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April 22, 2017
April 22, 2017
Dear Charissa, I think of you often. Thank you for your eloquent update on your journey through darkness --- toward life. Vit and I pray for your continued strength. You have much to give.
April 11, 2017
April 11, 2017
Chip --- every time I go to Reno I think of you. Can't help but laugh when we were golfing in Carson City with Landmark and all the shenanigans that took place. You did everything and never got angry about anything. Amazing. Love you, Chip, and hope to see you again.
April 10, 2017
April 10, 2017
Dearest Charissa, you and Chip have been in my thoughts so much these past few days, as I reflect on all that Chip meant as a friend and colleague, and all he meant to you and to everyone who was lucky enough to know him. His absence is felt acutely every day, and I will never stop missing him. He loved you so deeply and the joy you shared will, I hope, sustain you in your grief. I love you very much.
April 10, 2017
April 10, 2017
Thinking of you always brings a smile to my face. Knowing you was such a blessing.
April 9, 2017
April 9, 2017
Missing Chip today ...and praying for continued strength for you Charissa
April 9, 2017
April 9, 2017

All of us are really missing you, especially this time of year. Your spirit will forever be with us and will forever propel us.

April 8, 2017
April 8, 2017
Dear Charissa,
Four years since Chip's transition and I'm sure that time feels like a blink of an eye...perhaps because you feel his love and presence everyday. I admire your focus to be present and in the moment. Just two days ago, I turned on my old digital camera that I haven't looked at in a year and scrolled through the photos and there was Chip and you at a TYLIN gathering. A warm smile (albeit resigned) came over my face...I said his name out-loud. Continue your journey - step forward, step back, step sideways, step whatever way Take your time. Just be. Love and be loved. 

Sending my love...Michael
April 8, 2017
April 8, 2017
I first met Chip when we were both young boys in Houston - we are cousins - might have been around 1967... certainly was the Christmas season. We got along famously as I recall. Years and years later I moved to California and so did Chip and Charissa. Chip was as big and bold and lively as Texas itself. When Chip and Charissa moved to the East Bay I had intended to spend more time with him. He was so engaging and welcoming and fun and it was great knowing I had a relative just a bridge away. Chip was wonderful. You could not help to want to be around the guy. Alas, my plans did not transpire the way I had planned and I spent less time with both of them than I had hoped. When a bright light leaves the world that lack of light and warmth is felt. Even not knowing Chip as well as I wanted to, his absence was impactful. Chip was a good person in the truest sense of the word and loved by so many - What a nice way to have journeyed through life! May we all be so lucky to be remembered that way.
April 8, 2017
April 8, 2017
ENGEO has undergone a lot of growth in the past 4 years. Chip's ENGEOnees spirit continue to spread within our organization. I still miss Chip. I hope he can see our success from afar.
April 27, 2016
April 27, 2016
Dear Charissa
You are in our continued thoughts and prayers as we never will forget Chip and all the fond memories that he gave to us....
Love & prayers
Marcus & Leticia
April 12, 2016
April 12, 2016
Dear Charissa,
Thank you for sharing your journey of grief and how you are coping and incorporating Chips transition into your daily existence. I was aware of the anniversary the other night and reflected on that evening we spent watching Beach Blanket Babylon in North Beach and drinks/dinner afterwards. The four of us...
I recall the laughter. I still can feel the ease of that night due in no small part to Chips wonderful personality and wit. I remember him shopping for cigars and sharing one with Caroline. I remember Chip choosing Johnny Walker Black as a drink and deciding to try it for the first time myself, and thinking that it fit Chip well. Smooth, enjoyable, warm. I also remember he and I finishing that bottle with a smidge of disappointment there wasn't any left:) Walking the streets afterwards, relaxed and happy with our spouses and enjoying each others company. They still "walk" with us Charissa. They will always "walk" with us.
February 28, 2016
February 28, 2016

Your amazing spirit lives in our hearts every day and your mark on ENGEO will be indelible forever.
August 8, 2015
August 8, 2015
Charissa, even though I haven't seen you since Chip's memorial service, I think of you often. I have kept the mementos you have sent of Chip and find them unexpectedly and re-read them and they make me smile to remember how wonderful you two were together.
April 22, 2015
April 22, 2015
I like to think that the angels could not wait forty plus more years to have his kindness spread in heaven, and who can blame them? Chip, you’ll be forever loved and missed. Happy heavenly birthday.

Charissa, dear friend, we love you!
April 22, 2015
April 22, 2015
Charissa, I'm sure Chip would be happy to know that in his honor, I'll be having a "girlie" drink later on tonite. I'll make sure they add a little bourbon.It must be comforting to know that he's missed by so many. That's truly remarkable. But then, so was he........
April 22, 2015
April 22, 2015
Dearest Charissa

I can't imagine the depth of your loss and how you must miss him. Chip was a wonderful man, friend and colleague. I think of you and him often; know that I am here to help in any way I can. I will continue to uphold you and your family in prayers.
April 22, 2015
April 22, 2015
Thinking of you Chip, on this day, your birthday, and how you made your mother and father so happy and how you were such an outstanding person from a child onward. And, how you came to pick Charissa as your partner. Together you made such a great couple, big hearts, happy and cheerful and great friends. We miss you and we love you very much!
April 13, 2015
April 13, 2015
I miss you, Chip. You were like a big brother to me. I so enjoyed your sense of humor; you could always make me laugh. Thank you for all the great adventures....Niagara Falls, Churchill Downs, driving all night to Salt Lake City! You and Charissa were more like family to me and were the mentors that I needed in my early 20's. Thank you for all the wise words and the great memories. You are missed.....
April 9, 2015
April 9, 2015
Charissa, you are in our continued thoughts and prayers as today we remember the special person that Chip was and will always be to us. His memories always make me smile...
May Gods Blessings be with you always...
April 9, 2015
April 9, 2015
"Perhaps they are not stars in the sky, but rather openings where our loved ones shine down to let us know they are happy." - Eskimo Legend

Chip must certainly be one of the bright ones.
April 8, 2015
April 8, 2015
Time has a way of playing tricks on the mind. Has it really been two whole years since he left? In some ways, it seems like yesterday because I still can remember his voice, and hear him laugh. In other ways, it seems like forever. The stars shine a little dimmer on this night. But if you look closely, you will see one that is brighter than all the others. That one is my brother,Chip.
April 8, 2015
April 8, 2015
Chip, in our busy lives we often drown ourselves in our work, our chores and we leave very little time to spend on ourselves. But often I sit near the fig tree that I planted in April 2013, in your memory, and I reflect on the great times Olga and I had with you and Charissa. I remember the great times at Murphys during the wine tasting festivals, the hiking trip for Olga's birthday and the new year's eve party at your home.These memories I hold very dear because I can't forget how special you treated us, with so much love. It was as though we were your only friends and you poured every bit of love into our relationship. I remember the strong loving hugs and your cheerful smile when you greeted us at the door during our visits to your Oakland house. Chip, I miss you dearly and I will keep watering and nurturing your fig tree in your memory. Love you and miss you dearly.
April 8, 2015
April 8, 2015
Thinking of you today and always. Love and miss you Chippie. B
April 8, 2015
April 8, 2015
Dear Charissa,
Chip's memories will be with our family forever.

Suresh and Bhavani
April 8, 2015
April 8, 2015
I have been thinking of him since April began. I still recall how he was so good at giving advice and so wise with his words. And, so much fun and so silly. And, we could talk about music forever. 2 years ago we planted a fig tree for him, and it is doing wonderful. i will try to post it. Love you Chip and Charissa!
November 29, 2014
November 29, 2014
Leaving a tribute to such a wonderful friend is hard to do. I miss Chip, his jokes, teasing, laughter, and all of the fun we had with Bob, and later, when the three of us would gather after Bob passed. I picture them together in the heavens of after-life telling a joke, playing poker, shooting the breeze and happily discussing the comings and goings of us folks here on planet earth. This flower is in honor of them both for the beautiful memories that return like the blooms of my fuchsias and orchids. I miss them both.
June 5, 2014
June 5, 2014
Thank you Charissa for sharing this wonderful website with me. As you know, I only knew Chip for a brief time, but it didn't take long to figure out what a gem Chip was! He always had that spark that was so welcoming and positive. He will be sorely missed! In memories, we find time we find peace! I'm so sorry for your loss!
April 26, 2014
April 26, 2014
I'm sad I didn't get to know Chip more. These tributes tell me what an amazing person he was and how many loved him. My heart is with you Charissa and I'll see you again soon.
April 22, 2014
April 22, 2014
Remembering you on your 'Earth-Day" birthday. besides the fact that we were exactly 1 month apart in our birthdays, it made it easy for me to remember. It may not be a birthday celebration, but I know you are at a celebration every moment now. Miss you... miss the camping and the all night gin and cribbage games... I just miss it all. Love you Chip
April 22, 2014
April 22, 2014
Hi Charissa, I only met Chip once but I remember clearly how you called him after a S&S Conf and even through he was in the middle of a meeting he came and "saved" you. I thought that was pretty special. Knowing you and your skills in bringing people together I always felt that your husband was a big influence and support in your life. Reading all these tributes I can definitely see this was the case. You two were partners in family, work and play. As the Orthodox prayer reads "Memory Eternal".
April 22, 2014
April 22, 2014
Happy 55th, Big Guy! I know you're with us now celebrating this gorgeous day. Your presence will always shine. Best, John
April 22, 2014
April 22, 2014
I first met Charissa and became great friends. She is fun, cheerful, professional and just a good hearted person. And her professional skills are to look up too. Then I met Chip and we, along with Javier, became great friends. While knowing Chip, i learned little bits of quality charecteristics that he practiced, yet he was always so humble and never was dominating. He was a server/leader! I immediately knew i had tapped into a great friend. I miss him and will always think of him as my fun, smart, humble, leader, advisor and more! Charissa, thank you and we are always here for you! Happy Birthday Chip!
April 22, 2014
April 22, 2014
Hi Charissa, Getting this email felt like I am getting an email from Chip! like I use to once in a while.."Hey Frank, I saw this lead and thought you and Jesus may be interested, let me know if I can help". I miss my friend who was always there to help! A selfless, always positive and always welcoming friend.

I am sure he would find a way to guide you to your next venture in life..
April 22, 2014
April 22, 2014
Every time I thnk of Chip I trace back to some impactful time we spent together their are so many, We will always hold him dear to us bdays, holidays, opening day of football etc, I know he is their with us in our hearts, mind and spirit.
Love you brother and I will be there for you SIs.
April 22, 2014
April 22, 2014
when i think of you, i smile. while i remember you on your birthday, i am reminded more of how special you want others to feel on theirs, and how much you celebrate other people......the last card you ever gave john was one mentioning him being a QUEEN....i missed that this year.....
April 22, 2014
April 22, 2014
The past week has been a rainy nasty mess, but today, the sun was out and everything looked beautiful. I think it was uncle chip making sure we had a wonderful day for his birthday. I only got to know him for two years, but that was long enough for me to never forget him. Casey looks up to him still as one of the greatest men in his life. And our son will hear all the wonderful stories of the man he is named after. Happy birthday uncle chip. We love and miss you.
April 22, 2014
April 22, 2014
Hi Charissa,
I wish Chip was still here with you (and with all of us). Don't let his absence stop you from celebrating his life that was well lived. That is probably what he would have wanted you to do! Love, Courtney
April 9, 2014
April 9, 2014
dear charissa - thinking of you. thank you so much for the card filled with great pictures ... great memories :) miss you hunnay xoxo hugs love lisa
April 9, 2014
April 9, 2014
Remembering Chip on this day. While he may be gone from our presence, he'll never be forgotten - he'll be forever in our hearts. This last weekend at Mountain View was so gorgeous as I think all felt Chip with us throughout the day, especially his loving bride Charissa.

Loving Chip will always protect us. -Alex Martsolf
April 9, 2014
April 9, 2014
I feel Chip's presence, his warm smile, joyful laughter and pleasant demeanor. He is truly missed but carry his spirit with us always, a true guiding and loving light. Charissa, our love and comfort to you and your family. Sincerely and warmly. Valerie
April 9, 2014
April 9, 2014
It is difficult to put my feelings into words, as I read your letter yesterday and those of others. Chip meant so much to us and he was a true friend, as you are to us. I know that it has been very hard for you, especially during this time. Know that your friends love you and will support you in every way that we can. If you ever need me, I am here.
April 9, 2014
April 9, 2014
I thought all day about a message to you, Chip. I know that you are in a far superior place but my selfish self wants you back in this old, imperfect world. I know that heaven rings with laughter and song now....the three Moore men,our grandfather, Payson Americus, our dad James Escar, and you all have such a wonderful sense of humor and all are gifted with a beautiful voice and music ability. I am sure that you are looking down over Charissa. Somehow, ease her pain of losing you. Help her to begin to smile and remember more good times. Know that I love you. One day we will all be together again. Til then, help us all to think of you and not have a lump in our throats, show us how to remember without tears in our eyes, and give us peace when we speak of you.
April 8, 2014
April 8, 2014
This day one year ago I receive a call, as many of us I was numb. I didn't know what to think or say or do.... When I heard this song sometime later.... this said it all

When I got the news today
I didn’t know what to say

So, I just hung up the phone

I took a walk to clear my head
This is where the walking led
Can’t believe you’re really gone
Don’t feel like going home

So, I’m gonna sit right here
On the edge of this pier
And watch the sunset disappear
And drink a beer('a Rum & Diet Coke')

Funny how the good ones go

Too soon, but the good Lord knows
The reasons why, I guess

Sometimes a greater plan

Is kinda hard to understand

Right now it don’t make sense

I can’t make it all make sense

Repeat Chorus

So long, my friend

Until we meet again

I’ll remember you

And all the times that we used to

Sit right here

On the edge of this pier
And watch the sunset disappear
And drink a beer('a Rum & Diet Coke')

Drink a beer('a Rum & Diet Coke')

Drink a beer('a Rum & Diet Coke')
April 8, 2014
April 8, 2014
Charissa, I had a dream last night and it was so vivid. I saw Chip at a table in a restaurant, with a drink of course. All I remember him saying to me was how happy he is with that great smile of his. I woke up feeling good and thinking about you. Hope you are flooded with great memories today. Love you!
April 8, 2014
April 8, 2014
Hi Charissa, Thank you for inviting me to this page. I'm sorry that I didn't get to know Chip better, but what I remember is that he was a very nice and caring person and I know that he made you very happy. I am so sorry for your loss. You are in my thoughts and prayers, Susie

P.S. I would love to get together sometime when you are in Riverside.
April 8, 2014
April 8, 2014
A while back when we were all neighbors in Oakland, Charissa and Chip invited Nate and me over for brunch on Saturday morning at their amazing home. When we got there, I learned it was the morning after the ENGEO holiday party, where Chip had won a Kinect (I think that's what it was called), which is a game console that can sense your movement. He said "I never win anything!" and he was absolutely thrilled and giddy about his new toy. He showed us how it worked before we sat down to eat - he could hardly contain his excitement (I think I remember a funny look on Charissa's face :-). We had a great time chatting and brunching, and we listened to records in the front room. It was a lovely, leisurely morning with such a loving couple. This is how I remember Chip today and always - happy, relaxed and laughing.

Thinking of Charissa and his family on this day, Jocelyn
April 8, 2014
April 8, 2014
Charissa - I just want you to know how much I thought of Chip. He was truly a wonderful person. Chip and I periodically had lunch at Carl's Junior's in San Ramon (our favorite burger location local to the San Ramon office) and, in anticipation of today, I stopped there for a burger last week. During the entire time there last week, in my mind I reminisced about our lunches where we talked about things not necessarily related to work. He was a great listener, had a terrific sense of humor, and, again, just a wonderful man. I have tried to carry the ENGEO flag as well as he did on the SF PSB project but I feel that I am well short of his performance. His expectations for the project's success keep me trying my hardest. I was honored to write his name on the last beam put in place on the structure last year. He has a great view of the AT&T ball park and the Bay Bridge and downtown San Francisco. And, please know that I, too, miss him very much.
April 8, 2014
April 8, 2014
Hi Charissa, I loved your year commemoration card for Chip. This has truly been a soul searching year for you and I'm sure that Chip has been with you the entire time helping you through those very difficult moments. Please know that you are always on my mind. Lots of love to you. Lisa
April 8, 2014
April 8, 2014
Dear Charissa, I still miss Chip like crazy. The void in the office is still felt every day when I walk past his old office and at all our events. I am grateful to have got to spend at least 8 wonderful years as co-workers with him and am thankful for my memories, all of which warm heart and make me smile. Thank you for the wonderful bookmark commemorating him. Please know that you and your family are in my thoughts today and am sending you extra love.
April 8, 2014
April 8, 2014
Dear Charrisa,
Although today marks the 1-year anniversary of Chips’ passing, know that both of you have often been in our thoughts this past year. I’m sure many, like ourselves upon meeting you both for the first time, privately rejoiced in the recognition that your union constituted one of those “wonderfully suited-for-each-other couples” that comes from two unique individuals whose differences and shared attributes were an even greater recipe together. It was immediately clear what made Chip so easy to like, so quickly. He was so genuinely comfortable being himself that it made others comfortable being in his presence even during a mini crisis like when he locked us all out of your home during a dinner. One couldn’t help but chuckle as he assessed his options. Climb onto a two story narrow ledge and break a 60 year old window like some super-hero? He mulled that option over hard while he did some deep bends and high knee raises. Nah, they don’t make replacement window panes that size anymore. Best to go to the neighbors for a spare key which then resulted in a display of Chip’s other marvelous attribute – his wit. “Hey guys, got the key but just don’t ask me why the neighbor felt comfortable answering the door naked, ok?” The list of possibilities rattled off over the next 15 minutes leaving us in stitches and forgetting the initial dilemma. I guess what really separated Chip from so many other fine people is that he truly savored life and warmly included others to savor it with him. Whether it resulted in a chagrined bartender informing the four of us that we finished the bottle of Johnny Walker Black over so much laughter in North Beach or quietly sitting on your front porch under a starry night murmuring how sweet his cigars tasted, you didn’t want the moment to end when you were with Chip…
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