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A memorial gathering will be planned for the near future and info will be posted here.

Memorial donations and koden may be made in memory of Jack to the Piedmont Silver Eagles Foundation, Captain’s Grant, which supports flight training and education for young people seeking a career in aviation.
April 13
April 13
I think of you often, Jack. Your smile, your sense of humor, your stories and the BBQs! Always delightful, just like you.
I wish you an OUTSTANDING birthday!!
Love and Hugs, Heather
April 7
Dear Jack: it has been 4 years since you have been gone. You are never far. We talk of you often and remember the wonderful times we had with you.. remember the night we stood on the dock and watched the ISS go over our heads. The stars were marvelous that night. You and Barry watched old movies and laughed and laughed. We still say to each other a great Jackism, "Just watch." You are loved. It will always be a cherished friendship with fond memories. Til we meet again. Barry and Rebecca
April 13, 2023
April 13, 2023
I will never stop thinking about my first college roommate.
April 7, 2022
April 7, 2022
As long as he is remembered he will never be forgotten
April 7, 2022
April 7, 2022
Dear Jack. I have been thinking of you all week. I still read your emails over and laugh. I will always remember you and Barry watching a movie at the island late at night. I mentioned the space station would be flying over. So out we all went to watch it go right over us. We talked space, flight and space garbage for hours. Then you and Barry finished your movie. I dozed on the couch with Pip. It was a glorious night. I can not believe it is 2 years. I still cry.
April 8, 2021
April 8, 2021
We'll always remember and love Jack. Such bittersweet feelings seeing the photo gallery.
April 8, 2021
April 8, 2021
As long as he is remembered he will never be forgotten
April 8, 2021
April 8, 2021
It has been a year and a day since you passed away and yet it feels like yesterday when we got the news about your passing.
Jack, you were the sweetest most kind gentle soul I have ever known and you will always be in my heart.
April 7, 2021
April 7, 2021
I remember when the pandemic started, and one of my earlier thoughts was that it would not pass by the Summer, and I would miss out on seeing you and Aunt Lani over the Summer. To find out about a month later, that I would not get to see you again at all, was one of the most difficult things I have ever had to hear, and something i have thought of every day since.

While not my Uncle by blood, Uncle Jack was more family to me than any of my true ones. His kindness was well known by everyone, whether it came from going out of his way to help others, or barbecuing enough to feed the whole town when one person came over, I honestly do not know if I have met anyone else as kind in my life.

Even when I was little, he would always take time to listen to what I had to say, even if it was nonsense. He somehow balanced being able to join me in play, and always treating me with respect, listening to me and talking with me about anything that had caught my interest at that time in my life. A kindness I saw him show my brother, father, and everyone else in his life I am sure. If I can even half emulate how you treated others, I would be proud of the person I am.

I hope you knew how wonderful a person so many people knew you were, and that you know how many people loved you. I don't know if I ever got to express how meaningful you were to me as I grew up, and even as I became a teen and adult. I will hold the memories of us golfing, the basketball games we went to, you showing me your music collection, playing Top Gear, trying to beat you for the cheque, trips to see you in Maryland and enjoying meals that you had bbq'd as some of the greatest memories of my life, for now and ever.
April 7, 2021
April 7, 2021
Remembering and honoring our dear friend Jack. We do not need an anniversary to think of him. We are reminded of him all the time in simple ways. A warm breeze, a plane flying over, sometimes it is just the clouds that remind us of Jack. He is not far from our thoughts and our hearts. Blue skies Jack.
August 26, 2020
August 26, 2020
Lani - Words can never express the emotions and that heartbreak. Jack was a gentleman. You could talk to him for hours. We met him at the cottage he and Lani owned in Point au Baril, Ontario. Jack was a joy to be around. He never spoke a harsh word that I ever heard. Jack loved Lani with all his heart and vice versa. They were the perfect couple who had mapped their life out, together. I think of Jack often and cry too. His intellect was amazing, his heart was grandiose, he helped so many people , he was a mentor. His love for history kept us talking for hours. One night last summer we were talking about the International Space Station as it was supposed to be flying over our heads that evening. We had a fabulous BBQ dinner and then looked on-line to see when the ISS would be overhead and what it's path was. On this wonderful night we turned out the lights, watched the stars and the Milky Way, and there it was! Jack, my husband Barry and I stood there and watched it fly by in awe. Sight of an airplane, fabulous clouds in the sky, a slight breeze on my skin and the sunshine on my face remind me of Jack. He always brought a smile to anyone's face. He will be missed, never forgotten and tears will still be shed.
I think of Jack and Lani all the time. He is walking beside her taking care of her until they meet again. For this I am ever grateful. 
May 25, 2020
May 25, 2020
 We went to Shipwreck were we scattered Michael's parents ashes. Michael and I were sitting there thinking and talking about you, Jack, Happy, and Kat. I hope your are together watching over Lani. We remember all three of you with tears, heavy hearts but also with warmth and a smile. We will never ever forget you. You will forever be in our hearts. Keep strong Lani.
May 24, 2020
May 24, 2020
Jack was a very generous and fun-loving guy. Our family will always remember our trip to Georgian Bay with Jack. It was an idyllic vacation which included a ferry ride, fishing trips, and Jack and our kids jumping off the rocks into the Georgian Bay. One evening Jack told ghost stories which left our kids wide-eyed and mesmerized. We are glad that Jack was a big kid at heart. “Growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional.” Walt Disney
We love you Jack ❤️
The Frazer family
May 16, 2020
May 16, 2020
Our heartfelt sympathy and sincere condolences to Lani and the Broadbent family and friends.
We first met Jack back in the early 1990's in Hawaii. He was really kind, we enjoyed his company and seemed that he was enjoying his visit. 
He was a hard worker-lots of flying!
Our prayers are with Lani. God is with you.
Take care & aloha,
Uncle Yoshinobu & Aunty Anna
Earl & Lorna & family
Orrin and Ann & family
May 10, 2020
May 10, 2020

We felt very blessed to have had the chance to meet and talk to Jack at the memorial services for your parents. He was such a comfort to all who met him and gentle in spirit. Sending aloha and hoping you are embraced by the prayers and thoughts of those who love you, Lani.
Noreen and Lee
May 9, 2020
May 9, 2020
It was a shocking and sad moment when I heard the news of Jack's passing. I have known Jack a very long time and there are a few words that came to mind right away. Kind, whenever Jack was around he was aways the most kind person. This kindness came through with being gentle, when he talked with me it was aways with soft tones, it came from being a gentle soul. Generous, When Jack and Lani heard of people doing great adventures they always wanted to help out, whether it was going to Europe, Antarctica or Hawaii. Sharing, it was aways nice when we could get the time to sit at the dock or at the cottage and share what we were doing or talking about the clouds. Jack was a man that would do anything for you, listen to every word and help when you needed it the most. Jack you will be in my mind when I look at the waves in the sky or stop by to sit on the dock to say hi to you again while listening to Luke Bryon's Drink A Beer. You will be missed but never forgotten. Shane Please watch and think of Jack

Thanks to Jack and Lani's generous hospitality I was able to enjoy fantastic times in Hawaii. I was looking forward to seeing you at the cottage for more than quick visits. I'm sorry that won't happen. I hope you spend some time in Pointe au Baril Jack. Hugs, Tess
May 6, 2020
May 6, 2020
Jack, you were a pleasure to meet, to work with and associate with as a friend. One of my favorite Captains to fly with, professional, learned, and patient with a twinkle in the eye. Kind to everyone, always doing what was right, and fun as heck to talk to .......about anything and everything. You were one of the good ones, you will be missed.
May 6, 2020
Jack's Dad, Howard was my first cousin. I'm former Marine (59-63), John Carroll (64-67), and CIA clandestine service 1968-2001(retired overt). In mid 70s I flew down to CIA training facility and Jack was the pilot. What a terrific fellow. For over a year we had Jack for dinner six or seven times. It was at this point that Jack was applying for a position with major airline Piedmont. Alas, we went off to India and we lost contact with Jack. Jack was a delight who played with my kids rolling on the floor with laughter. My memory of him brings a smile and a warm heart. May God's blessings be upon all his family and friends.
Paul and Norah Broadbent, Arlington, VA 
May 4, 2020
May 4, 2020
I was shocked when my brother told me that Jack passed away. It's hard to believed, when I called Lani we were both crying and it breaks my heart. I met Jack at family's house, I used to cook for everybody. Jack always appreciating my cooking even though my cooking not that good, but he ate and telling me I like your cooking Myrna. He was very good to everyone in the house and he treated us like a family member. Thank you so so much Jack for being nice to us we appreciated it. We will miss you Jack, You're gone but you are still forever in our heart I LOVE ❤️ YOU BOTH JACK & LANI THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING❤️ Love, Myrna
May 3, 2020
May 3, 2020
I met Jack the day freshmen checked into the dorms at American University in the Fall, 1972. We were roommates, paired at random, with a third roommate for a short period. We remained roommates for 2.5 years. Jack like to tell people that when he walked into the room, all he saw was someone on the bed reading the New York Times. He said hello and introduced himself; apparently I grunted hello and never came out from behind the newspaper. We had a great time, setting up a basketball hoop from a wire hanger and playing nurf basketball, drilling our shoulder into each other's chest to get to the basket. The second year, we kept (hid) a cat in our room with a litterbox and catfood, against all rules. One weekend night, the cat fell out the open 7th Floor window while neither of us was in the room......and survived unhurt!! There were many fond memories as we truly had a wild and crazy floor and that was before SNL. I visited with Jack once in his then new house in Grasonville, MD and he visited us once in Northern Virginia. We also romped for a few days with his great and unforgettable friends in Bay Village, OH the summer after our freshman year. This is such a chill, so much of a shock and we will miss our gentle friend who loved life, humanity and drove us crazy with his tales of military history. I never met Lani but my deepest condolences to you. I also remember, fondly, Jack's sisters Diane and Kitty from my Summer, 1973 visit and hope you are OK and healing. 
May 2, 2020
May 2, 2020
Lani, it’s been decades since I saw either you or Jack, honestly two of the nicest people I ever had the privilege of knowing and loving. I am really saddened by this news about Jack. I have nothing but fond memories of you both! Jack was just about six weeks older than me, so this hits close to home. You’re in my prayers, I promise...

David Black, Miami
April 30, 2020
April 30, 2020
 My heart goes out to you we loved him too. He was such a kind, genuine, and loving soul. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Jacks family.
                                 Love always,
April 30, 2020
April 30, 2020
Lani so sorry to hear about your husband. In reading all the tributes it sounds like he was a wonderful person. Saw the memorial on Facebook and wanted to leave a comment.
April 29, 2020
April 29, 2020
What we loved and learned from Jack – humility, generosity, kindness, and the power of a “secret rub” on barbecue. As he was to so many, Jack was family to us and we adored our Uncle Jack. Jack had an amazing ability to press the pause button on life and acknowledge its beauty. Sitting in our living room enjoying a nice red wine and good conversation, Jack would sit back, take in the moment and say “life is good”. Once, at our Church’s Greek Festival in Annapolis, Jack was sitting at a table, Polly got up and asked him if she could get him anything and Jack looked around and said “Really, with this food, wine, Greek dancing and music – can you get me anything, are you kidding?” And then he said, “Remember, I’m just a guy from Cleveland... and this is amazing.” No Jack, you were not just a guy from Cleveland, and you were amazing. The Kleissas family loved you. We miss you and will never forget for a second how blessed we are to have had you in our lives. 
Our love and deepest sympathy to Lani, Diane, Kitty, Marty and Doug 

Constantine, Polly and John
April 29, 2020
April 29, 2020
On a Phoenix overnight Jack and I rented gliders and instructors for a tow to unpowered flight. Jack, you are on a thermal and still rising. I miss you, your smile, and your skills in the cockpit.
April 28, 2020
April 28, 2020
I've known Jack only for a short time and I was honored to know such a man. He was a good man thru and thru. A good person, a good husband, a good son in law and a good friend. There was such goodness in his heart. He was always wearing a smile even in the midst of chores he's doing. I mean considering his size and weight, it must be an effort. Yet there he was, smiling not complaining at all. I remember when I did trimming of the trees, he just came and help me out voluntarily. Sweating and panting and yet smiling. And how he loved flying! He was so passionate about his job. It's all we talk about whenever we have the chance to talk. His sudden demise was a shock to me. I lost a friend and up to this time memories of our talk still echoes in my mind. Goodbye Jack. And thank you for the short time of friendship you had given me. Rest in peace.
April 28, 2020
April 28, 2020
I knew Jack in the light of his devotion to the pilot’s critical incident response team and its’ mission to serve fellow pilots. He was willing to walk with those in the places pilots had never meant to be in their careers and offer hope and guidance. 
April 28, 2020
April 28, 2020
I am shocked beyond words. I was looking forward to your visit at the bank together and finally meeting Jack in person. I feel your loss. May the comforting love of our dear Savior the Lord Jesus Christ keep you and grant you peace. I pray that He will carry you through, give you the strength to face tomorrow with Jack's loving memories holding your hand. There will be questions that are left unanswered but may the Lord's comforting presence give you the assurance that He has you under the shadow of His wings and in the palm of His hands. May He guide every step you take as He is guiding mine. Please know I will keep you in my prayer always. Hope we can meet again soon. Sending you you my love....
April 27, 2020
April 27, 2020
Jack...Uncle...Mon Capitan...My Brother...My Friend...

You were there for the ups and downs...always with a smile, that laugh or a helping hand that you extended without asking, to so many people. Always putting them before yourself.

With you, it was always "all in" before the term came to be. The BBQ's, crab feasts, the road trips...the quiet times talking about our careers and the future...

Rolling out of your dock on a Saturday morning with the DNR boat to go to work and coming back to find you both, my wife and daughter, Frank and his wife ...and you with enough to feed half the county will always be a cherished memory.

The cheers from you when I got back into the cockpit...meant so much. And even more, the honor of showing up to surprise you and join you on your flight deck for your retirement flight just a year ago...and the laughing as the passengers all blew those kazoos for your landing.

How you loved the view on Winchester Creek and the water. Fitting that it called you.

Air and water. Time, Tides, winds and currents wait for none of us. The Final Flight west is one we all must take. You just took it too soon, my friend.     

For you, Captain were never a mere pilot, you were a FLYER. And this prayer fits you so well.

With heavy hearts,

John & Muffy

The Flyer's Prayer
When this life I'm in is done,
And at the gates I stand,
My hope is that I answer all
His questions on command.

I doubt He'll ask me of my fame,
Or all the things I knew,
Instead, He'll ask of rainbows sent
On rainy days I flew.

The hours logged, the status reached,
The ratings will not matter,
He'll ask me if I saw the rays
And how He made them scatter.

Or what about the droplets clear,
I spread across your screen?
And did you see the twinkling eyes,
Of student pilots keen?

The way your heart jumped in your chest,
That special solo day -
Did you take time to thank the ones
Who fell along the way?

Remember how the runway lights
Looked one night long ago
When you were lost and found your way,
And how - you still don't know?

How fast, how far, how much, how high?
He'll ask me not these things
But did I take the time to watch
The moonbeams wash my wings?

And did you see the patchwork fields
And mountains I did mold,
The mirrored lakes and velvet hills,
Of these did I behold?

The wind he flung along my wings,
On final almost stalled,
And did I know it was His name,
That I so fearfully called?

And when the goals are reached at last,
When all the flying's done,
I'll answer Him with no regret -
Indeed, I had some fun.

So when these things are asked of me,
And I can reach no higher,
My prayer this day - His hand extends
To welcome home a Flyer.
April 27, 2020
April 27, 2020
Lani, I had the pleasure of getting to know Jack as a friend and crew member of Larry and Laura Puckett aboard the Ruling Passion trimaran. With each visit, my respect and affection for this wonderful man grew. He was bright, inquisitive, thoughtful, and extremely generous. I was truly saddened to learn of his passing. He was a one of a kind. Please accept my deepest condolences.
April 27, 2020
April 27, 2020
Dearest Sister, i am shocked today to read of the passing of your husband Jack; as he wings his way to the Abha Kingdom .. i feel disappointed to have missed the opportunity and no doubt 'great pleasure' of getting to know the man who has been your best mate, husband and long time love and as my brother-in-law .. you both are in my prayers and i trust my Heart felt Love and thoughts are able to reach you from Australia during this tender time in your life .. xx
April 27, 2020
April 27, 2020

I am sorry about your sudden loss. Having read most of the tributes, Jack must have been a beautiful person in so many different ways: multidimensional and multidirectional. Beautiful in heart and soul. I feel deeply for your loss. Keep well and safe.
Ré Acacio
April 27, 2020
April 27, 2020
My dearest Lani, our thoughts,prayers and lots of love coming your way always and forever. We are very sorry for your loss. Please take care always. We love you!
April 26, 2020
April 26, 2020
Such and kind and gentle spirit, you will be missed both in the skies and on the land. Rest in peace Jack. Heartfelt condolences Lani Always, Sue
April 26, 2020
April 26, 2020
Jack was an incredible man. He was always smiling and happy even if he had spent hours and hours on the road to get to the cottage. He was so happy and grateful for everything and everyone. I am so lucky to have had the privilege to know Jack. “Outstanding” was a favourite word of Jack’s and that is what he was. Outstanding! Love you forever Jack. ❤️Sending you love, hugs and strength Lani and family.
April 26, 2020
April 26, 2020
Simply said Jack was one of the good guys. He possessed such a kind and generous soul. He always seemed to find the best in people. He was a joy to be around and a delight to talk to you. I am grateful and thankful to have known him for so long. A real gift. You left us way to soon my friend, but your goodness will live with us forever. 
April 25, 2020
April 25, 2020
Jack was such a kind person and wonderful to fly with. He flew west way too soon. My condolences and prayers to the family.
April 25, 2020
April 25, 2020
Uncle Jack will be terribly missed but not forgotten. Just reading through these posts confirms how great of a person he truly was.

I hold many great memories and will forever cherish them. I remember the joy it brought to my life every time I knew he was going to be somewhere and couldn’t wait to talk to him.

His smile would light up the room and the wisdom he shared was priceless. I vividly remember as a kid every time we saw or Knew uncle Jack was coming to visit, my brother and I would beg for the “treatment”.

He coined this term and would fly us all around the room and both my brother and I would get a kick out of it. It was these little things that left a lifelong impression.

Fast forward my life into adulthood and he would never hesitate to lend an ear to listen and give sound advice whenever needed. It was always great talking about historical things or aviation things since my dad has been a pilot as well.

You will be terribly missed but never forgotten. The light you’ve left here will be shining through the many people who you’ve touched through the life you lived.

My thoughts and continued prayers are with Lani during this difficult time.
April 25, 2020
April 25, 2020
Lani, there is much sadness in the Piedmont Silver Eagles today. Jack was a humble man who most often put others before himself. He was an excellent Pilot, a great Captain and Leader. He always looked for ways to help others especially his fellow pilots. Jack will certainly be missed but never forgotten.
April 25, 2020
April 25, 2020
I am very sad about the loss of a fellow cottager and friend. Jack was a very generous and kind man and I am very proud to have known him.
April 25, 2020
April 25, 2020
Jack Loved food and he was always so Appreciative of someone making food for him. He was the nicest guy I have ever met . Caring , generous, funny and Kind. I will always think of him when I am up north for sure . 
April 25, 2020
April 25, 2020
Blue Skies, fair winds and Peace be with you.
April 25, 2020
April 25, 2020
Jack was a smile! He always made you (me) feel like you were the most important person. The conversations rarely revolved around him. He took great care to focus on you and hear what you had to say. What a joy to share time with him. For my hanai family, this is so sudden and so sad. I share my tears with you, my heart with yours and much aloha from this side of the globe.
April 24, 2020
April 24, 2020
Aloha Lani,
I’m sadden to hear about jacks passing , sending my condolences to you and the extended family . I remember you mentioned that you both We’re enjoying together for retired.o
The special times and memorable days will always be remembered. May the Lord’s Grace and Peace surround you and keep you forever shining like the brightest sun filled with beautiful sweet smelling flowers and the sprinkles of Rain drops keeps You always in  comfort . And May His Precious love from above where ever you are and places you may go . Just remember that Jesus is always with you , to hold you by your hand and walking along The  side of you .He will
Never leave you or forsake you . Let
Meeting Jack On our beautiful island of Kauai was such A blessing and yes he will be missed. The duties , fun times & responsibilities he has done for many Across the nations from city To cities has a special memory of of Aloha from beautiful Kaua’i . From North , South East & West of Kaua’i shores to you . You are Loved .
April 24, 2020
April 24, 2020
Patti and I loved having Jack as our neighbor. He was absolutely the best, one of the kindest and most generous people we have ever met. His smile would light up the room - and the outdoors! We miss him so much.
April 24, 2020
April 24, 2020
Lani, there are no words to ease the pain you and his sisters are feeling.
Jack was larger than life, I feel blessed to call him friend and to have experienced the friendship and the wonderful laugh..Many hearts are hurting..As long as he is remembered he will never be forgotten
April 24, 2020
April 24, 2020
Uncle Jack was kind, loving, and genuine person. He cared about everyone. In his presence, adults and children felt acknowledged, appreciated, at ease. He was a fantastic host, always made us feel welcomed and special. He was a real gentleman.
I feel very fortunate to have known Jack. My family will cherish time and memories of Uncle Jack❤️✈️
April 24, 2020
April 24, 2020
Dear Lani, 

My heart is heavy upon hearing the very sad news of Jack's passing. I did not have an opportunity to meet this lovely man but I knew of his love for you and his compassion. You spent precious years caring for your parents, Kats and Happy, on the island of Kauai, far away from your home.
Jack was always there in your heart. Love is constant and I hope Jack's and your family's love sustain you through this very difficult time.

With Fond Aloha,
April 24, 2020
April 24, 2020
The Flyer's Prayer

When this life I'm in is done,
And at the gates I stand,
My hope is that I answer all
His questions on command.

I doubt He'll ask me of my fame,
Or all the things I knew,
Instead, He'll ask of rainbows sent
On rainy days I flew.

The hours logged, the status reached,
The ratings will not matter,
He'll ask me if I saw the rays
And how He made them scatter.

Or what about the droplets clear,
I spread across your screen?
And did you see the twinkling eyes,
Of student pilots keen?

The way your heart jumped in your chest,
That special solo day -
Did you take time to thank the ones
Who fell along the way?

Remember how the runway lights
Looked one night long ago
When you were lost and found your way,
And how - you still don't know?

How fast, how far, how much, how high?
He'll ask me not these things
But did I take the time to watch
The moonbeams wash my wings?

And did you see the patchwork fields
And mountains I did mold,
The mirrored lakes and velvet hills,
Of these did I behold?

The wind he flung along my wings,
On final almost stalled,
And did I know it was His name,
That I so fearfully called?

And when the goals are reached at last,
When all the flying's done,
I'll answer Him with no regret -
Indeed, I had some fun.

So when these things are asked of me,
And I can reach no higher,
My prayer this day - His hand extends
To welcome home a Flyer.

We have lost a family member, Blue skies Jack

Your brothers and sisters of the Piedmont Silver Eagles
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Recent Tributes
April 13
April 13
I think of you often, Jack. Your smile, your sense of humor, your stories and the BBQs! Always delightful, just like you.
I wish you an OUTSTANDING birthday!!
Love and Hugs, Heather
April 7
Dear Jack: it has been 4 years since you have been gone. You are never far. We talk of you often and remember the wonderful times we had with you.. remember the night we stood on the dock and watched the ISS go over our heads. The stars were marvelous that night. You and Barry watched old movies and laughed and laughed. We still say to each other a great Jackism, "Just watch." You are loved. It will always be a cherished friendship with fond memories. Til we meet again. Barry and Rebecca
April 13, 2023
April 13, 2023
I will never stop thinking about my first college roommate.
His Life
April 23, 2020
On  April 7, 2020 ,  John (Jack) M. Broadbent, loving husband, brother, brother-in-law and uncle, passed away at the age of 65. Jack was born on April 13, 1954 in Cleveland Ohio to Howard and Dorothy.  He received his BA in History from American University in 1976. He was a pilot for his entire career. Jack flew gas pipeline patrol flights in Ohio to build time after he learned to fly in the Cleveland area.  He was hired at Class One Aviation at Washington National Airport where he flew the Piper Aerostar on charter flights. In 1981 he was hired at Fairways Aviation, a contract carrier for the US Navy where he flew the Beech 99 and de Havilland Twin Otter in the US and Canada until 1985.  Everyone he came in contact with got to know Jack and his kindness toward his fellow aviation employees; he was well known for his generosity.  On May 5, 1985 he was hired at Piedmont Airlines, in Winston-Salem, NC.  His first assignment was as a B727 flight engineer, then he upgraded to B737 First Officer. Always wanting to serve his fellow pilots, he served as a volunteer on the Air Line Pilots Association Hotel Committee.  Later he was trained as a Peer Support Volunteer for the Critical Incident Response Team where, along with his wife Lani, he assisted pilots and family members who had been affected by incidents such as the September 2001 attacks.  He upgraded to Captain on the B-737 in 1991, and later flew the B-757/767 and A320 as a captain until his retirement flight on March 26, 2019.
On February 6, 1993, he married Lani. Lani and Jack met when they both worked for Piedmont Airlines. Lani was the love of his life. 
Jack had a life long passion for history, ancient and modern, especially military history and politics as well, as local and regional history. He loved telling a funny story and being with his friends—barbecuing and entertaining them with his wife, Lani. He enjoyed travel and exploring the many places that his work took him. He had a second home in Canada on Georgian Bay and spent as much time as he could on his friends’ sail boats.   He was known for his quick wit, his supportive generosity, his ready offer of assistance to all and his kind and compassionate spirit.  He took his passion for understanding weather from his mother and his love of the water from his father, both Navy veterans. He loved looking at the sky and earth as he flew his aircraft throughout the US and internationally, bringing his passengers safely home to their families throughout his 35 year career.  He treasured being a part of Lani’s loving family in Hawaii, especially his mother-in-law Vivian ( Happy) and his father-in-law Katsugi  (Kats). 
Jack was preceded in death by his father Howard and his mother Dorothy. His mother-in-law Happy and his father-in-law Kats died in the past year (2019).  He is survived by his wife, sisters, an uncle, a sister-in-law, several brothers-in-laws and many nephews and nieces.  He treated everyone as family and he loved his many friends dearly.  Our hearts are broken at his sudden passing too soon from us all.
Recent stories


April 13
I hope that time has softened your great loss.  I think of you often, remembering our mining trip.  Wishing you peace and comfort

Europe 1969

June 13, 2021
I went to Greece and Italy the summer of 1969 on a Classical Civilizations trip,  with a group from Bay High led by Mr John Wichman. Jack our youngest member was a great traveling companion, smart and funny and loved history. We had a great time! So sorry to hear of his passing. I hope to visit Greece again next year Covid permitting. I also had  writing class with his older sister Diane 1968-69 taught by Mrs Eleanor Kellam. Like Jack she was smart and funny.
Ellen Jane Clark Class of 1969.


April 27, 2020
I thought we will be seeing you two often. Then, I went to bed one evening, when I woke up you were gone. Now the world is a different place without you in it. I'm at a loss of what to say. 
You were so excited to move into your new home. I asked you "how do you know you and Lani are going to like it after you live there for awhile? you said " because we picked it" I said "What? no!" then you said with a smile" it's what we've been looking for".  You spent all this time explaining to us where it was, how it looked like, how you were ready to start your life with Lani in your new home. You took extreme pride for what Lani and you have accomplished. 
Last we saw you at Happy's funeral, you made us laugh so much. You gave us big hugs and told us to go eat. Michael and I talked about how wonderful, kind, gentle and caring man you were. How funny and how much we liked you and lani.  
We all know and there is no denying that Lani was your heart and soul. Don't worry, we will always be there for her. 
We love and will miss you greatly.

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