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Happy Birthday Ishmael, WE still really miss you and think of you often. You left us a WAY TOO SOON!

We Love you
Dave & Bea
April 25, 2023
Dear Ishmael,

It is hard to believe that you have been gone from our lives for 1o years now! We miss you terribly, as does everyone who knew you. You will always be in our Hearts! With our Love, Dave & Bea
April 24, 2022
Dearest Ishmael, How much we still miss you! It was a shock when we first heard that you left us. We hoped that at least your body would have been sent home to Malta, but Nine years later that hasn't happened and it doesn't look like it will ever be. We Love you and think of you often. Continue leading the pack in Heaven.
April 24, 2021
Dearest Ishmael,

We miss you still and think of you often! You are always in our Hearts! It's hard to believe you passed away 8 years ago, and are STILL NOT HOME!
April 24, 2021
Happy Birthday Ishmael! 40 YEARS AGO we held you in our arms, and you are forever in our Hearts!  The Cyclists are out in full force here in Canada now, and if there are bicycles in Heaven, You are out giving it your ALL! We Love you and miss you still!

July 26, 2020
Happy Birthday Ishmael,
Another Year has passed without you!  It was 39 years ago when we first held you in our arms. We Loved you then and Love you still! You are always in our Hearts! 
April 24, 2020
It is spring now, and we are reminded of you daily with all the Bicycle riders out in full force! How much we still miss you. If there are bicycles in Heaven we know you will be speeding along! We Love you and miss you! God Speed!
July 26, 2019
Ishmael, another year has gone bye, and we miss you still. We see you every day as we pass all the cyclists. We know you did not want to leave us so soon, and it is hard to understand why you are gone! How much we were hoping you would come here and explore the trails and sit with us. You are always in our hearts! Ride with the Angels!
April 26, 2019
Ishmael, We miss you and think of you always! You are in our hearts,! Now that spring is here and we see all the cyclists out training, we think of you more. If there are roads in Heaven, We know you will be racing at full speed with that infectious smile on your face! Race on beloved Nephew!
April 29, 2018
Hi Ishmael,

We still miss you! We think of you often, especially now that spring is here and all the bike riders are out. I am servicing my bike now and will be thinking of you on my daily rides. We keep you in our hearts, and only wish that your body could be at home in Malta, to help ease the pain for your Mother & Father.
April 29, 2017
Dear Ishmael, four years have just passed, which I still cannot believe, although you're gone. I always think of you nearly 3 to 4 times a week
God bless you my dear cousin., please pray for us & hope one day we will meet again..,
April 24, 2017
Dearest Nephew,

It has been Four Long years since you left us. We miss you and think of you often. It is hard to believe that we will never see you again, but you are always in our Hearts. With all our Love
April 24, 2017
Dearest Nephew,

It has been Four Long years since you left us. We miss you and think of you often. It is hard to believe that we will never see you again, but you are always in our Hearts. With all our Love
July 26, 2016
Dear Nephew,

Another year has passed, and you are still in China! We all miss you and wish you were home in Malta so that you can truly "Rest in Peace"
We miss you and think of you often. !Keep riding in the Sky!
March 27, 2016
Dear Ishmael,
It is hard to believe that it is Three long years now since you left us, and you still cannot "Rest in Peace" as you are still so far from home and your loved ones! 
We hope and Pray that the decision will finally be made to allow you to travel Home.  We miss you and will always keep you in our hearts.
October 29, 2014
October 29, 2014

I didn't know Mr. Muscat personally but as a cyclist in China, I stumbled upon his last activity on Strava before he passed away ( I realized he was gone thanks to the RIP messages left in the comments of the activity and googled his name to learn more about his tragic accident.

It's no surprise that cycling comes with risks, especially in China where the recklessness of drivers often makes me mad, but you never think that the worst will happen.

I express my condolences to his family and wish peace to be with him.
July 27, 2014
Happy Birthday dear nephew! Hardly a day goes by that we don't think about you and every time we see someone on a bike, especially when they are racing, we really miss you! We were watching some of the past Tour de France races on your Birthday, it seemed as if it was a Tribute to you! If there are bicycles in Heaven I'm sure you will be leading the pack. We love you know as always and miss you!
July 26, 2014
July 26, 2014
Happy birthdayyy my dear brother :-)
You are always on my mind and thank you for being with me through life xXx
I Miss You xXx
April 27, 2014
April 27, 2014
Dear Ishmael , I've known your auntie Catherine since 1978 , and we even worked together for quite some time so when your parents got married and you were born , I shared the joy with her as we were very close friends ...and still are !
You were and still are your family's pride and joy and from your eternal home I'm sure you are always praying for them as they are for you.
You are now joined with other family members that have already passed to eternal life and remember that you are always loved and remembered by all those who knew you in this short lifetime !
God Bless you and rest in peace Ishmael !
April 24, 2014
April 24, 2014
My Dear Nephew Ishmael, a year today from your tragic accident. You were a treasure for us here on earth and now you are a treasure for your loved ones in Heaven. My Dear Ishmael when I came to see you where you still lay today I hugged you like when you were a little boy, Oh what a trauma Ishmael. I promise you that I keep on doing my best to help and support your loved ones. Will miss you forever, till we meet again. Love you Aunt Catherine xxxx
April 24, 2014
My dear sweet nephew, it is hard to believe that it's been a year since your passing. We miss you and think and talk of you often.
We are proud of you and what you have achieved in your short life.
You live on in our hearts forever. We love you.

Auntie Bea and Uncle Dave.
April 24, 2014

July 29, 2013
Happy Birthday Ishmael! We know you are in a better place, but we really do miss you here. You will never be forgotten and will always live on in our hearts! You will always have our Love!
July 26, 2013
July 26, 2013
Happy Birthday, to heaven's strongest and most handsome angel. We miss you so much Ishmael...forever missed by never forgotten. We are deeply saddened that you are still so far away from your land of birth....and from us. However we know deep within our hearts that someday we will reunite. Lots of Love from your bother Ianis and I xxxxx
July 26, 2013
Happy Birthday Ishmael., god bless you and we miss you a lot,. there is nothing more to add., the fact that you were a very good hearted man,. with good intentions and wonderful talents,. love you Karl , Aunty Josephine and christian
July 15, 2013
July 15, 2013
Ishmael...thanks for the guidance and happy moment that you gave me for the past one year as my closest friend. I will always remember them. Kiki and myself missed you a lot. Rest in Peace and God Bless You.
June 13, 2013
June 13, 2013
Thanks for taking me a beautiful memory in Changzhou,thanks for loving me before,even though w did not work out,but I know you still loved me...your Nancy.R.I.P
June 10, 2013
June 10, 2013
RIP, My friend.

Never forget the day we ride togother.
May 27, 2013
May 27, 2013
Hey Ishmael :) I was so looking forward to have you as my brother in law, but God decided that your stay with us was over. God knows how to choose, you made a wonderful addition to his army of angels. Watch over us Ishmael...and please know that you are forever in our hearts, never forgotten.
May 27, 2013
May 27, 2013
"Brother you left me sooo young...I MISS YOU...your tragic accident left me speechless. Riding your bikes was your hobby, I know you had future goals to achieve which I know you would go you had an adventurous character. God Bless You.I will never forget YOU :-( XxXxXxXxX Your brother"
May 22, 2013
May 22, 2013
Ishmael, the news of your passing away was like a bullet straight throught my heart ...... so many memories ..... your are now with family members, whom you admired and who loved you ... they are your guardians now ....... until we meet again, Ishmael dear xxxxxxx Aunty Alexis.
May 19, 2013
Ishmael we miss you already! You are an inspiration to everyone! You lived your life to the fullest and went after your Goals. You were always willing to help and to encourage others. To all of Ishmael's many friends and acquaintances and relatives, Please feel free to tell a story and send a photo, your stories will be enjoyed by all. Thank you and God Bless you!

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