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June 19
June 19
Thinking of you on this important day; you cross my mind often, Sir. What an impact you made on my life and continue to. In the last year, my partner passed away from a similarly sudden cardiac event. I constantly question the immense and incomprehensible lessons of the universe hidden in the complexity of losses such as yours. Great men seem to leave this plane after making an impact on the lives of an unquantifiable amount of people. I hope you have welcomed David too in the annuls of such men. You are missed and cherished.
June 19
June 19
Hey Dear Brother,
Hope the great beyond is treating you well. Today is the 7th anniversary of your passing. You are in my thoughts daily. As I train diligently for the International Dragon Boat Federation Club Crew World Championships in Ravenna, Italy September 2-11, I reflect on your mental & physical strength as I push through the pain of my workouts. You are my inspiration and driving force.
With love and admiration, your big sister Katy
February 4
February 4
Thinking about you today, sir. Since I myself became a military officer, I think often of your lessons and fondly that you and the program you fostered for us in high school was one of the only places I felt valued and safe. Thank you, from one soon-to-be captain to THE Captain.
January 22
January 22
Happy Birthday Buddy we miss you The Brentwood gang is not the same
January 22
January 22
“What is there to do when people die, people so dear and rare, but bring them back by remembering.” – May Sarton

As always on this day, I reflect on memories of the days and years gone by. Your strength, resiliance, courage and perseverance in life never ceased to amaze me. I am inspired by you everyday in my training… I say to myself, “Just 1 more push-up, just 1 more mile, push harder, make it hurt, Buddy wouldn’t quit..neither will you!”
January 22
January 22
Happy Birthday Sir, I hope you’re having a good one upstairs. Continuously thinking about your mentorship and guidance as I work to develop positive relationships with my Marines like you did with all of us.
January 22
January 22
Dear Buddy, On this special day, what would have been your 65th Birthday, I celebrate your life that was filled with wisdom, love and enduring memories. May this milestone be a reflection on the beautiful moments shared and the indelible mark you left on our hearts. Happy 65th Birthday to a cherished soul! I miss you, Buddy. Love, Lizzy
June 19, 2023
June 19, 2023
Thinking of you today and hoping there is an ever after where you and Dad enjoyed a happy Father’s Day on the golf course in heaven, something you rarely got to do during your time on earth.
Missing you dear brother
March 11, 2023
March 11, 2023
It was a privilege and honor to have known Captain. I was a student of his for three years in the NJROTC program at Pacifica High School. My mother and I were talking about people who make an amazing impact on other's lives, and Captain was the first person we thought of. He has taught me and many other students important life lessons and how to better ourselves and to never give up on our goals and to be there for others in need. He welcomed anyone who wanted to be in the program and welcomed people who didn't have a place to go during lunch or after school. He made many laugh, and made many inspired, including me. A lot of my platoon went into the military after graduation because of the great training from Captain. When I heard of his passing, me and many others were saddened... but I'm happy for the time I had with him, and will always remember him fondly. May he rest in peace.

-Meagan Bowen "the energizer bunny", as he liked to call me during PT training.
January 22, 2023
January 22, 2023
Happy Birthday Buddy! 
You never missed my Birthday - I hope to never miss yours! 
Happy Birthday!
Tam -
January 22, 2023
January 22, 2023
Wishing you a very Happy Birthday celebrating in the company of Ma & Dad.
June 22, 2022
June 22, 2022
Buddy Iannone was a joy to be around and a joy to coach. He had an inner drive to be the best he could be. He was a self competitor with a tremendous work ethic to become better, not only in athletics, but in all facets of his life. He gave so much of himself and the enthusiasm and zest for whatever he was doing was always on display. He was an inspirational person who gave his team mates a positive example. His leadership skills stood out.
   Buddy's humility was a true gift. Thank you, Buddy, for all you gave to our community and our country. Your sacrifice and dedication will always be appreciated. You brought great pride to your family. Peace.
Coach Driscoll
June 19, 2022
June 19, 2022
5 years ago today my world was rocked with the news of your death. Your strength of will has and always will be my motivation to be the best that I can be. I reflect today on the memories of days gone by. Rest in peace. I miss you.
January 23, 2022
January 23, 2022
Happy Birthday Buddy!  We miss you so much. Hard to believe you would be 63 years old!  I hope that you and Mom and Dad are all together now.  Love - you sister Tam
January 22, 2022
January 22, 2022
Throughout all of your adult years you never missed sending me a happy birthday card…now I am doing the same. On this day you would be turning 63. Happy Birthday to my dear brother. I miss you. Rest In Peace.
June 20, 2021
June 20, 2021
We are all thinking about you. I miss you and send all my love to you. Your sister - Tam
June 19, 2021
June 19, 2021
“What we have once enjoyed deeply we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us.” ~ Helen Keller
Buddy, I miss you more and more as each and every day passes, especially since we lost Mom in November 2020.
Cousin Michelle helped me get through that painful loss. She said, “it’s the love that lasts.”
The love you and I shared pulled me through many challenging times in my life. To this day, I’m reminded of your impeccable character and moral integrity, reinforcing your greatness. 
I miss you and will forever love you!
January 22, 2021
January 22, 2021
Happy Birthday my dear brother. You are now with mom & dad. May you all be at peace.
January 22, 2020
January 22, 2020
Happy Birthday, Buddy.  
We all really miss you. I am thinking about you and your family today. 
Sending my love, Tam
September 11, 2019
September 11, 2019
Captain Iannone was the greatest mentor I could have ever asked for. I am Cadet Ghosn, who was one of his student at Grossmont HS. Since the Captain's thoughtful words, impactful lessons, and an amazing example I have gone to the United States Naval Academy to follow in a great man's footsteps. I write this note because I have been asked multiple times in my academic and professional career here to identify my most important mentor. The Captain goes unchallenged in that category. Every day I pray he looks down upon us all and sheds some light on difficult situations. He had impeccable moral character and I work tirelessly to emulate that. News of his untimely passing was probably one of the hardest phone calls I have ever received, and the presentation of his service flag to Mrs. Iannone was definitely an event that brings tears to my eyes. His legacy lives on in the people he helped and taught. I will never forget his lessons and I am eternally grateful to have had the pleasure to make acquaintances with the Captain. I afford most of my success to him and his guidance. I miss him adamantly. I hope the family is well.

Best wishes,

N.A. Ghosn
January 23, 2019
January 23, 2019
Buddy was not only one of my favorite students and wonderful young man my boys adored him as their babysitter. I am so proud he achieved so much in his short life. It must be really true the good die young.
January 22, 2019
January 22, 2019
Happy Birthday to my beloved older brother, Buddy. I so looked forward to celebrating this day with you and all your successes. I had hoped your 60th Birthday would be filled with enormous joy and happiness. Today was a frigid, cold January day in New England; however the sun was radiant! It warmed my bones and my heart as I thought of you throughout the day. I do hope you know how much you were loved and how sad it is to be without you. All my love to you on your birthday~ Your sister, Lizzy
January 22, 2019
January 22, 2019
Our family knew Buddy almost his entire life.  He was the most wonderful kid. Everyone in our little neighborhood loved Buddy.  We didn't see much of him when he went off to college but knew him threw the constant praise from his adoring parents.  He was the young man every mother and father wants for a son. He could do no wrong. It was a terrible shock for all that knew him when he passed. So young.
A Happy Birthday to you Buddy.  Rest in Peace
January 22, 2019
January 22, 2019
Remembering a close friend on his Birthday! Memories are a great time line, and friends are forever. Rest in Peace & Happy Birthday Captain Iannone. Steven P. Monteilh (SMSGT USAF-RET).
October 7, 2018
October 7, 2018
Captain James F Iannone, just now hearing about your passing in 2017. Great man of honor, integrity and courage. I'm a retired SMSGT Air Force, we crossed paths TDY in San Diego and I worked briefly in the civilian sector with Haley. May God Bless and you Rest in Eternal Peace. SMSGT Steven P. Monteilh (USAF-RET).
April 14, 2018
April 14, 2018
"For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. " Isaiah 55:12
The loss is so profound...
January 22, 2018
January 22, 2018
Remembering a sibling on the anniversary of his birth is an emotionally challenging endeavor; especially when it's your closest sibling in birth order. The special brother who one idealizes, admirers and so desperately wants to emulate in all that you do. Buddy, I find your spirit in the warmth of the sun, the energy of the leaping deer that dance through the neighborhood and the hooting Barred Owl in the wee hours of the morning. Your life was vibrant and I know you have left us all with the energy to carry on without you! You are so deeply missed!
January 22, 2018
January 22, 2018
Remembering a friend today on his birthday. Buddy, I can hear your voice so clearly... you are missed. I'm guessing you're sitting upon an amazing scene though. Pray with the Saints and Angels for those of us still struggling here :)
January 21, 2018
January 21, 2018
January 22 is the day the Lord gave me one of the most wonderful sons a mother could ever wish for. Buddy, you brought your father and I a great deal of pride as a young man in all your endeavors. A born leader, you earned the respect and love of all who knew you. As an adult, you served your country with pride and dignity for 30+ years and above all, you were a great and loving father to your four children. We all miss you very much and remember you on this special day. God Bless and keep you. All my love, your Mother (Ma)
January 15, 2018
January 15, 2018
Buddy was born a strong, courageous man with a warrior's heart; born to take on the world... Running to it with open arms.
Today all the tension is gone, the burden of the assignments he chose to tackle in his lifetime has been lifted and debt has been paid.
Buddy followed his deeply personal, authentic journey. We applaud his audacity and find comfort in his amazing grace.

 "Tears, Idle Tears"[3]. Alfred, Lord Tennyson

  Tears, idle tears, I know not what they mean,
Tears from the depth of some divine despair
Rise in the heart, and gather to the eyes,
In looking on the happy autumn-fields,
And thinking of the days that are no more.

  Fresh as the first beam glittering on a sail,
That brings our friends up from the underworld,
Sad as the last which reddens over one
That sinks with all we love below the verge;
So sad, so fresh, the days that are no more.

  Ah, sad and strange as in dark summer dawns
The earliest pipe of half-awaken'd birds
To dying ears, when unto dying eyes
The casement slowly grows a glimmering square;
So sad, so strange, the days that are no more.

  Dear as remembered kisses after death,
And sweet as those by hopeless fancy feign'd
On lips that are for others; deep as love,
Deep as first love, and wild with all regret;
O Death in Life, the days that are no more!
January 7, 2018
January 7, 2018
Remember—you are not alone, and you are not forgotten. No, your love does not end with the death of your brother or sister. You can and will carry your sibling with you into the future, always remembering your past and what he or she brought to the dance of your life.

To be “bereaved” literally means “to be torn apart” and “to have special needs.” When a sibling dies, it is like a deep hole implodes inside of you. It’s as if the hole penetrates you and leaves you gasping for air. I have always said that we mourn significant losses from the inside out. In my experience, it is only when we are nurtured (inside and outside) that we discover the courage to mourn openly and honestly.
November 15, 2017
November 15, 2017
Buddy is greatly missed by his family-Lisa and their four children, Frankie, Haley, James and Max. The sudden and unexpected loss of a husband, friend and father is devastating. Our prayers are with Lisa and the children as they grieve Buddy’s unexpected death. I am so happy that Lisa’s brother has been able to step in and help them with their grief.

My husband and I were first friends with Lisa when we were all ADAF, stationed at Keesler AFB and then with Buddy, as their relationship developed. I remember when Lisa met Buddy and the frequent trips made between Pensacola, where Buddy was stationed and Keesler. Buddy and Lisa were a wonderful and fun couple! Buddy was an excellent father to his children; he loved them wholeheartedly. Their family endured the many moves, back and forth across our country. As an AF BRAT, former ADAF member and then an AFDW myself, I know how hard it is for a family to move and create a new home and adjust. Buddy had an immediate job and connections, but for Lisa and the children, it meant new schools, new friends, finding your way around a new city-all hard! However, Lisa, Frankie, Haley, James and Max adapted to the frequent changes in home, school and cities with aplomb, giving Buddy the support he needed in his successful Naval career.
September 28, 2017
September 28, 2017
I met Buddy as a freshman at the U of R in 1977, he lived across the hall from me in freshman dorm. Buddy was exuberant, outspoken, and often unintentionally funny. "I'm Buddy I. from Fairport High!" was a frequent yell. Somehow we all knew Buddy would later serve his country long and well. I lost touch with him but not at all surprised he did just that. RIP Buddy!
September 20, 2017
September 20, 2017
Buddy was a character in college. He wore his heart on his sleeve, and was as forthright, open, and honest a man as I have ever known. He was an incredible athlete and eclipsed the rest of us mortals with his amazing football skills - but he was a guy who excelled at anything athletic. But Buddy was also the kind of guy who was absolutely unafraid to admit what he didn't know, confess what he wasn't good at, and was as comfortable in his own skin as anyone I've ever known. He asked questions and worked incredibly hard to succeed at what didn't come naturally. He was a man who understood his strengths and weaknesses - and never gave up trying to learn and excel at every goal he put his mind to. He was one of the finest officers the United States Navy has been blessed to have serve in her ranks, and one of the finest men I have been privileged to call a friend. Buddy you will be missed. Rest in peace.
September 11, 2017
September 11, 2017
Death leaves a heartache no one can heal. Love leaves a memory no one can steal. Miss you Buddy! Ryan, Lauren and I speak of you daily. We admire your strength and selflessness. You left us way too soon, however, with the fondest memories!
August 22, 2017
August 22, 2017
Gemma and family-words cannot express properly my sincere sympathy for each of you. Buddy achieved so much during his lifetime along with being a loving son, brother, uncle, Dad, and husband that it is difficult to leave a tribute fitting for all his accomplishments. I am very proud to have known Buddy and all of your family and feel I can understand how sad this loss is for all of you.. However, I am sure that the love you all shared together through Buddy's life will strengthen you through this time and in the future find you smiling for all the beautiful memories you shared together. God bless you all. Bess
August 13, 2017
August 13, 2017
As flight instructors and golf partners for many years, Buddy taught me many times how to live my life with integrity and to stand up for your values.  I will always remember his sense of humor and his professionalism. He will be dearly missed. My thoughts and heartfelt prayers to Fran and family.
August 8, 2017
August 8, 2017
I am truly saddened to have to leave this wonderfully sounding warrior so soon to the ages. He will be forever missed. To all family, please know I loved him and as a praying person, I do and will pray for you all.
August 4, 2017
August 4, 2017
Captain was only with us for two years, our Senior Naval Instructor at Grossmont High School, but he had a huge impact on the lives of many. He was so proud of the work we all do at GHS, and regularly shared, with passion, his ideas about how to educate our youth. We were lucky to bring him to our campus as he was highly sought after as an NJROTC instructor in Area 11. He had several key NJROTC roles outside of GHS, working in leadership education of the cadets from the whole area. He brought to our program a high quality understanding of how to guide our students in becoming leaders, and he loved seeing our students succeed. He daily looked forward to the continued growth of our unit. Watching him teach his cadets made us very proud to know him. His caring for students and Grossmont High School was apparent in everything he did. He will truly be missed by students, parents, and staff.
July 31, 2017
July 31, 2017
It seems almost impossible to heal from the loss of my brother, Buddy; my friend and soul mate. We knew each other as we were, we knew each other's hearts. We shared school successes, college friends and family vacations with our small children.
Our sibling relationship was one of love, honor and respect. Buddy will always remain in my daily thoughts. If heaven wasn't so far away... Until we are together again, I pray that this profound sense of loss provides a deeper and more meaningful life for us all!

Buddy left us with the advice and encouragement to:
1. Give your all, every time.
2. Give back more than you receive.
3. Have purpose and find self-fulfillment.
4. Get back up, every time; face the challenge.
5. Offer friends and enemies help; lend a hand.

I'm so grateful to have shared my life with the most loving and honorable man. Rest in Peace Buddy~I Love You and Miss You!
July 30, 2017
July 30, 2017
A wonderful, kind energetic man. I had the honor of being a friend to Buddy during our High School years at FHS. He has alway's remained in my thoughts and will continue to do so. My sympathy to the family.
July 27, 2017
July 27, 2017
Dear Iannone Family -

Buddy was a great leader, role model and high achiever in everything he did. He was highly respected by his friends, classmates and athletic teammates. I will always cherish the fond memories of Buddy from the old Brentwood neighborhood through high school and college. Although he left us way too soon, his impact on those of us who knew him will live on. Rest in Peace Buddy. 

Dan Enright
July 26, 2017
July 26, 2017
We remember Buddy as a fine young man and teammate of my son John at Fairport. Marie and I were close friends with you and Jim during our golf outings. A wonderful family. So sorry for your loss. I understand your pain, having recently lost Marie.
John C Carini
July 26, 2017
July 26, 2017
I didn't know Buddy well at Fairport HS, but if you knew him, you were his friend. His smile lit up the hallways, and on the football field, he was just plain old cool. My heart breaks knowing he has left us way too soon, before we had a chance to say "hi" again. Sue Mangefrida Beck, FHS '77
July 25, 2017
July 25, 2017
Dear Gemma, Lisa and Family, I am deeply disheartened to hear of the passing of Buddy. My prayers are with you during this difficult time. I am proud and privileged to have coached Buddy in our Fairport football program. He was genuine, hard working and loyal; leading by positive example with high moral values. I appreciated his tremendous enthusiasm for life and his desire to meet his full potential. I thank him for his service and sacrifice to our country. May the memories of his love and kindness give you comfort and may you find peace in knowing his spirit lives within you.
July 25, 2017
July 25, 2017
Gemma, there are no words to express our sympathies to you on Buddy's passing.  He was everything a mother would want for a son. I believe it was God's will that his father went before him...the sorrow would have taken his father.  Buddy was the nicest, caring great person his whole life who cherished his family, friends and commitment to his country.  I know you will never get over his passing but know now that he is with his dad in heaven. May God grant you his healing and comfort.
July 23, 2017
July 23, 2017
Gemma, I was so sad to read about Buddy's passing. He was one of my favorite students & the boys always adored him as their babysitter. He must have become a terrific adult - it sounds like he achieved great things. My prayers are with you & the rest of the family.
July 23, 2017
July 23, 2017
I was very fortunate to have coached Buddy at FHS. He was a great athlete and a great young man. Buddy was a leader and had the respect of all his teachers, coaches and peers. I am very happy that he was Inducted to the FHS Hall of Fame. He will be remembered forever!
July 18, 2017
July 18, 2017
Gemma, we are so sorry for your loss. Take care of yourself as you go through this difficult time. You are one great lady !
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