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January 6
January 6
Iris,darling this would be your 90th birthday.Never did I dream going on so long without you,nothing's been the same.Fly free with our Sharon and the angels 'til we meet at Heaven's gate...true love NEVER dies.
God bless and keep you in His care. XXXX
January 6, 2023
January 6, 2023
I shall always fondly remember how we joked,that you slightly older than me.Today is your 89th,Happy Heavenly Birthay,darling XXXX
Without you and our Sharon,there's no pefect day.
I long for us to be together NEVER dies!
March 31, 2022
March 31, 2022
Loving memories of Easter Saturday,March 31st;1956....and fifty-one blissful years together.
'Iris,darling,you can't return,that's sadly true.
Some day soon,I'll come to you.
To share an eternity of love,
Safe with our Sharon,in Heaven above'
I love you,for Love Never Dies.
March 31, 2021
March 31, 2021
Sixty-six years ago today,we stood before the altar to be wed.
We vowed to be together.'til deah do us part,
It didn' couldn't for love NEVER dies!
I loved you then,I always will.
Walk with our Sharon and the angels,Iris darling
Until we meet again,God Bless and keep you.XXXX
December 30, 2020
December 30, 2020
Thank you,my darling.
Thank you for the love we shared,
Thank you for the way you cared.
My life will know no greater bliss,
Until we share a birthday kiss.
I shall ALWAYS love you.
Fly free with our Sharon and the angels.
'til we meet again,Iris darling.Happy Heavenly Birthday!
June 4, 2020
June 4, 2020
Thirteen years,Iris my darling,since the saddest day of my life.If I could have died for you,I would...gladly and willingly.Fly free with our Sharon and the angels,'til we meet again and we will,for love Never dies.
God bless and keep you close.I shall always love you. XXXX
April 11, 2020
April 11, 2020
I thought of you this morning,but that's nothing new.
Never a dawn,or a sunset without memories of you.
Fondly recalling Easter Saturday,at 2,30 p.m 31.03.1956,
Standing by the altar,exchanging vows.
The love we shared then,we share still.
Death cannot part us,nothing will.
Love NEVER dies.
God bless and keep you,Iris darling.Fly free with our Sharon,my lovely angels.
March 31, 2020
March 31, 2020
Sixty four years past,to the minute,we exchanged our marriage vows.'Till death do us part'.Well,Iris my darling....death didn't do that,for true love NEVER dies.I loved you then,I love you still,now and forever I always will.
God bless and keep you.Fly free with our Sharon.......until we meet again.XXXXXXXXXXXX
January 6, 2020
January 6, 2020
Happy Heavenly birthday,Iris my love.A Spring flower opened for the first time this year in your memory.My only wish is to give you a birthday kiss in person.Stay safe with our Sharon,dear....'til I come to you.
God bless and keep you.......Love NEVER dies.XXXX
December 25, 2019
December 25, 2019
Another Christmas without you,darling.Nothing's the same without you and our Sharon,I can't bear the waiting to see you again.Fly free with the angels on Christmas Day,God Bless and keep you 'til we meet again.Love NEVER dies.XXXX
June 3, 2019
June 3, 2019
Iris,darling,I can't wait to join you and our Sharon.Life is empty without you,nothing and no one can repair the gap in my heart.You're loved and missed more than words can say.
I shall ALWAYS love you.,until we meet again...and we will!
April 20, 2019
April 20, 2019
Another wedding anniversary without you,Iris my darling.Thank you for the happiest years of my life.I bless the day I met you,losing you was the greatest cross to bear.Nothing can keep us apart forever,not powers,not life,not death.
If I could have died for you,I would have willingly have done so...Love never dies.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
January 5, 2019
January 5, 2019
Tomorrow would be your birthday,in my mind you'll always be my teenage sweetheart.We shared a bond of love,which death cannot break.I shall always love you,Iris my darling as............LOVE NEVER DIES.XXXX
December 20, 2018
December 20, 2018
Another Christmas without you,Iris my darling.
If only I could have died for you,I would willingly,gladly
Sing with our Sharon in the heavenly choir,
'til that blessed day when we meet again.
Love NEVER dies.
June 5, 2018
June 5, 2018
Eleven years since we said,farewell.
The last words we shared were,"I love you"
Those words are repeated daily,
Until we meet again,Iris my darling.XXXX
March 31, 2018
March 31, 2018
Sixty two years ago today we exchanged our marriage vows,Thank you,Iris darling for the perfect love we shared for over fifty-one years.You were a wonderful wife and mother to Sharon and Kevin.The last words we shared were,"I love you"..........and I always will,until we meet again.
February 14, 2018
February 14, 2018
Happy Heavenly Valentine's Day,Iris my darling.
Never shall I cease missing you.........without you there is no perfect day.
Stay safe with our Sharon,until we meet again.
I shall always love you..............LOVE NEVER DIES!
Your heartbroken husband,Derrick.XXX
January 6, 2018
January 6, 2018
This would have been your 84th; birthday,Iris my darling.Life isn't the same without you and our Sharon.Wait for me at the gates of Heaven,'til that blessed day when we meet again
I Shall Always Love You,
Happy Heavenly Birthday XXX
March 31, 2017
March 31, 2017
Sixty-one years ago today we shared our marriage vows."'til death do us part" was very true for us,"I love you" were the last words we shared.Those words are said in my prayers each day,I shall always love you.Walk with the angels and our Sharon until we meet again.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
June 4, 2016
June 4, 2016
I thought of you this morning,but that was nothing new,
Never a dawn or a sunset,without thoughts of you,
Rest safely with our Sharon,in the arms of God above,
One sweet day I'll join you,'til then watch over me with love.
March 26, 2016
March 26, 2016
Sixty years today we wed,for well over fifty years we walked hand in hand.My heart broke when you went on ahead...........I shall always love you.
January 6, 2016
January 6, 2016
Always loved,never,ever forgotten for a moment.God Bless you Iris my darling,I shall love you all the days of my life.Until we meet again,care for our Sharon.With all my love,especially on this your 82nd. birthday.
Bless you my darling.XXXXXXXXXXXX
December 21, 2015
December 21, 2015
Lifelong memories hold you near,
As we approach another year,
Mine was the last face you saw,
Yours will be the first ,when we meet once more.
Stay safe with our Sharon,darling.
July 18, 2015
July 18, 2015
Thinking of you,especially today darling.Remembering all the happy birthdays we enjoyed together.
God Bless and keep you,'til we meet again.
Stay close to our Sharon,be happy togethr.
I shall ALWAYS love you.
June 2, 2015
June 2, 2015
Never did I think you'd go home before me.
If I could have died for you,I would..........gladly.
Mine was the last face you ever saw,yours will be the first when I come to you.
Stand and wait at Heaven's gate,Iris darling.I shall ALWAYS love you.XXXXXXXXXXX
January 6, 2015
January 6, 2015
Missing you more than ever,especially today on your birthday.Stay safe with our Sharon,darling.
God bless and keep you both.
January 6, 2015
January 6, 2015
Never out of Derricks memory, Never ever without his love
Now you rest in Jesu's arms in his heavenly home above.
Until the day arrives and you two again become one
I will take care and love him until you call him home
June 4, 2014
June 4, 2014
You are thought of and spoke of every single day. Rest eternal Iris till you and Derrick meet again
June 3, 2014
June 3, 2014
Lord,please hear my prayer.
Let me awake and see IRIS there.
God bless,darling XX
June 4, 2013
June 4, 2013
My love and prayers are all I can give,
These are yours for as long as I live.
God bless and keep you,Iris my darling.XXXXX
June 6, 2011
June 6, 2011
An earthbound angel flying free,now with our sweet daughter Sharon.
There will ALWAYS be an Iris shaped hole in my heart.
God bless and keep her.

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