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October 5, 2016
October 5, 2016
R.I.P Ivan gone but never forgotten xx sleep tight with the Angels
October 5, 2016
October 5, 2016
I can't believe it's been a yr , think of Olivia , Scarlett and the rest of your family today , stay strong sending you lots of love xx
October 5, 2016
October 5, 2016
Not a day passes without me thinking of you
October 5, 2016
October 5, 2016
How fast time passes..... Can remember that day reading the awful news like it was yesterday!!
Ivan often pops into my thoughts...
Love to Kate, Lucas, Scarlett and Olivia xxx
October 5, 2016
October 5, 2016
One whole year has passed. Still massively missing that big, richly reassuring unmistakeable voice.

August 8, 2016
August 8, 2016
Hi Bros,

Missing you. Wishing that you were here. Hoping you will call and knowing you won't. Lost.

Your sis. x
April 24, 2016
April 24, 2016
Hello Ivan,
I haven't wrote on here since you passed away and I just wanted to let you know that Olivia is doing so well and everyday I'm so proud to call her my best friend. I never got to meet you but I know how amazing you are and how proud you would be of Olivia right now. She is so strong, a lot stronger than me and I'm giving her all the love and support I can just to keep her smiling and laughing. I know I'll never be able to make her smile or laugh as loud like you did but i will try my very best Ivan.
Love Elise x
April 14, 2016
April 14, 2016
Hello Daddy,
It's been a while since I have spoken to you on here but that doesn't mean I haven't noticed all the little things you have done recently. On Saturday last weekend Kate, Amy, Lucas and I went to stortford to buy Lucas some school trousers, however we ended buying a little suit with some shoes that were identical to one of the many pairs of shoes that you own. When we told Lucas that daddy has a pair of shoes like this he was grinning from ear to ear! He loved that he looked just like daddy... And James Bond! He wore this suit and these shoes to work with Kate yesterday and he looked so much like you daddy!

Another thing we noticed was the amazing cloud formation in the sky last Saturday it truly was amazing I said hello to you from down here and had a little cry but it was only because I was happy that I could notice the little signs that you were sending us.

I was walking home from school today thinking about you and feeling a little sad. It had just stopped raining so it was a pretty gloomy walk home until I looked up and the most amazing rainbow was right in front of me! It's like you had just put it there just to cheer me up.

I miss you dad. I miss your talk radio and your beautiful singing and your silly dad dancing in the kitchen that would put a smile on anybody's face. I miss your silly jokes. But most of all I just miss sitting on the sofa with you watching some kind of sport and looking at you and thinking about how much I love you and how much I need you in my life. As much as anyone tries to do the same things that you used to do for us it just doesn't work. I'm grateful that they try but they just will never be able to do it like you.

It's hard seeing people laugh and joke with there dads and know that I can't do that but then I think of all the amazing things that I can do with all the family and friends you left to look after me.

I hope you are doing okay wherever you are dad, I love you daddy. Xx
April 3, 2016
April 3, 2016
Dear Kate,
We never met but I worked with Ivan in Spain in 1993 for Thomson Holidays and lost touch since 96 up to 2009 when we spoke after hooking up on Facebook and lost touch again for one reason and another but I happened to pick up the Observer last Autumn when the terrible news was announced and rushed to pay my respects at the memorial service, it was the least that I felt compelled to do. The greatest tribute I can pay your late husband is that he is one of the few people that I have met in my lifetime who you never forget, it is hard to even put my finger on it and at the age of 51 and having met so many people across the globe in my time, that speaks volumes for his magical talent for leaving his mark. If it is any consolation for you and your family, a wise old man once said to me that life is not how long you live but how well you live and there is no doubt that Ivan packed more into his 47 years than most people who live twice as long. God bless you and the family, David Jacobs
April 1, 2016
April 1, 2016
Only seems like yesterday we were talking on the phone. Now 5 months have passed and yet seems like yesterday.
Dearly missed by all, Happy birthday Ivan.
All our love to you, Kate and the kids, Richard, Sarah and the girls xx
April 1, 2016
April 1, 2016
Happy birthday my love. Wish you were here! xx
April 1, 2016
April 1, 2016
Happy Birthday Daddy! I love and miss you so much. All my love
Your Livvy xxx
April 1, 2016
April 1, 2016
Happy Birthday Ivan. We all miss you and think about you every day. This evening we met up by your bench at the golf club to raise a glass to you. God bless you mate x
April 1, 2016
April 1, 2016
Spent the 1st April remembering the man whose unbirthdays were just as much fun.
Happy birthday Ivan....
March 7, 2016
March 7, 2016
I can't believe it's been a whole five months without you daddy and I think about you all the time . I always enjoy our little chats at night when I can't go to sleep . I know you can't speak but it really feels like you can .in the summer we're going to Ibiza and I will ride the jet-ski with you at my side! Love you lots Scarlett .
March 5, 2016
March 5, 2016
With each passing month comes another holiday, another birthday, another annual event we should be celebrating together. I promised myself I wouldn't also mark the 5th of every month, the date you died, because there are more than enough reminders that you are gone.

Last month was particularly hard with Valentine's day and our wedding anniversary, but we got by and made it into March where, miraculously, there is nothing but Mother's Day. I am still a mum so I won't count tomorrow as a sad day, but as a chance to remember how lucky I am to be the one who got to stay and raise these amazing children.

But today is the 5th, and I am guessing you didn't like my plan. I just received the most lovely card from the young doctor who sat with me at your bedside in your final hours and now here I am, marking the date. I have a sneaking suspicion you had something to do with the timing of this!

I went up to Cambridge a few weeks ago to thank him at the hospital and I gave him one of your dad's paintings. He was as lovely as I remembered. So young, but wise beyond his years and such a caring young man. I hope Lucas will grow up to be a gentleman like him. I will do my best to ensure he does. Wish you were here to do it with me baby. xx
January 29, 2016
January 29, 2016
Dear Kate, I'm so very sorry to hear the sad news about Ivan. I worked with him at Corbis and he made work fun. He was a lovely man, always positive, kind and supportive and he will be sorely missed. Thinking of you and your family, Claire x
January 24, 2016
January 24, 2016
Just one year ago we all met in Berlin. Still missing you.
January 9, 2016
January 9, 2016
Hello Daddy,
Mummy just made Paella for us! It wasnt as good as yours though dad. I'm going to learn how to make it so when we go on holiday in summer i can make it for everyone! We had so look up what the crispy bits were called - as always! I love you dad xx
January 5, 2016
January 5, 2016
Three months have come and gone since we lost you. We are all doing OK - we're doing our best - but we miss you so much all the time. Lucas keeps asking why you can't come back and none of the answers are good enough - he just keeps on asking. It breaks my heart every time. It all seems so unfair but I know we are incredibly lucky in so many other ways. I am trying to teach him to see life that way too. We'll always love you baby! xxx
December 8, 2015
December 8, 2015
Today your little girl turned 15! I wish you were here to celebrate with me but I'm sure you're celebrating wherever you are. Kate reminded me of the time you and Grandpops kept calling me 15 when Scarlett was supposed to be going skiing with you! That made me annoyed but it was funny. I miss you so much daddy especially on my special day. There is not an hour that goes by when I don't think about you. I love you my daddy xxxxxxxx
December 8, 2015
December 8, 2015
Hello Kate, family and friends,

I’m very sorry for your loss and send you my heart-felt condolences. Ivan was a wonderful human being and he had such a charismatic and fun-loving personality. He brightened up the room with his presence. I met Ivan at Corbis and have fond memories of him. To name a few memorable moments: skiing in Whistler, sales meeting on an island near Seattle (water plane), company diners and of course also some work….. I will always remember Ivan and am saddened by his passing.

I wish you strength and hope that the sorrow you feel will be lightened by knowing so many cared for Ivan.
December 2, 2015
December 2, 2015
Missing daddy, hope we are all doing you proud! I feel like your just on a long holiday and it would be great if you could come back now. I could do with a daddy hug. Love you lots papa xxxxx
December 2, 2015
December 2, 2015
A big thank you for your support and encouragement with my studies, even from the other side (I'm still not sure what the night of the 12th October was all about, it certainly inspired me). So, I went for it and pulled an Ivan with the results I received yesterday. I thought you'd like to know. Missing you. Mxx
December 1, 2015
December 1, 2015
Dear Ivan,

It took me some time to consider whether I should write something or not because I only met you once, but this one time and all the stories I heard about you were so special that I need to write to you. I met you for the first and sadly the last time in January when my dad and I were looking at boarding schools in England and came on the weekend to your house to have dinner with you and your family. I was really nervous that evening because I heard so much and so many impressive things you said and did about you. And everything I already read here about you is true and it is exactly what I experienced. When you were in the room and talking you were completely physically and mentally there and everybody in the room realised it. As my dad's daughter, I think I can say, that you had a really big impact on his behaviour in some situations and who he is today. You were always someone to look up to but at the same time a really good friend for him. He told me he learned a lot from you and all of us were always tremendously impressed of your power and your way to handle things. It broke my heart when I had to call my dad and tell him what happened because I found out first. He thinks a lot about you and I know that he clicks on this page quite often and smiles because of the stories that just show who you were. I wish I could have had met you a few more times but I'm really thankful for the friendship you had with my dad and I'm sure that some of your wisdoms will be passed on to me, if they haven't already.

Stay strong Kate, Olivia, Scarlet and Lukas.
My thoughts are with you,
November 30, 2015
November 30, 2015
Eight weeks today and we're all feeling very sad. We are ready for you to come back home now please. If only you could...Love you baby. xxx
November 28, 2015
November 28, 2015
My daddy was the strongest man in the whole entire universe. We had some good and bad times. Like when we skied down the nursery slope i was so happy but he just wanted me to go down the off piste (no way!) but maybe just maybe i will force my self to go down a red run and i will film it on his go pro.When we went to the cinema he would get a large popcorn and he'd eat it all before the film and then he'd steal all of ours. Daddy really wanted to see the new james bond film so i saw it for him. Dad was james bond in himself so When i saw him i had the image of him wearing a suit and doing the best bit of the film where he straightened the cuffs of the suit. I LOVE YOU DADDY. - SCARLETT
November 5, 2015
November 5, 2015
Hello daddy,
I Can't believe it's been a month since I saw you last. It's been tough but Scarlett,Kate,Lucas& I are still a team so don't worry. I hope they're treating you well wherever you are! I miss you dad we all do but don't worry we all keep talking about you and now the simplest things make me smile because they remind me of you! The other day we were in the car and Diamonds came on in the car- that was the song that came on when you had a sore throat and you were singing it! That made me smile through my tears. I hope you're okay and we are making you proud of us I love you my daddy xxxxx
November 2, 2015
November 2, 2015
I can hardly believe that today marks one month since we kissed goodbye for the last time. It is the longest I have gone without seeing you in nearly nine years and I am still half expecting you to walk through the door at any minute. Everyone is looking after us and the house has been full each day, but it still feels so empty without you. It is strange but comforting to write to you here - I suppose if anyone can be reached this way it is you!!!

I remember whenever you used to do something extraordinary - which was often - you would say, 'my powers are strong'. You always said it with that giant grin on your face and that mischievous glint in your eyes and I always laughed at you, but you were right baby - your powers Are strong! We can feel you all around us. From birds of prey circling the school yard to the most magnificent autumn foliage, to a colourful butterfly in the kitchen (in October, at night, when the windows and doors had been shut all day) to fireworks going off while we were trick-or-treating, right at the moment I took a photo of Luke and thought 'I can't wait to show this to Ivan' before I realised I could not. Signs of you are everywhere.

The expression 'larger than life' has taken on a whole new meaning for me. When I used to say it I meant you had a big personality - when you strutted into a room everyone stopped and noticed. When you spoke everyone stopped to listen. But now I realise it is so much more than that. You were actually larger than life. Your life may have ended, but your spirit, your charisma and your magnetic personality are still going as strong as ever. I didn't think I could possibly love you any more, but I do. Thank you for always looking after us, even from afar. xxx
November 1, 2015
November 1, 2015
Ivan was a wonderful guy and was always happy to advise and help me when I asked . Although I only worked for him for a short time we still kept in touch via email. All my love Michelle X
October 26, 2015
October 26, 2015
You were the first neighbour we met whilst viewing number 5 Great Oak Court. From the minute your friendly face with your huge warm smile appeared over the fence we immediately felt welcome!. We were soon introduced to your gorgeous family and our children and yours have become fantastic friends! I will always remember a very special occasion when your spontaneous personality really shone for me.It was the evening when Ettie was born. I was sat with Scarlett and Eden whilst they were enjoying a burger off the BBQ. We were relaxing in the garden when my waters broke ! The girls flew into fits of excitement , they couldn't believe their luck . They had been hankering for a sleepover all day ! Within seconds Scarlett helped Eden throw some clothes in a bag and off they went to spend the evening with you . Jacob went over to Ella's for a calm evening whilst you took on two very hyper girls on your own! ( Kate was away having fun!) You were not fazed at all. They had a ball and I was extremely relaxed and enjoyed lots of giggles over texts between myself and Kate! You will never know how grateful I was that day and you will always be in my thoughts especially when I celebrate her Birthday.You played a very special part that day ,thank you with all my heart.Your are a superstar!!! Sending a huge hug and lots of love xxxx
October 26, 2015
October 26, 2015
How do you put words around a person who seemed larger than life itself?

It seems impossible.

A few things I will always remember about you, Ivan, are what a positive, uplifting, encouraging and fun person you have been for others. You had a way of lighting up a room with your energy and positive vibes and had such an easy, “go for it" way of helping people believe in themselves— you helped me in that way, especially. I still remember many years ago when you called me a “star” during a time when I was struggling to build my confidence. Later, I learned you called everyone a star!... but that didn’t matter— your confidence in me encouraged me, anyway. 

In the most recent years, I saw what a star you were.  You truly inspired me, Ivan, in the way you chose to live your life. I’ve never seen anyone live life so fiercely and joyously all in the same moment. Kate said so well, that your life is a demonstration to us to not waste a minute and anyone who has been touched by your presence, knows that, too. 

Rest in peace, dear Ivan and know that your invincible spirit lives on in the hearts and minds of so many people. "Go for it" has a profound, new meaning, because of you.
October 25, 2015
October 25, 2015
So sad to hear the news about Ivan. I worked with him at Corbis and he was such a lovely person and a real positive force who everyone respected and admired. I never heard anyone say a bad word about Ivan because there really was nothing bad to say about such a great guy.
Sending lots of love to Kate and the family. X
October 23, 2015
October 23, 2015
"Go for it"you said that to me enough times on the golf course while you caddied for me in 2005. Those words at first did not sink in but those words meant so much and I went on to learn that. They helped me then, they have stayed with me since and are helping me now. They will continue to do so.

Such wonderful memories on the golf course and you certainly showed me how to party in Marbella.

Sure you are so proud of your family and best friends today. It was honour to be part of the day today and be part of the guard of honour.

You will be missed forever, I thank you for making an impact on my life.

I look forward to sharing a pint or two with some of your closest friends on your bench at BSGC soon and years to come.
Forever in our thoughts
October 22, 2015
October 22, 2015
It's truly difficult to know what to write or say, Ivan was clearly an amazing father and husband and one hell of an inspirational guy, who has touched so many, thoughts are always with you, much love & hugs Kate, Lucas, Scarlett & Olivia xxxxxxx
October 21, 2015
October 21, 2015
One of the brightest stars to touch so many lives and the ability to make everyone feel special.. You and Kate, a perfect match and with 3 lovely children Olivia, Scarlet and Lucas a special family.
Kate, our thoughts and prayers are for you and the children coping with such an enormous loss
Love to you all Lynda, Jayne, Scott and Elena xx
October 20, 2015
October 20, 2015
This is so hard daddy, I miss you so much. I feel like i need you more now i know i cant talk to you. I wish that you could come back and give me one more big hug - I would love that. I love you i miss you my daddy xxxxx
October 19, 2015
October 19, 2015
I had the pleasure of working for Ivan whilst he was setting up Creature.

Of the many things I could say about Ivan something that always stuck me was his amazing communication skill - he was a real people person.

An occasion that stood out happened one lunchtime. I went to get a sandwich in the local cafe - around the corner from the new office. Ahead of me in the queue was Ivan, he was chatting away to the guy serving, the pair were laughing and joking around like old friends - I was convinced he must have been a long time regular but of course when I quizzed him about it he said it was the first time he'd been there.

I an industry like ours, where humility is often in short supply, Ivan always had it in abundance.
October 18, 2015
October 18, 2015
Today is our second Sunday without you. It hasn't sunk in yet. The girls have been here all weekend and my family has too, so we are still surrounded by love. We took the dogs for a long walk in the airfield yesterday and the girls and I talked a lot. The sun was setting as we headed home and the puddles in the field turned the most magnificent golden orange colour. We felt like that was a sign and that made us smile through our tears. Today we had our first Sunday lunch at the pub without you which was hard too, but we helped each other through it. I hope wherever you are you can see that our family is still together. xx
October 16, 2015
October 16, 2015
Yesterday was a beautiful day. Blazing autumn leaves on Ivan's golf course, glittering morning dew over the putting green and fairways, warm crowd of family and friends joining from all places, coming together around you Kate and the kids for this unique moment. Sadness and joy, tears and laughters, thoughtful silence and cheerful pints, sharing with you the gap now left in our lives together with the everlasting happiness, optimism and life lessons Ivan granted us all with. In a bright business meeting room or in a dark redneck bar, delivering an exhilarating Exec speech to his devoted troops or singing Elvis to perfection (though half drunk) on Orca's island, Iron Ivan was the man every single one of us wanted to follow. Running. I'll ski for him this winter, and promise to visit Bishop's Stortford again one day to swing, sit on the wooden bench and drink one (or more) to his memory. Au revoir from Paris.
October 15, 2015
October 15, 2015
I only found about out about Ivan's passing today when I picked up the Hert's Observer. The best and most fitting tribute that I can pay Ivan is that I first met Ivan when I worked in the Costa Brava for Thomson Holidays in 1993 and the saying that "Del Boy" used in Fools and Horses that everyone remembers where they were when they met Del boy is appropriate for Ivan, because I remember where I was the day I met him. A true "larger than life character", I feel privileged to have known him, he came to Halkidiki in 94 when I was there, he was working for an entertainment company but I was so pleased to see him because he was brilliant company. I still have the video from the Rep's cabaret in 93, in which we both took part and watch it every time I feel I need a laugh. Rest in peace big man,
October 15, 2015
October 15, 2015
Kate and Family,
My heart is absolutely breaking for you. I am so sorry for your loss. I am thinking of you at this difficult time and always. Wish I could be with you today. 
Much love, Amy
October 15, 2015
October 15, 2015
It is hard to believe that so vital a person is gone:( I will never forget his wonderful, infectious energy at Corbis, and Kate, my heart goes out to you. It is a very sad loss. Cindy (Cunningham) Aden
October 15, 2015
October 15, 2015
Dear Kate, Olivia, Scarlett and Lucas,
You don't know me but I knew Ivan / your Dad many years ago. He was a fantastic man full of love, life, joy and intelligence. I don't really know what to say, expect he was so very, very special, magical even, who could just make everyone he met "shine" inside. My thoughts are with you Matt x
October 15, 2015
October 15, 2015
Today was an emotional but incredibly uplifting day. We said our farewells to Ivan in the company of so many friends and the sheer volume of people who took time from their busy lives to say goodbye to Ivan shows how much he meant to so many.

I met Ivan's friends and colleagues from far and wide today and know that many of us will meet again next year at Bishop's Stortford Golf Club for a charity golf day to commemorate Ivan's memory.

Watch this space.
October 14, 2015
October 14, 2015
Dear Kate and family, it was with great sadness that I heard the news about Ivan. We worked together for a while and I have very fond memories of that time together. I learnt so much from Ivan, and know that his amazing energy and positivity rubbed off on me and others big time. A lover of life, and a true gent too. My thoughts are very much with you.
October 14, 2015
October 14, 2015
I was very sad to hear of Ivan's passing. I fondly remember Ivan from The Weald School days as a 'nice guy' and we recently connected through facebook when I discovered I am good friends with his cousin Pete & Vicky Hilliard on Shoreham Beach - small World! He seemed so strong and happy in his life and what a lovely family. You were all blessed to have had him in your lives and my heart goes out to you all in your loss. Rest in Spirit Ivan. xx Michelle Stuart nee Scott.
October 13, 2015
October 13, 2015
It feels like yesterday that we met Ivan in Berlin beginning of the year, starting it full of enthusiasm, vision, ideas; it was just fun. I am so grateful of this time and having the chance to learn so much from him. Ivan was this naturally great leader with a very big heart. I will always be grateful for all the opportunities he gave me. 

Kate, Olivia, Scarlett, Lucas, I loved it when you all came to NYC last year and we had pizza together to celebrate Kate's birthday before you went to your vacation island. It was such a beautiful evening, feeling a part of your wonderful family. I cannot find words to express how sad I am. Love and hugs
October 13, 2015
October 13, 2015
Dear Katie and children,  My heart aches for you. Please know you are all in my prayers. I wish I could have known Ivan.....but I have prayed much for his healing.  Love you, Your Cousin, Donna Nickerson Henderson
October 12, 2015
October 12, 2015
I worked for Ivan when he set up the London office for Seattle-based agency Creature.

Although I didn’t know Ivan very well personally, hearing of his death makes me feel like I’ve lost a close friend.

Thank you Ivan, for being the most generous, positive, supportive and hilarious boss I’ve ever had.
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