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He's watching...

January 6, 2020
One of the last times I saw Jay alive I kept falling asleep while I was driving and he kept waking me up. He woke me up cussing me out and I said "you ain't gonna talk to me like that if you don't like it you can get the fuck out!" So he did. Somehow he got to where we were going before I did lol. Well in January me and my friend Jo were driving around in his Land Rover talking about Jay and I said"I wonder if he's in this conversation, if he can hear us right now,.." then I asked Jay to send me a sign of he was in the car to let me know if he could hear me. That night I looked at my phone and it says "one file downloaded successfully" me, I'm like wtf is this police shit. Open up the file and it's the close upĀ  picture of Jay's eye I took one night!!!! Three days later I was driving that Land Rover from prosperity to 96 and I kept falling asleep well somebody woke me up in time for me to see a logging truck k headed straight towards me. I was able to serve just enough to save my life!!! I fucked my arm up pretty good and once it was all healed I was left with a scary in the shape of a "J" I know it was him. I miss him all the time!!

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