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October 6, 2015
October 6, 2015
I'm speechless. I knew Ivan through my time working with him at Openwide International in the late 90s. He was great company and a really good laugh and it was great to get back in touch with him through Facebook. Far too young to be leaving us. You'll be missed, Ivan. Rest in peace x
October 6, 2015
October 6, 2015
I will always remember your confidence, the way you could inspire others just by being you. Always smiling, happy living life to the full; great company ....... simply a great guy.
We will all miss you mate and will celebrate your life like you lived it, with a huge smile, with compassion and with style. X
October 6, 2015
October 6, 2015
Ivan, you lightened up people's lives whether you saw them regularly or just on the odd occasions and we are some of the lucky ones to be able to say that you touched our lives. Rest now friend and watch over your family forever more. You will be sorely missed.......
Julian, Faye and Joseph xx
October 6, 2015
October 6, 2015
The world is a little less colourful and a little less joyful without you in it Ivan. It was a privilege to have known you as a friend and work colleague from the Openwide and Thomson days. My all time favourite comedy moment memory is of you performing a sketch we had written together at the finale of one of the Sun Hotels training course - comedy gold. And of course who could forget the buffalo skins of the '10 men packed into an apartment for 4 skiing trip' - your karaoke sung in French had even the local French miseries rocking their berets off .... man I'm sad tonight - rest easy mate x
October 6, 2015
October 6, 2015
I never got to meet you but i am lucky to say I am great friends with your beautiful daughter Olivia. You must be so proud of her. Whenever Olivia spoke about you she would have the biggest smile on her face and be so proud to call you her dad. I know you was a loving and caring father which are the exact characteristics Olivia has. I promise to care for her in these dark times and forever on xx my thoughts are with all the family especially Kate, Olivia, Scarlett and Lucas X love Elise
October 6, 2015
October 6, 2015
Another good'un gone too soon. Top, top man who was funny, and smart with a great sense of style who did things with an enviable confidence and swagger. I'll miss seeing him up at my cricket club catching up over a beverage (which he probably would've bought), putting the world to rights and general tomfoolery. Rest in ✌ brother. x
October 6, 2015
October 6, 2015
To Olivia, Scarlett and Lucas : your dad is and will always be a man loved by everyone. It's the supreme achievement of any human being and he made it.
To Kate : Ivan is and will always be so lucky to have met you.
To Ivan : keep inspiring people with your generosity wherever you slide.
Au revoir l'ami !
October 6, 2015
October 6, 2015
So many people loved you daddy and will always will- you lucky man! Im thinking of you always papa ;) I love and miss miss miss you my strong courageous daddy xxxxx
October 6, 2015
October 6, 2015
Kate, Olivia, Scarlett and Lucas. I am so sad to hear the news about Ivan – the irony is that the first thing that comes to my mind when I think of him is “full of life”. He certainly lived his valiantly – I am grateful to have known him. My thoughts are with you all.
October 6, 2015
October 6, 2015
Dearest Kate, Lucas, Scarlett and Olivia,

When looking at your wonderful vacation photos from Ibiza I was thrilled and perhaps a little envious of your awesome vacation in Spain, a country that I love. How excellent that you had a wonderful summer together and enjoyed togetherness as long as you could.

I had sent a notice just a few weeks back to Ivan because I sensed that something was off. With a few losses this year of close friends and family we learn that we better speak up when something comes up. Ivan graciously replied how much he appreciated the concern for his and his families well being.

My heart is broken and heavy with sorrow for you for that you now must face this terrible loss, of a one of a kind man who had such incredible presence. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

With love from Los Angeles,
October 6, 2015
October 6, 2015
Ivan, you were my boss in London for a few years and were always super encouraging. Memorably encouraging, which I am sure has led to my successes in recent years. Even when I had some work problems in Australia when I moved back here you were offering to help me out!

And only last month as I prepared for a trip to NYC and asked about some work related things, you were again willing to help me. You sidestepped the questions about your health, but from what I could see on facebook you seemed to be having a ball. Always "liking" my photos of the kids and me taking great pleasure in watching you enjoy your beautiful family from afar. Wow. What a guy. I will not forget you.

The tears are flowing all the way from Australia, so I can only imagine the heartbreak your family and friends are experiencing. You've definitely made an impact on my life and I am grateful for that.

Thank you Ivan. Melanie xx
October 6, 2015
October 6, 2015
I worked with this great man back in the 90's... He always gave his time to share his knowledge and would help with anything at the drop of a hat... One of life's really funny men... Heaven is not going to know what's hit it!! My deepest condolences to the family he leaves behind.
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