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April 13
I hope that time has softened your great loss.  I think of you often, remembering our mining trip.  Wishing you peace and comfort

Europe 1969

June 13, 2021
I went to Greece and Italy the summer of 1969 on a Classical Civilizations trip,  with a group from Bay High led by Mr John Wichman. Jack our youngest member was a great traveling companion, smart and funny and loved history. We had a great time! So sorry to hear of his passing. I hope to visit Greece again next year Covid permitting. I also had  writing class with his older sister Diane 1968-69 taught by Mrs Eleanor Kellam. Like Jack she was smart and funny.
Ellen Jane Clark Class of 1969.


April 27, 2020
I thought we will be seeing you two often. Then, I went to bed one evening, when I woke up you were gone. Now the world is a different place without you in it. I'm at a loss of what to say. 
You were so excited to move into your new home. I asked you "how do you know you and Lani are going to like it after you live there for awhile? you said " because we picked it" I said "What? no!" then you said with a smile" it's what we've been looking for".  You spent all this time explaining to us where it was, how it looked like, how you were ready to start your life with Lani in your new home. You took extreme pride for what Lani and you have accomplished. 
Last we saw you at Happy's funeral, you made us laugh so much. You gave us big hugs and told us to go eat. Michael and I talked about how wonderful, kind, gentle and caring man you were. How funny and how much we liked you and lani.  
We all know and there is no denying that Lani was your heart and soul. Don't worry, we will always be there for her. 
We love and will miss you greatly.

Love & Aloha

April 24, 2020
Lani my heart breaks for you.
I know you were looking forward to joining him in Ohio. I 'm sure he was excited about you joining him too.
Please know you have someone to call on Kauai. In my prayers & thoughts.
The whales are breaching & blowing Aloha
pumehana & Ahui hou till we meet again.

April 24, 2020
It was such a comfort to know my mother was being looked after by Jack when she escaped the devastation of hurricane Andrew in 92' he had such a big heart! I also remember  when we were both around 14 or 15  visiting Jack in Cleveland and he played the new Stones album for me and I thought how cool he was!

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