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August 18
August 18
Another year has come since you went to your heavenly home.I am missing you like crazy today I cried on my walk today and talked to you.I love you and miss you so but i know I will be with you again soon.sending lots of hugs and kisses today my love
December 20, 2023
December 20, 2023
Really missing you today on your birthday Happy Birthday my love momma and the baby deer are out eating so glad to see them this morning just made me miss you more.I love you so much cant wait to be with you in heaven .enjoy your day lots of hugs and kisses
August 18, 2023
August 18, 2023
I'm missing you today 8yrs ago it has really flew by. I thought it was be easier by now but its not. I love you always
August 18, 2023
August 18, 2023

I can't believe how quickly 8 years have flown by. Hayley is starting her 5th grade year of school and your little snake Kenzie is a senior. One of the hard parts of losing you so soon is you not being here to watch her graduate. You would be so proud. We toured her school for after high school and she is going to be an esthetician. (That means skin care/ facials) ;) Mostly you would be proud of how much she loves Jesus. We miss you and love you!
December 20, 2022
December 20, 2022
I miss you so much Jay! You would love Hayley’s wild personality and you would be so proud of the woman Kenzie is becoming. I love you and miss you! I wish we were celebrating you here but one day we will all be back together at the feet of Jesus.
December 20, 2022
December 20, 2022
Missing you today as I remember your birthday wishing you the best celebration in heaven I missyou so much . I will always love you you still have my heart so Happy Birthday my love 62 is not old if you were here.
August 18, 2022
August 18, 2022
Another year has come without you 7 yrs it doesn't seem real.I miss you more and more everyday it is so lonely without u our home is just so empty. U miss your smile and laughter you always lit up the room.I love you so much
December 20, 2021
December 20, 2021
Happy birthday to the man of my life who is no longer with me .I miss you so much things aren't the same anymore I will always love you til were together again.Hayley and kenzie miss you so much and sending lots of love
August 18, 2021
August 18, 2021
6yrs today doesn't seem like it.I miss you so much I know I need to move on but I can't. My life ended when u left me but I will be with you soon love you so much the girls really miss you alot.
December 20, 2020
December 20, 2020
Another year has come without you Missing you so much sending lots of hugs and kisses to you.HAPPY BIRTHDAY my love and Christmas is 5 days away but not special anymore without you.I love you so much .
August 18, 2020
August 18, 2020
Another year has come but this is 5ys. Seems like yesterday I miss you even more .My heart ❤ misses you and the tears flow today wishing you were with me .we will be together again I love you always but I can't mend my broken heart. Lots of love and hugs and kissess.
December 21, 2019
December 21, 2019
Happy birthday babe I miss you and all your craziness and it so lonely without you. The girls miss you so much .you are loved beyond words but you are always in my heart and on my mind I LOVE YOU ALWAYS til were together again
August 18, 2019
August 18, 2019
Another year is here this makes 4 yrs today .U are missed even more now more than ever I love you so much my love cant wait to be with you on the other side.missing you bunches hayley and kenzie miss you bunches too and love you forever
December 23, 2018
December 23, 2018
Merry christmas honey . I miss you so much another christmas without you is very hard and emotional for me.I love you so much and cant wait to be together again.
December 20, 2018
December 20, 2018
Another birthday without you.I miss you soooo much .My heart hurts today and I feel so empty inside but I know you are celebrating in heaven. I love you so much and you are always with me. Til we meet again
August 18, 2018
August 18, 2018
It"s another year without you I miss you more and more everyday.My loss is still fresh as I visit your grave today time is going so fast but that's ok so that means I will be sooner be reunited by your side.I love you today yesterday and tomorrow and you are always with me together forever
December 20, 2017
December 20, 2017
Happy birthday to my favorite man who I miss so much it is so lonesome without you in my life but we will be together one day.I LOVE YOU SO MUCH and am so glad you are celebrating your day with the father amd just know you are really missed. HAPPY BIRTHDAY
August 18, 2017
August 18, 2017
Jay it's 2 yrs today I miss you so much it's so hard to go on without you.i miss you laugh going hunting, working in the garden just being with you and doing things together I am just lost without u.I love u u left me with memories but just not the same . Always and forever my love til we meet again on the other side
August 18, 2016
August 18, 2016
I miss you so much and love you this has been the hardest year without you.But I will see you again
December 20, 2015
December 20, 2015
Happy birthday my love who I miss so much .There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of you. I love you so much and Christmas isn't Christmas without you .miss you always and forever your always you wife linda
August 28, 2015
August 28, 2015
There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about you and miss you. I love you and I will always cherish all of our memories. Our family vacations, fishing, playing on the trampoline with the kids or just watching television together. You have a special place in my heart and I will miss your sweet smile and smart mouth until the day I see you again. Love you Poppy!!
August 27, 2015
August 27, 2015
I love you always and forever

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