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foot surgery

August 26, 2017

One of my favorite memories of Jaqi was of her second surgery. She was born with 6 toes on each foot and at about 18 months they decided to remove the extra toes. The right foot was simple, it was just the extra toe, but the left foot also had the extra bones, so removal was a little harder. Jaqi came through the surgery fine and would have 2 casts (up to the knee ) that she would have for 6 weeks. She was in her crib in the hospital when the doctor came in to talk to us. He was standing with his back to her, telling us that she would be sore for awhile and don't be concerned if she doesn't get up on her feet for a week or so. Meanwhile, Jaqi is behind him, standing up in her crib, bouncing up and down on her feet. This just showed her tenacity at even an early age

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