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Jane's Faith

June 30, 2022
I had the opportunity to get to know Jane as her chaplain for the past couple of years or so – and what an amazing and fun woman!  Her smile was always big and bright as we would reminisce and sing.  She had a calming peace about her.  Every time I came to visit – one of the neat things about Jane is she exemplified ‘perfect peace’.  She trusted in God completely!
She always had the fruit of the holy Spirit;
Gal 5:22  But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23  gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.
Even when she didn’t feel well, she still had the joy of the Lord. I visited her often and she became a dear friend.  Every time I walked in, she would say, ‘my Pastor’s here’.
We would hold hands, laugh, sing, and talk about Jesus and heaven.

One verse that we talked about often was Philippians 4 – and if Jane were here today she would want you to know her secret to being so content and joyful…
Php 4:4  Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice!
5  Let your gentle spirit be known to all men. The Lord is near.
6  Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
7  And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
8  Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.
9  The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.

Jane had that supernatural peace and joy!
Awe, but the rest of the passage in Philippians 4 tells us Jane’s secret to having that peace regardless of the circumstances;
Php 4:11  Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am.
12  I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need.
13  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
And no matter what you are facing in life, if you run to the Lord Jesus, like Jane, He will hold you and help you through all of life’s challenges.  In fact, Jesus said;
John 14:27  "Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful."

Jane would want you to remember her, and to carry on.  To put your faith in Jesus.  To live life to the fullest!  To laugh hard, love deeply, and keep loving one another.
Jane lived a full life – she was truly blessed with an amazing family & wonderful friends.

You will be missed Jane - but all who put their faith in Jesus will see you again in heaven!   
Much love and prayers,  Pastor Brett

From the Delta Gama Magazine

September 6, 2017

Jane Scheerer Pilcher ’44 sold her family home and moved to a retirement community across the river from her old home. “I love it here and go to all DG alumnae meetings in Ann Arbor, Mich. My five children, 17 grandchildren, and 11 great‑grandchildren live all over the U.S., and we get together once a year, usually in Hawaii where one of my sons lives.”

A little stretch of the truth we did get together in 2006 in Kawui for a family reunion.Joel

Plaza of Heroines, Iowa State University

September 6, 2017
Eva Maxwell Scheerer   Honored by: Ruth Oppold Brick location: PAVER:45  map

This lady was born at the turn of the century and was a life-long state resident and land owner. She raised a family, contributed her abilities to the community, church, extended family and friends. She and her husband established scholarship funds to encourage young people interested in agriculture. A woman ahead of her time.

Eva Belle Maxwell was born on January 13, 1900, in Rock Rapids, Iowa. After attending Morningside College and teaching Burnside rural school, she married Harvey Scheerer in Fort Dodge, Iowa.

She has been an active Webster County resident with special interests in 4-H, the Republican Party, Women’s Club, Meals on Wheels, drama, and her poetry.

"--the long of doing was there in my heart and everyday life was so dear and so sweet but only one lifetime is far, far too fleet."


Submitted on 3/22/94

Paver Inscription:

"Eva Maxwell Scheerer
Born January 13, 1900
A Wonderful Lady with a pioneer spirit
who lived with Grace"

From the book "Pieces of Eight" by Rosale Maggio

September 6, 2017

From the book “Pieces of Eight: Still best friends After all these years by Rosale Maggio


The Value of a Dollar Frank page 184


Most of my memories center on either jobs I have done or hell that I have raised.

During the summer between seventh and eighth grades, I worked on a farm owned by Harvey Scheerer. Harvey and Eva were wonderful people and good friends of my parents. I’m sure I got the job due to that relationship.

For the first day, Harvey had said he’d pick me up at 6:00 am sharp and that I should bring a flask of water. He drove me in his pink Cadillac, to a cheerless field in the middle of nowhere. Harvey bought a new Cadillac every year and drove it around the farm as it were a four-wheel-drive truck.

When we reached the end of a narrow path between two cornfields, he gave me my instructions for the day. Lining this path on both sides was an electric fence. The Stakes were of many different shapes and sizes. The wire was attached to a porcelain know, which had been nailed into the stake. My charge was to unhook the wire from each know and pull the stake from the ground. I was to leave each stake at the place of removal.

Well I thought I’d be an old man by the time I finished this job although Harvey acted as if it was only a morning’s work.

Time crawled. By 8:00 am, I had finished my water ration. Close to noon, when I thought I was about to expire, I saw a pink Cadillac flying across a plowed field toward me. I hoped he would stop and at least talk to me.

He and his hired man got out and teased me about how little I had done. Later, they told me they were impressed with me. Why do people do that to kids?

When Harvey asked if I had ever drive a tractor, my immediate reply was yes-not the first fib that had passed my lips. So he told me to go up to the farmyard and drive the Ford out to him.

As I hustled across that field, I hoped beyond hope that at least one of the two tractors had the word “Ford” printed on it-and that I could locate

Tom Selleck was on the hallway of family photos

April 10, 2017

Mom had this photo taken of her and Tom Selleck when mom and dad lived in Hawaii and Magnium PI was the big TV hit. She had the photo mounted in a 8x10 black frame and placed with all our family photos in the hall going up to the second story of our house. I don't know if anyone tripped on the stairs because of that, I'll bet there was a few second glances. She liked getting her picture taken with celebrities she had a great one taken with Arnold Palmer in matching outfits. It has become a family tradition now.

Ronald Reagan comes to the farm

April 10, 2017

He wasn't the President of the United States of America, yet. He was a radio broadcaster mom called him "Dutch" which was his nickname. Why did he come to the farm where my mom lived in Fort Dodge Iowa? It was the first farm to get electricity. Back then that was a big story. Mom and Aunt Helen said he was very handsome. This was before he became a movie star too. Mr. Reagan interviewed my grandparents Harvey and Eva. Unfortunately they didn't get a photo of him visiting. I don't know if Harvey had his Poloraid camera then.

From the Article: Ronald Reagan From Broadcaster to President

Reagan began his career as an announcer for a Des Moines, Iowa, radio station.

After Reagan graduated from college in 1932, he moved to Des Moines, Iowa, where he became a radio announcer and sports broadcaster at Station WHO.


This is from Jane Fonda's Blog

April 10, 2017


Jane Fonda Blog copy (see the photo marked

Photo Caption

87 year old Mrs Pilcher's husband was a Prof of Finance at U of M. She's been coming to games for 65 years. Now she comes alone but still comes. Has 17 grandchildren all involved in sports.  October 2011


11.01.2011 · Log in to Reply

Jane, “BOTH” Janes in fact. (My mom, Jane Pilcher, and of course, the Acadamy Award winning actress, Ms. Fonda) I’m so glad you two somehow met.

My mother was such a huge fan of your father’s work, (who wasn’t?) and my mother took me to many of your films first-run showings in the “little college town” of Ann Arbor.

Jane Pilcher has indeed “lived well”, and certainly “aged well”.

Your courtesy and graciousness in dealing with my mother this past weekend is most appreciated by me, her son, my brothers, and my sister, who still lives in A2.

“Jane P.” is a great woman, and is a “Mom” to an awful lot of former students at U of M and kids in Ann Arbor in general. By her very nature, she has been a surrogate mom for friends and students who have 1)Lost their birth mom. 2)Are away from home. 3)Need a motherly figure. 4)Just need a friend.

It just comes naturally for her, perhaps a product of her Iowa farm-girl upbringing.

Perhaps the best example I can give of how much she has impacted others, in her own way, is during my junior high years, when my best friend, and family friend, Matt Schembechler, called the local radio station, and encouraged listeners to vote for Mrs. P. as “Mother Of The Year”.

She won. But of course anyone who knew her knew that, us kids, well, we knew it, we just didn’t tell her that at the time.

To me, she’s still the “Mother Of The Year.”

Thanks for making her weekend just a little bit more special.

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