kano, first of whom is Dr. Shamsuddeen Usman, who has been his friend right from primary school days to that fateful day. Shamsuddeen is also the Chairman of the Kano/Jigawa Professionals Forum, a forum comprising of professional from Kano and Jigawa who have made it to the apex leadership position of their Professional Association/Body. IK and I are members of the KPF. I then called the leadership of NSE at Kano and national levels, Engr. Mohammed Adamu and
Babagana Mohammed respectively, as well as the COREN President, Engr. Ali A. Rabi’u who was also locked down in Kano for the last 6 weeks. Engr. Rabi’u was also shocked and confused on hearing the news. When he learnt that I was around his area at the time, he requested and pleaded with me to come through his house so that we can go together in my car for the funeral. I believe he wanted to be saved the trouble of driving while in confused state.
On our way to the residence of IK, my mind was just wandering of a possibility of a false news or may be I was dreaming, even though I heard the news from his daughter, Hauwa who is professionally close to me having read electrical engineering just like her sister Amina. Both have gone through tutelage in my office some years back. IK used to call them my daughters or sometimes my students as they read electrical engineering as myself and not the mechanical engineering he read. As we approached the house, I saw many cars parked and people in very sober mood. On reaching the house, I confirmed beyond doubt that indeed IK was no more as his body was being prepared for the funeral prayers. We offered our Asr prayer around 3.50pm in the mosque opposite his house where IK used to be the Imam. The body was brought out for the funeral prayer at 4.10pm. The prayer took about 15minutes after which the body was accompanied to the graveyard immediately. By 4.50pm, the body was buried, and we all departed to our various homes because of the covid-19 restrictions on gatherings to receive condolences. From that time up the time of writing this piece, I have been receiving calls for condolence by the minute, from many people especially engineers and KADOBA members from all over the country.
Inna lillahi wa Inna Ilaihi raji’un…. May Allah reward abundantly, all those who participated in the funeral as well as all those who called or/and prayed from their homes, cities, towns and villages for the repose Engr. Ibrahim Inuwa’s soul. May Allah reward his good deeds, forgive his shortcomings and admit him in aljanat Firdaus.
While I have been hearing about him earlier, my first physical encounter with IK was in December 1990 when I attended my first NSE Conference in Jos. In those days, people collect their NSE certificates during conferences and I was happy when I learnt that I could collect my own there having successfully gone through the interview and exams earlier in the year. IK Inuwa was the President then. One cannot escape seeing the charming and elegant personality in him. An engineer and leader full of life, smiling always, eloquent and captivating his audience while speaking. That was Ibrahim Khaleel Inuwa! He radiates engineering to anyone that comes close to him. I saw in him a mentor and therefore started getting closer to him, especially when I became the Chairman of NSE Kano Branch (2000-2001), thereby frequenting his office and house discussing engineering and national issues. He guided me through my tenure as Chairman, making sure that Kano Branch came back to the centre stage in the affairs of NSE nationally. As a Branch, we received the ‘Most Improved Branch Award’ in 2001 due to such guidance among other efforts. His office in
Kano can qualify as a Showroom or Museum for Awards and Accolades, as all the 4 walls of the office are decorated from top to bottom with such Awards, Certificates, souvenirs and accolades. There is no way anyone can stay with IK for 15 minutes without him preaching engineering to the person. To him, engineering is the solution to everything in life.
Before the 2005 AGM of the NSE, my initial intention was to contest for EXCO Member, until Engr. Emeka Ezeh, the then Deputy President advised me to contest for the position of Vice President. IK was the first person I consulted, and he jumped at it with jubilation and gave me the go-ahead to contest for the VP position. The decision attracted some challenges which were subsequently overcomed. I won that election and the rest is now history. One of his best moments in my relationship with him was when I won election as Deputy President in Owerri in 2009. The smile of the smiling IK became broader and was so happy that Kano will produce another NSE president after him. When we came back to Kano, he organised a dinner in my honour to celebrate the election victory. Senior members of the profession and other Who is Who in Kano were invited to attend. His doors at home and office were always open to me for guidance, support and encouragement throughout my tenure as President of NSE (2012-2013). That has greatly helped me in leading a peaceful NSE that was rancour-free and full of achievements.
May Allah reward his good deeds, forgive his shortcomings and admit him in aljanat Firdaus.
At the International Engineering Arena, IK was also at the forefront. He led the International Affairs Committee of the Nigerian Society of Engineers from 2006 to 2019 ie for 14 years. He attended more than 20 conferences organised by the World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO) and many similar conferences in Africa especially in Ghana, Sierra Leone, Kenya, Egypt, Tunisia, Zimbabwe, Malawi and Zambia. He played key role in the establishment of the West African Federation of Engineering Organization (WAFEO) in March 2012 in Accra, Ghana. He also played an important role in rebranding and unification of African Engineering Institutions under the umbrella of the Federation of African Engineering Organizations (FAEO), which took place at the General Assembly in Nairobi, Kenya in May 2012. It was at that GA that South Africa and Nigeria were elected into the President and President-Elect positions. Martin van Veelen from South Africa and I were subsequently given the opportunity to serve in those positions respectively. The GA also took a decision to have the FAEO Secretariat hosted in Abuja, Nigeria. When I took over as FAEO President (2015-2016), Engr. Inuwa was always there for me giving me the appropriate guidance, support and encouragement that led to my success in that position. He attended all meetings and functions that is requested of him, including the signing of MoU between the FAEO and the African Union Commission on 15th December 2016.
May Allah reward his good deeds, forgive his shortcomings and admit him in aljanat Firdaus.
At WFEO level, IK participated in the activities of many committees, especially the Energy Committee. He never goes unnoticed wherever he decides to be. He was so glad to learn that my colleagues from other African countries have endorsed my candidature to contest for the position of Executive Vice President of WFEO. He had several meetings with me in his office to map out strategies to win the election in Melbourne, Australia in his position as my mentor and self-appointed Director of Campaign. On reaching Melbourne, IK was restless throughout the days leading to the General Assembly. I had to be telling him to take it easy as all will be well based on our earlier interactions with the engineers from the different continental blocks. When the result of the election was announced that I won at the General Assembly on 23rd November 2019, he was among the first to congratulate me. He was smiling broadly and continuously, displaying his inner happiness. He also posted the election result immediately to the engineering fraternity in Nigeria, the various groups in Kano as well as the KADOBA group. Almost everyone got to know about the election result through him. That was IK, who gives his all, to anything he decides to involve himself in.
May Allah reward his good deeds, forgive his shortcomings and admit him in aljanat Firdaus.
IK was my senior colleague and Mentor but many times he relates with me as friend, confidant, sharing with me many of his personal issues. I was talking with Engr. KA Ali and Engr. AA Rabiu on that fateful day that our council meetings and conferences will lose a lot of glamour and humour due to absence of IK. I also learnt that his classmate Engr. EJS Uujamhan took almost 3 days to recover from the shock of his death. In fact, the whole engineering family will feel the loss. He relates with people of all ages very freely and likes people who take challenges in order to excel in any given field. His standard is high and expects everyone also to aim to achieve high. He does not give room for mediocrity.
While we feel pained by his loss, we must take solace in the fact that he died peacefully during the holy month of Ramadan while worshiping Allah through fasting. This is certainly a good way to end a life. May Allah give us and his immediate family the fortitude to bear the loss.
May Allah reward his good deeds, forgive his shortcomings and admit him in aljanat Firdaus.
Engr. Mustafa Balarabe Shehu, FNSE, FSESN
Executive Vice President, WFEO
Past President, FAEO
Past President, NSE
18th May 2020.

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April 15, 2021
April 15, 2021
Inna lillahi wainna ilaihir rajiun, Shekara, kwana goes the saying in Hausa. It's still shocking/touching to recall the news from my Boss in the Office that fateful day. Instantly I asked Accident ? He said no. Few minutes we left to the House for the Funeral. At the grave yard, seeing the turn out of People from different works of live, one will believe that his life was well spent and he relates very well with People during his lifetime. Dr Abdallah Gadan kaya,a comments about him also attest to this. Well his time lapse and is gone, but the legacies he left behind not only in the Engineering profession but beyond will continue to reflect. Allahumma agfirhum warhamhum wa,af,anhum wa,afihim warhamna, may Jannatul Firdaus be his final abode bijahi akhramul khalki ajma,in Ameen.
May 24, 2020
May 24, 2020
The death of Engr. Ibrahim Khalil Inuwa is a great loss to the Engineering family in Nigeria in particular and the general World Engineering Assembly.

The role played so far epitomised immortality in his chosen profession as one of our past president for the Council of Engineering Regulation in Nigeria (COREN) and as past President of the Nigeria Society of Engineers (NSE).

He had been a mentor to many, and an inspirational role model not only in Engineering Profession but as a forthright thoroughbred practitioner in the realm of National Development.

Adieu and Rest in Perfect Peace (RIP) – Inna lillahi waina ilaei rojiuun.

GMD/CEO, SOA Management Consultancy & Engineering Services Ltd.
Executive Director, Center for Religious Cooperation and Tolerance (CRCT).
Founder, Spiritual Head and Grand Imam, Shafaudeen In Islam Worldwide.
May 20, 2020
May 20, 2020
 "At that time, two men will be working in a field, one will be taken away, and the other will be left behind” says the Holy Book.
The cold hands of death cut short the earthly journey of a pragmatic engineer; He was suddenly snatched away by death among his peers as the holy book prescribed. 
The Nigerian Society of Engineers was established in 1958 but situated in a particular section of the country. 
Efforts made by our heroes to extend the arms of the Society beyond that particular area proved abortive due to a big River called the River Niger.
There came a vibrant young man who risked his life and swam across the river to associate himself with the Society. What a great sacrifice?
That singular act been by the energetic young man led our elders to the design and construct the "Niger Bridge”
The design of the said bridge was completed in1985 when the indefatigable young man became the Vice President of our great Society.
The construction of the same bridge was completed when an illustrious son of Kano became the President in 1989
The completion of that bridge encouraged many engineers from across the river to join the Society. 
 Engr Ibrahim Khaleel Inuwa is the Niger Bridge of the Nigerian Society of Engineers; the symbol he represented until his last breath.
"Oh death where is your sting, grave where is your victory ".
_Baba na mu_, as i fondly called him, where and when do I see him again?
Your smiling face and soft spoken words of encouragement will be greatly missed. 
The demise of the past President and iconic engineer has created a huge vacuum that can hardly be filled in the foreseeable future. 
The detribalized elder passed away like a flood; the elephant has fallen to rise no more. What a great loss!
What we cannot change must be accepted; we are submissive to the will of Almighty Allah, the giver of life. 
Good bye Past President, Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE)
Good night Past President, Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN)
Adieu Deputy President, Nigeria Institute of Management (NIM)
_Baba na mu, sai watarana ! !! !!! 
 Engr Joseph Olatunde Akinteye, FNSE, FCAI, MASCE, MNIM 
Past, NSE Vice President
His Life

Engr. Ibrahim Khaleel Inuwa, OFR FNSE FAEng FNIM (1949 - 2020)

May 17, 2020
Engr. I. K. Inuwa was a COREN Registered Engineer, Fellow of the Nigerian Society of Engineers, Fellow of the Academy of Engineering, Fellow Nigerian Institute of Management, Honorary Fellow, the Nigerian Society of Agricultural Engineers and Member, Nigerian Institute of Management and Accredited Valuer, Institute of Appraisers & Cost Engineers. Engr. I. K. Inuwa recognized and awarded the Nigerian national honour of the Officer of the Order of the Federal Republic (OFR) 2005.
He six-time recipient of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE) Merit Award between 1983 and 2008. He also received the Council for the Regulation of Engineering (COREN) distinguished Merit Award for Excellence (distinguished Service to Technology in 1997 and the Lagos State Polytechnic in 2005).
The deceased distinguished Engineer was born on 15th April, 1949 in Gwale Local Government Area of Kano State. He had his primary education at Kofar Kudu Junior Primary School, Emir’s Palace, Kano (1956-1959), and proceeded to Gwale Senior Primary School, Kano (1960-1962). He received his secondary education at Government College Kaduna from 1963-1967 where he obtained West Africa School Certificate with Division One and Rumfa College Kano, 1968-1969 for his Cambridge Higher School Certificate. He later proceeded to Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria (1970-1973) where he graduated with B.Eng degree in Mechanical Engineering. He followed this with an advanced study at Cranfield University, Bedford (Formerly Cranfield Institute of Technology) leading to the award of an M.Sc degree in Automobile Engineering in 1978.
on his return to Nigeria, Engr. Ibrahim K. Inuwa did his National Youth Service Corps scheme in Port-Harcourt at the Marine Services Department of the Rivers State Transport Corporation in 1973/74 service year. In 1974--1976 he served as  Pupil Mechanical Engineer and later Mechanical Engineer Grade II in charge of repairs and maintenance of earth moving equipment used on direct labour road construction in the then Kano State Ministry of Works & Survey. He later became Mechanical Engineer Grade 1, Senior Mechanical Engineer and Principal Mechanical Engineer in charge of Central Mechanical Workshop in the Ministry of Work and Housing, Kano. Between 1980 and 1984, he was in the Ministry of Rural and Community Development, Kano as Assistant Chief Engineer and rose to Chief Engineer. He became Chief Mechanical Engineer Kano State Agricultural and Rural Development Authority, Deputy Managing Director, National Trucks Manufacturers Ltd. And later acted as Managing Director in 1986. Between 1986-1989, he was a member of the Kano State Executive Council as the Hon. Commissioner for the Ministry of Rural & Community Development, and later the Ministry of Animal Health and Forestry. Finally, in 1989 he served as Director of Engineering in the Kano State Agricultural Rural Development Authority and retired voluntarily from Civil Service. He served as Chairman, Technovation Limited, a private firm that engages in the installation, commissioning and maintenance of Engineering systems and Management Consultancy.
He is survived by a wife,  9 children and grandchildren. Among his children are Engr. Hauwa Ibrahim Khaleel and Engr. Amina Ibrahim Khaleel. My his gentle soul rest in perfect peace. Amen.
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Brief History of Engr. I. K. Inuwa OFR

May 13, 2020
Let the memory of Engr. I. K. Inuwa be with us forever.
Born on April 15, 1949 in Gwale Local Government Area, Kano State, Nigeria.
Passed away on May 11, 2020 in Kano, Kano State, Nigeria.
This memorial website was created in the memory of our mentor, Engr. I. K. Inuwa OFR. We shall remember him forever.
Brief History of Engr. Ibrahim Khaleel Inuwa OFR, FNSE shared by NSE Kano Branch
Engr. I. K. Inuwa was a COREN Registered Engineer, Fellow of the Nigerian Society of Engineers, Fellow of the Academy of Engineering, Fellow Nigerian Institute of Management, Honorary Fellow, the Nigerian Society of Agricultural Engineers and Member, Nigerian Institute of Management and Accredited Valuer, Institute of Appraisers & Cost Engineers. Engr. I. K. Inuwa recognized and awarded the Nigerian national honour of the Officer of the Order of the Federal Republic (OFR) 2005.
He six-time recipient of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE) Merit Award between 1983 and 2008. He also received the Council for the Regulation of Engineering (COREN) distinguished Merit Award for Excellence (distinguished Service to Technology in 1997 and the Lagos State Polytechnic in 2005).
The deceased distinguished Engineer was born on 15th April, 1949 in Gwale Local Government Area of Kano State. He had his primary education at Kofar Kudu Junior Primary School, Emir’s Palace, Kano (1956-1959), and proceeded to Gwale Senior Primary School, Kano (1960-1962). He received his secondary education at Government College Kaduna from 1963-1967 where he obtained West Africa School Certificate with Division One and Rumfa College Kano, 1968-1969 for his Cambridge Higher School Certificate. He later proceeded to Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria (1970-1973) where he graduated with B.Eng degree in Mechanical Engineering. He followed this with an advanced study at Cranfield University, Bedford (Formerly Cranfield Institute of Technology) leading to the award of an M.Sc degree in Automobile Engineering in 1978.
on his return to Nigeria, Engr. Ibrahim K. Inuwa did his National Youth Service Corps scheme in Port-Harcourt at the Marine Services Department of the Rivers State Transport Corporation in 1973/74 service year. In 1974--1976 he served as  Pupil Mechanical Engineer and later Mechanical Engineer Grade II in charge of repairs and maintenance of earth moving equipment used on direct labour road construction in the then Kano State Ministry of Works & Survey. He later became Mechanical Engineer Grade 1, Senior Mechanical Engineer and Principal Mechanical Engineer in charge of Central Mechanical Workshop in the Ministry of Work and Housing, Kano. Between 1980 and 1984, he was in the Ministry of Rural and Community Development, Kano as Assistant Chief Engineer and rose to Chief Engineer. He became Chief Mechanical Engineer Kano State Agricultural and Rural Development Authority, Deputy Managing Director, National Trucks Manufacturers Ltd. And later acted as Managing Director in 1986. Between 1986-1989, he was a member of the Kano State Executive Council as the Hon. Commissioner for the Ministry of Rural & Community Development, and later the Ministry of Animal Health and Forestry. Finally, in 1989 he served as Director of Engineering in the Kano State Agricultural Rural Development Authority and retired voluntarily from Civil Service. He served as Chairman, Technovation Limited, a private firm that engages in the installation, commissioning and maintenance of Engineering systems and Management Consultancy.
He is survived by a wife,  9 children and grandchildren. Among his children are Engr. Hauwa Ibrahim Khaleel and Engr. Amina Ibrahim Khaleel. My his gentle soul rest in perfect peace. Amen.

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