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April 17, 2017

When I was somewhere around 7 or 8 my gramps took me to get my hair done at a salon and took me into Northgate mall and let me pick out a pair of new shoes. They were pink and white and had a little pink strawberry flavored chap stick attached to the shoe. I thought they were the coolest shoes ever and he encouraged me 100%. I remember getting out of the car in front of the corner store ready to do all the bragging a young kid could. I can't remember why we went. It was just a me and him kinda day. There are just so many memories. Eating grapes through Biggs, getting hit in the head with that broom, unloading his truck of junk food for the store, afternoon naps, days of church, walks around the block, picking up cans around the neighborhood, backyard bbq, that freaking water hose, his guitar playing, his dalmation painting, the porch swing,his smelly feet, Andy Griffith, scary stories, playing cards on his bed, and a thousand more. I will miss and love that old, white beard forever.

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