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A memorial gathering will be planned for the near future and info will be posted here.

Memorial donations and koden may be made in memory of Jack to the Piedmont Silver Eagles Foundation, Captain’s Grant, which supports flight training and education for young people seeking a career in aviation.
April 24, 2020
April 24, 2020
It's hard to believe my brother Jack has passed. A nicer guy I have never met. We shared many serious and funny conversations, emails, and stories over the years--drank whiskey together, talked politics and history, and bet on football games with dad. I have always been immensely grateful that Jack came into Lani's life with full love and support--and he became a genuine member of our family. I will miss my brother.
April 24, 2020
April 24, 2020
It was a privileged to meet Jack. I met him twice last year when he visited Lani and her parents: Happy and Kats. He always sat next to Happy rubbing her back while she's eating. I may not know him that well but I can see he was a loving and nice person. It's very sad that Jack left at his young age. We will forever miss you Jack. Rest in peace.
April 24, 2020
April 24, 2020
Jack was a wonderful colleague and friend, and I miss him a lot. The email repartee was so much fun. His intelligence and aviation acumen was so sharp that he had numerous letters published in Aviation Week magazine (the gold standard). He selflessly dedicated himself to helping his fellow pilots by volunteering as a peer support volunteer for over 15 years. He loved aviation, Lani, family and friends, and leading a good life, and it doesn't get any better than that. We lost him way too early. 
April 24, 2020
April 24, 2020
Uncle Jack was hands down one of the all-time greatest people I've ever known. He lived to appreciate everything and leave things better than they were found. Although his passing is tragic, I'm grateful beyond measure that we got to share time together. I'll always treasure our conversations and the sage advice that he gave.
Ever the loving uncle, he once counselled me at a critical point my life, and he said that he was "sitting at mission control, anxiously awaiting the reports of how the 'adventure into the great unknown' was going." During this difficult time, I cannot help but center on those words of his. Now, Uncle Jack is on the great adventure. I'll miss him a lot, but I look forward to the day that we see each other again, and I can get his full report.
April 24, 2020
April 24, 2020
We had the privilege of meeting Jack for the first time last year, when he visited Lani in Kauai, for Kat’s funeral.  Such a genuine, kind, and gentle man.
Oh Lani, you made such wonderful plans together for this year... we are so, so, sorry.
Please know that our love and prayers go out to you and his dear sisters.

With deepest sympathy,
Ron & Netta White

April 24, 2020
April 24, 2020
Dearest Lani: 
    I know, sis, you and dear Jack were much looking forward to many new adventures together after his recent retirement, especially now that things were winding down in Hawaii after the passings of Dad and Happy. Being with Jack was to experience up close what a loving, supportive, conscientious, thoughtful, caring gentleman he was, and to recognize how he brought joy to your life, and to others. We cannot know God's wisdom in taking Jack suddenly at this time, but at least we are certain that in time you'll fly together again in eternal Realms beyond. Until then, with heartfelt wishes for the eternal happiness of dear Jack's soul and hopes for your own strength and comfort at this difficult time, Nahid joins me in offering this excerpt of a prayer from the Bahá'í Writings on Jack's behalf: "From the sweet-scented streams of Thine eternity give me to drink, O my God, and of the fruits of the tree of Thy being enable me to taste, O my Hope! From the crystal springs of Thy love suffer me to quaff, O my Glory, and beneath the shadow of Thine everlasting providence let me abide, O my Light!"
    Much love, your brother Dale.
April 24, 2020
April 24, 2020
Everywhere Jack went he made the world a better place. He will always be a brother, and proved life is outstanding. I feel privileged and thankful to have been his friend, thank you for the memories. A dram in your honor Sir!!

Dave and Cherie
P.S. Not all of my ideas are good, just the ones that involved you.
April 24, 2020
April 24, 2020
Dear Lani,

I am so saddened by your great loss. Know that our thoughts and prayers are with you to strengthen you through these dark nights.

Fly high Jack.

With love, Mary, Jim and Jack
April 24, 2020
April 24, 2020
Jack and I met in Pointe au Baril, Ontario, Canada and he quickly became a very dear friend. I was astounded by his intelligence on many subjects and by his quick wit that always seemed to find alternate views to my wilder theories on life. I will always remember Jack. Two sayings of his will be with me forever; "Just watch" when we were watching movies on his laptop at the cottage (and I kept asking silly questions) as well as "Outstanding!" when something was said or done that him laugh.
April 23, 2020
April 23, 2020
Jack will be greatly missed. I am one of the fortunate individual to have met him. I met him when he came to visit Lani , Kats and Happy . He is one of the most genuine ,loving ,generous, caring person I know. Very appreciative of everything . I may not know him that long , but to me he is family. The last time I saw him , he took a picture of me and my uncle ,and said he won’t forget his very good friends in Hawaii. I will always remember his big smile ,his funny stories, and his compliments every time I cook for the family . You are sorely missed. We love you. Rest In Peace my dear friend Jack.❤️
April 23, 2020
April 23, 2020
Jack’s Happy Jolly smile and laughter are greatly missed. He was funny, entertaining, generous and very thoughtful. I am still in shock over his passing and send prayers for all his family and friends who are grieving at this time. Such a bright breath of fresh air he was. He is deeply missed and forever in our hearts.Such a humble beautiful soul. I am grateful to have met him. We love and miss you and your bear hug Jack.
It’s hard to write through these tears but know how much we love and miss you always. I’m sorry I never got a chance to say goodbye jack.
But every time I eat crab cakes or see cat jokes or fly in the sky I will be thinking of you. Forever Flying high in the Sky. Air hugs from Hawaii!!!
You were such a good husband to my dear best friend Lani. You are forever loved and missed!
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April 13
April 13
I think of you often, Jack. Your smile, your sense of humor, your stories and the BBQs! Always delightful, just like you.
I wish you an OUTSTANDING birthday!!
Love and Hugs, Heather
April 7
Dear Jack: it has been 4 years since you have been gone. You are never far. We talk of you often and remember the wonderful times we had with you.. remember the night we stood on the dock and watched the ISS go over our heads. The stars were marvelous that night. You and Barry watched old movies and laughed and laughed. We still say to each other a great Jackism, "Just watch." You are loved. It will always be a cherished friendship with fond memories. Til we meet again. Barry and Rebecca
April 13, 2023
April 13, 2023
I will never stop thinking about my first college roommate.
His Life
April 23, 2020
On  April 7, 2020 ,  John (Jack) M. Broadbent, loving husband, brother, brother-in-law and uncle, passed away at the age of 65. Jack was born on April 13, 1954 in Cleveland Ohio to Howard and Dorothy.  He received his BA in History from American University in 1976. He was a pilot for his entire career. Jack flew gas pipeline patrol flights in Ohio to build time after he learned to fly in the Cleveland area.  He was hired at Class One Aviation at Washington National Airport where he flew the Piper Aerostar on charter flights. In 1981 he was hired at Fairways Aviation, a contract carrier for the US Navy where he flew the Beech 99 and de Havilland Twin Otter in the US and Canada until 1985.  Everyone he came in contact with got to know Jack and his kindness toward his fellow aviation employees; he was well known for his generosity.  On May 5, 1985 he was hired at Piedmont Airlines, in Winston-Salem, NC.  His first assignment was as a B727 flight engineer, then he upgraded to B737 First Officer. Always wanting to serve his fellow pilots, he served as a volunteer on the Air Line Pilots Association Hotel Committee.  Later he was trained as a Peer Support Volunteer for the Critical Incident Response Team where, along with his wife Lani, he assisted pilots and family members who had been affected by incidents such as the September 2001 attacks.  He upgraded to Captain on the B-737 in 1991, and later flew the B-757/767 and A320 as a captain until his retirement flight on March 26, 2019.
On February 6, 1993, he married Lani. Lani and Jack met when they both worked for Piedmont Airlines. Lani was the love of his life. 
Jack had a life long passion for history, ancient and modern, especially military history and politics as well, as local and regional history. He loved telling a funny story and being with his friends—barbecuing and entertaining them with his wife, Lani. He enjoyed travel and exploring the many places that his work took him. He had a second home in Canada on Georgian Bay and spent as much time as he could on his friends’ sail boats.   He was known for his quick wit, his supportive generosity, his ready offer of assistance to all and his kind and compassionate spirit.  He took his passion for understanding weather from his mother and his love of the water from his father, both Navy veterans. He loved looking at the sky and earth as he flew his aircraft throughout the US and internationally, bringing his passengers safely home to their families throughout his 35 year career.  He treasured being a part of Lani’s loving family in Hawaii, especially his mother-in-law Vivian ( Happy) and his father-in-law Katsugi  (Kats). 
Jack was preceded in death by his father Howard and his mother Dorothy. His mother-in-law Happy and his father-in-law Kats died in the past year (2019).  He is survived by his wife, sisters, an uncle, a sister-in-law, several brothers-in-laws and many nephews and nieces.  He treated everyone as family and he loved his many friends dearly.  Our hearts are broken at his sudden passing too soon from us all.
Recent stories


April 13
I hope that time has softened your great loss.  I think of you often, remembering our mining trip.  Wishing you peace and comfort

Europe 1969

June 13, 2021
I went to Greece and Italy the summer of 1969 on a Classical Civilizations trip,  with a group from Bay High led by Mr John Wichman. Jack our youngest member was a great traveling companion, smart and funny and loved history. We had a great time! So sorry to hear of his passing. I hope to visit Greece again next year Covid permitting. I also had  writing class with his older sister Diane 1968-69 taught by Mrs Eleanor Kellam. Like Jack she was smart and funny.
Ellen Jane Clark Class of 1969.


April 27, 2020
I thought we will be seeing you two often. Then, I went to bed one evening, when I woke up you were gone. Now the world is a different place without you in it. I'm at a loss of what to say. 
You were so excited to move into your new home. I asked you "how do you know you and Lani are going to like it after you live there for awhile? you said " because we picked it" I said "What? no!" then you said with a smile" it's what we've been looking for".  You spent all this time explaining to us where it was, how it looked like, how you were ready to start your life with Lani in your new home. You took extreme pride for what Lani and you have accomplished. 
Last we saw you at Happy's funeral, you made us laugh so much. You gave us big hugs and told us to go eat. Michael and I talked about how wonderful, kind, gentle and caring man you were. How funny and how much we liked you and lani.  
We all know and there is no denying that Lani was your heart and soul. Don't worry, we will always be there for her. 
We love and will miss you greatly.

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