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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, James Hazard, 75 years old, born on May 19, 1937, and passed away on January 4, 2013. We will remember him forever.
May 19
May 19
Happy birthday Jim. I was thinking about you today ❤️ then I remembered it was your birthday bet you and Mom had great day Mike got a place out at Holiday shores right by the beach he loves it out there had some great memories there. Miss you guys terribly it never gets any better keep watching over us sometimes we really need it
May 19, 2022
May 19, 2022
Happy birthday Jim you got A great present this year i know you been missing her. I wasn't ready to give her up but i guess you needed her more
I love and miss you guys everyday i wish you could have been here to see your great grandson vinney and the new great grandson thats on the way from Eric youi probably already a seen him though take good care of mom i miss her terribly tell Kevin i love him And we will all be together soon
May 19, 2021
May 19, 2021
Happy 84th my one true love. You are missed but never forgotten. Rest in peace! So sorry I'm late by one day, but I'm not getting any younger either. Yesterday and my errands got the best of me. Pandemic still going, but I'm vaccinated and able to get out and about.
January 4, 2021
January 4, 2021
Eight years ago, I lost the love of my life. The pain of that loss has lessened with time, but thank God for the memories as they last a lifetime. Your memories touch me in a song or a movie or just the written word or most of all in a beautiful daydream. Time goes on and I am working hard at living life to the fullest. I keep in contact with all of the kids now and I know you would be happy to know that. Another year has arrived and I have survived. I will carry on and you will be in my heart forever. Rest in peace. All of my Love is with you forever.
May 19, 2020
May 19, 2020
Happy 83rd Birthday to you my love! Another year has past and you are in a much better place and for that, I am sure. This is 2020, the year of the pandemic of Covid-19. You are so blessed as this has been very difficult and I'm not sure if you would of had a good outcome facing this challenge. However, I have heard your voice many times telling me to carry on and encouraging me that I can do this. Emotionally, this has been a very rough experience as I face each day alone and self quarantined to protect myself and others. My one constant is the love I shared with you and the memories that will never leave me. Rest In Peace My Love! May 19, 2020
January 4, 2020
January 4, 2020
January 4, 2020, Wow, Another decade has arrived and sadly I am without you in your physical body. Thank goodness for all the memories that live in my mind still and touch my heart everyday. It's been seven years and my thoughts this morning were about you, Jim! I'm living my life to the fullest my love, I have no regrets. I carry you with me in my heart everyday and I know that you are always there to give me the nudge I need to carry on without you. You always told me you would live to be 100, so if you keep nudging me forward, I will try to carry you through. Oh, one more thing I'm sure you already know, you are a great grandpa again, actually twice. Chelsea had a little girl, Olivia Daniel on Oct. 12 and Samantha had a baby boy, Vincent Elliot on Dec. 6. Your one true love! Ladydi
July 18, 2019
July 18, 2019
Another year apart but always together in each others heart. This day marks 38 years of togetherness. I miss you everyday of my life but I have learned how to live on without you by my side. Thank you for the memories my love, they sustain me everyday of my life. You are never forgotten. Loving you forever.
May 19, 2019
May 19, 2019
Happy 82nd Birthday to the love of my life now and forever. You are always in my thoughts and my heart. Jenny gave me a beautiful flower for your gravesite on Mother's Day. I'm waiting for the weather to make sure no more frosts can kill it. I love you and will love you forever. Your
"Lady Di".
May 19, 2019
May 19, 2019
Good Morning Jimbo,
Nothing much has changed since my last writing.
Dianne is doing well and we all miss you. Your name comes up from time to time as people share in meetings. It's all good.....
Thank you for all the experience, strength and hope you shared with all of us.
See you on the other side someday!!!!
Your friend in the fellowship,
Barb Evans
January 4, 2019
January 4, 2019
HAPPY NEW YEAR "JIMBO". First things first. Dianne is doing well but missing you of course. I know the holidays are rough for her but she made it thru another Christmas without you. She and I have become very good friends in the past couple years and I am blessed to have her in my life. We always seem to have each others back. She is showing me how to live alone, how to be self-sufficient and independent should the time ever arrive. We all miss you and will see you someday on the other side.
Your friend in the fellowship,
Barbara Evans
January 4, 2019
January 4, 2019
Happy New Year! Another year has come and gone and I am really welcoming the New Year 2019. It hardly seems possible that 6 years have past since your passing. Time just seems to fly by as I get older and hopefully wiser. There are still times that you come to mind especially during my quiet times which are mostly in the evening. I can still feel your presence around me most of the time, I am able to keep myself pretty busy and I am still quite active in my older life. I am so grateful for my good health and my ability to handle things on my own which I am sure were given to me during my many years in the Al-Anon Family Groups. I will always remember our many years together and the ups and downs that made us who we are and cherish those memories in my heart forever. Let's see what this year brings.
December 22, 2018
December 22, 2018
Hi My Love,
It's the holiday time again, that dreaded time of year, but I have to say not so bad this year. I didn't put a tree up, but I haven't done that since you left me. I just put up my door wreath and my decorated Santa Boot on the table. Good enough for me. The kids all do their own thing which is fine with me. I really enjoy the peace and quiet at home. Always have time to watch a few movies during the holidays. I will visit with the kids if the weather permits and if it doesn't, I will see them all later. As time goes by, my thoughts of you dwindle, but all I have to do is come back into my computer room and sit down and look around and you are all around me. Pictures on the walls of you surround me and fill my heart with joy. That room has kind of become your memorial for me, as I can almost feel your arms around me as you hug me and hold me. I will love you forever. Your loving wife and companion.
August 18, 2018
August 18, 2018
July 18, 2018 was our 37th wedding anniversary and it came and went with a passing thought on my part. Time seems to pass so quickly as the years go by. Summer will soon be over. This past weekend was the famous back to the bricks cruise and as I drove out Saginaw Street to the Gr. Blanc meeting, I began to remember how much we loved to cruise with the cruisers. Just another of my many memories that help to push me to live my life forward as I know you would want me to. Memories of you and our life together mean so much to me.
May 21, 2018
May 21, 2018
Hi there again my love. A few days past your 81st birthday and I do have to admit that life without you is improving. I had a passing thought on May 19, and wished you a silent Happy Birthday and went on with my day. Jenny gave me a beautiful potted plant of geraniums on Mother's Day to place at your graveside and I have been nurturing them at home for now. This early, I am always afraid that the frost might get them if I place them before Labor Day. I will be visiting the grave this week. As I have said so many times, I will never forget you and no one can ever take your place. I spend everyday of my life trying to be a better me and without you I am learning so much more about myself. We made a good partnership, in spite of all of our trials and tribulations, but we weathered the storm together. With you in my heart, I will go on and complete our journey.
January 4, 2018
January 4, 2018
Happy New Year 2018! This morning as I put the bags of garbage to the curb (a job you used to do without hesitation) I thought about years gone by and how much a part of my life you were and how much I really miss you. Most of all, I thought about the New Year that is beginning and how much I really have to live for and be grateful for. You always lived life forward and were ever so grateful and you constantly reminded me of that. Five years doesn't seem very long, but it is an eternity for me because I know you are never coming back. I move forward everyday knowing you are in my heart and a part of me. Seems so foolish that I write to you on this website, but you know that I am a visual person and people are my God with skin on, so it is only fitting that I have a way to communicate with you from time to time. Please know that I will never forget you and our many beautiful years together. No one will ever be able to fill that void. I love you! Life keeps moving forward!
January 4, 2018
January 4, 2018
Well,Jim, another year has come and gone. I am sure you already know that Dianne and I have become GREAT friends in the past few years. We can count on each other for anything and everything.
Dianne is doing good but I know she has a hole in her heart that only you can fill. Thanks for watching over us every day. We all miss you and will see you on the other side someday
Your friend in the fellowship,
Barb Evans
December 22, 2017
December 22, 2017
Here we are again approaching another holiday season. Christmas is just a few days away and you come to mind more than ever. We lost an amazing Grandson this year, but I'm pretty sure you already know that. Now, you can get to know him even better. I have been able to rekindle a relationship with your son, Brian. Certainly must have been a "God thing" as you would say. Our Brenda was sent to prison for a very bad choice and mistake in her life, but I'm sure you are watching over her and you are always in her heart. I'm so happy that you were not here on earth to have to experience the grief of this past year. My heart has been broken for a very long time and the grief process has been enormous, but I am starting to get through it and know that I am still here on this earth for a purpose. Jenny and I stay in close contact with one another. She is pretty fragile and she really misses her Dad and her Mom. No matter what, Jim, I carry on because that is exactly what you would want me to do. I keep living life as if you were right here with me or as if I am carrying you with me. You will always be in my heart forever and I miss you more than words can say. Merry Christmas my love.
July 19, 2017
July 19, 2017
Happy 36th Anniversary to us my love. I realized I have never been able to leave a tribute on our Wedding Anniversary, July 18, 1981. Just forever so painful. Just maybe, I am finally letting go even though you were gone too soon. No time would have been a good time my love. I looked through our wedding album and tried to close my eyes and visualize that day in July that we became one. I try to remember through my selfishness that you were really sick and struggling along, but it is so not fun without you. I push and shove myself forward each and everyday. I pull strength and courage from my friends in the program and my family. Not a day or a year has gone by since you departed your earthly home that I don't wish I could have it all back and just start all over again. The memories you left behind sustain me for the moment, but I will always be looking forward to day that I might see you again. Take my love and soar! Rest in peace my love
May 19, 2017
May 19, 2017
HAPPY BIRTHDAY in heaven Jimbo. We all miss you bunches.
I was so blessed to have you and Dianne in my life and she is still a major part of my life and I treasure our friendship.
P. S. She is doing good but she sure misses you.
With love from your friend Barb!!!!!
May 19, 2017
May 19, 2017
Happy 80th Birthday my love. I was watching one of our favorite TV programs last night. thinking of you every minute as you know I always thought you looked like one of the key players. Hmmmm, very sexy! Oh well, I could close my eyes and almost feel your arms around me. I have some beautiful flowers that I will place at your grave site this afternoon, just a very small, small token of my enormous love for you and everything that you brought into my life. I shall never forget you, ever. You were the best! Looking forward to meeting you again someday. Gone too soon, my love!
January 4, 2017
January 4, 2017
Hello Jim, I want to let you know that your Dianne is okay, she is taking care of herself very well. She misses you a lot, but she's doing okay. She's looking forward to being with you again someday.
Love you Jim xo
January 4, 2017
January 4, 2017
We sure do miss you Jimbo!!!! Just so you know, I am so blessed to have your wife in my life. She is a very wise woman and has been a huge blessing for me especially in the past couple months.
It is hard to believe 4 yrs. has gone by already.
It was a blessing to spend a part of my life with you and Dianne.
Thank you my friend and I pray you will continue to rest in peace.
January 4, 2017
January 4, 2017
Hello again my love, its the fourth anniversary of your leaving me way too soon. These past few weeks have been weeks of reflection and my thoughts have been drawn to you over and over again. There are so many things I want to talk to you about and know that you would give me the reassurance I need that I am going to be alright. I have to trust that you being in my heart forever is enough. I have been directed more and more to a God of my understanding and I have learned to lean on that and trust that I am never alone and that God has always got my back. I listen to that wee small voice that you used to tell me about and you know what, it is really there and it gives me good orderly direction everyday of my life. So, today, I will get up, suit up and show up and carry on even though I have lost my one and only true love and partner in life. Welcome January 4, 2017.
December 18, 2016
December 18, 2016
Well, here it is, one week before Christmas and lately all of my thoughts have been of you my love. I yearn for your touch and that little smile that you would give me every morning at the breakfast table.The kids are all busy getting ready for Christmas and this year everyone is doing their own thing and settling in with making their own traditions. No more hustle and bustle trying to go to and fro to please everyone else. I spent a week of deep reflection and have come to the conclusion that you are in my heart to stay and I am always going to miss you deeply and it's okay and the hurt in my heart will lessen as time goes by. I'm looking forward to the New Year and living it to the fullest one day at a time. Knowing that you are at peace gives me a great deal of comfort and the ability to carry on in spite of you being gone way too soon. I love you!
June 24, 2016
June 24, 2016
A note to all those who visit this memorial site from time to time. Thank you for your thoughts and thank you for letting me know that Jim is never forgotten. I miss Jim so much, you would think that by now this would pass, but that has not been the case for me. Not one single day goes by that I don't have a thought or memory of the man I loved so much. I actually yearn for the day that we might meet again. Lately, I've actually gone to bed at night hoping that when I wake up in the morning, you will be there. It just never happens. I'm really trying to Let Go and Let God, but you know that everything I let go of has claw marks on it, so why would this be anything different. You are my one true love. C U someday on the other side my love.
June 24, 2016
June 24, 2016
Still miss you, brother.
May 19, 2016
May 19, 2016
We all miss you so very much. We all move on with our lives but there is a little hole in our hearts where you reside.
Hugs to you Jimbo!!!!!!
May 19, 2016
May 19, 2016
Happy 79th Birthday my one and only love. I miss you so much as words will never be able to express. May is a emotional time for me as so many of your important dates happened in May. You were brought to mind on your 25 years of recovery date. I remember even though you don't have to remember that anymore. I know that it was an important date to you. Every time the flowers in the flower bed bloom in the Spring, I'm reminded of the fall day in 2012 that you replanted my beautiful flower bed but never got to see it bloom in the Spring. Time goes on without you, my love, but you remain in my heart forever. As the years pass, my heart heals and the memories grow stronger. You have a very special place in my heart that no one will ever take the place of. I love you and miss everything about you, but mostly just your unconditional love and companionship. Be at peace my love!
January 4, 2016
January 4, 2016
Three years have come and gone without you in my life. I always said I couldn't imagine life without you, but somehow I have managed to do it one day at a time. Some days are worst than others, but through it all I have survived. You are always in my thoughts and things that I do bring you to mind on most occasions. The intense grief is subsiding but the warmth in my heart is always there. I seem to be able to move through life's challenges much easier as I figure out my own routines and do things my way. I couldn't make it without the valuable lessons that you so patiently taught me over the 35 years that we had together. You are gone too soon, but with life comes death and I accept that now. My spirit is returning as my wall that I built is disappearing. I'm so sorry, but I was so angry, and the only way I could heal was doing it my way. I'm getting closer to my higher power again as he actually never failed me, but I just shut him out because my acceptance of his will for you was not what I wanted. I was selfish my love, I just wanted you to stay with me. I know you are in a better place and that someday we will meet again just as he promised and you promised. I love You.
May 19, 2015
May 19, 2015
Hi Honey, my life goes on without you. Happy78th Birthday! There is never a day that goes by that you do not come to my mind either in something you have said or something you did. Somehow I just know you are near me and I can feel your presence and it gives me great comfort. Thank You so much for all that you have given me in spirit as you keep me strong and the lessons in life that you helped teach me are still with me everyday. I draw on the things that you showed me through life's challenges. You were gone too soon from me and my heart aches that one day we shall meet again somewhere in time my love. Some of the struggles I have had to face without you have been challenging, but some how I feel your hand grabbing mine and you seem to be able to pull me through the darkest times and I come out on the other side a much stronger person. Sometimes "your way" is the only way. Wherever you are my love, I hope what you promised me is true and that we will find our way back to each other. I love You!
January 8, 2015
January 8, 2015
Here I am my love, two years have passed and my heart still aches for you. Time has helped to heal me, but the emptiness will never go away. I have the kids and grandkids but it will never replace you in the flesh. The memories can never be taken away and I will love you forever. In December of this year I had a hyacinth bloom in the flower bed that you planted in the fall just before you passed away and I knew it was sent to me from you my love because only you could have pulled that off "your way". I bent down to take a picture and crawling next to the flower was a wooly caterpillar another one of your ways to let me know that you are always near. Stay with me dear, I will always love you. I surely hope that someday we will be together again.
May 21, 2014
May 21, 2014
Hugs and Kisses for your birthday Dad.. Miss you lots, I think of you everyday. Not a day goes by with out me thinking of you and how I take after you in so many ways, Jen of all trades I'm told, just like my dad....Thank you for the lessons you have taught me, to believe in my Faith and God will get us though, I Love you Daddy miss you bunches.. See you at the gates some day Ill be looking for you....
May 19, 2014
May 19, 2014
My one and only love of my life. I woke up this morning with a very hard ache in my heart not realizing it was your birthday and I looked on the calendar and I knew immediately what that ache was. Just a reminder, but don't ever think for one minute that I have forgotten you. I miss you next to me in bed at night, I miss you at the breakfast table in the morning, I miss your smile and warm touch and most of all I miss being able to share my thoughts with you any time of night or day. Talk to myself a lot these days. I miss our rides in the car out to the lake on those nice sunny, warm days. I miss dinners together. Some days are harder than others, but I am moving forward the best I can and sometimes it's pretty scary. Happy 77th Birthday, my love. Jenny, Tammy and Mike miss you and thought of you today and they called me to extend a warm, loving thought. They take pretty good care of me and I love them. So much to tell you and just not enough time or space. I am so very lonely without you. Happy Birthday, honey! Gone way too soon!
May 19, 2014
May 19, 2014
We all miss you terribly, "Jimbo". Dianne is having a rough time but we are all trying to help her get thru the rough and sad times. You are missed, you are loved and we will see you on the other side someday.
P.S. Make sure the golf courses are in good shape because I am bringing my clubs with me. Hugs and more hugs....... Mrs. Harpo
February 25, 2014
February 25, 2014
Hi My darling husband, Not a day goes by that I don't think about you. I miss you so much and coming to grips with your passing has been a moumentous task for me. I have been so mad at God for not answering my prayers the way I wanted them answered only to realize that God does it his way, just as you always did. Now that I know that God is not my adversary, maybe my heart will begin to heal. I will love you forever my love.
December 5, 2013
December 5, 2013
My heart is broken and the pain is almost unbearable, but your spirit and energy remains close to me and pushes me forward every day. There are no words for the love I have for you and you will remain in my heart forever. You are the only one that can put my heart back together and in time the crack will close,but the scar will remain. I will never forget you & the beautiful life that we had and lived to the fullest in spite of the trials and tribulations along the way. I must say you "did it your way" gently and always with me in mind. You loved me uncondionally in spite of my rough edges. I love you & miss you.
December 4, 2013
December 4, 2013
I miss u alot jim what i miss the most is how u always helped me when ever u could and i know god olny takes the best cuz he took u and Kevin to much better place where u guys could do whatever u wanted and fish and hunt with no licences no more and where u could b with friends and family again this song is very fitting for u cuz u ALWAYS did stuff ur way i love u
December 4, 2013
December 4, 2013
oh how I miss u no words can say enough.,To only have one more day to tell u how much u meant to me.. and how much I love u Daddy. I know u are waiting for me in our heavenly home. I miss u everyday. .Can;t wait to hear your voice again and hug u and never let u go.. I know u r in the big top with all your buddys . I love u and miss u lots...From your daughter Jennifer Hazard

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May 19
May 19
Happy birthday Jim. I was thinking about you today ❤️ then I remembered it was your birthday bet you and Mom had great day Mike got a place out at Holiday shores right by the beach he loves it out there had some great memories there. Miss you guys terribly it never gets any better keep watching over us sometimes we really need it
May 19, 2022
May 19, 2022
Happy birthday Jim you got A great present this year i know you been missing her. I wasn't ready to give her up but i guess you needed her more
I love and miss you guys everyday i wish you could have been here to see your great grandson vinney and the new great grandson thats on the way from Eric youi probably already a seen him though take good care of mom i miss her terribly tell Kevin i love him And we will all be together soon
May 19, 2021
May 19, 2021
Happy 84th my one true love. You are missed but never forgotten. Rest in peace! So sorry I'm late by one day, but I'm not getting any younger either. Yesterday and my errands got the best of me. Pandemic still going, but I'm vaccinated and able to get out and about.
Recent stories

Forgiving is not forgetting, it's letting go of the pain.

January 4, 2021
This was a journey of more than thirty years.  I struggled with the pain of the behaviors of others which I had no power to change.  I finally made a decision to let go of that pain that was crippling me.  I can't give you an exact date when that happened, but most importantly, it happened.  I have managed to repair my relationship with all of Jim's children and I look at them through different eyes today.  I always loved them, but the behaviors they displayed to their father was disappointing to me. Jim seemed to accept it for what it was and moved on. I spent a great deal of time learning to understand why children behave the way they do, his children and my children.  The answer that came to me was it is not important that I understand, but I accept things the way they are and work on changing my attitude which I am still working hard on that.  Accepting things I cannot change has made a world of difference in how I interact with Jim's kids and mine.  I have been able to forgive and in turn it has given me great peace and serenity.  Along with that came the ability to be a good listener and talk less.  I feel good about the relationship I have with Jim's children today.  It's not perfect but it is perfectly okay.  I'm sure Jim would be proud of the strides I have made in this difficult time of mending fences and tearing down walls.  This has been a remarkable journey.

Our Wedding Day, July 18, 1981

July 18, 2019

This was the most wonderful day in my life.  I got to marry the man that I loved with all my heart.  We had been living together for three years previous because Jim's divorce was taking so long to be finalized.  Jim's divorce was finalized and he walked directly across hall and got a license to marry me and three days later we were married.  The pastor of the church that we attended would not preform our ceremony because he had already passed judgment on us for being two divorced people and we were living in sin according to him.  Needless to say, this was the end of our relationship with that pastor and that church. We found another pastor and church that was willing to marry us and we gathered family members and friends and professed our love for one another.  After the church ceremony, we all joined together at a local restaurant and had a wonderful dinner and celebration.  We went on a three week honeymoon traveling in our trailer all over the state of Michigan spending a lot of time in the UP.  The years that followed were filled with good times and bad times that we managed to survive.  We had a large blended family with Jim's 5 children and my 2 children.  We both had our jobs to deal with and making a home for our families.  We traveled extensively in our travel trailer with our children and on our own.  Raising the children was the biggest challenge and the core of our disagreements.  Jim retired in 1991 and I finally gave in and retired in 1995. We traveled together and lived in our RV until 2007 and then we returned to Michigan and sold our trailer and moved back into our old home on Fielding Street that was owned by my son.  We paid rent to him and set up housekeeping again until the day that Jim left my side and departed his earthly home in 2013. I have many happy memories of our many years together that helps to sustain me as I carry on without the love of my life.  My wedding day always stands out in my memories.

A Troubled Past

September 21, 2017

This is probably the most painful story to tell and think about. We were married in 1981 and we spent 32 years trying to repair a family relationship with Jim's children as we also tried to blend my children and his children as a family.  Jim's time with his family was strained at best and he faced his demons and his past mistakes and began to move forward.  He had a difficult time making his amends to his children, but he worked very hard at it and he did the best he could.  He took responsibility for his part in past mistakes.  He felt he had done all he could to repair his ties with his children and he had to let it go.  The children in turn wasn't able to forgive as he had hoped but he did his part and moved on.  He felt that in time they would see the changes he had made in his life and realize that he was a changed man and they might put the past in the past.  He was not the same man that they knew when they were growing up.  They never really gave him a chance to show them who he really was.  At his funeral, one of them related to me that his was not a man that they ever knew.  Jim was loved and respected by so many people. He never stopped loving his children and he never stopped believing that eventually they would think different of him.  He perservered and just kept loving them, never speaking a bad word about them ever.  I in turn did not do so well as I constantly reminded him of the nastiness that they seemed to put on him.  He would just patiently dismiss my attitude as he knew that I loved them and that the mending would come in God's time and not my time.  We tried so hard in our relationship to mend the family ties and bring the family together and guess what? We were never really able to conquer that feat.  To this day, there is much strain in that family dynamic, but I realize it is not my circus and not my monkeys.  The pain in that family came long before Jim and I were together and I cannot let that pain dominate my life today.  It's not my pain to fix.  I continue to pray for Jim's children and I continue to love them and the rest is up to the God of my understanding.  I just know that Jim's children have a lot to reckon with and it's not my job to heal them.  God Bless this broken family!

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