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December 12, 2021
So Christmas is coming up. This year has been really weird. Thanksgiving sucked, but me and mom got the Turkey pretty good this year. The mashed potatoes weren’t the same though. Halloween was really hard, I wonder how Christmas and New Years is going to be. I remember being in the old house and you and Brian shooting off fire works in the back of the house and the burnt shell fell into the whole firework pile. The pure panic in Brian’s voice “girls get inside” while both of you guys bolt in opposite directions is still so clear along with the whole box of fireworks exploding in the yard. 

The girls still talk about you, Finley asks if you can come back… Just thinking of you. 


Endless Memories

June 22, 2021
James - I randomly think about you and your family everyday. I still can't fully grasp that I will never hear you randomly call my name in HEB or see your friendly smile pop up at all of the Stephanie parties. I grew up with you and Kim, so may days when you guys would take us to the skating rink, take me to get my hair cut, cook awesome breakfasts on the weekends, trips to see fireworks... you guys always included me and made feel like family. I still remember watching The Mothman Prophecies movie in your old living room, and its been one of my favorite movies ever since. Now, I walk past that old house with my kids and random memories pop in my mind, sometimes I cry, sometimes I laugh and sometimes I tell my girls how their mommy's best friend grew up in that house and we had so many fun times there. We were not always the best kids, we caused some crazy times, but we created memories and the energy that you and Kim cultivated within that home helped us grow and develop into the humans that we are today. Its hard to believe that you have moved on to the next phase, but I hope you know that you truly touched so many lives and created endless memories. You showered people with joy and kindness and I am forever sending you and your family all the love and positive vibes. *You are and will forever be missed and cherished* 
June 20, 2021
Happy Father’s Day old man. I hate not being able to tell you face to face. We miss you so much! 
May 27, 2021
It’s been 4 weeks since you have been gone and I’m still not used to it. Remi is always telling me “din din at work” I’ve been trying my hardest to help Emma with those puzzles you guys did but she is having a hard time with certain parts and I can’t figure it out, time for YouTube I guess. 
Memorial Day is Monday and I wish you were here to make us some macaroni salad and layered salad. You would be grilling up some food for everyone while I ate the veggies chips and dips you always had out oh and your sweet tea. The girls already gave mom crap because she doesn’t make popcorn like you did. I wish you were here so I could talk to you about the house we are building. We miss you old man.


May 14, 2021
He tried to teach me how to drive....standard. 
We drove through a neighborhood that was under construction so there would be no one around. I was so nervous and ended up driving over a curb and into a small ditch all the while he was calmly saying " the break". He never yelled or got flustered, he was always calm in high stress situations. Maybe because they weren't high stress to him...but that was DEFINITELY a high stress situation for me. He then took over and drove us home. 
I laugh as I type this because to this day I still cannot drive standard. 
May 6, 2021
I was about 11 or so and had come home from school but was all alone. The weather looked terrible outside and I decided to watch the news to find out what was going on. They said Tornado Watch, and no matter how many times my parents tried to convince me there was nothing to worry about, I was still terrified. James left work early to come home and be there so I wouldn't be alone and scared. We watched TV and I felt better because I wasn't alone. 

He would do that sort of thing for anyone. 
May 6, 2021
I'm gonna ramble and these will probably go on for days but we were together a lifetime. I'm pretty sure everyone knew James was the "go-to" guy. I think he was that for everybody. Well of course I never wanted him to know that he was my go to guy but he was. He was always so stinking calm and just so damn handy. He got a medal in the military for being the guy who saved a fellow soldier. He should have gone in to rescue. And boy, if he didn't know something or didn't know how to do something he could convince you that he did. He was the guy that could convince you that the earth was flat. It was a running joke for us. Our words to him were always "I'm going to google you". And his heart. Looking at all of these pictures and seeing the ones he took. It's heartbreaking. We did everything together and the best part was we did them as a family. He took me to Hawaii for my 50th. He planned everything. It was the best time of my life. He made so many plans for that trip and every single one was for me and about me. He knew me. I at first thought it was just he and I. Don't get me wrong. That was great but he knew it would mean a lot to have the rest of my people there. So there we were, sitting in first class (of course because he wanted it perfect) and I'm on the phone with my family and next thing I see is my granddaughter standing in front of me on the plane. He knew. He just became part of us. He made sure we all stayed in in one house together. Then I find out he had registered us for an 8 mile run for the morning of my birthday. Now, he hadn't run in months and months, ya'll 8 miles is a long way to go if you haven't been running. If you get a chance go check out the pictures. There I am. Happier than I've ever been and there is he about to throw up and thoroughly trying to fake it. It was the best. I got a selfie of he and I running and if he could have mustered up the strength  to flip me off he would have. I haven't found it yet but i will. (Found it!!!) So then we all decide we are going to go climb this stair thing. I don't remember the name but I will tell you it was brutal! He was pretty beat from the run so he decided he was going to stay back. We all went to the top and were just hanging out. As we were coming back down, just a little ways from the top, he was making his way up to be with us. He and I turned around and just sat up there together. Mostly to let him catch his breath :). He found a bakery there in Hawaii that made me a birthday cake. It was beautiful and instead of all of these flowers, he had them create a girl on the top running through a finish line. That trip was all about me and he was so proud that he could do that. He felt like a hero. He loved being in that role. We wanted to go back. Hawaii was a good place for him.

Radiant Kindness

May 6, 2021
James glowed. His smile always welcoming and his heart expressed through his acts of kindness. He showed up in simple ways that meant a lot, like when our family descended upon Houston- he was there connecting, laughing and being in the moment. I am grateful to have known him and I wrap his beautiful family-our family- in the warmth of his golden radiant light of kindness. Be one with peace my friend. You are forever a piece of many hearts.

In light & love,

James aka Din Din

May 2, 2021
How can I pick just one story to share? We have so many stories. You were always there when I needed you. You would drop anything even watching a Super Bowl game to make popcorn or macaroni for my babies. I have so many of your tools in my garage that you used to give me crap about. You helped me build the girls first play set, it was just us because everyone else wanted us to hire someone. I miss you popping your head over my fence to see what we are up to. You always tried to find an excuse to see the girls. I’m so glad you were over last weekend to teach Finley to skateboard, she was and is so proud. I’m so glad we came by last week and you got to piddle with Finley and Remi while I made icing.  Remi still asks where you are at. You were the girls favorite person. They always wanted to go see Lala and Din Din. Always. I don’t know what it will be like without you. Halloween was our favorite and I know you loved passing out candy. I’m going to miss your amazing mashed potatoes and pies for thanksgiving. The girls are going to miss seeing you Christmas morning when they open their presents. I have an accidental voicemail on my phone of us talking and your complaining about how chic fil a forgot the girls drinks and you were so mad you got your food at wataburger. You helped me so many times around the house and now I have to figure out how to fix my garbage disposal when it messes up. Thank you for teaching Marlow to spit using pool water. Thank you for spending time with Emma working on those puzzles. Thank you for being such a great father, father in law and Din Din to my family. I am so heartbroken over all that you will miss birthdays, holidays, vacations, graduations, weddings everything. I hope you know how much we love you and miss you. 

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