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His Life
May 12, 2017

It is hard to find a beginning.  So many things that we did; so many places that we went.  We shared at least a billion memories of family and friends and all of the time spent together.  

As I think back and try to find that one memory,  I can't.  There are too many to try and pick just one.

I know Jay was a good husband, a good father, and a great Papaw.  And if you gained his trust, you were his friend for life.  So many people he called friend.  And a few that he considered brothers-by-experience.  Those are the people he could count on one hand to have his back and be there no matter what.

He loved Robert.  He was proud of the person he was becoming, a good amn and father.  He loved his grandsons.  And tried every time he saw them, he tried  to pass on what he knew - how to make water balloons, burp on demand, etc. - about the important things in life.  And Jackson has some of the wry humor of his Papaw's.  Tyler has the kind heart and being a friend.  His love of motorcycle riding has been passed on to the boys.

As we grew in our marriage,  so did all things.  We loved fast cars, whether they went in circles or a straight line.  Motorcycles were our time together.  Sometimes he was the road captain and he would take some of the most country roads, but we always ended up at a place we could sit, have a cup of coffee, a piece of pie, and conversation.

Out of all they things we did and the places we went, it is the simple act of conversation that I miss the most.  Just talking.  Now, you would think after 40 years of being together you would run out of things to say.  Nope.  There was always something to talk about, whether it was about the current politcal situation of the day or just summing up what you did for the day.

Always take the time to have those conversations.