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May 25, 2020
May 25, 2020
My closest point of connection with you was the similar life story that we shared. You were a distant cousin to me but I held you close to my heart because our life journeys were so much relatable. You lost both parents at a young age, sis and I lost mom at a young age and dad left us close to two decades later. You still emerged a fine and beautiful lady beating all odds that life had thrown your way. I remember us encouraging each other that even though we didn't have our parents here with us, we would still make it. If anything that was more reason for us to keep grinding and never giving up. We vowed not to get swayed into certain behaviors that people who've had adequate privileges in life do. We were to strive to ensure our children enjoyed their childhood years in ways that we didn't. Memo you slipped away so fast it's actually heartbreaking to think about. You made the call and under an hour later you were no more. Not even a chance of treatment, more painful is you left just at the hospital door when help was nigh. I couldn't wait to see us succeed in life, I couldn't wait for us to have beautiful families and just thank God for the far He'd brought us. You were an only child of your parents, the generation was to go on through you. God in His wisdom which is beyond human transcendence decided to let you rest Memo. Death was so far from your mind. You were giving life your all with all the intentions of making it and becoming someone of substance in society. Sure enough you had started to become someone. Coupled with the amazing and kind person you were, the beauty you exhumed definitely made you a jackpot for the man whose lucky arms you'd have landed in. I didn't expect to see you in a coffin, not that soon dear cousin. Not when you hadn't shown any signs of illness at all until your last day. Covid had made us not see you in a while but we had chats on whatsapp frequently and you always said you were fine. Much as it is heart wrenching to know that you are now in my memory rather than in my reality, I rest easy on the fact that nothing takes God by surprise. He had the power to prevent your abrupt departure but He let it happen. He knows why and we cannot question as at now because the answers will not be forthcoming. Farther along we'll understand it all by and by. The Bible tells us orphans belong to Him and He takes care of us. He indeed did care for you until He took you just as He had given you to us. All I can promise you is that I will hold on tight to the dreams of working hard until I break through. I will do it for you and other orphans who are facing life out here and all that it brings their way. I will do it for our loved ones especially our parents whom you have joined because I know without a doubt they would have loved to watch us succeed. Fare thee well Memo. I will miss you no doubt. I will forever remain diplomatic and friendly to all just as you were, slow to anger and riding over the storms of life with a smile because we have come through so much to think of giving up at this point. My heart aches for your loss, but I know I'll see you someday on that bright and cloudless morning on the other shore.
Adios Memo. Fare thee well, shine on your way until we meet again at Jesus feet. We loved you but God loved you more.
May 21, 2020
May 21, 2020
I thought we had time with you Memo...we all thought we had time​! About a week ago when I heard the news, I was just confused and plunged into some grief train because you were truly robbed of your life Memo. ​
Over the past 6 years that I've come to know you, I met with you several times and heard a lot about you from Kelvin. I distinctly remember meeting you on the Christmas of 2016 and thinking to myself, this babe is reserved and doesn't talk much but there was something about you that made me want to get to know you better. I also thought how you were a true Kalenjin beauty, standing tall in your high heels and striking figure. Truly, still waters run deep! I looked forward to get to know you more and as we prepared your funeral programme I knew that you and I would have DEFINITELY connected over shoes, heels to be precise! I just wish that I had gotten the chance to tell you how I loved your fashion sense when you were still with us, but like many of us I thought I still had time.​
I was really looking forward to connect with you more, starting with having you in my bridal team at our wedding which was initially planned for later this year. I still remember the last time we talked which was in April when I made the 'Will you be my bridesmaid?' call...who knew that would literally mark the start and the end of our connection journey. But I'm glad we talked and you said yes and that you were looking forward to it because Kelvin and I were genuinely looking forward to sharing our big day with you. And we still will share it with you even though you left us so abruptly, because I've always believed in holding on to those dear to our hearts, death notwithstanding.​
Memo, you were truly loved and cared for and everyone who poured their hearts in their tributes attested to your kindness and your knack to turn lemons into lemonade. I hope you know that these are such rare souls to come by. I celebrate your entrepreneurship, independence and diligence but I wish I could tell you this in person instead, I hope to do so someday. You lived your life ​and you left an indelible mark among your family members, your friends and colleagues. And I hope that your soul rests in love together with those of your parents and all those who had gone ahead of you. Look out for my sister, Angie, you never got to meet her but you knew of her. She tells us that she is happy and that she is okay, and I hope this for you as well, plus she gives the warmest hugs that I know of.​
This is no goodbye Memo, may your star shine on and may you rest in love!​
May 21, 2020
May 21, 2020
Fare thee well Memo. Laying you to rest from afar was incredibly difficult, and due to the current times that we are in, it was necessary for many people other than myself. Your loss is so untimely and unexpected. We are left with more questions than anything else. In spite of this, knowing you from childhood into adulthood was such an enjoyable experience. And there are many lessons to carry from your story. I will keep marching on, and strive to embody your kindness in my day to day life in honour of you.

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