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Buddy as a little boy

August 8, 2017

Young Buddy was as handsome as imaginable.  Although I was/am only "technically" his Aunt Sharon, I loved him immensly!  He was so good when I watched him as a little guy, and helped me with the group I took on!  
I am saddened on hearing of his passing.  His own children look beautiful and I hope that they will know how much he was loved and in his Dad life, admired.

I am sad too, for his siblings - Katy, Toni, Tami, Lizzie and David.  

Gemma knows how sorrowfully I view his passing and has shared with me some of her grief.

Although I did not know Lisa, this much is for certain;  she must have been adored by Buddy.  Also, Lisa is very young to be a widow.  I want her to know how much I cared for and about him as a baby and as a little boy.  Also, to her children, I express my condolences. 

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